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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2739091 No.2739091 [Reply] [Original]

I am 22 years old and I am still a beginner

I can't fucking stand it

>> No.2739092

making it is a meme

>> No.2739093

Have you been drawing for 22 years?

>> No.2739097

Same, I only started a year ago, have patience brother

>> No.2739098

post your work

>> No.2739125


>22 and still uses memes.

>> No.2739156

fug. What's the age cut off for using memes?

>> No.2739161

go look at algenpfleger's work. he started at 19 and at 22 was bretty good. so you're looking at 25 being the age where you'll feel it.

>> No.2739162

depends how slow you develop. Hopefully around 19, maybe 20 but that might be pushing it.

>> No.2739165

I started when I was 19. I'm 25 now and I'm fucking good at painting.

>in before post work

>> No.2739169

it's depressing.

>> No.2739272

Well back your statements
Post work.

>> No.2739273

post your work

>> No.2739286

naw no need. you already follow me on Instagram.

>> No.2739301

I started drawing with 22. No regrets.

>> No.2739315
File: 691 KB, 768x665, 7091c50ed08d1e1d927800f0c3f2cee3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your skill level?
Mind sending me some of your work, how dedicated you are, and what age you are?

Not going creeper on you, just wondering what the time/effort scale go like. " in 9 hours

>> No.2739333

well at least it´s more mature to pick this shit up than say videogames. art & gym = godtier

>> No.2739334

I'm 22 and still a beginner

>> No.2739335

I'm 25 and literally started drawing two weeks ago

>> No.2739348

>he thinks I have an instgram
Do I look like a wannabe female model?

>> No.2739358

What a fucking coincidence buddy. I'm also 22 and I started getting serious with art 4 months ago.

>> No.2739362

Then keep drawing, soon you won't be

>> No.2739365

27, have been drawing for ten years and still not a full pro
end my misery, please

>> No.2739368

>ten years and still not a full pro
>full pro
Does this mean you are getting some work but not enough to fully support yourself?

>> No.2739370

post your progress

>> No.2739378

Skill level beginner. I'm 24 now. Started art as a hobby in late 2014 and in early 2016 I decided to persue art as a career. Since my job didn't gave me enough spare time to practice, I switched to working part time. I practice 4-6 hours on workdays and 8-12 hours on free days. I'm dedicated. Probably could do more, but I don't want to cut social activities or burn out.

I won't post work. This is /ic/.

But age really doesn't matter. If you want to do it, do it. Most art students are in their 20s, so don't worry about that. And even if you where 30 - it's not that unusual. Even if you start working by 40 you still have half a lifetime to make a living with art and become a master at your craft.

I'm seriously baka when I read people feel "too old to draw" in their early 20s. This is just an excuse for not trying.

>> No.2739534

>I'm seriously baka when I read people feel
God damn it, someone put people like this out of their misery. 24 year old and speaks like that.

>> No.2739805

fuck off if you cant post your work, why would we believe anything you say

>> No.2739823

im 26 years old and lost 6 years of drawing. you think you have it bad? grow up.

>> No.2739834

post your work

>> No.2739844
File: 806 KB, 2560x741, progess2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started when I was 21. I was scared of starting something new at that age because i thought i was too old, now all I want to do is get better, and the only way to do that is to just work your ass off. Age is just a number anon.

>> No.2739846

Blog? Are you living off art yet?

>> No.2739849

no blog. I was freelancing for a bit in 2014 but I felt that I couldnt work on projects and juggle studies at the same time so I stopped freelancing to focus fully on studying at the end of 2014. Right now I have some connections that will hopefully land me a studio position very soon.

>> No.2739852

It's actually a downgrade, unless you still do realism

>> No.2739862

The realism stuff in my early years were just studies, I still do realistic studies but thats all they are, studies. As for my later work, this is stuff ive done for clients and for myself to put in my portfolio. Stylization does not mean a design is necessarily bad

>> No.2739865

You're an idiot. His new work is way better than the old stuff.

>> No.2739866

stylization is for people who cant draw
you cant even compare those, you fucking cretin

>> No.2739871

>stylization is for people who cant draw
2/10, made me reply

>> No.2739872

You were 21 in 2011? You're ~26 now?

>> No.2739874

yah im old, we dont have any art schools where I live so i feel like if i did go to an actual school, id have a studio job by now

>> No.2739875

yeah, because you certainlyu have to know anatomy, perspective or anything like that to do stylized shit

fuck off to deviantart or whatever shithole you came from

>> No.2739877

Were you following books/youtube tuts and stuff when you started? When'd you come across /ic/ and did it affect how you learned? You should get a blog some time.

>> No.2739883

Books and youtube videos were the foundation of my education, Andrew loomis books are invaluable, James gurneys color and light, imaginitive realism. Scott robertson videos, countless gumroad videos. etc. Alot of the money I made freelancing went into books, my cintiq, stretch books, copic markers etc.

I came across /ic/ a while ago, always as a browser though. This is my first time ever posting in any thread, in terms of learning, it didnt really affect my learning in any substantial way.

>> No.2739888

You do if you want it to be decent

>> No.2739890

Nice, you gonna make it.

>> No.2739894

Thanks anon.

>> No.2739897

show your studies in 2016 please

>> No.2740004

>not knowing about word filters

baka senpai desu

>> No.2740048

>Rank beginner
Should I kys myself?

>> No.2740053


>> No.2740057


>> No.2740058

why what

>> No.2740059

why are you a beginner at 28

>> No.2740060

never got gud

>> No.2740061

you have my permission to die then

>> No.2740063
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1478664769298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2740167

>yeah, because you certainlyu have to know anatomy, perspective or anything like that to do stylized shit
spoken like a true shitter
there's beginner drawing anime and not knowing how to stylize AND THEN there is professionals who stylize because they like it and know how to do it effectively