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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2737756 No.2737756 [Reply] [Original]

Who /noprogress/ here? I have been drawing real people for a month now and my last art is pretty much on the same level as my first one. If not worse. Also Ive been drawing a lot of pictures 5 to 30 minutes.

Talent is not a fucking meme. Pic rel my last piece

>> No.2737769

Draw simple forms and do perspective, you're trying to build a house without a foundation.

>> No.2737773

>Talent is not a fucking meme. Pic rel my last piece
with people like you I tend to agree, but not on that you got no talent, you got no brain

fuck of crybaby, kill yourself, be a whore somewhere else

>> No.2737775

I did drawabox lessons
kill yourself my brother

>> No.2737778

>I have been drawing real people for a month now and my last art is pretty much on the same level as my first one. If not worse.
You're suppose to stop and think about what you drew between each. regardless of talent you should see an improvement because you used your brain to see what you were doing wrong from one drawing to the next. If you're not seeing improvement you must have been drawing mindlessly.

>> No.2737779

>I did drawabox lessons

>> No.2737789

Wait so just to clarify have you only used DrawABox?

>> No.2737793

you need to hone a little of your observational skills first before jumping into construction drawing. start with keys to drawing instead.

>> No.2737801

Honestly you're doing pretty great if all you've been using is DaB. In fact I'd even say you're talented.

Use Keys to Drawing, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and Fun With a Pencil. Perspective Made Easy is really good too.

>> No.2737804

there are numerous ways to measure the differences between your drawing and your reference, and to see where your drawing is wrong. then you can correct those things and be more mindful about those things next time. there's no mystical talent to that.

>> No.2737806

Sight-size practice.

>> No.2737810

A few things, OP.

First, post an example of the start of the month. It's easy to lose sight of progress when you're frustrated.
Two, a month isn't a long time, significant progress takes years.
Three, take longer than 5 to 30 minutes before quitting. Recognize your mistakes and fix them. There's a place for quantity but there's also a place for quality and taking your time. Learn to self critique and be analytical, if you're just rushing out a drawing, going "its shit" and moving on without thinking about it you're wasting an opportunity to learn. Ask yourself what looks off, and ask yourself why you did it that way and how you can correct it. You're doing it digitally, it's easy as fuck to fix things.
Last, talent is real but blaming your lack of talent for your lack of progress is retarded. It's an awful attitude that will do you no favors. Your lack of talent just puts you on par with the majority, and absence of talent isn't absence of capability. Complaining you don't have talent is a shitty excuse.

>> No.2737822
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>> No.2737839

change brush

>> No.2737845
File: 63 KB, 633x758, sadwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted one fucking month for drawing only people and I am not even better

can you imagine how im feeling now

>> No.2737848
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>wasted one fucking month for drawing only people and I am not even better

yea surely you must have no talent. Like, A WHOLE MONTH man. I've heard Sargent could draw after he flushed out of his mothers vagina. Sucks for you

>> No.2737849

read a book your proportions are way off you piece of shit

>> No.2737858

motherfucker i did ONLY THAT for a month, you would expect at least some progression

literally nothing

>> No.2737862

> I did drawabox lessons
Base off the op pic I find that hard to believe

>> No.2737865

yeah, you just drew
didn't analyze, didn't think
it's unsurprising you didn't progress

>> No.2737876

a month is literally nothing,

>> No.2737880


>wasted one month

Be honest, anon, how much of your month did you actually spend drawing. How much of your day each day?

Stop the self pity and consider that instead of the convenient "It's nothing wrong with my approach I just don't have talent" consider what you're doing every day and what you might do differently for better results.
What's your approach? Are you just repeating it hoping to get different results or are you experimenting? Did you consult any resources on how to draw portraits and consider their advice?

>> No.2737887

2 hours per day. I was hoping that i'll get better at measuring distances just by drawing and thinking about mistakes I did. Nothing really changed.

>> No.2737889

Art is slow. What else is new? It takes years to get better.

>> No.2737895

what about anatomy, environment, color, lighting and other shit like that? It will take decades to become as skillful as someone who drew for 5 years.

>> No.2737910

>spends all day getting ready to draw all day
>does this everyday
>been practicing """"""""""constantly""""""""""
>less than 30 hours spent every month learning about or practicing fundies

>> No.2737923
File: 22 KB, 365x236, ss+(2016-11-07+at+04.33.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will take decades to become as skillful as someone who drew for 5 years.

>> No.2737926

it will take decades for me*

>> No.2737932
File: 124 KB, 680x531, 26f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours per day

>> No.2737937

don't just think about your mistakes, fix them to a satisfactory amount

>> No.2737949
File: 688 KB, 2000x1334, js.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he did that after 30 days

>> No.2737952

Too real for me.

>> No.2737955


>> No.2737963

>draw constantly for a couple of months
>burn out, get depressed, get bored, life gets in the way etc
>don't draw again for a month or two or three
>repeat for years
>I'm exactly as good as I was when I was 18, and I wasn't good then either

Eh, I won't make it. I've come to terms with that. But I've stepped it up. I want a taste, a taste of being great.

Not the best, not awe-inspiring, but a contender. I'll settle for that.

>> No.2737973

motherfucker two hours a day is nothing, treat this shit like it's your job if you want to improve

>> No.2737974

>commit mistake
>don't learn from it
>do it again
>expect change
You know how I know you're not trying as hard as you can, anon?

>> No.2737977

>commit mistake
I wasn't taking it seriously. Honestly thought I'd be dead by 20 so there was no real point to it. Even when I was drawing constantly, it wasn't to git gud it was just autistic escapism.

Turns out hanging yourself hurts like a motherfucker so I guess I'm sticking around.

>> No.2737980

If you are that much retarded that you cant even hang yourself properly, no wonder you cant draw. I'd say to kill yourself but there is no point.

>> No.2737984

Pretty low tier bantz, man, you're pretty bad at reading people to get a reaction. Enjoy your day.

>> No.2737987

I dont care about your reaction, i just responded to what you said. You are nothing to me and I dont care whether shit like you lives or not. I dont care if you draw or if you progress. You are nothing to me and to many people here. End yourself in a succesful way, fucking trash.

>> No.2738001

:( I can relate, I hope you find something to make sticking around worthwhile. That became making art for me but it took time, until I felt confident enough to actually represent the things I come up with, and the process actually became enjoyable. I'm still kinda shit, but it's just a matter of putting in the mileage, eh?

>> No.2738006

Don't listen to memers OP, for a month you did very terrible. As some other anon said, we have very little time and 1 month is for some a lot. To be honest I feel like you should draw at least decent drawings of people, it's still not your original work, you are copying. I don't know how to tell you but you aren't really suited for drawing, I mean you can try more but if nothing changes... just quit.

>> No.2738033
File: 436 KB, 1500x750, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the last thing done for today

I still hope that I can get at least decent enough to satisfy my urges to make beautiful paintings

>> No.2738034

Holy shit, you're actually good.

>> No.2738035

Try overlaying your sketch over the reference to see how close you got and resolve to pay attention to those areas next time. I hope you're flipping your canvas as well.

If you're going digital, you may as well use it to the fullest.

>> No.2738040

>flipping your canvas
never did that to be honest, is it crucial?

>> No.2738041

Yes, extremely.

Da Vinci pioneered it with his mirror technique. It's so good for adjusting your work to naturalism by forcing yourself to recognize symbol drawing on a minute scale, that you'd be a fool to not to use it.

Especially when working from imagination.

>> No.2738055
File: 110 KB, 736x981, ef1c9f0efcdf5840cfa64115fc145b92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not looking closely enough at the reference image. Notice how much of the forehead is showing compared to your drawing. For accurate proportions, use parts of the image to compare distances and sizes. For instance, the width of the nose is wider than the left eye socket, but narrower than the right eye socket.

Also, use straight lines to block in your drawing.
The pic kind of demonstrates this, but with birds. Pay attention to the angles.

>> No.2738057
File: 83 KB, 576x576, 0bda70e3-c1f9-4f0a-9648-948368769663..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2738060

Take notice, you did a better here
Maybe it's more focus on a concentrated area that caused you to more carefully examine it and not get overwhelmed
I'm not sure

>> No.2738061


Is it cheating to use horizontal ley lines when you do copies like this?

What is the value of being able to photo copy vs drawing from life? Don't you need to be able to do both anyway?

>> No.2738063


You can't have grand expectations. You have to enjoy doing it! And that doesn't mean you have to beat yourself for everything that gets in the way!

There is a difference between the idea of being and artist, and actually being an artist. It is hard to live with that level of passion and dedication for any craft, but that is why it is worth it anyway.

What is the goal? Want to make historical paintings? Be a contemporary painter? Shade for some weeaboo's manga? Patreon billionaire? Just don't give up!

>> No.2738070

Thanks for the tips guys, I will sure do my best tomorrow with trying to concentrate more on my work.

>> No.2738077

>I did draw-a-box lessons

You obviously disrespectfully blew them through in an afternoon while understanding absolutely nothing.

>> No.2738101

drawabox are simple as hell, you cant blow through them you uneducated fucking cretin

>> No.2738105
File: 54 KB, 529x685, Portrait_drawing_of_Mrs_George_Swinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like he can draw Sargent-tier portraits now.
It does not matter how long you take to make it.
What matters is that you make it in the end.

>> No.2738111

I don't think you guys are disagreeing here. I think you just misunderstood what he was trying to say.

Regardless, I'm trying right now to work through these drawabox lessons. I've been spending about 2 days on each section of each lesson, practicing and doing the homework sections each day as per instructions. Do you think that's sufficient time? Should I be spending more time on each one? Less?

I know it says not to try to digest all the lesson in one sitting so I'm trying to spread it out a bit without moving too slowly, but I'm a super noob so I'm not sure if my pacing on the lessons is correct.

>> No.2738113

for reference I spend a couple hours (between 2 and 3) on the end of each night as well as some time in between classes and such during school hours doing these exercises/homeworks.

>> No.2738120

You should be spending at least a week. Artists do work that takes weeks long even at beginner level. It's because the basics are the foundation that will be with you forever. You need to spend a long time to internalize and gain consistency.

>> No.2738124

a week per section per lesson?
Like for lesson one: a week of line homework/exercises, a week of elipses, a week of boxes?
Or how should I break it up?

Just for clarification sake.

>> No.2738128

Per lesson. It's structured like a class.

>> No.2738131

so I should be practicing everything in a lesson everyday for a week before moving on to the next lesson?

>> No.2738137

2 hours..... giqeiaeu<ghw<bgsrgyugwfvfwrbi (me furious hitting the poor key board)
You got what you work for it.

>> No.2738143

2 hours for a month dude, its a lot

>> No.2738148

drawabox lessons will not help you with observational drawings.
Observational practice needs to be done additionally. You really just need to learn how to see. There are some atelier techniques you can use for these drawings, like using a measuring stick.

>> No.2738149


Start with actual fundamentals my nigga

>> No.2738153

well, as I said before, I'm a super noob.
I've never seriously attempted to do art before in my life. I mean I've doodled and shit in the past but never anything good.

So from what I understand from lurking here for a little bit now is that I need to get a good grasp of the super basics that will stick with me throughout the rest of my time drawing. So that's what I think I'm doing with drawabox, I'll move on to more complex images and composition and shit like that as time goes on and I find myself to be more capable or making significant progress with the fundamentals.

>> No.2738162

like what? ive been told to draw and draw, but then you tell me to do something else... im confused

>> No.2738168

Yes, and even after the lesson is over. Sometimes you may have to do it over again just to realize there's more to learn.

>> No.2738169

This is better than the shit sticky. All the books are in the book thread with exception of sketch the basics but you can find that on google.


>> No.2738196

come back in a year and post this shit again

>> No.2738200

The sticky is fine.

The w/ic/i at least, the actual git gud guide is terrible.

>> No.2738554

Well look at this.
I guess I will look into that Vitruvian course and get to read DotRSotB

Surely you can do it too. Especially if you are a NEET with more time on your hands than him. Although, putting more than 4 hours a day in drawing seems like a way to burn out to me

Yes but that amount of progress seems really good.

>> No.2738562

>complaining about a month

You know it takes years right? Go look at other artist's pages and see the progression.

>> No.2738574

>can't even draw an eye properly
>goes ahead to draw the entire thing


>> No.2738581

When I was 18 I used to draw 4 hour a day from the midnight and woke up and go to highschool until 9 pm, I was shit but that year and the next 2 following years I improve like a beast, from retarded animu to at least trying to draw something more appeling to the eyes. One of mine masters used to said that 4 hours its the minimum you must spend if you want to get a decent drawing skill, it´s all about the effort you put and the commitment.

>> No.2738604
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>2 hours per day
Of course nothing really changed.
On top of your tiny, comfortable work flow you probably didn't even stop to analyze what was going wrong with your drawings.

>> No.2738606

Did you watch the video?

>> No.2738607

>/ic/ scoffing at a beginner drawing for 2 hours a day

Probably better than 95.4% of /ic/.

>> No.2738609

People scoffing at the beginner are doing so because they know it's stupid to expect progress by doing 2 hours a day without taking your time to analyse your mistakes.
I used to draw about 30h per weekend and never improved, because all I did was draw the same shit and not bother to look at what was going wrong.
That's literally the meme definition of insanity.

>> No.2738620

Do them again and this time do them right.

>> No.2738622

It's about time you stopped symbol drawing, don't you think?

>> No.2738628

Bad proportions =! symbol drawing.

>> No.2738640
File: 1.06 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey what u think, /ic/?

let me lube up my anus before you say.

>> No.2738653

Rotate the image so people can see properly

>> No.2739456

You should do still lifes from life. Lots of them.
Drawing from photos is hard, especialy without a strong understanding of form.

>> No.2739461

Is this bait?
I honestly can't tell.

>> No.2739480


>only done a couple drawabox lessons

Dude your pic is so far off the mark. You have no regard for proportion, it's like you've just blindly drawn for an entire month without ever analysing or fixing your mistakes.

The head isn't even remotely the same shape as the guy you're drawing.

>> No.2739483

do keys to drawing, working through the other books is just a waste of time. Perspective made easy is for after you've got some sort of base level of competence down

>> No.2739489

are you supposed to flip only your drawing, or also the reference? also whats the shortcut in photoshop?

>> No.2739492

>Talent is not a fucking meme

What's not a fucking meme is being a lazy faggot.
>a month.

>> No.2739494

This. Not even Davinchi could draw decently after one month

>> No.2739503

Just your canvas do the trick.
There isn't a default shortcut, but you can customize it.

>> No.2739943

Spend 5-8 hours on a drawing instead, idiot. And observe what you're drawing. The guy to the left is a feminine cuckboi, you drew some russian feminist nazi that's leading the gay parade. Go fuck yourself

>> No.2739947

One of my favourite lines about talent is in Alla Prima.

Roughly "As for talent: just assume you have it and continue. Talent is something we ascribe to the successful after the fact."

>> No.2739948

you go fuck yourself bitch boy

>> No.2739962
File: 618 KB, 1500x750, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i make it now?

>> No.2739967

You're not spending enough time actively looking at your reference, be patient and take your time trying to understand your ref.

>> No.2739969

Slow down and render some values, niggaaaa

>> No.2739970

Instead of jumping to different references use the same one and keep drawing it over and over till you get it right.

>> No.2739972

I get what you are saying, I probably could waste another 30 min to make it better but whats the point? Every drawing can be fixed if you pour enough time into it but its useless if it doesnt make you improve.

What I learned (for me at least) is that I don't improve no matter how much tme i sink into one drawing, so I tend to do quantity > quality thing.

>> No.2739974

You can get it wrong a thousand times, or get it right once and for all.

>> No.2739976
File: 299 KB, 620x372, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dont know how to fix my mistakes, even if I know about their existence. I thought it really is about grinding, that you are closer with each drawing to perfection.

>> No.2739977

First we start with the beginning, You need to understand the shape of the head you want to reproduce. First mistake (common of a newbie).
After that find the proportion of the eyebrows-nose-mouth. Once you get the nose in place then you place the ears. Now you ge it do the eyes, remember every person has his own shape.
The hair: well this is tricky but most people start with a block of the shape and then add details.
Now you got all the other thing in place you work in the details, every artist has to find his way into it. How do you draw all the information available is what you can call style.

Repeat it 100 times and you will be able to do it instinctively.
It´s not an easy way to be good but work harder each day, work hard it´s the truth talent. And stop been a whiney bitch.

>> No.2739978

If you don't take the time to learn how to fix your mistakes, how will drawing and making those same mistakes over and over help you get closer to perfection? You won't miraculously start getting better if you don't put in the work. It's an active process. If there's a mistake, figure out what your problem is, and study to strengthen the area(s) you were weak in.

>> No.2739980
File: 82 KB, 667x960, Pepe_aec9d7_5425540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll look more into it.

>> No.2740046
File: 306 KB, 220x188, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did it, I started to pay attention to the lines and comparing their relation to each other and something clicked. I get it now.

I feel like it is a big improvement for me, because i was doing it wrong my whole life. Thanks lads, I owe you one.

>> No.2740067

The point is that once you take your time to make one better you'll know what you had to do to make it better instead of going to another drawing and committing the same mistake.

>> No.2740152

Not familiar with drawabox. Does it just teach how to symbol draw?

Cuz all this is beginner tier symbol drawing.

>> No.2742822
File: 406 KB, 1500x750, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to capture the head correctly at the beginning, fuck this

>> No.2742827

The problem with working in line is that the implied value changes are much harsher than you think.

That said, compared to the OP image this is a big improvement already. Would have a look at this, though.


I don't mean to IMPLY or SUBTLY STATE anything by linking that, I just mean to hint that your hair is fucking terrible.

>> No.2742835

>30 minutes
do you think that's a long time to work on something?