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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2736808 No.2736808 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2736810 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 900x720, beast1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo yo.

>> No.2736811
File: 2.10 MB, 700x4000, not going to make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2736831

I really like the landscape you did at the end.

>> No.2736851

Fug this made me so dissappointed in my own progress. Good job anon.

>> No.2736878

what did you do

>> No.2736912
File: 1.20 MB, 5000x1156, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a leap of faith

>> No.2736914
File: 927 KB, 1044x1778, trögress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw more

Been stagnating lately, gotta step my game up

>> No.2736977


You've really grown, Nile.

>> No.2737031

>tfw BTFO

>> No.2737043

gawa lang ng gawa idol.

>> No.2737066

I feel like you're hardcore cherry picking. Great job either way tho.

>> No.2737093
File: 727 KB, 2274x3508, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still shit

>> No.2737095

That's debatable, but thank you anon

>> No.2737116
File: 2.36 MB, 1500x4949, drawings_oct_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on my green dots - hello plateau

next time i think i'll collapse this into years instead of seasons its getting a bit unwieldy

>> No.2737121

>blur and ca onto single value chunks or a two-value gradient rushed piece of shit
literally got worse compared to 2015

>> No.2737123

what did you do when you found ic

>> No.2737129

>literally got worse compared to 2015

Nah, I'm happy with my progress. I like the stuff I'm making now compared to the stuff I used to do.

Focusing on getting better though, so I'll try and push more exaggerated values for next time. Cheers.

>> No.2737141

sold my soul !!
first time ko makikita ng pinoy dito XD

>> No.2737229

i like the froggo

>> No.2737290

Give a real answer faggot. What kinda studies did you do,learning resources, hours per day, you know the deal.

>> No.2737303

>stagnated years ago
>wasn't good to begin with
I'm ashamed, but good work to those that went the distance.

>> No.2737368

This is only good progress here for now

>> No.2737531

>was gonna post progress but now too scared
Whatever, I'll post when I hit the 1 year mark

>> No.2737572 [DELETED] 
File: 595 KB, 1200x3540, 1470703326098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2737589

You got increasingly worse.

>> No.2737593
File: 438 KB, 800x2000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make big canvases and keep the pictures at good quality>

>> No.2737597

wrong thread bud

>> No.2737598

oh yeah you're right since i'm garbage i should not show some progress, its not inspiring after all.

>> No.2737608

you're not alone.

>> No.2737613

but there wasnt any noticeable progress at all

>> No.2737629
File: 133 KB, 500x500, sad failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took me 6 years to achieve the improvement equivalent of less than one. i think you're right.

>> No.2737668

Pretty good anon, the last one is great

>> No.2737686

>pretty good anon
>almost no progress throughout 6 fucking years

nice one samefag

>> No.2737697

The first drawings are flat, horrible, and devoid of any feeling.

In the last ones we can see that he achieved a good knowledge of forms, and basic shading.

You are literally retarded if you can't see that

>> No.2737698

cool story bruh but doing that in 6 years is underwhelming as fuck.

>> No.2737702

Six years? Oh, I hadn't noticed that. Yeah, he could have achieved much more in much less time

>> No.2737704

hes right, its real bad for 6 years. i gave up and im paying the price now.
no samefag.

>> No.2737794

Well it's not exactly 6 years since he gave up for 3.

>> No.2737797

Were you just getting used to a tablet in November? how did you progress so well?

>> No.2737800
File: 2.64 MB, 804x2296, gregrrrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to start expanding the 2015 section a bit.

>> No.2737913

>4 years ago
>post my shit drawings in DeviantArt
>get more than ten favorites, lots of views, comments, etc
>now, post my way superior drawings
>get one, two views and sometimes a favorite


>> No.2737920


andrae posts here sometimes.

>> No.2737928

jellybean ;_;

>> No.2737931

take better pictures or scan your drawings. A lot of them are super distorted or skewed and that doesn't do your art justice.

>> No.2737934

When did you start in 2015?

>> No.2737965

>2 hour of watching someone draw at youtube
>1 hour life study and traditional art
>20 min of reading book at the bookthread
>2 hours digital
my wrist started to aches at April

>> No.2738059
File: 12 KB, 340x436, Jose_rizal_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that duterte on feb

do pepe next

>> No.2738107

Same thing here.
DA itself is full of people with shit taste in art, so they liked the shitty art that we thought was "good." Now, after almost 3 years of no activity and no online presence, people just don't care.

>> No.2738109

Looks fantastic! Drawing in Corel?

>> No.2738132

are you meming? That's traditional...

>> No.2738138

don't speak falsehoods

>> No.2738170
File: 65 KB, 585x454, 1436740390147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't learned a damn thing about rendering
>Have primarily focused all of my energy on the human body and drawing forms
>Planning on starting rendering once I'm sufficient at drawing people

Is that ok, or should I be more worried about how I paint as I learn how to draw?

>> No.2738185

I didn't touch rendering till my 3rd year of drawing and just focused on figure drawing. but I actually wished I started sooner. you can always allot a little time for it.

>> No.2738187

If you know how to draw from like and general implication, you can handle rendering just fine. Lot of patience involved.

>> No.2738197
File: 178 KB, 595x842, tumblr_ni4vkyMSgA1sqqtwzo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting influence from your favorite artists is good, but when you start copying them and or steal their colors and values it starts being quite scummy of you

>> No.2738201

I don't think I'm at the level where I can give out advice.

I like drawing robots and knights, so that's what I draw, the main part is just finishing pieces.

We've all got a bit of zyzz in us, we're all gonna make it bruh.

>> No.2738202

Not really, unless you're passing it off as your own work. Master studies are a wide practice, good for sick gains.

>> No.2738204
File: 69 KB, 529x566, IMG_2146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing values
>stealing colours

I'll remember to mix my own pigments next time I paint thanks anon.

>> No.2738209
File: 86 KB, 826x1169, krenz-cushart-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is exactly what this kid's doing. What i was trying to say is that he's stealing krenz's color and value aestethic, color picking for learning is good but when your orginal works start looking like horrible rip offs of a particular artist you have to be honest with yourself and adress those issues. Cuz if you continue everyone who's into art will know who you're copying and start calling you a dirty leech.
See above

>> No.2738216

do a mix of both. so do some studies of anatomy and gestures, perspective etc regularly and then do some finalised pieces. generally, the rendering of paintings as you finish them are experiments in themselves, so you end up with a mix of finished work as well as studies. you kinda pick up rendering as you finish work.

>> No.2738220

you are jumping the gun quite a bit here. there is no reason to believe they are anything other than studies for personal use.

>> No.2738228

you wouldnt post an orginal drawing from imagination you did 6 months ago and then compare it to a recent bouguereau study you did and call that insane progress, would you?

>> No.2738235

they were posted without commentary. you sound like you're looking for a reason to be upset.

>> No.2738256

wow someone is buthurt

>> No.2738258


He's right tho

>> No.2738259

polished turds lmao

>> No.2738260


Your rendering and colour has noticeably improved, however your drawing is weaker and that's bringing your work down overall. This is especially visible in how lopsided some of the faces you've drawn are, as well as that very bottom right image.

>> No.2738263

I'm trying to help the poor guy, if being honest is considered being butt hurt then God help you people

>> No.2738267

drawing something from imagination that's bad vs studying someone that's good and learning from it = a progress in how you study = progress,

>> No.2738272

You mean.
>be bad
>keep trying
>get better
If you only study, you only get good at studying.

>> No.2738273

>mental gymnastics

>> No.2738274

Ok sure, but here we're talking about art gains dum dum, not study or copy gains

>> No.2738280 [DELETED] 

ok 3 stooges great input go play in the water fountian

>> No.2738288

epic response dude, i laffed

>> No.2738289

these are stupid posts and I'm not going to justify you

>> No.2738318
File: 3.48 MB, 1786x7143, a history of aut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tip to anime fags: stop drawing anime faggotry jesus christ save a life

tips from my past self to other people and also my present self who is v lazy and could really do with meeting my past self who despite being a hormonal dickhead was pretty good at drawing semi-regularly:

- draw from life. lot of these drawings were of normies on the train to/from school every day. taught me loads. while i enjoy life drawing in the semi formal environment, i prefer candid life drawing (public transport, food courts/cafes/restaurants etc.) since it captures poses you genuinely see in day to day life as opposed to the weird shit artists direct models into doing.

- check progress with a self portrait. really simple, but really effective. you'll actually feel like you've progressed because you'll notice what you've done different this time and generally whatever stylistic choices you make don't necessarily follow through in a life painting of yourself. it's a control in the great experiment that is autistic expression.

- actually study you dribbling bitch. i know a lot of you are reprimanding each other for doing nothing but studies instead of imagination pieces but atm i'm not studying, i haven't studies for years. my studies were only really those life drawings on the train and well i dont go to school anymore rip. i did a mentorship with hannes voß in 2014, the man who is all about studying studying studying. boy. i didn't do anything and you can see it. i think he thought i was embarrassing. hannes if you're in this thread, dw i hate myself for selectively listening to you in those months :( i think his philosophy of being intensively German and allocating dedicated time to being fucking autistic and studying like no tomorrow is genuinely good advice - yes, there is a problem with doing it too much and yes i think some of voß' work suffered for his reliance on that method but it's personally my goal to manage a system like that.

anyone with tips for me, pls & thank.

>> No.2738330

> What i was trying to say is that he's stealing krenz's color and value aestethic, color picking for learning is good but when your orginal works start looking like horrible rip offs of a particular artist you have to be honest with yourself and adress those issues.

I think it's more likely these are master studies and attempt to learn - the fact they're cherry picked into the progress report is probably because they haven't done much else. It's a phase. I reckon OP will grow out of it once they start drawing more stuff and they feel better about their work on the whole.

I don't recommend colour/value picking at all unless you're *really* stuck or wanna check your study against the reference. So yes. Mix your own digital pigments with the RGB/greyscale slider when you can.

hat is - for colour studies/value studies. For emulating inking styles - those should be noted as "studies" early on and as "inspired by" later on, once the artist's style has developed and seeps in. This last comment is directed at the topic in general.

>> No.2738357
File: 125 KB, 749x490, flat colour study demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty good for the course of the year and you've definitely made progress in understanding general forms and shapes.

I would recommend flat studies (either with value or colour) for your photo refs. it'll make your work less muddy and you'll make better decisions in your imagination works. Also try studing something with strong chiaroscuro so your values aren't all mid-range - pick your lightest tone and then your darkest and make sure those are included in your piece. if they aren't you need to try again.

more of that gesture stuff you did in january and march will help you more than the anatomical attempts you did in the later months. you should consider those attempts you made in april/may as value/colour and rendering studies rather than anatomical studies. i think an artist that might appeal to you and your method of learning is Diago Ribero - all of these gestures he's done here are from photo refs in porn, magazines and google search
so try that for anatomy/gesture next time

remember: if you cannot draw well, your painting is gonna suck balls. painting is rendering, drawing is the fundamental foundation.

>> No.2738368

thanks for the good advice ill put that on my notepad ..
whats the point of master study if i color pick..i dont do color picking!!
i only did this because you anon's recommended me to study more on anatomy, read a book, value study and do more master study...

>> No.2738375

These are fantastic emulations of Rapoza's stuff and there's quite a bit of a unique twist on his style. If you like his stuff so much, maybe have a look at artists who inspired him and see exactly where he was coming from when he made his stylistic changes. While this stuff is good, you will eventually 1) feel bad for not quite having developed your own style 2) feel stagnated in general. Branch out a little and try studying other things and see where that takes you. I have a feeling you'll naturally develop as you look to wider resources for inspiration.

you have actually retained a fair bit of information over the last three years and you have improved a bit - believe it or not, your observation skills from day to day life after you've learned how to draw somewhat still apply to your drawing skills years later. it's very slow though and definitely not a recommended way of improving, but you can take comfort in the fact the more you are alive the less shit your drawings are gonna be :^) but down to the nitty gritty, I would simply set a goal to draw something every day and once you've achieved that you can start questioning *what* you should draw each day.

and to answer your question - mess around with DPI (300 for drawing/printing, 72 for web) and quality control in JPG saving or PNG saving (I had to save mine as JPG otherwise it was gonna be 60mb ;-; )

comfy stuff, m8, loving the inking.

Your primary areas are value and colour. as always, i recommend studies from life and flat brush studies from photos to ensure you're making the decisions re: colour rather than the alt key. Otherwise, don't be too disheartened, you have definitely gained an understanding of form you never had before - you just haven't expressed it so thoroughly in value and colour. read up about those things and study them.
some value errors in the latest paintings but you've worked them into the style so it looks good. i like it, keep it up

>> No.2738383

You're retarded

>> No.2738384

You have a *few* value issues in the last year or so and a few form issues on top of that. Idunno if you're drawn much other than what you've done here - but maybe do some gesture studies (from life, while you're having lunch and loose stuff from photographs - NO RENDERING, only lines!) and some value/colour studies seperately. aaaand as i always recommend, do it with a flat brush with no colour picking tool so you have to make each decision yourself.

>> No.2738660

are you
>>2738384 ?

>> No.2738766
File: 457 KB, 1482x1800, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to find some comparable stuff

>> No.2738777


>> No.2738829

Do you have autism or something? Seriously curious because you keep making these horribly creepy uncanny valley people and I thought you'd get past that after a while, but it's almost worse.

>> No.2738892

>tfw im about to start drawing and im better than this guy is after 10 years

fugg it feels good

>> No.2738911

my tip is you shouldn't be lecturing anyone on art when you are this unskilled.
and did you really need to include every little doodle? just post the finished digital pieces in a collage and make it bigger so people can actually see a damn thing.

>> No.2738935


I like your stuff. You actually kind of made me realize I shouldn't treat art like I'm on a schedule when learning/improving, with how long you spent on the horse one. Like the other anon said though, you could see heavy improvement and just add more enjoyment to your pieces if you improved your expressions. Like they are uncanny.


Wow that's alot of shit to write out anon. You improved, but from 2011(2012?) to 2016 you just seemed to have stagnated. Your gesture, perspective, exaggeration, form, composition haven't really improved at all. Everything still looks like stiff as fuck ref drawings, and almost like you're tracing the contours and not the actual form. It looks bad, and the biggest issue is you could be way farther than you are right now if you had practiced those things.

There's nothing wrong with using ref, or drawing from imagination, but in either case you have to do it right. You've gotten better at copying a ref out, but it doesn't look like you've improved at all in understanding form correctly. Please watch a proko video, or read some loomis. You could be WAY better.

>> No.2739019

How did you manage to barely improve in 10 years?

>> No.2739055

Did some posts get deleted in this thread or was there another progress thread with this same image posted but different advice?

>> No.2739090

Thanks, I'm afraid I missed other better comparisons, I also have not finished the redheaded girl

Probably, I wouldn't be surprised

Thanks, I would say some of them look a bit better in full resolution but I will keep trying on that aspect and several others.

>> No.2739194

yeah i know :\ in 2006 i was 11 if that's anything to go by, so most of the progress shitposting was in my teens. now my tastes and attitudes have changed and i still haven't studied properly etc. lots of stagnation.
the internet culture i was raised on - initially dA and then permanoobs - was that everyone can give their feelings and tips if they feel they have any to give - by no means am i telling anyone they have to do what i say or that i'm an expert. i don't mean to give a lecturing vibe at all. but i see a lot of people complaining on here that they don't get any feedback whatsoever - if someone takes something useful from my perspective then surely that's a good thing, right?
>and did you really need to include every little doodle? just post the finished digital pieces in a collage and make it bigger so people can actually see a damn thing.
i think it's important to illustrate to a lot of new fags that there was a lot of sketching outside of the digital stuff and that watching how someone changes their sketching habits shows progress as well. i also kinda did it for myself as well as /ic/, for my own record. also i intended it to be bigger so you could see each piece properly but i-it's too big to upload. but
https://mega.nz/#!MN4AEKZJ!cxPenhl7byf1Y7QT7MXn92o-WUs3Yp8gG8SHYoQuKv0 since i uploaded the full progress for someone else anyway.
yeah i know exactly what you mean. there's no flow to the forms or deeper understanding. i haven't studied any constructionist techniques like Loomis etc. thanks for the feedback
i was 11 in 2006, so most of this is just being a teenager and not actually studying. the last 3 years i've just had no discipline so the progress is really flatline.
someone asked me for my work in a different thread so i reposted from here since i'd already put this image file together

>> No.2739210
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1920, 16-11-09-04-35-17-441_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a year after I thought my progress had stopped, glad to see it hasn't, though I think I spent more time on the latest one
Hatsoon Mike

>> No.2739212
File: 92 KB, 984x1024, IMG_-43ti9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my camera keeps distorting the top or my photos, the heads actually not that long and weird

>> No.2739247

Oh then that makes sense. Good work anon.

>> No.2739282
File: 1.09 MB, 500x4296, Progress Resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these are finished works. Various traditional mediums. No sketches included.

>> No.2739291

you poor thing.

>> No.2739293


>> No.2739299

your first grade landscape is pretty cool

>> No.2739300
File: 642 KB, 1000x641, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too tired to make up a full one but here's my fav drawing from 2015 compared to my fav from 2016.

could be doin better but im moving forward at least

>> No.2739317
File: 2.38 MB, 2466x4566, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan doesn't let me post it. Never gonna make it.

>> No.2739321

steady progress made each year. keep it up.

>> No.2739328

>not showing before 2015

>> No.2739329

you had the right idea in 2015
if you want realism/drawmelikeurfrenchgirls forget about the anime it just doesnt mix up

>> No.2739330

You've been around since 2006 and you were "raised" on dA, no wonder you're such a fucking moron. What about gingerbox, satsoda, cloud9, apedogs? The cultures on those forums would tell you to fuck off with your attitude.

You even paid for a mentorship from the person that basically serves as an example of making it by practicing, you can't even look to him as an example you need him to hold your hand? Oh well, you've not done anything over the last 2 years so no matter.

>> No.2739384

1. Can't draw any other view than 3/4 view.
2. Rendering turds.
3. Same composition in every painting.
4. Stiff figures.
5. Signing on paintings
6. Girl confirmed.
7. Pls kys.

at least your works in 2015 had character

>> No.2739422
File: 2.67 MB, 677x7000, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never ever improve no matter what ;_;

>> No.2739424

Dude your sketching is seriously messed up; and not talking about the anatomy. Just focus on those things.

>> No.2739437

looks like you nail some stuff and others look like shit for some reason

>> No.2739481
File: 602 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20161029_005204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one
2008 to 2016

>> No.2739486

Which is which?

>> No.2739487
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1920, 16-11-09-18-13-44-542_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2739488

funny joke, mixed up the order. left is 2016

>> No.2739490

Please be trolling, for your own sake. There is no way that this is 8 years of progress.

>> No.2739491

Am I supposed to feel sad and insecure now? Keep trying

>> No.2739502

No, you're supposed to try and get better.

>> No.2739504

8 Years already have passed, I can't reverse time and be magically be better in a shorter time, I can only move forward. So your "durrhurr so little improvement for 8 years must be a joke" comment is utterly useless.

>> No.2739511

>thinking people post here to give useful commentary
oh, honey

>> No.2739513

Sometimes I'm lucky and I don't get comments from utter failures with low self-esteem, today is not that day

>> No.2739519
File: 29 KB, 640x360, Neutron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2739540

I like it, blog?

>> No.2739544

thanks, sure

>> No.2739545

At least you may take solace in the fact that most chronic shit posters will never ever make it

>> No.2739547

cute stuff

>> No.2739556

>>2739540 - 13:49:53
>>2739544 - 13:52:50
>>2739545 - 13:54:55
>>2739547 - 13:55:56

Same fag

>> No.2739561


>> No.2739564

thanks man, ill keep trying

>> No.2739582

this is so nice, can i see that space antarctica one from 2015 at a larger scale pls?

>> No.2739696


I see some stuff even though I am a n00b:

1. Perspective errors are killing lots of your figures. Usually I see those in shoulder area and generally at body joints.

2. Hands, you definitely have trouble with them and drawing them in perspective. They are difficult body parts, but study them a lot - properly drawn they should help with orienting your figures in space.

3. This one is actually typical error - not enough contrast, your darks could be darker. Don't be afraid to push your core shadows more. Contrast is sexy and eye-catching.

4. Generally it's apparent which drawings you do on your 100% and which are half-assed and bore you. Well, those are most recent studies.

If you are bored with your studies, try making them as a part of a theme/scene. Say you are practicing gesture drawing - title your page "In the park" and draw a gesture of a guy being pulled by a dog, couple jogging, one talking other drinking from bottle, older man sitting and playing chess with each other, one thinking other moving piece, a girl covering her skirt from a gust of wind...

Even if you keep them as rough gesture drawings, it would be a lot more satisfying to study that way.

Conclusion: Stay awesome, keep on truckin'

>> No.2739721
File: 762 KB, 2560x741, progess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a long journey but i feel like i still have a ways to go

>> No.2739777

Stop stylizing your studies. I promise it will help.

>> No.2740129
File: 896 KB, 720x1650, progress in inverted commas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not proud.

I've buckled down to try and get good, though.

>> No.2740134
File: 40 KB, 640x640, Mv544BU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the largest version I have.

I had to rip it off my instagram after my computer's HDD died.

>> No.2740135

At least you use colours interestingly. You'll make it, brah.

>> No.2740143

Yeah, man, thanks.

Some people prefer colour schemes that "look good" or "are halfway natural" and aren't mocked in "inverted commas", I prefer mine to look like a tie-dye t-shirt forcefed to a cat and thrown in a fucking tumble-dryer.

Agree to disagree, ey? Cheers, dude.

>> No.2740378

Important related question : How do I make sure I don't stagnate with progress ? What are the advices that I need to keep in mind ?

>> No.2740393

Challange yourself, and have a clear judgement.

>> No.2740418


Draw different things. It's good for artist to do 2 or 3 similar things he likes and feels comfortable in, but challenge yourself when doing so.

Switching medium can be a nice way of doing so. Forcing yourself to paint more tight or loose. If you spend 5h on a piece - try forcing yourself to paint it for 30. If you paint it complete in 8h - try making it in 1h, see changes. Then in 30 min. 15. 5. 1 min. 30s. 5s. See how you strip the concept down.

Working under time constraint is good, that's why school and clients are good for you. If you have angry client that wants work for tonight and a bit changed, then you have to be inventive.

Challenge your imagination and learn creativity. Change subjects, try other styles. Make doodles, get concepts from the. Fill shapes with drawings. Rotate your drawings in perspective. Take 2 or more of your previous drawings and combine into new. Mirror them. Etc. ad infinitum

>> No.2740536
File: 585 KB, 3836x1472, 1478815984622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this on my phone so it's poorly made

>> No.2740548


Nice memeing you failure.

>> No.2740549

Thanks, I'm pretty happy with my progress

>> No.2740553
File: 24 KB, 237x263, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew this. don't really know whats wrong with it but i feel like something is off.

>> No.2740593

Sudden value changes overplay facial form.

No indication of correct planes on nose.

Lip flesh reacting oddly and stiffly.

Didn't finish blocking in values before rendering, come on now.

>> No.2740601
File: 19 KB, 474x263, portrait rework.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both eyes seemed really deep into the head, too far deep, moved them both a bit towards stage right
>added a straighter bridge to the nose, it seemed strangely concave
>evened out the top of the eyes
>made the lower lids come up, make the smile more genuine
>realigned the pupils
>added shine to the eyes
Made the mouth (especially stage left side) curl less, wider and flatter smile
>added teeth visible below the upper lip

>> No.2740602

nice progress. Looks like you're going down the fine-arty road which is different from most people on here.

>> No.2740603
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x5080, 502_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2740607

neato. I've seen this a couple times before, props for sticking with your dream of drawing giant lolis. Also how old are you at this point/how old were you at 2007? You just draw cause the world needs more giant lolis or are you tryna work? Always been kinda curious.

>> No.2740611

26 this year. I do have a drawing job but it involved 0 amount of giant lolis, which give me comfort and respite

>> No.2740612

>I do have a drawing job
what do you do?

>> No.2740614

Game art, renders, backgrounds, pixel assets, etc. Whatever's outsourced

>> No.2740640

i can see rapozzas spark on your lines. keep rocking.

>> No.2740647

drawing lolis till you reach watts levls. love it.

>> No.2740686

The body now looks more balanced, gj anon

>> No.2740831
File: 1006 KB, 1218x728, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing!

and this is my shitty 1 year progress

>> No.2740835

You could probably do a shitty sports comic by now.

>> No.2741738


after two years im much better than you in ten. Shame that you trying to teach us. Like real this is just sad.

>> No.2741905
File: 145 KB, 1753x800, (((((progress))))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted a year dicking around instead of actually studying :^)

>> No.2742083
File: 923 KB, 1666x3662, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started august 2012, the 2013 images each took 1month to do. L is for paintings from life.

>> No.2742093

watching you grow on tumblr is great, bulldogs.

>> No.2742113
File: 2.21 MB, 1000x3595, supposed progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not proud of outcomes, but I'm trying.

>> No.2742115

yo the reason your having hard times with your studies is because you arent flipping your canvas try to do it a few times and your eyes wont be as fucked up.

>> No.2742121

Draw more your rendering has gotten good and like good enough to be good good but your linework has suffered a shit ton since 2014 pick up a pen and pencil and go draw some stuff drop the computer for a bit and get the lines

>> No.2742148
File: 426 KB, 1100x582, nov 12 help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did an extra rework
>darkened values
>eye contact with viewer
>changed shape of mouth and eyes
>got rid of open space between teeth
>screwed around with hair

>> No.2742149

Also don't accentuate smile lines, you'll age the person (unless you meant to make her a middle-aged woman)

>> No.2742177
File: 299 KB, 1100x582, 434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you did a nice paintover for that person, but I just wanted to chime in about your comment around smile lines. I think it's a bit dangerous to give any absolute advice on what to include or not include like that.

There's plenty of artists who have successfully painted smiling young women with strong smile lines. Old illustrators like Rockwell, Leyendecker, and Gil Elvgren were very good at this. The trick is they mostly only included them when the women were actually smiling, and then downplayed it on neutral expressions.

If you wanted to make them stronger in this case you just need to make it a bigger smile. So instead of the sort of half grin you have given her, you could do a full big toothy smile. You'd also need to adjust some other things to sell the facial expression though like bulging the cheeks up a bit, squinting the eyes, widening the nose, stretching the lips thinner etc.

I'm not very good at facial expressions but I showed a quick example of how it could be done sort of.

>> No.2742188

thanks, didn't even think of that
also your paintover does a good job of showing off what you meant, nice job

>> No.2742189

this is so nice

>> No.2742206

So... how do people improve at anything even similar to this rate? I've been fucking around at drawing since 2003, and I keep seeing people go from 0 to better than me in like, a couple of years. Admittedly, I draw like, once a month or some shit, but it still hurts the ego.

How many studies? How many hours drawing? I guess I've never taken this too seriously, but damn.

>> No.2742211

>Admittedly, I draw like, once a month or some shit
There's your problem. If you draw once a month then you will only improve as much in a year as someone who draws daily will improve in less than two weeks.

Just try to make it a more regular thing, and make sure you are studying with deliberation. So for example pick on thing you want to learn and then focus on that when you are drawing or painting. If you want to learn values, choose an image to copy and then GET THOSE VALUES RIGHT. Focus on getting them perfect, and don't blindly copy them, ask yourself "why is this plane getting darker? or it is turning away from the light source" or take mental notes like "when this plane turns this amount compared to the light source, it gets this much darker" or "on a white object the values changed by this much, but on a black object they only changed that much". You can do the same for any other area of art, so focus on things like drawing, anatomy, perspective, form, lighting, colours etc. You tackle each one individually.

>> No.2742214

>Actual work

Fuck, I should have known this was the answer.

But seriously, yeah, that makes sense. I guess I'll have to set aside my Sonic OCs for now and get down to some proper learning.

>> No.2742220

>Admittedly, I draw like, once a month or some shit
That's a big reason why.

Just with pure math you can see the difference:
Assume you draw once or twice a month, so like, 10 hours a month or something, and from 2003, that's
10 hours * 12 months * 13 years = 1560 hours

Now assume someone new in /ic/ comes along, and draws every day, let's say 2 hours a day, in 2 years that's
2 * 365 * 2 = 1460 hours

In 2 years one can reach the same amount of mileage a 13 year once-a-monther did by drawing every day for 2 hours.

I really suggest you start drawing every day, at least 30 minutes - 1 hour, and once you've been doing it for a few months and really gotten into the habit of it you can kick it up a bit, 2 hours, maybe 3.

This is all just for mileage, obviously thinking hard about what you're drawing and following books and videos in the sticky from guys like vilppu and hampton will give direction to your practice so that you aren't just aimlessly doodling for an hour a day and not really learning anything besides improving your dexterity.

>> No.2742481
File: 108 KB, 900x973, 1475608471849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one posted explosive progress that gievs us dreams

>> No.2742485

I'm >>2736914
Like the others mentioned it's all about the time put it. I've been into art for a little over 2 years now but only started working hard around this time last year, basically doing 6-8 hrs of drawing/painting a day. So far this year i've spent 1600 hrs on art, and hope to reach 1800 before the year ends.
Also the quicker you lose that ego of yours the better

>> No.2742492
File: 2.00 MB, 1500x2000, progress20162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2742500

It's hard to measure progress on fine art.

>> No.2742504 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my lines have suffered
I disagree, I'm just trying to move away from linework in my art all together.

>> No.2742514

they aren here anymore anon. thats the point.

>> No.2742584
File: 2.90 MB, 1304x5684, Knightsagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure I should at least post an improvement thing. I've just made it up to actually inking and colouring shit. Sorry the formatting is so ugly, but I had to adapt to the few older pictures I could find - never bothered saving most of it.

I've got some stuff I'd rate a little higher than this, but it's not allowed on this board.

>> No.2742674
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x4500, shitty progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been drawing for 2 and a half months , discovered ic a week after i started. Well, /ic can be rude on you most of the time, but that works pretty well in my opinion. I started with the motricity of a potato and ive been fixing this through the days. I really wanna be good at this shit :l. by the way, i love the way you guys teach.

note: not all of the pics are from their respective month, im too lazy to check it xd. also english its not my native language so if you see some grammar errors theres no need to bully.

>> No.2742956
File: 2.08 MB, 800x5790, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing a little bit more than one year...
Anywas now reck me.

>> No.2742964

/beg/ as fuck but at least no longer "let's laugh at deviantart" tier.

Keep studying.

>> No.2742966

I love how you can see a sharp transition between doodles and shit-gets-serious once they find /ic/ in these progress pics

>> No.2742969

15 was better than 16

>> No.2743328

You're doing well anon!

>> No.2743395

Give me another year, anon, I've just started.

Don't try to outmatch me!

>> No.2743501

all your faces from 2016 are 3/4 view.

>> No.2743567
File: 618 KB, 1704x759, my transformation into a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised it hasn't been even two years since I started living this nightmare.
I'd probably be further along if not for all the heroin and all.
solid, glad you're doing more stylized shit.
2015 was choice, i feel like even though 2016 is well rendered the composition is lacking compared to 2015.
your idea and designs are definitely your strongest point.
didn't you say you were going to quit? glad you didn't.
>has a tablet
>doesn't use it
I feel like your work is inconsistent.
i hope my 10 years of progress looks this good.
don't stop drawing anime, it is the fundamental first step of getting good.
you definitely fucked around with photoshop a lot.
try working with a greater range of values, darken those darks and lighten those lights.
you early 2016 stuff was quality, seems like you've started regressing after that.
good job going for stylized shit
your anatomy and perspective hurt me, nice going with them colors and shit.
this is a good
one man's progression into a photocopier.
i love you giant loli dude
solid stuff
stayed the same since 2011

>> No.2743574
File: 541 KB, 1000x1600, teen titans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a good
>one man's progression into a photocopier.

fucked that bit up lol

>> No.2743595
File: 113 KB, 1734x1516, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feb to november this year, got some more i can post also if anyones interested

>> No.2743602

>your anatomy and perspective hurt me
Well what can you do.

Nice progress, yourself.

>> No.2743603

>got some more i can post also if anyones interested
Noice progress. I'm interested.

>> No.2743629


>> No.2743631


You're doing good, anon. Your colors and values are definitely much better, and that makes a big difference.

>> No.2743642
File: 126 KB, 1300x1600, prog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, the old knight is from december I think and the old head is from feb. The new stuff is all from November. Also I took a big brake from January to around june. So hopefully if I keep up this progress I can make it by the time im 20

>> No.2743676
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1368108966685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because I'll draw for a month or so and try to get better, then I drop it for 2 or more months at a time.

I don't draw consistently and the reason is whenever I try to start a drawing it looks like garbage and I get so discouraged easily. That's why there's so much difference in quality ;_;

If you really want to see it

>> No.2743701
File: 38 KB, 570x433, 234425641`46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So hopefully if I keep up this progress I can make it by the time im 20
the dream.

>> No.2743702

you're terrible but not bad, you should focus, you're better than me at least.

>> No.2744017

mfw I'm gonna show off the progress I've made this last year but when looking through my folder I realize I haven't finished a piece in like 8 months

>> No.2744048

>tfw regressed

>> No.2744052

Firez, I hate you. Great progression, though, looks like you're gonna make it.

>> No.2744163

>the year is 2032
>I hear the robo sentinels knocking on the neighbors door
>They probably forgot to turn in their ration files to the Protectorate again
>log onto /ic/
>I post my progress pic
>"2020 was better than 2029"

you guys have no foresight.

>> No.2744405

You've increased your technique but your subjects used to be much, much more interesting.

>> No.2744414

>i can make it by the time im 20

>> No.2744422

Jerrybreem :(

>> No.2744564
File: 721 KB, 1000x2168, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cherry picked but since ive drawn these not!roman guys nearly every year its nice to see some progression.

>> No.2744573

How'd you miss the space bar that badly?

>> No.2744575


>> No.2744584

You lost your composition, your form, your gesture, and your style.
Everything about 2015's Miku is better.

The only thing you did was add more detail, but you lost everything else. You're going in the wrong direction.

>> No.2744685
File: 3.95 MB, 1760x2797, hue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2744687

I should note first part that is actually end of 2013-2014

>> No.2744699

nice, except for the ponyfag shit at the end.
I like the one with the Worm Necromancer

>> No.2744718 [DELETED] 
File: 2.19 MB, 1600x1600, 666b7c2a-e515-4b40-b2c3-30eed2386d99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this off a phone app. The first two are from 2014, then the next two are from 2015, and the last two were made before March of this year.

>> No.2744865

January so the progress is almost 2 complete years now.
I've been trying to branch out of the Rapoza look a like stuff quite a lot, I've never actually studied his work but I did watch the bog witch tutorial which was a big influence on how I draw, but I guess I'd need to change my workflow to get rid of the knock-off feel. I'll keep trying to get away from it and I think learning how to paint more which I'm doing now will actually help a great deal. I just feel like I just haven't had enough time yet to progress properly and I think time will even out the style debacle completely.
The quality is inconsistent?

>> No.2744893
File: 156 KB, 1400x933, progress2y2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a little bit old now, like half a year.

>> No.2745299

Never mind, i thought the two caped dudes were drawn at the same time, didn't notice the dates. The bottom right dude looks pretty bad though.

>> No.2745447
File: 42 KB, 413x434, towel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I wish I had your gains.

>> No.2745604

Thanks fampais. Sometimes I feel like it's not enough for three years of drawing, though I've been making big writing and some 3-D gains as well so it's not that terrible. I feel like I'm close to making the kind of stuff I want to make.

>> No.2745648

pretty good

>> No.2745674

Are you colorblind?

>> No.2745779

I'll budge on the perspective, anatomy, value and form, but I will never stop going retarded with colour. Just too much fun, nigha.

>> No.2746267


>> No.2746281


I remembered you from /tg/ from 2013. Shieeeeeeeeet

>> No.2746380
File: 320 KB, 1368x1044, progress4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd one took a lot less time

>> No.2746402

how do you draw faces like that so well? It's killing me. Maybe recommend a book?

>> No.2746433

I've destroyed almost all of my old work.

>> No.2746435


No progress besides becoming an ass-man. So keep going, you are doing everything right.

>> No.2746662
File: 1009 KB, 760x920, 1468601273117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've been drawing only for a few months and I'm already better than this guy

That's really embarrassing lad, I mean if this was 1 or 2 years' progress Id understand, but 10 gears? You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.2746714

>>mfw I've been drawing only for a few months and I'm already better than this guy
Post work. I think you're overestimating your drawing abilities.

>> No.2746725

muh nigguh

>> No.2746726

kek, this

>> No.2747114
File: 1.64 MB, 671x9999, 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, the file is getting too big.. I have remake it soon.

But here is mine.

>> No.2747118

But I like drawing cartoons


>> No.2747132


I very much like those. Really cool and good art, also nice ideas for both complete pieces and studies.

>> No.2747134
File: 401 KB, 989x1000, 2016 Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing 2 years. Went balls deep and bought a cintiq at the start of the 2nd year. Financially I am fine, but I have no time to practice between work and school.

looking at you guys I really regret not starting sooner.

>> No.2747143

You're improving. You can improve quicker if you do less digital and more drawing on paper.

>> No.2747150

You might want to compare some basic construction drawings too - just for your sake. What you posted mostly shows you how you cleaned up in your rendering of the values, but if I were you I'd like to see if I got any better or more comfortable with the feel of the human figure and anatomy.

You might suddenly find time to practice more ;)

>> No.2747195

use a bigger brush when painting jesus

>> No.2747217

improved brush economy
nice polish on taht ass

>> No.2747218

The woman in the last photo looks like she has downs syndrome.

>> No.2747220

Angry ribs on a potato. Loomis is your savior.

>> No.2747286

You should learn basic calligraphy.

>> No.2747317

>no one posting their progress is responding to anyone else.

>> No.2747320

You post progress and comment on others in separate posts, least that's what I did. That way you can just link if >pyw

>> No.2747488

no you shit god.

>> No.2747532

can recognize that style from a mile away

>> No.2747548

first inspiring progress of this thread so far, good on you anon!
let the man draw whatever he wants

>> No.2747568

Came here looking for a thread like this to inspire myself to practice drawing, but you all seem to have really pretentious tastes in art. Like, shit I just want to be able to draw some decent characters, not paint a "deep" black and white van gogh.

>> No.2747578

Here's your (you)

>> No.2747579

This isn’t the place to inspire yourself to draw. This is the place to make you hate yourself so much that you continue drawing

>> No.2747581

Single characters are what inspire you to draw? That's not a particularly wide pool.

>> No.2747740

>make it

>> No.2747741


>> No.2747821
File: 72 KB, 640x638, 1456371006384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you can't post your artwork progress because it breaks Global Rule 15.

>> No.2747858


>> No.2747904


>> No.2747921

>Filthy Frank

It also seems like you're breaking the second global rule

>> No.2748030
File: 2.45 MB, 900x3479, progress uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never studied anatomy or from life until maybe 2014 or so and I deeply regret it. I don't know how to sit down and just practice. I haven't drawn much this year either, but I want to get my passion for drawing back no matter how shit it looks

>> No.2748033

wanna add that I actually really never did finished drawings, but I also avoided picking drawings that were weirdly decent, because I don't think they represent the actual state of skill at these points. That's why all you see on here is shit

>> No.2748075
File: 44 KB, 520x780, MuTG7py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Being this triggered at colorful cartoon horses

And I thought I had mental issues. Welp, at least I've put 6 hours of straight, non-stop work on fundamentals today, I'll see the day a horsefucker like me draws better than you!

>> No.2748170

This guy already broke the rule, but it's not the focus of the image so it should be fine I think.

>> No.2748200


> actually really never did finished drawings

Better start from now on - the alternative is never making it.

>> No.2748520

I like both, very good job.

>> No.2750553

Thanks Anon.

Yeah, I don't really care for getting a ban. More time to get better.

Just keep drawing what you like. Most of my improvement was just doing what was fun, but reading and applying what I learn. I got better at my fundamentals without trying that way. Now when I'm drawing a subject matter I don't like, I can still apply what I learn and it's not as awful as, say drawing something I don't like -and- being shit at it. It looks like I have a lot of progress here but a lot of it is just basic form color and light study applied to character art, which I really like because I'm a /tg/friend first and foremost.

A lot of my friends working professionally got better fast learning the same way too. Study never has to be awful. Last week I learned to paint texture 3-D coat and more of keyshot because I made an awful book wormed themed dildo. This week I learned some of Photoshop's other filters I might try using because I was making vaporwave cover for someone.

>> No.2750707

mad skills victor zhong

>> No.2750712
File: 64 KB, 541x625, hd harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to draw for hours everyday until my mid teens
>stopped drawing for 4 years except for the occasional sketch two or three times a year
>20 now and getting back into it because i have nothing else to do
i wasted a lot of time and now i've paid for it
at least i can experience basic progress all over again

>> No.2750926

bruh you sound like me. Did your skills leave ?

>> No.2751407
File: 410 KB, 1000x1166, fuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip current one apart please, hopefully I'm posting this in the right place now.

trying to improve this angle from imagination...having to look at my face in the mirror a bit though because I still make so many errors...

and since it's a progress thread, here's last year's shittastic Christmas card. fuhhh

>> No.2751417


>having to restart at 20

You're young as shit. All you 20-somethings are young. You just don't know it.

Dust yourself off and get to work.

>> No.2751422


the pessimism here is godawful.
min yum started at something like 28. you'll be fine.

>> No.2751550

Did a similar thing but less time off. You'll get back to where u where quick enough, you still remember the principles. Remember to be exited by improving

>> No.2751748
File: 350 KB, 2316x2895, IMG_20161121_232146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just startin this one, gonna start renderin everything in the afternoon tmrw

>> No.2752187

fuckin spot on, developed both your imagination and technical skill. Loved your portraits midway through, but by the current work I realise you've found your style and flow, and it shows - that deer is going in my inspo folder. Congrats anon, keep going!

>> No.2752191

To be honest he still doesnt do proper rendering, lacks some of fundamentals and his work is washed out.

But then you could just be a samefag that doesn't want to admit certain stuff

>> No.2752194


lighting is going to be sick if you stick to this

>> No.2752196

Looks like you are just copying from that one Nicola Samori painting. Try doing something more original.

>> No.2752201


>> No.2752205

how did you improve without studying

>> No.2752349


>> No.2752426
File: 135 KB, 591x287, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HGJ's progress

>> No.2753452

Not him but as long as you apply what you learn while doing personal work, you can get better without drawing 500 pages of boxes.

>> No.2753484

little progress from 2010 to 2015

>> No.2753501
File: 151 KB, 1000x1040, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not abnormal, very (very very) few artists keep a steady trajectory, the earlier hurdles are always where the quickest improvement is.

>> No.2754238

What's her name again ?

>> No.2754277

Never good enough for you is it? I saw this post and realized what a pretentious cunt you are. The drawing looks great and you are just hating, simple as that :)

>> No.2755253

very interesting to see both the technical skill and taste evolve side by side

>> No.2755269
File: 36 KB, 596x374, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.2755308


>> No.2755314
File: 67 KB, 656x1218, 11_minute_hand___day_313___learning_to_draw_by_joshuamatulin-daouvqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2755353
File: 181 KB, 1112x738, EBIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2755358

this progress is so refreshing to see
if this is what you have managed to do in two and a half months, you'll be in a good place a year from now.
Keep at it with the fundies, I'll be rooting for you

>> No.2755364

I like it, blog?

>> No.2755419

Get rid of the pictail and you have a babe

>> No.2755420


>> No.2755421

Are you even trying

>> No.2755443
File: 437 KB, 2094x2745, IMG_20161117_214235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just getting back into drawing after taking a few years off.

>> No.2755452

give it boobs and you'll be on your way to fame

>> No.2755461


>> No.2756756
File: 1.91 MB, 2102x1771, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is poorly organized orz. the stuff in the middle isn't actually in between March and Nov, it leans a lot closer to Nov. Took a "break" because I was a depressed piece of shit.

I'm really disappointed with myself. I wasted a year rendering trash when I should of been focusing on nailing fundamentals. I'm getting better I think as far as direction, going back to working on gesture, construction and form. I also went and deleted my blog because for a while I was much too focused on validating my work through others. This is something I'm doing for myself, and I need to remember that.

Oh another thing that I really kick the shit out of myself for is earlier on I would refuse to use any reference. I felt that if you used reference you were no good. But how are you suppose to learn how to draw something if you don't really know what it looks like.

>> No.2756790


It's hard to comment on that. "Disappointment" doesn't really exhaust the topic.

At least I guess you are aware now, self-realization takes time. Try to finish pieces next time. Maybe try doing traditional, switch media for a while, this can help if you are stagnating/burning out.

>> No.2756856

I try to do a 50 50 mix of traditional and digital. I'm scared if I focus too much on one I'll get too rusty with the other. Not finishing pieces is something I really struggle with because I get easily frustrated when the piece goes bad. I keep hearing advice to finish everything or not to tackle pieces and just grind studies.

>> No.2756903
File: 1.26 MB, 792x6732, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2756912

I like how consistent your fetish is

>> No.2756916

spanky spank

>> No.2756980


Your 2016 needs more high-quality spanking.

>> No.2756985

I'm working on it ...

>> No.2757149

Had a hearty giggle.

>> No.2758613
File: 3.77 MB, 2888x1412, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it normal for the own artstyle to change so often