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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 841 KB, 1024x1420, widowmaker_by_hoodk-da5slfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2736097 No.2736097 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every artist in the world drawing Overwatch? It is such a waste of life and time.

Because in 100 years, when people look back at art history, they will see all these crap Overwatch art works and see them as insignificant piece of crap that has no impact or meaning to the world.

>> No.2736099

>titled because people draw what they want to draw

>> No.2736104


Actually it's more probable people in 100 years will dig "Overwatch" and the art related to it than some random still life or head made in charcoal.

>> No.2736107

100 years? Such is the quantity of work since the advent of the internet that even the most awe inspiring contemporary pieces get forgotten in 1.

None of this matters. Do what you like. Pop culture has always heavily influenced works anyway.

>> No.2736108
File: 493 KB, 1280x2112, when_dva_after_battle_by_rikamello-da7knyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be in museum's and the louvre.

>> No.2736111
File: 93 KB, 1104x601, 7lastsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is every artist in the world drawing the Bible? It is such a waste of life and time.

Because in 100 years, when people look back at art history, they will see all these crap Bible art works and see them as insignificant piece of crap that has no impact or meaning to the world.

>> No.2736113

>when people look back at art history, they will see all these crap based on greek mythology art works and see them as insignificant piece of crap that has no impact or meaning to the world.

>> No.2736114

This might be a surprise to you, but there are people who draw simply because it's fun to them. They don't think about what art historians 100 years from now will think about it.

>> No.2736115
File: 503 KB, 1200x1492, wenfei-ye-d-va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot actually believes Overwatch fanart will be as important in 100 years as Da Vinchi's work is now.

Do you think they will hang pic related in Metropolitan Museum of Art someday?

>> No.2736116

easy money/attention

anyone saying otherwise is probably lying

Then again you could also be a pleb that actually likes overwatch and just so happens to be able to draw

>> No.2736117

>>2736097 (OP)
This might be a surprise to you, but there are people who draw simply because it's making them a lot of money. They don't think about what art historians 100 years from now will think about it.

>> No.2736122
File: 875 KB, 1500x1026, adrift-studio-insta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 100 years overwatch will have zero impact to the world of art.

It will be artist like Katsushiro Otomo, Katsuya Terada or James Jean that will be important in 100 or 200 years.
You know, actual artist, not fanart fags.

>> No.2736125
File: 107 KB, 2000x820, eFNliVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This might be a surprise to you, but there are people who draw simply because it's fun to them.

That's a lie.
People draw Overwatch because they desperately need attention and money because they are too stupid to get attention with original art.





>> No.2736133
File: 63 KB, 714x402, ed8389e6fe44c2ab255de05dba629a58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true in my case.

But I do want to draw original art,
the problem is my patreon supporters only ask me to draw this and that character from this or than game/anime.

I actually want to escape from patreon somebody help me.

I don't want to just make the patrons mad,
but I'm tired of their fucking stupid fanart commissions, I don't care about the money anymore, I have enough money now, I could live off the patreon money for the rest of my life.
I jusr don't know how to escape from these faggots.

>> No.2736146

This is why it's important to build a fanbase from just the things you like to draw instead of pandering.

>> No.2736148

>Why is every artist in the world drawing Overwatch?
Because most people in the world like to waste their time and life with things that give momentary pleasure.

It's like fapping, it has no purpose but it is satisfying.

You do it because you can't find better things to do with your life.

People that draw Overwatch fanart are just like other fappers, only with the difference that they can draw.

>> No.2736150

Because it makes money you fucking idiot!

>> No.2736151

>Why is every artist in the world drawing Overwatch? My friend animates overwatch characters getting fucked right in the pussy.

He is making a lot of money.

>> No.2736152

Well that's true, but saying that people don't want to draw what they enjoy because they only want to become popular is stupid.

>> No.2736153

>the joke



>> No.2736154

Kek. You could at least try to not sound so jealous and butthurt over instagram numbers.

>> No.2736159

>some shit is popular with a lot of ppl, including random artists
>amazed when art with said thing pops up

>> No.2736160

commissions and social media you waste of oxygen.

>> No.2736161
File: 490 KB, 449x401, arthistorymajor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da vinci

>> No.2736165

Or maybe people aren't so original. I paint whenever I have something in mind, to sort of exorcise the idea. I've done some game fan art because it's what I had in mind at the time. So I can very well imagine many people paint because they want to imitate the artists they like, or paint related to the games they like.

There aren't even 10 people seeing any of my pieces except for random DA people who accidentally stumble on my account. I tried posting art here, but even pandering to people when successful would be too much of a bother for me.

I'm not saying a large portion of those people don't paint for attention, I'm just saying it's easy to just assume everyone does.

>> No.2736179

try to make your OC interesting, more interesting than your actual stuff

think about their design and what makes them them

>> No.2736180

trying to get that cash senpai

>> No.2736183

made me bust a nut so it was worth the artists time

>> No.2736191

S-sakimichan, is that y-you?

Fr though you already have a large enough fanbase. I believe what you say about the money, so there's really nothing stopping you from drawing original stuff. You already have a fan base to start with, too. Be like Dave Rapoza, who's doing his own Steve Lichman thing rn.

>> No.2736205

Just start doing more and more original artwork until you hardly do fanart anymore. People will start hating but if you do it slowly enough nobody will notice or care. Either way fuck 'em all to death.

>> No.2736221

What the fuck is that ass

>> No.2736228

>da vinci
that's how you write it.

>> No.2736327

Overwatch fanart its made only for the sole purpose of reblogs, watchers, likes, views, upvotes & karma on reddit, all for the grand noble cause that is "support me on patreon, tier 2 nude mercy process jpegs & video tutorial "
Its usually done by the great army of sameface, same pose same everything artists that are Ching/Ming/Sing/Ding/Wang/Kang/Mang-Sun Kim & Chumy/yumi/pumi/kumi/numy/saki/maki/paki/ -chan @tumblr & deviantart.
Well done artists, well done, HOWEVER...there is also actual legit overwatch fan art that is done for pure passion for the IP and certain characters, such fan art can be seen from miles away and involves mostly not drawing the female characters in pinup styles with dead expressions, portraits, comic strips or FOTM aka all of a sudden for 3 days now everybody loves Sombra and wants to magically draw her now after she was properly showcased and gained momentum and not 2 months ago when she was hinted.

>> No.2736334
File: 12 KB, 182x182, michael_winslow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ching/Ming/Sing/Ding/Wang/Kang/Mang-Sun Kim & Chumy/yumi/pumi/kumi/numy/saki/maki/paki/ -chan

>> No.2736342

>Op is legit retard
/b/ or /v/ or /pol/?

>> No.2736349

Because they like it
And also sometimes they get money out of it

>> No.2736351
File: 34 KB, 413x395, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ching/Ming/Sing/Ding/Wang/Kang/Mang-Sun Kim & Chumy/yumi/pumi/kumi/numy/saki/maki/paki/ -chan

>> No.2736355

>did not include hi hi puffy amiyumi

you had one task and didn't do it correctly

>> No.2736359

Is it me or her face looks very out of place in such a tiny body?

>> No.2736363

Drawing art for money is bad.

>> No.2736387

because it's a new thing that's popular and makes it easy to get attention. then there are a few like nesskain who just seem to really really like the game.

i personally don't get the enthusiasm for it but then again, i didn't get the enthusiasm for halo or god of war either.

what properties would you anons do fanart for?

>> No.2736410

>everybody loves Sombra and wants to magically draw her now after she was properly showcased and gained momentum and not 2 months ago when she was hinted.

That didn't stop sombra fanart. Many people did their own take on her before we knew what she looked like, and that was leaked only a month ago.

>> No.2736445

that's such a cool picture
maybe I should try to paint on huge canvases too

>> No.2736529


>> No.2736535

Are you some kind of retarded autist? no one gives a shit about what opinion people 100 years from now will have about anything. You think I'm not going to take a picture of my ballsack if I feel like it just because of what a stupid little faggot might think about it when he sees next century? Fuck you.

>> No.2736541

>Why is every artist in the world drawing Overwatch?
Because some artists are attention starved people. People can try to pretend they are doing it for "fun". But they are only doing it for the likes and reblogs from random people online to feel like they belong somewhere. Everything about Overwatch is lowest common denominator and safe. It's not striking or inspiring. It's a typical commercial video game product. Blizzard doing business.

>> No.2736544

You got half of it wrong. People are doing it for reblogs and attention, but not attention in the sense of ego stroking, more as a mean of pushing their shit out there on tags they know people are looking at. You get a lot of followers online and you're going to get money. It's simply how it works.
No one is drawing for "attention" unless you're a fucking teenager.

>> No.2736549

>but not attention in the sense of ego stroking
You're bullshitting and trying to save face.
>You get a lot of followers online and you're going to get money.
Followers are window shoppers. They aren't buyers. If you can't tell the difference you might be retarded. I've seen artists with 10k followers only making $300 a month via patreon. I make that much in a week with my day job. Popularity contests are worthless.
>No one is drawing for "attention" unless you're a fucking teenager.
Most millennials are perpetual teenagers. Specially artists.

>> No.2736551
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, erh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To stay relevant of course. You gotta keep up with the trends to be a popular artist sadly.

>> No.2736553

Any way to promote oneself is a good way to promote onesself. You need a following to make even 300/mo on patreon. Since fanart is so popular with 'normies', it's a reliable way to increase one's following. Also you clearly have no idea why an artist wants a following if you only think that its for ego reasons.
>most artists are perpetual teenagers
>spends time on an artists board

>> No.2736558

>Since fanart is so popular with 'normies'
Normies are playing CoD, Battlefield, and Madden. Not Overwatch. Overwatch is for weebs.

>> No.2736564

Difference is that the normies who play console games casually wouldn't care about fanart even if they saw some fanart that they liked, they just aren't into the culture and the game enough. Overwatch is a huge game in a culture which supports artists (which is comprised a lot of 'art-normies' who dont care about skill as much as they do about how the art appeals to them).

>> No.2736565

Drawing Fandoms pay the bills and gets attention

If you want to make some moving inspirational original art do traditional art or sculptures

>> No.2736774

The Overwatch characters are very cute and appealing and stand out like a massive neon sign among the hordes of grittybrown tacticool muhrealistic nondescript soldiers in FPS gaming. It's no wonder at all why they're so popular.

And people draw them because they're popular. Normally to get those 10k reblogs that turn into one or two actual comissions, you have to draw brainrot shit like pony, steven universe or seasonal moeblobs. At least these characters have a modicum of design put into them. I just resent people not even trying to stay on-model since the actual 3D models are among the prettiest cartoon characters ever.

>> No.2736776

Those people still aren't normies. They are weebs. People you find on /a/, /v/, and /b/.

>> No.2736784

>At least these characters have a modicum of design put into them.

Overwatch character design is nothing but lame interpretations of better design senses from better properties. There is literally nothing appealing about OW designs unless you live under a rock.

>> No.2736786

You could try actually saving money and investing it.

Most of you are so fucked because you have the retarded slave consummerist mentality. I lived off ramen for six years so I could save every single penny I didn't need to spend and now own a house and a pizza parlor. No more rent, no more noodles, no more worrying about having to spend every single free hour looking for more clients cause I live day-to-day. Just constant earnings from a business I don't even need to manage because I hired a crack right out of school who's making the place run like a well oiled machine and thankful for having an actual living wage instead of suffering like pretty much everyone in this shit economy.

Rent and debt are cancer, save money and invest it because sacrifices today mean luxury tomorrow. Old man rant out.

>> No.2736789

Sure they're worse than pony and steven universe.
Fuck off you contrarian loser, nobody likes your shit and never will.

>> No.2736791
File: 1.97 MB, 500x208, 20128347837642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words of the wise.

>> No.2736792

>Sure they're worse than pony and steven universe.
They all appeal to the lowest common denominator of their demographics. Get some standards and some taste, faggot.

>> No.2736827

>ITT: Making money is bad ; muh superior taste, fanart is bad and people only draw it for views.

Lol, you people have no lives. That's sad that you had to make a shitty witch hunting thread because you're jealous that random teenager is getting more views than you do. You guys have some deep seated problems and you need to seek professional help.

>> No.2736856

who cares though?????

>> No.2736871

>drawing something popular to get your name out there in order to create a base from which to draw money
what's your problem with this exactly

>> No.2736876

Taste is for poor losers who can't sell a canvas and blame it on everybody else being uneducated.
Starve to death van gogh.

>> No.2736881

By "every artist", you mean those DeviantArt artists, don't you?

Because, you know.
There's an entire world of art out there, outside the internet, that is in no way touched by Overwatch.

Also it is extremely unlikely that any purely virtual artist would be remembered, considering the sheer numbers of them and how their art is often tied to fandoms.

>> No.2736882

They draw it for exposure or because they are interested in the subject mater


>> No.2736930

t. overwatch fan """artist"'"

>> No.2737048
File: 913 KB, 744x1052, 59494812_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go a week without posting anything
>make a post saying you're sorry and tell how you're been having wrist/elbow/shoulder/whatever pains and are worried about it.
>Make half of the usual content you make in the next weeks with one or two original drawings.
>Make another post about how the pain is worsening and you've meaning to go to the doctor but BE SUBTLE
>Make an announcement telling that you've had an epiphany that your career could end at any moment and after realizing that you want to focus on your own work while you can

They may even give you more pitty carpal money.

>> No.2737051

t. butthurt average 5 vies masters student

>> No.2737058

You do realize that the goal of designing an all age multiplayer shooter IS to appeal to the lowest common denominator, right? Whether or not a design is good or bad has nothing to do with individual taste, but with fulfilling the goal of the end product. In that respect, the Overwatch designs are excellent. They immediately became iconic, are very easy to recognize and helped fulfill Blizzard's goal they had for this game exactly as they intended. That makes it good design.

I find it funny how elitist morons like you who think they know their shit about design always think as consumers first, artists second.

>> No.2737069

I actually agree with you.

>> No.2737155

>You do realize that the goal of designing an all age multiplayer shooter IS to appeal to the lowest common denominator, right?
Yeah, that's makes it a product. Not art. So it's trash. I'm speaking facts. Get over it.

>> No.2737162

correction - COMMERCIAL product.

The absolute lowest form of art possible. It's on the same level as MLP. It's made to sell, not have an impact or message. Brain dead idiots with no taste will be inspired by it because they have no fucking taste. It's boring.

>> No.2737165

faggots like you dont get what the difference between art and design are.

Art = conveying a context, feelings
Design = problem solving, creating with purpose

Character design isnt your faggot high art bullshit, it's DESIGNED to appeal to a large number of people.

If you want to look at art, go to a gallery, if you want to look at design, look at the entertainment industry.

>> No.2737167

>Whether or not a design is good or bad has nothing to do with individual taste
Maximum kek. You might actually be retarded.

>> No.2737172

>implying good or bad design aren't objective
You might actually want to rethink your life.

>> No.2737173

There are already games that have both work in unison. Everything about Overwatch is commercial and boring as piss. There is no art involved. It's not Ico. It's not Shadow of the Colossus. It's not Dark Souls. Overwatch is the last game you'd ever want to bring up trying to argue "games are art". It's garbage made to sell to the idiot bottom of the barrel consumer aka made to sell. It's all Blizzard does.

>> No.2737174

What about the 459816165118365 pedo 2hu fanarts that sit on the boorus?

>> No.2737175

>It's not Shadow of the Colossus

aborting mission, excess of chromosomes detected.

go outside and pat a dog or something.

>> No.2737178

Nice dodge faggot. You wouldn't know good design if it ran you over in broad daylight.

>> No.2737183

>I dont like something and my opinion means nothing in real life, so I'll be a faggot online.

Bro, all you play are grimdark jrpg's and jerk off to futa all day get a fucking life, you make me sick.

>> No.2737186
File: 444 KB, 1273x1812, 1471112879753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw cubes because they're popular
But people who draw fanart are scum and thieves

>> No.2737187

>involving any emotion at all
>obviously grimdark

You're a tool. Keep trying to defend Blizzard's lack of artistic vision. You're only making yourself out to look like a moron. You have shit taste. Fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.2737190

Shadow of the Colossus is kusoge with kuso designs and kuso art

>> No.2737192

t. LoL player

>> No.2737193

I don't play games. I'm adult

>> No.2737198

its sorta funny to think about some future ass generation discovering 500 pages of dickgirls

>> No.2737200

I know Blizzard pays people to draw them and upload them to art station and other art websites sometimes.

>> No.2737214

>incrdible popularity to leech off
>attractive female characters


>> No.2737219

>implying our dickgirls will be as disturbing as their future dickgirls
they will look at them how we look at 500 old biblical paints

>> No.2737225

>implying WWIII wouldn't come

>> No.2737645

I'm actually nicely surprised at how many people recognize that just because something looks relatively appealing and likeable doesn't make it art

4chan is restoring my faith in humanity, what?

>> No.2737711

>implying that there haven't been people drawing whatever the hell they felt like throughout all of history
>implying that 99.9% or all art created throughout history hasn't been lost to time
>implying that the only things that stick around are the universally appealing and the creme de la creme

People have always drawn what they wanted to draw. Just look at the graffiti in Pompeii, at the little doodles in the margins in illuminated medieval manuscripts. At the japanese woodblock art depicting fart wars, at the plethora of art and sculpture and jokes about genitalia and sex and politics throughout all of history. At the diary entries and the notes on tree bark and the doodles in the dirt and drawings carved into rocks and trees that have been grown over and eroded away.

People have not changed. When you look back on the art in history, remember that you are only seeing the most absolutely tiny fraction of what was produced.

The only reason that historical things feel "better" than modern things is because we only remember and preserve what we as individuals and a society consider "the best". Just because we're not seeing the shit doesn't mean it wasn't there.

>> No.2737715

I would like to make one point. All of that classical, renaissance, and baroque art that people love so much?
So much of it is fanart of greek myth and fanart of the bible. Hell, so much of this art is people celebrating a culture that is not their own. You could consider it a form of very classy weaboo.

>> No.2737737

no they wont .... just as we dont see any of the crap that was created years ago .... or dont hear the crappy music that was made in the past

good art can defend itself againtst time ... the bad one gets lost

>> No.2737915
File: 235 KB, 800x1200, tim-lochner-liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>very classy weaboo

>> No.2737921

There's a difference between culture and pop culture, you retard.

>> No.2738643

It's an art history joke you dork

>> No.2738649


>> No.2739997

There's a reason SotC didn't succeed and Overwatch is a gobal phenomenon.

Your "taste" is shit.

Being an obscure contrarian faggot is intellectual dishonesty. The barebones of design appeals to such large groups of people because it is objectively aesthetics given purpose.

>> No.2740006

because waifus

>> No.2740833
File: 56 KB, 543x563, 1476662837947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global phenomenon

>> No.2740911

You must be pretty retarded if you disagree with facts.

>> No.2740915

I have a genuine question I hope someone can answer.

Is it wrong in discussion with friends when art comes up to lessen the significance of works created in photoshop or other similar programs (zbrush as well) compared to the works of the masters all the way to degas or duchamp even.

I always make my girlfriend mad as well, it's possible I'm being contradictory but I was saying there's no way zbrush can be as elevated as an art as real sculpting with plaster or a marble can be and it's place while useful for gaining commissions in certain industries or character studies, practices, is limited compared to the real thing.

I know I can be contradictory at times but I always step on someones toe with the opinion.

>> No.2740937

The only thing that matters is the end result.

>> No.2740940

Neither you nor your friends know anything about art so who gives a shit what either of your opinions are? The fact that you even compare commercial design work with fine art shows just how irrelevant your opinion is.

>> No.2740943


Well my friend is an "artist" who mainly uses photoshop so that's why it's even coming up in the first place. I agree I know nothing about art or art theory and therefore just like your average political discussion i have nothing to offer to anyone educated on the subject, but this same subject always comes up from time to time with my friend, I'm just wondering if it's offensive to say so much to warrant people being upset from it.


This can be true i suppose.

>> No.2741121

What they painted during the renaissance was pop culture during the renaissance, you retard.

>> No.2741123

Why? They'll have a huge artistic and technical meaning forever no matter what the source is.

>> No.2741126
File: 1.66 MB, 250x181, 1478465384884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2741390

>I understand my opinion has no basis, reasoning or validity
>I'mma say it anyway

>> No.2742087

>Hes mad because people are enjoying creating things
Art like this is popular m8 because theres little strife that directly affects most artists. Just wait when ww3 rolls in there'll be plenty of grim art then.

>> No.2742094
File: 166 KB, 374x304, tumblr_nmzkg2BFFE1r5dsq4o1_r1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn all the asshurt in this thread is hilarious.

I personally prefer original works myself, I tend to stick to my original shit as well, but I dabble in fanart because damn I love shit and it DOES get me attention.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with drawing fanart to get your name out there and if anyone says otherwise I'm willing to bet you don't make much money from your art if any money at all.

Artist because I fucking love art but damn you a dumb nigga if you think you're above "attention" as an artist.
I'm glad I don't hold myself back because I'm afraid of being an attention whore with fanart.

I can open for commissions and sell out instantly, thanks to fanart.
Have fun and make money, don't be a piss baby.

>> No.2742103
File: 43 KB, 704x396, 4433444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2742108

They could at least play good games

>> No.2742134

>Ching/Ming/Sing/Ding/Wang/Kang/Mang-Sun Kim & Chumy/yumi/pumi/kumi/numy/saki/maki/paki/ -chan

>> No.2742197


>> No.2742235

Help me become like you.

>> No.2743186

NONE of your art will be exposed or remembered. You should do something totally new, never seen and full of meaning, drawing well independenly from the subject won't leave your name in history. So just draw whatever the fuck you want, may in be Widow's ass or biblical scenes

>> No.2743580

Exactly. I'm sure that someone could make an Overwatch-themed art piece that rivals Michelangelo in technical brilliance. But even though it's *possible*, it's unlikely.
But I guess you also have to factor in the Bible having a 2,000 year headstart on people making "fanart" of it, as well as its much larger "fanbase".

>> No.2744186

>assuming Sakimichan would come to the festering shitpool of bitter hacks that is /ic/

>> No.2744201

If the greatest artist of our time happened to draw overwatch then it'd still be relevant in 100 years. people might forget all about overwatch and assume it's OC