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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2735655 No.2735655 [Reply] [Original]

>Lose art boner, start half assing everything
>Don't do anything for a week
>Go back to hobbies
>Vidya, comics, weeb stuff, movies, board lurking etc.
>Wish that I could do stuff like that
>Have a "oh shit" moment, remember why I started
>recover art boner
>Go back to draw
We're all gonna do it anons

>> No.2736740

Ditto OP

>> No.2736775

going through same shit RN. I fear that i have chosen art just to keep being my typical disorganized, inconstant self, instead of adhering to any routine or responsibility.

>> No.2736782

we wont make it. You will get back to useless shit anytime soon and the cycle will continue

>> No.2736804

Holy shit are you me? cause I do this too.

>> No.2736848

>Drawing porn
>need to fap because arousal is too high to focus on art
>no longer aroused enough to draw porn

>> No.2736849

this happens to me a lot, usually on lazy sundays, but it only lasts for that day.

>> No.2737026
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>check out art folders
>grin like an idiot at the good and bad pics you've done

>> No.2737050
File: 34 KB, 500x365, another day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a lot everyday outside my full time job
>draw basically the entire weekend taking small breaks and 3 or 4 hours to sleep
>do it for a year
>look at results
>gets frustrated
>drop it all togheter
>feel guilty as fuck
>come back
>repeat for another year
>no improvements since I tend to slack studies to just have fun drawing dragons and aliens
>get frustrated to the point of throwing an incredibly childish fit alone in my apartment
>go to a doctor
>realize that I have the shittiest mental health
>start drawing again on meds, from the start like the sticky and dab

>> No.2737052

I don't see any problem here

>> No.2737866

Post art

>> No.2737897

>realize that I have the shittiest mental health
Mind to elaborate on that?
Did you go to the doctor because you freaked out? What did you say? What did they say?

>> No.2737917


>look at old art
>correct the fuck out of them
>2 hours have passed

Aw yeah

>> No.2737941

death for more than a week now
> remember why I started drawing
to procrastinate away of boring shit
>remember why you kept at it
because of ego rides? (never met a good art teacher)
> remember the fun of being shit and having no clue and not caring
a regret, now it's a pain in the ass to do gud
even doing great feels bad, thinking about how much it takes me
>remember your portfolio goals from a year ago?
0\10 done

>> No.2738032

>you're not gonna make it

>> No.2740771
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>maintain self control and not masturbate
>able to focus and get some real drawing done

>> No.2740882
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>realize how much i romanticize shit
>realize the rose colored vision is like a really manipulative girlfriend
>come back to earth
>make some honest drawings

One of the best epiphanies ever.

>> No.2740885
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Pic related

After I snapped, I was in a moment of lucidity and got worried and called my mom. She made an appointment with a doctor she knew. I went there a few times telling exactly what I felt and was doing. Got diagnosed with bipolar disorder, to my shock as I always dismissed that as a spoiled tumblrina meme. Now I'm deep on lithium.

>> No.2740890

>realize the rose colored vision is like a really manipulative girlfriend
>make some honest drawings
what are honest drawings?

>> No.2740912

this is good anon. we're all to make it.

>> No.2741049

>animate in toonboom harmony
>none of the other animators i know work in harmony, everyone else is in flash
>cant talk about cool advanced rigging/animating
>cant hire anyone to help me make scenes as everyone who works in harmony works in a real studio

>> No.2741063

>draws animu girls
>no one likes it
>draws realism
>"wow amazing ur so good"
fuck i don't enjoy realism at all

>> No.2741067

You draw for yourself or other people?

>> No.2741069

>really good/clean line art, dynamic and good fundamentals
>nobody cares
>art with shitty fundamentals but over-rendered
>"WOAH that's so good, it's soooo detailed!"

Nothing pisses me off more.

>> No.2741244

>ruin a piece by overworking it

>> No.2741488

I'll be immortal and ruin drawings until the sun swallows the solar system.

>> No.2741556

That is a noble cause for immortality.

>> No.2741559
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>Go to bed
>Tomorrow I'll get back at it!
>Tomorrow become today
>Do jackshit for the whole fucking day
>Go to bed
>Tomorrow I'll get back at it!

I basically lost all my will to create something.
I have no motivations whatsoever anymore, and yet there's nothing else than remotely interest me, thus I spend my days doing nothing.

I feel like a fucking disgrace, please send help, I want to feel the joy of drawing again.

>> No.2741563

>be genuinly impressed with what I painted
>feels good
>it's just another study though
>feels bad

>> No.2741573

>no confidence. don't draw because I hate disappointing myself
>get over it and draw something anyway
>actually like the result
>obsessively stare at it for 12 hours looking for flaws
>find them. now I hate it.
>the cycle continues

>> No.2741764

>have to make self portrait for class
>do full figure cause faces are boring
>do a retarded pose that looks ~pretty~ :3
>realize literally no one sits like this for any reason
>everyone says all my drawings look like dancers anyway
>finish mostly and put some nature shit in the background
>happy with it because I suck at painting but like figures
>teacher LAUGHS at me at critique
>says its generic and cliche
>but before she said it didn't matter what we did, it was just supposed to be a study!
>;-; stop it teacher! stop laffing at me!

>> No.2742018

Link to tumblr/insta?
I dig it anon, be diligent.

>> No.2742032

it completely destroys my productivity

>> No.2742036
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Do you have any lewd art stories?

I might get a succ soon for designing a tattoo for a girl I met at a bar

>> No.2742123

Nice hatching, is Katsuya terada an influence?

>> No.2742129

Honestly hope so, anon.
I don't have any kind of acc right now, but thanks.
I don't follow Terada's stuff as much as I should. My hatching hardon comes mainly from Moebius.

>> No.2743270
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>start drawing
>finish some tiny sketches
>3 hours have passed

>> No.2743579
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>only supposed to listen to the first track of the album since it's getting late and I have to wake up early the next day
>get carried away with drawing and not even notice that the album has finished playing


>> No.2743648

Okay this is exactly how I feel but I couldn't ever explain it or put it into words.

>> No.2743674


>please send help

Here's your help - it's the answer you already know solves your problem. It's the answer you don't want to address, even though you know it's the only way.

Start saying "today I'll get back at it" and fucking do it you little faggot.

>> No.2745056
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>fall into a bit of a rut, take a couple of days off
>time to get back into it
>feel uninspired, unmotivated and impatient because my drawings are going poorly
>my drawings are going poorly because I feel uninspired, unmotivated and impatient

I know you just need to push through it but goddamn.