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2732998 No.2732998 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here knows of any good source of information about Hayao Miyazaki? He helped shaping my world view and i really value and love his work. I am really curious to understand the man.

>> No.2733000

There's this doc on netflix about him, I think it's called "The kingdom of dreams and madness" and I really enjoyed it. It was cool to see what he was really like, dude was pretty chill but intense at the same time, has mad work ethic and is way more nihilistic (I think that's the word) than I thought he'd be. It kinda chronicles the creation of "The wind rises" but that's more of a background thing, the main focus just became Miyazaki and his outlook on life/work I think. Definitely give it a watch.

>> No.2733002 [DELETED] 

Have you watched The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness yet?

>> No.2733011


I have already watched, though it didn't satisfied me. He don't speak much about his opinions and his life in general.
For example, one thing i am really curious about is his relationship with his son Goro. He looks very cold and absent and i find that dissonant with his work. I am also interested in his thoughts about art, it's purpose and why he thinks some people shouldn't pursue it.

>> No.2733060

It's pretty well known that Goro and Hayao don't exactly get along, and for a while Goro resented him.

There are also stories of him bullying people that work under him. I remember hearing a story of an intern who wasn't doing to well, and instead of just firing her, he would simply approach her and ask her "What are you still doing here?" under his breath.

>> No.2733077

i was glad to realize that people who make childrens films arent necessarily nice people.

>> No.2733078

I see. It's hard to believe though.

>> No.2733097

>There are also stories of him bullying people that work under him. I remember hearing a story of an intern who wasn't doing to well, and instead of just firing her, he would simply approach her and ask her "What are you still doing here?" under his breath.

Where did you read this?

>> No.2733100
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 11995652_1208385012520396_413039485_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be son of famous animator
>all of the world watch his movies
>be told it must be wonderful to live with such a wonderful father
>its not
>hes kind of a shitty father really
>people only watch his movies and think they represent his personality
>bitch no they represent the industry
>the one thing other people should be commending him for is his work ethic
>but im his son so that means less time for me
>grow up with an absent father but a giant im supposed to call dad
>try to do other things
>try landscaping
>world is harsh, makes no sense to not use my opportunities
>is this what life really is
>go take out my anger on interns at my dads studio

>> No.2733102

Goro had a hard life...

>> No.2733106

Starting Point and Turning Point are alright.

Miyazaki's an interesting, contradictory dude. He's also a huge bitter asshole

>> No.2733120

Do you know where i can download it? Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.2733125
File: 161 KB, 996x684, gedo_senki_failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Tales from Earthsea resonated with me
>watch it as a 17/18 y/o relating to Arren
>ends up as my favoruite ghibli film because of this
>still is to this day
>as an animator myself I know the film isn't that bad, storywise it's a mess
>can't stop loving it
>tfw Goro knew he was fucking up
>tfw this is Goro
pic related

>> No.2733131

Viz have two giant books of essays written by him over literally decades.
I think thy're called Starting Point & Turning Point

>> No.2733134

Yeah, idk why all the visionaries/industry leaders are huge assholes. Miyazaki is an asshole, Walt Disney was an asshole, that sushi guy Jiro was a huge asshole, I heard Feng was an asshole too. Is that the secret to gitting gud? Being an asshole?

>> No.2733136
File: 14 KB, 215x190, i wanna protect this smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know any good sources of information about takahata? i wanna know if hes a jerk aswell

>> No.2733140
File: 26 KB, 637x317, 2016-10-24_02-20-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, they are also people. Family problems etc... it's just natural and human.

You guys blow everything up to an unbelievable balloon.

They are people, like you and me!!!

>> No.2733141

You guys, here in this thread are the real jerks.

>> No.2733143

>Is that the secret to gitting gud? Being an asshole?
You don't get to the top without climbing over a few people and maybe stepping on them a bit, either by intention or by accident. I also suspect a lot of the intensity and drive that these people have is mistaken by others as being somewhat asshole-ish, especially if they don't share that same drive. I have heard for Elon Musk that he expects his employees to have no life or family outside of work because he treats it that seriously so wants people around him to do the same.

Also some people are just assholes.

>> No.2733155

These guys were all running businesses so yeah, the secret to running a business is being some kinda asshole.

Mind you, there's a difference between being a seedy weasel asshole like Feng, a ruthless corporate asshole like Disney, or a perfectionist asshole like Miyazaki.

>> No.2733166

You people make things sound much worse then it is.
You just want to feel better about yourself by saying everyone is an asshole.
You know what? You guys are "poor" and "assholes". You are even worse, duh.
I hate your kind of ignorant fuckers more than anything. You are the reason this world is so shit. Not those people.
Your jealousy is the cancer of the world.

>> No.2733175

Poor little CEOs and head directors gotta have someone to defend their feefees on the internet.

>> No.2733183

Leave it to betas to mistake corellation for causation.

>> No.2733184

Honestly working for a Japanese owned company myself, I can see this happening. This is pretty common in many Asian owned companies. A coworker of mine messed up a business presentation and instead of firing him they just relegated him to do menial tasks and essentially shamed him into quitting.

>> No.2733198

Here's a video of him discussing his work https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ

>> No.2733201

Fuck off you idiot this site embeds videos what is this 2005 how old are you

>> No.2733208
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Reminder that this actually happened

>> No.2733235

Please, anyone knows where i can find the ebooks for Starting Point and Turning Point? I don't mind buying it, but i live in a country where this isn't an option (i could buy the ebook thought if i could find it somewhere).

>> No.2733253

zen pencils makes me want to puke

>> No.2733258


>> No.2733261

Jesus Christ

>> No.2733265


>> No.2733287

hahaa This made me laugh so much. Thank you anon.

>> No.2733290

I mean they really are assholes, why are you getting so mad? Most people in the world are assholes. I'm probably an asshole and so are you. It's nothing to be upset about.
He kinda has a point tho. If you want to succeed in a super competitive industry, you're gonna have to be at least a little bit of an asshole. If you're being nice and your competitors are playing dirty, then chances are you're fucked. That doesn't mean being an asshole will make you successful, obviously you still need to have drive,vision,work ethic, etc.

>> No.2733345

someone got triggered. asshole

>> No.2733354
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 433534dc8970c9649a0e3f88cd9d0a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trolls are the hardest part to be an artist.

Someone fucking tell my shitty unsupportive family and my poverty to fuck off. I'm dealing with trolls.

Whta the fuck happened to zen pencils?

>> No.2733597


>> No.2733622

Don't think it has ebook versions. bookdepository has free shipping to most countries in the world but they're old enough so I don't know how cheap they are.

>> No.2733794

no need to get so triggered OP just because we revealed your idol is a dick

>> No.2733798
File: 610 KB, 588x766, 1470074149531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whta the fuck happened to zen pencils?

You faggots happened.

>> No.2733801
File: 168 KB, 400x400, tmp_15190-14771949485371483997870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were always happening. All the time. Constantly.

Thats like saying nukes exist because space happened. Pls

>> No.2734278

Go buy a book anon, it's fun to read real books sometimes. Ask for it for christmas if you're that poot ;)

>> No.2734290

its common among skilled and famous people, probably due to a overfed ego

>> No.2734525

i dont know why people say miyazakis an asshole. i never got that impression from him, and ive read pretty much everything ever written by him by him or about him in English. but yeah OP, the books Starting Point and Turning Point are what you are looking for. also the various making of documentaries are pretty good if you can find them, like the one on the spirited away dvd and the princess mononoke one if you can find it.

>> No.2735517

My heart.