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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2732395 No.2732395 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw almost no imagination
>Really good at the drawing fundamentals, but am an Aspie
>Only think about my drawing on the page as I see it
>Can cover up my lack of imagination through good execution, but at the core it's a bland idea.
>Marvel at the poorly drawn concepts that my friend makes because the primary idea is miles ahead of anything I'd ever create

It's kind of like when you see someone polishing a turd through rendering. I feel like when I get to where I want to be I'll be the next merc_wip; my design/composition is going to be very poor.

Is there a way around this?
I can't conceptualize anything. Even when I read books, the image flashes through my mind, and then, it's gone.

>> No.2732398

Draw in the moment. Don't think ahead. Don't think. One line at a time.

>> No.2732399

>Even when I read books, the image flashes through my mind, and then, it's gone
If you get the images at all that is a good sign. Maybe try focusing on holding the image in your mind, rereading the passages if necessary. You can then jot down quick thumbnails of it, which later can be expanded and added upon.

>> No.2732406

I have a similar issue. As a kid I had a much clearer imagination. If I had an idea for a picture, it was usually a very clear concept in my head. Exact pose, perspective, etc.
Now that I can actually draw decently, I can't imagine anything. It's gotten to the point even my dreams are turning non visual. More "concept" like reading a book and understanding but not seeing a picture. It feels more like I'm sketching to imagine than sketching my imagination.

>> No.2732483

same here i have no visual imagination at all. I was the same as a kid though, yet i was a very created kid in the past and drew a ton of cool stuff.

I think it's just two ways of drawing. From a preconceived image or creating the image as u go along.

>> No.2732512

that literally NEVER happens.

if you think you're good at fundamentals, most probably you don't have idea what you're talking about.

no such thing as "inspiration" or "creativity", just hard work.

>> No.2732518

Brainstorming is a pretty easy skill, just take a few days to get it down.

Mash two objects or concepts or whatever and translate it into an object - a character, a furniture piece, scenery/environment whatever.

Also work on your visual library. Reference periods of history, underwater sealife, flora/fauna, NASA photos whatever.

Easy stuff, mate.

>> No.2732527

>Only think about my drawing on the page as I see it
That's how most people work. People don't have some super detailed image in their head that they render onto a page, most usually have a general idea, get something down on paper and then slowly refine and tweak things until they get something they like.
>really good at drawing fundies
Proof pls. You might be misunderstanding your actual level and setting expectations too high.
>ideas look bland/generic
This is also something you can train. It's called design. There's a bunch of stuff you can learn about design that will help make your ideas cooler and well executed. Most things aren't original at all, it's the design that makes them special and stand out. Try learning about what makes an appealing design, how different shapes evoke different moods, etc.

>> No.2732530

>Really good at the drawing fundamentals
lol, you're really nowhere as good as you think you are, the better you get at fundamentals the easier it is for your brain to focus on the creative part of the drawing

>> No.2732531

degas said an artist does better drawing when he doesn't know what he's doing.

Raphael said when one doesn't think when one is drawing it works out better that way,.

>> No.2732532

Artists say odd things.

>> No.2732535

Artists are morons, I don't know if you've ever spoken to one.

>> No.2732536

I don't talk to people, anon.

>> No.2732714
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>to other people

>> No.2732716

>Really good at the drawing fundamentals



>> No.2733080 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 2352x2004, Dudeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my work

>> No.2733093

>speak with qt
>tells me she used to draw too but stopped
>her creativity died
>thinking how is that possible, hmm
>she shows me the works she used to draw
>theyre just copies of pictures
>realize she got sad about not being able to draw from her imagination
>she probably compared it with her photocopies

I don't remember what I said to her. But I met her off tinder and was only interested in getting my dick wet so I couldn't have said anything wise.

>> No.2733116

People here will throw shit at you for claiming that some things cannot be learnt and most of the time they're right, but they just don't know much about human neuropsychology and how it affects people who aren't neurotypical.

I suggest just focusing on what you're best at. Of course you should still do stuff from imagination etc., but if it turns out to actually be impossible, just do something other than commercial illustration. Are you interested in anything besides space marines and orcs? Great, do that instead. If you're actually as skilled as you're claiming, there's tons of ways to make us of that.

the original merc wip artist is quiet skilled by the way, his personal works are very imaginative and juicy.