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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 86 KB, 1491x417, patreonoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2731061 No.2731061 [Reply] [Original]

it's that time of the month again

how much did you earn?

>> No.2731066


>> No.2731069

I think you posted your name once...I'll go scavenger hunting in the archives later.

>> No.2731070

a girl has no name

>> No.2731073

Do you just draw porn or fanart or something?

>> No.2731074
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>> No.2731075
File: 235 KB, 618x621, 14291727_1747191898866460_6864601070106757033_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my artistic career atm

>> No.2731082

haven't posted my name before, but I've been making a few threads for purposes of subtle bragging

>that clean ass desk
>boxers, not womens underwear
>that hideous 19" tv

i hate this

>> No.2731087

were't you that guy who did the really cool anime art of miku or whatever and you posted once?

>> No.2731092

nah, another anon. i don't really post here because a lot of people in /ic/ have crab mentality

>> No.2731096
File: 245 KB, 1452x814, 1473435519964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool anime miku
Really hope you're not talking about the one that looked sunburned with random neon streaks as a shitty background anon.

>> No.2731215

post it?

>> No.2731226

>dat pic
kek. Is it from that infinite comic thread?

>> No.2731439

I wonder if I ever set up a patreon what kind of problems it would have with the law in my country. I live in Finland and I have heard that patreon, kickstarter etc are pretty much "banned" in here. I have seen some Finnish artist use patreon but I have no idea how they did it.

>> No.2732168

for kickstarter you'd just need someone from another country to proxy. don't know about patreon but they only need paypal if you make under 1k per year

soon as you make more they ask for your social

>> No.2732179

Yeah I recognized it too lmao

>> No.2732281

Can your patrons see your real name on paypal or just the email address?

>> No.2732318

if you had a business account they couldnt see it anyhow. if you're actually worried i wouldnt risk it

>> No.2732328

name? works?

>> No.2732351

see >>2731092

>> No.2732961

About 55 britbong pounds

>> No.2732991

that's pretty good, better than nothing for sure

>> No.2732997

No artist on patreon deserves that money or more unless you're Mullins. This crab mentality is in actuality us bringing you back to where you deserve to be after thinking you're above it all.

>> No.2733004

If he gets that kind of donation, who do you think you are to tell otherwise?
People buy what people want to see.
Try to use your jealousy as a drive to improve yourself instead of wasting your time trying to degrade someone else.

>> No.2733005

My hunch is that you patreon isn't even art related. There are tons of artists that are really good not even making a fraction of what you are pulling in.

>> No.2733015

>improve yourself instead
That's rich considering my whole point is that just because people buy your work doesn't mean you're any good.

>> No.2733017

In case you didn't realize it yet, skill is at best only half of what is need to make money out of it.
There are several factors tied to this shit.

>> No.2733019

AHA! I think I found you. My hunch was right silightly

>> No.2733023

Like I was talking only about "le drawing fundamentals", you're too naive.

>> No.2733024
File: 2.08 MB, 360x270, 1464770512942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly the crab mentality. If he can make money of it, that means you can do it too, unless you can't git gud.

>> No.2733026

shit nvm I got the exact $ down but pledge number is a little off

>> No.2733027

You are only confirming my suspicion. I know exactly what you're talking about and know what keyword to use. I will find you.

>> No.2733028

I only wish I was making as much as OP, lol.
But good look, and post here too. I'm quite curious myself.

>> No.2733029

>good luck

>> No.2733061

>after thinking you're above it all
i have to say it's nice to get my head out from under the smog of 'i can't do it' and 'i'm a failure' that artists constantly perpetuate. even getting the OP amount i am actually nothing compared to people i know getting 2000-15000 per month for basically existing.

>> No.2733072

>that are really good not even making a fraction

that's what i've been trying to say with these threads, along with bragging since /ic/ is the only place who actually finds this amount impressive, but there is no "good enough". i could write up an essay about how harmful this thinking is, but others have done it before me with better results. be smart about where you advertise your patreon, and who you're advertising it to, and people will pledge.

>> No.2734739
File: 178 KB, 1024x1244, 1476387778964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many followers should you have before starting patreon?
And what should you offer?

>> No.2734745

>700 bucks per month
>subtle bragging
all my fucking sides, kek

>> No.2734764

like i've said, /ic/ is the only place impressed with this. I'm hoping I can expand soon and get more dosh

>> No.2734766

>crab mentality

>> No.2734769

what is this faggots patreon just tell us nobody here has the capacity to ruin your life we're all adult children still in the nest

>> No.2734988

I like this thread


>> No.2734994

What do you draw OP? Im currently making 0 dollarinos a month from my art. 700 sounds very nice, but i dont want to draw porn and shit

>> No.2735182

why do you even want to know, though?

>> No.2735262
File: 5 KB, 215x146, o my god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I can't belive anon makes 200$ more than me"
>"But wait, you ain't seen nothing yet. Drawing sparkle dogs for autists"
>700$ per month.
>"Impressive, very nice, Let's see sakimichan patreon"
>pic related
>"Look at that amount, $27,777 once or twice a month for drawing fanart shit while I sit down and study old masters, trying to git gud, oh my god... she even manage to pull this off with that anatomy"
>"Something wrong... anon? You sweating"

>> No.2735267
File: 165 KB, 1188x688, patreon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2735272
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 1429185664080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why anon is on patreon

>> No.2735273
File: 338 KB, 538x572, 1470830907217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2735275

I'd do an edit just to post everytime this thread opens.

>> No.2735291


Why should I tell you why I want to know when you won't tell me your name?

>> No.2735331

why are people laughing at you? I'll donate man.

>> No.2735378

i think your reasons for knowing are probably something like trying to gauge yourself on an invisible threshold that you've created entirely in your mind, rather than realizing you're holding yourself back out of fear of failure

am i close?

>> No.2735388


Sort of. I know it's entirely possible for me to make just as much as you easily per month as I was making $200/month a while ago. It's not fear, it has to do with dignity and not wanting to make art just to survive solely on art. So I've stopped trying to sell out. Not necessarily failure, I am very successful.

Please post?

>> No.2735423

>it has to do with dignity and not wanting to make art just to survive solely on art

selling art doesn't necessarily make you a sell out, and wanting to make a living off your art is not something that takes away your dignity.

>> No.2735429

I take it you won't post then.

>> No.2735437

The closest person to your number count is Ahmed but I know you're not him because you sound like a cunt.

Just know I will find you.

>> No.2735453

i don't really see any reason to.

i'm just speaking truthfully, which probably bothers people who have a certain mindset of worthlessness and futility about their art. that also might be why you've been devoting free time to finding me, and not working on setting up your own patreon page or gumroad.

>> No.2735465


Why does it bother you so much that I'm trying to find you? If you don't want to be found then don't post. When I'm done going through the archive for keywords you ended up posting without realizing it you are fucked. I already have a list and narrowing my search with possible suspects.

>> No.2735469


>> No.2735475

Why does it bother you so much to find him instead of being productive or relaxing away from all this?
Unless it's entertaining to you and makes you feel smarter like a detective, I see zero sense on continuing with this mild (I hope) obsession over this particular person.

>> No.2735476

you've been trying to find me for a while though

>> No.2735478

it's a comin' my friend don't you worry

>> No.2735485
File: 73 KB, 1009x281, 1475338568539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting for my own reference

>> No.2735490

have fun

>> No.2735494

I can see why I can't find you. You do game design. My hunch was right, yours isn't even art related. Why bother coming to /ic/?

>> No.2735495

>art means only drawing

>> No.2735498



>> No.2735499

I'm not the patreon idiot, you boiling faggot.

>> No.2735502


Then don't even talk to me. I don't know why people butt in conversations when they're not being spoken to. Lonely idiots.

>> No.2735508

It's a public thread, disgraceful cockgoblin

>> No.2735510


Yeah so what? And to OP I have finalized my keywords and on the hunt. If I don't find you within 2 hours after my dinner then you bested me. But I am confident I will, without fail, find you.

>> No.2735512

why don't you pull my IP address ;)

>> No.2735518
File: 11 KB, 194x260, h444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxing isn't my style.

>> No.2735648
File: 320 KB, 500x357, 325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Seems I've asked for your link as far as back February this year (boy does time fly by)....and you had the same attitude. You have hinted what you draw but that's about it. $200 your first month. There are other posts with hints that 1k was your goal by the end of the year. My hats of to you for almost making it.

Now the tricky thing is you have been very cautious of hiding your tracks, but it's futile with the archive. Every word you say is hard evidence.

I have NOT exactly pin pointed you yet but the closest match thus far is the person below for 2 reasons


1) This persons patreon begins posting in Feb/march which is the exact same time you started to flaunt your earnings.
2) I recognize the middle art piece it was posted on /ic/ once and I remember people laughing said person off the board.

I'm not saying this person is you, however now I have a strong lead to find you along with the keywords. When I find a page all I have to do is scroll to the very beginning and, if the evidence matches, can be traced back to you.

It's late sat night now and I got catching up to do on my favorite eastern cartoons so I'll pick it up tomorrow. I have 5 other people to look though but the possibility of them being you kinda does not seem likely.

There is also the possibility you're just editing the HTML in firefox and doing this to troll people. You DO have a patreon but nowhere near said earnings. Sounds silly? Perhaps. But It's not out of the realm of possibility, this is /ic/ after all and your attitude pattern says otherwise.

>> No.2735653


>> No.2735765

I'll just assume that one is not yours then and the "incredible" is referring to the persons art.

>> No.2737377

oh no you don't you're not getting away

>> No.2737390

I regret clicking this link.

>> No.2737398
File: 9 KB, 240x200, 2d6ee8c39c1dd4f8af6f8278127e7f47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2737402

Alright. I felt bad for dicking around during my art studies, but this was worth it.

>> No.2737424

huh, why?

>> No.2739526 [DELETED] 
