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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2727896 No.2727896 [Reply] [Original]

Don't u guys realize that this board is pointless for real art.

Everyone here keeps circlejerking the idea that in order to be good at creating art you just have to know how to draw anatomy. There's no actual artistic discussion here. It's all about how accurately you can match a picture of reality. But there's more to art than that.
Am I the only one that thinks this?
If you disagree please let me hear u and we can talk.

>> No.2727897

wow your right?

>> No.2727898

Thats because most come here to learn art and not to make art or talk about art.

>> No.2727899

I agree and Iv'e been outside my room. It's different out there but I myself am studying anatomy as a want instead of a need.

>> No.2727900

says the sideways ultra high resolution lined paper chicken scratch man. i see what you did there.

>> No.2727905

>ultra high resolution
it's called iPhone pic
>lined paper
It's called bein 2 lazy to get a sketchbook
>chicken scratch
It's called a sketch
>criticizing my pic instead of my words
It's called the straw man fallacy (not tryna be self ritious even tho that's how it sounds))))

You learn it by making it and talking about it. I'm not disagreeing with you. But ppl here need to focus on different things if they wanna be successful artists. They need to talk

>> No.2727913
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>It's called the straw man fallacy

you are not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.2727914

its called resize the damn picture or at least rotate it, its called quit being a lazy ass and get a sketch book, its called reading the sticky, its called




but i also agree that photo copying isnt the true way. like vilppu says the model is not copied.its a tool. and you need to work on many things.and if you dont want to talk then if you are good at self criticism you can pull it off but otherwise its nice to have a place to have your art torn apart. this place is also a good place to find information.

>> No.2727917


/ic/ is kind of a nigger that thinks only classical music (realism) and dubstep (anime) are real music and worth pursuing.

>> No.2727927
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>real art
u wot m8?

>Everyone here keeps circlejerking the idea that in order to be good at creating art you just have to know how to draw anatomy.

You must be new here. /ic/ is not about "art" it's about getting good at drawing and painting. And to get good at drawing and painting you need solid fundamentals and good understanding of anatomy is a part of that.

> There's no actual artistic discussion here.
Your art major awaits you.

>> No.2727934
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>it's called iPhone pic

It's called resizing and turning it.

>It's called bein 2 lazy to get a sketchbook

Try bein 2 lazy to take a shit picture of it and post it on a Mongolian Basket Weaving website next time.

>It's called a sketch

It's called a piece of shit

>It's called the straw man fallacy

That isn't a strawman anon, but the rest of the shit you're saying makes me think and hope you knew that and you're fucking with us.

>> No.2727937
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>it's called a piece of shit

I'll let you know the drawing professor at my nonprestigious liberal arts college says it's fantastic.

>> No.2727940

/ic/ is all about fundamentals.

I'm not interested in an alternative to recommending that budding artists concentrate on that.

>> No.2727944

Who says it's all about fundamentals? It doesn't have to be.

Maybe /lit/ would be better suited...

>> No.2727951
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Maybe ask him about what a strawman means, maybe he knows more about language than he does about art.

>> No.2727958

low blow

>> No.2727963

You sound like a retarded nigger. I hope for your sake you're trolling, and that you don't mean anything you've said.

>> No.2727967

lol sorry I was (still am) tripping when I made this thread

>> No.2727968
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>> No.2727974

To be good at creating art you must be good at the craft. /ic/, as terrible as it is, has its priorities in the right place. Skills first, muh feels second.

>> No.2728033

living proof why some art schools are bad

>> No.2728039

>There's no actual artistic discussion here
because there is no point discussing these matters with random anons. the quality just varies too much. just look at the drawing you posted. why would i discuss anything art related with you?

that's why people stick with more objective things, i.e. technique. and even then, there are constant arguments.

>> No.2728061
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I said LIBERAL arts. I don't go to art school

>> No.2728064
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>> No.2728084

Read the sticky

>> No.2728092

Hell yeah even this chick shitting out eggs with colour in it and running around naked is supposed to be making art. Everything can be considered as art if 2 people think it's art. /ic/ is about drawing

>> No.2728100

OP's drawings have more merit than 95% of /ic/

>> No.2728102

>drawing with the wrist

>> No.2728124
File: 580 KB, 1000x1677, drunk ass doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you but when I'm drawing and things like anatomy and values are lacking I can't move on until I try to fix them to the best of my ability, and even then I'm usually not satisfied. I guess I just don't value being "artsy", not that it's a bad thing, there's clearly a market for it.

>> No.2728489

>abandon fundamentals
>anonymous artwork critique
Pick one

>> No.2728546

I'm not saying we should completely disregard fundamentals, but there's more to art than just the fundamentals.

>> No.2728567

l o o m i s

>> No.2728572


Yes. Just like there's more to architecture than foundations.It doesn't mean that all the cool fancy shit isn't built on top of a solid foundation.

>> No.2728587

>there's more to art than just the fundamentals.
You've yet to state any alternatives

>> No.2729313

I like you

we must reconvene on /his/

/ic/ sucks and the people here don't appreciate aesthetics at all

>> No.2729344

Craftsmanship is important. You should understand how to draw a body. If an artist gave me a big vocal dissertation about how passionate they were, but then they draw something and it shows poor construction, call yourself something else. That's all I could say in response because I'd be so put off by their lack of appreciation for probably the most fun thing to draw.

You don't need to call yourself an artist, I don't really even call myself an artist. If people ask what I do, I tell them I draw and do digital painting. The conversation will then usually lead to my interest in figure drawing. You could call yourself something way more informative than just artist, at least refer back to the subject matter you partake in. Designer, sculptor, photographer, someone who draws pen scribbles and posts them online for attention.

It's a bad sign when someone starts talking about art and then actually uses the word art, artist or meaning of art, and you're doing it like its going out of style. No one really worth anything is interested in it because there's nothing concrete to say. The more someone talks about the "meaning of art" and throws around language like "creating art", the less seriously I will take them.

>> No.2730710

Ideas, you know others than "this looks like the thing in front of me"

>> No.2730722


Are you retarded enough that you think fundamentals means "copy shit in front of you"?

Are you even dumber and think that fundamentals aren't necessary for imaginative work? In fact, even more necessary than observational work.

>> No.2730744

Youre embarrassing yourself

>> No.2730746

Unless if by "fundamentals" you mean actually studying the ideas behind past art movements, that is pretty much what it means. I student teach at a middle school and teaching the upper level kids to use perspective and "draw realistically" makes me wanna fuckin kill myself. Nothing's worse than halfway "skilled" art

>> No.2732336

Well that settles that