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2727559 No.2727559 [Reply] [Original]

>Work in construction for 10 hours
>Come home
>Can't learn anything at all
>All I want to do is go to sleep
>Felt like going to bed at 4
>Now it's 7

How do you trump your body /ic/?
I'm reading Bridgman tired, and I'm having a lot of trouble understanding anything. Whenever I'm tired, it's like my IQ drops 30 points.

>> No.2727566

sleep early, early rise and study before work instead.

>> No.2727567

Are you me?

I'm a millworker and I'm just finishing off a 50 hour week

>> No.2727571

Readjust your schedule so that your job is the last thing you do for the day. So that it's just home, shower, bed, then you get a good few hours in the early morning to do what you want without being dead on your feet.

Had the same problem, bruv.

>> No.2727575

>eat healthily and regularly
>sleep regular hours, and try to get 8 hours per day if possible
>do studies when the brain is competent but not energetic
>do creative work when the brain has energy
>recognize when the brain is tired and will not be able to produce or absorb information properly; do not force yourself in these times
>if necessary, wake up early to get art done before your construction work

>> No.2727577

What the other anons said. There really isn't anything you can do once your body quits on you. Your best bet is to try to sleep as early as possible and get your drawing in before work.

>> No.2727578

which bridgman book you reading family man?

>> No.2727579

Constructive Anatomy

>> No.2727582


>> No.2727583

Sup man, I install your millwork.

(Doors, cabinets, etc)

>> No.2727584


>> No.2727586

The human body only needs about 1-3 hours of sleep to survive just sleep for that time and spend the hours you would of spent sleeping on studying to get better.

>> No.2727589

>The human body only needs about 1-3 hours of sleep to survive

Yeah, to survive.
I don't know about thinking, but you'll definitely be alive, and that's all you'll be.

>> No.2727603

cabinetmaker here, also doing long hours.

i can run pretty well off 6 hours of sleep so i guess i'm lucky. Still rough though, i'm 24/28 on inktober :(

>> No.2727604

That sounds like a solid plan.
I think I'll pick this up from now on and see how it works out.

>> No.2727613

I run pretty messed up off of 6 hours of sleep, and I'm 19.

Does it get easier with age, or were you already pulling crazy hours?

I distinctly remember having a friend that had insomnia, and he could stay up for 2 days and be totally fine.

>> No.2727614

>The human body only needs about 1-3 hours of sleep to survive

I do not recommend trying to cut sleep. People that say they only sleep like 4 or 6 hours are full of shit and dont keep track of their hours.

I do recommend that you just wake up early enough to study before you go to work. I know it is a pain to reset ur sleep schedule like that, but I find I am more effective when awake and alert. My job i can do dead tired and not vary as much in performance.

>> No.2727615

I'm not him but I find the reverse has happened. In high school I ran off 6 hours sleep just fine, often getting less than that. Eventually it would start to catch up to me but I was able to function on very little sleep for stretches at a time.

Now that I'm a bit older though I find I need at least 7, ideally 8 hours of sleep, perhaps even more. It used to bother me, but I see it as being an extra hour or two of sleep leads to increased productivity that outweighs if I had tried to work those hours instead of sleeping.

>> No.2727617

High school is piss easy though. You don't even have to eat and you'll make a 100.

>> No.2727623

True, but I'm talking about just general energy levels and wakefulness/functioning.