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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2727174 No.2727174 [Reply] [Original]

How long would it take for me to get to a level at which I can make decent porn drawings for people and get money for it? If I read all of the important books (Loomis, Robertson, etc) and do focused practice 1 hour a day minimum.

>> No.2727180

At least 27 years.

>> No.2727182

Less than a year.

Little tip for drawing porn: download HD videos, freeze frame and study.

Remember that romanticism is key, naturalism is not the goal for pornography.

>> No.2727191

How big is the market for this stuff? Do you have to draw lots of fetish shite or will people pay you for vanilla porn as well if it's good quality?

>> No.2727196


Less than a year. Books are useless though. It's all about good figure drawing and expressiveness. So study video courses of Vilppu/Proko/Hampton. If you can go to nude life drawing. As for expressiveness study good artists in the field.

>> No.2727199

my personal estimates:
if you REALLY just shoot for one specific look, and put out streamlined, samey looking pieces, then 1 year might be enough.
but again, that's only if you shoot straight towards drawing porny pinups. and even then it won't be a very decent level, but you might get a few comissions simply because it's porn.

the point is that copying is probably the fastest way to "just get to draw", but it's also a shortcut and you won't be able to draw very many different things because you lack fundies.

if you want to actually learn how to draw, it's 2-3 years minimum. realistically it'll take a lot more even.
if you have a good aptitude towards drawing (talent), or if you're young you might be able to do it in less.

>> No.2727296

or how about be the one porn artist who has quality fundamentals?

>> No.2728160

What is the difference bw porn from an artist with poor fundamentals and one with good fundamentals? Do u have exampless

>> No.2728173


Just check all the fucking losers in porn thread to get the idea how awful porn can be.

Also QUALITY meme in /a/ and /h/ and OP pic in this thread on /ic/ >>2717372

>> No.2730034

Basically this.

Keep in mind though, I've seen literal MS paint "porn" drawings get sold as commissions. It's more of a matter of how low you're willing to sink.

>> No.2730148

>1 hour of focused practice a day
>1 hour

You'll take several years to reach "good enough for Undertale/MLP autists" level.

Three to five hours a day, no skipping. If you're gonna do something, at least become a halfway decent, fapworthy sellout.

t. guy who thought 1 or 2 hours a day would get him anywhere.

>> No.2730177

>Do you have to draw lots of fetish shite or will people pay you for vanilla porn as well if it's good quality?

They will pay for anything if it's quality.

>> No.2733571

That depends, how much drawing experience do you have? Are you able to represent human anatomy on any level on a flat surface? I would say that casually, most artists took about 5 years of practice to comfortable represent something on paper. I would say 1 hour per day isnt dedicated. Probably do 3 to 5 hours 5 or 6 days a week to get good.

>> No.2733642

You don't really need to read Robertson books unless you want to do porn of scifi vehicles. The perspective parts would definitely help, but I'd say just watch Ctrl+Paint Perspective Sketching for that.

>> No.2733662

A lot of artists do porn for money and enjoy it but it is extremely idiotic to go the art route just to try and make profits from porn. Especially if you have never done it before.

You should also keep in mind what people mean when they say "1 year of practice".

You won't get anywhere NEAR the quality of more popular porn artists in only one year even if you start fagging out 8 hours/day every single day. Depending on your standards, even 5 fucking years may not be enough.

By "1 year" people mean literal deviantart tier garbage COMBINED with extreme pandering to the lowest common denominator on the daily basis because that's pretty much obligatory when your art is not outstanding on it's own.
And the money you will get will barely qualify as a part time job.

And if you are not willing to spend 3-10 hours/day drawing EVERY DAY then you may as well not bother at all.

>> No.2733681
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>I´m here for the money
You already lost. Most artists charge you 30-70$ for 5+ hours of work. You can find plenty of decent artists who go even lower.
https://sinnergate.com/ (scroll down, on the right is a list of artists and their commission info)

Just to build up followers and practice everyday you will need something you, yourself are passionate about.

t.artist who doesn´t draw for others because of it.

>> No.2733691

It took me about four years. However I started at total zero skill and knowledge.

I also suspect I might be retarded.

>> No.2733880

Can you explain what you mean by "naturalism" and "romanticism" in this context, to a retard please? I mean, I know more or less what those terms apply to in 'regular' art but I don't understand what they mean in a porn context

>> No.2733881

>t. guy who thought 1 or 2 hours a day would get him anywhere.
Now that's something I don't want to read
I'm doing that too and I'm super scared I won't get anywhere in a few years

>> No.2735020

And you've been training 1 hour or so every day?

>> No.2735038

gathering a following sounds good. guess i gotta work for it

>> No.2735047

>Just to build up followers and practice everyday you will need something you, yourself are passionate about.
That includes like, sexual preferences or fetishes right?

>> No.2736490

Well he might be able to make money off it but making "decent" drawings in less than a year? Eh

>> No.2736499

Not him, but I guess it's more about the feeling/ the emotional aspect the drawing/ painting plays with. It's not so much about depicting sex as it is, but an exagerrated and stylized version of it. If she's grabbing, bending, moaning, blushing, etc - take whatever the scene needs to the extreme. You're selling an idea and you want to communicate this idea to your clients dick

>> No.2736548

That's what I thought but wanted to be sure