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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 152x76, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2723905 No.2723905 [Reply] [Original]

so is this guy good or what? I saw you guys memeing on him a few times.

>> No.2723913

His art isn't the best but the lessons are still good.
It's Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching 1 except in picture format and $700 cheaper.

>> No.2723914

The first few lessons are solid but once it gets to drawing the figure and such fuck off to a proper artists lesson

>> No.2723944

Listening to someone whose work sucks.

Okay, never gonna make it either.

>> No.2723978

Good for leaning how to draw lines straight and also circles. Hard to fuck that up. Doesn't really do a good job teaching perspective imo. When you're done with that go to cgpeers or the book thread or somewhere and get Dyn Sketch by Peter Han and How To Draw by Robertson, from whom Drawabox ripped in the first place.

>> No.2723986

Except you're not listening to him, you're listening to the teacher at Art Center who first developed the lesson plan which then got ripped off by Peter Han which then got ripped off by the draw a box guy. You're not gonna make it if your thinking stops at "artist bad, anything they say bad!", even if what they are saying is literally just a solid fundamentals lesson plan that a far better artist and teacher came up with.

>> No.2723989

Riddle me this, if Drawabox guy is such a supposedly good artist by unabashedly ripping off of the VisCom material, then why is his stuff so shit?

>> No.2723991

when did he say he's a good artist? he just said he got a good lesson to teach which he learned from a better artist

learn what reading comprehension is

>> No.2724003

the lessons are good, I'm still waiting to see the results on the beginners who used that site instead of reading the fucking /ic/ sticky

>> No.2724005

He has some good stuff, but I wouldn't advise doing everything.

His perspective stuff is the most tedious, time-intensive procedure I could imagine while looking meh.

The beginner stuff should be a absolutely necessary tho.

>> No.2724018

Though sticky only contains recommendations of books and sites such as drawabox, fool

>> No.2724195


From what I gather, people seem to be all about it up until the human construction and then the advice is to jump into Loomis (Fun With and/or Figure Drawing Like A Mother Fucker).

Mostly, I guess, because his figure drawing may instill bad habits or has a weird focus.

Gesture art is a emphatic backbone of drawing people, but he's got a heavy "Eh, fuck it" position in his people lessons.

>> No.2724208



>> No.2724305
File: 2.22 MB, 1566x882, drawaboxashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this you niggers
Never take lessons from someone with a shit portfolio

>> No.2724308


Yeah, perspective and construction is for faggots.

>> No.2724309

Implying 98% of IC couldnt benefit from this guy's material. if it's decently priced have at it.

>> No.2724311

Please don't tell me that's a self-portrait.

>> No.2724314

free shit is still shit anon

it is, check his website's about page
his small portfolio is full of art cringe

>> No.2724316

If someone is better than you, its fine to learn off them. You don't need a god-level teacher to improve.

>> No.2724319


>> No.2724322

I see tons of decent artists handing out mentorships/small classes for pennies on patreon, More then likely you can learn a thing or two from them.

>> No.2724323

Wtf I hate drawing thousands of straight lines now

>> No.2724324

A crook in a sapling affects the tree as it grows, anon.

>> No.2724370

like who for example?

>> No.2724403

We've been through this a dozen times already


The guy basically condones radical Islamic terrorism.

>> No.2725202

I stopped at the part where he tells you to draw insects and just reread Fun with a Pencil.

The first two lessons are all that matter.

>> No.2725203

If Muhammad wants to write an art lesson for his website in between fucking his 9 year old wife and chainsawing infidels who am i to criticise him, hmm? Stop being so Islamophobic.

>> No.2725204

>Stop being so Islamophobic

how about you stop blowing yourselves up

>> No.2725207


this actually makes sense :O

>> No.2725234

Another question: Why do so many artists who try to teach people digital painting have such bad, uncharismatic voices?

>drawabox has the most nasally, naturally smug voice imaginable
>sinixdesign sounds like he's about to fall asleep and doesn't want to wake his parents up
>Matt Kohr is better now but used to talk monotone like a robot and had voice cracks like he's 12 years old

>> No.2725235

fuck off shitmaster

>> No.2725236


Why don't you judge art instruction based on its merit as art instruction?

The opinions of the instructor on politics don't fucking matter.

>> No.2725247

There ya go

also hi irshad

>> No.2725249

art is haram according to the teachings of mudslimes

>> No.2725273
File: 1.65 MB, 1200x807, drawaboxashitpt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2725279

Because they're not used to talking. Charismatic narration and commentary is a skill divorced from all of illustration.

It's fine, most of the time. A shitty voice is expected, drawing 16 hours a day for years will do that. But man is it hard to sit through the mouthbreathers who breath directly into the fucking mic. Like goddamn.

>> No.2725281


Do the first lessons which is almost an exact copy of Peter Han's shit and then move on to loomis or something else that teaches construction.

>> No.2725282


Posting the guy's portfolio is a critique of his art, but it's not necessarily a critique of his instruction either.

If you're going to say "Drawabox is shit" you should say why -Drawabox- is shit, not talk about the artist supporting ISIS and critiquing art he made that isn't part of the program. He mostly copied the program from qualified artists teaching the same principles, instruction from an unqualified person doesn't inherently mean the instruction is false. If Donald Trump recited Plato it wouldn't magically refute Plato by virtue of the fact it came out of Trump's mouth, and saying "Plato is wrong because Trump is an idiot and trump recited Plato" would be even more nonsensical.

Address the subject matter, don't pussyfoot around it looking for easier targets. You might have legitimate criticisms of drawabox, but the ones frequently raised are totally irrelevant.

>> No.2725285

>A shitty voice is expected, drawing 16 hours a day for years will do that.

No I don't think it does, actually.

>> No.2725287

It's usually the beginners attacking beginner content, no matter the teacher and their skill, and not higher level artists as experienced artist could care less coming to a Mongolian forum to discuss beginner level tutorial. In short, none of you can make art better than he can.

>> No.2725288

I'm sure you just sound like a faggot naturally, most isolationists earn their terrible speaking voices through disuse.

>> No.2725292

>guy applies what he understands about fundamentals to his own art and tries to teach

>his art is shit and his portfolio proves it

And now I'm supposed to learn what he understands about fundamentals and end up shit as well?

Look at the car for fuck's sake. It looks like he struggles drawing boxes.

Also, I'm not the ISIS guy, who was clearly making a joke.

>false equivalence bullshit
Nice one, really got me there.

>Address the subject matter, don't pussyfoot around it looking for easier targets.
> the ones frequently raised are totally irrelevant.

The subject matter is that his art is shit and that he shouldn't be a teacher. I've been saying that on here since I viewed his portfolio. He has a subreddit called r/ArtFundamentals and he tries to teach anatomy, but look at his application of his own knowledge!


His humans are wonk as fuck and it's amazing that some people try to defend him as a TEACHER. He's not an amazing artist but he's improving and I don't give two shits about his personal life, the real problem is that he's unfit to teach others.

>> No.2725293


I don't know how you convinced yourself that every artist worth a shit is a socially incapable aspie who locks himself in his room for 16 hours a day and never talks to anybody to the point where their vocal muscles literally decay. Drawing has very little to do with the quality of your voice and your imaginary scenario is pretty unlikely. But let's say it's true and these artists draw for 16 hours a day and haven't met a human being since they locked themselves in their bedroom 10 years ago to git gud. Why would someone who did that suddenly start trying to be an instructor?

Matt Kohr is a professional who obviously doesn't lock himself away 16 hours a day never speaking to anybody. He has a fucking wife. Sinix is also relatively social, his artistic habits have very little to do with how he sounds. No idea what drawabox sounds like.

>> No.2725301

>the real problem is that he's unfit to teach others
>if he's not the great Steve Huston himself I cannot possibly learn to draw a box!

>> No.2725302

Post your work

>> No.2725303


You didn't offer a single critique of drawabox in your entire fucking post, if you're so sure he's a shit instructor it shouldn't be hard to open the damn website and pick a few flaws in what he's teaching. No, it wasn't a false equivalency, you're literally saying "the person speaking doesn't know what he's talking about therefore literally anything he parrots is not legitimate" when most of what he teaches is pretty well established and in no way original knowledge exclusive to his experience as an artist.

I don't even give a shit about drawabox, if you could offer legitimate critiques of the actual website's instruction I wouldn't be bothered in the slightest, I just find it ridiculous on principle how people criticise the program itself by virtue of critiquing things external to the actual material. He's recycling shit taught by lots of other, better artists into a concrete lesson plan that gives beginners some direction, that's the appeal, not him being some master artist who's teaching you a special technique he innovated over decades of experience.

The equivalent I provided was valid. It's meant to illustrate the point. "The teacher is shit therefore the material he's teaching is false" is not logical. He's not preaching his own magic formula, he's the equivalent of any idiot regurgitating someone smarter in a simplistic and accessible fashion. He's the cliffnotes of construction and perspective.

>> No.2725305
File: 249 KB, 1280x752, abustlingtowngate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i donno this is kind of cool

>> No.2725307

>It's free
>most of the lessons are just fundamental stuff
What's with all the hubbub?

>> No.2725312


>> No.2725681

Do lessons 1-7 then move on Fun With a Pencil and FDFAIW

>> No.2725714

You are trying so hard to grasp at the straws of a statement that basically said "people who work on developing their art skills don't spend a lot of time working on their speaking skills"

You talk about how unlikely the scenario is, but I'm half inclined to think it's happened to you since you're, one, seemingly very triggered by all this and, two, a turbosperging aspie that I doubt many people would want to be around.

>> No.2725727

I think the open condemnation is probably very damning.

He's a great teacher to introduce people into fundamental form. He's virtually a direct Peter Han rip-off.

>> No.2725836

>you're listening to the teacher at Art Center who first developed the lesson plan which then got ripped off by Peter Han which then got ripped off by the draw a box guy

no, you're listening to a guy who took peter han's course twice and then ripped it off, leaving out all the parts he personally thought weren't useful

peter han at least spent years working as a teaching assistant for the guy he ripped off

>> No.2725854

I guarantee none of you finished Han's course so why do you care?

>> No.2725869

You guys confuse me, am I suppose to learn from him or just learn Lesson 1 and go straight to Peter Han??

I'm learning perspective from him, so I can easily move on with Vilppu on his chapter of cubes.

>> No.2725895
File: 110 KB, 960x1061, exercise_rotatedboxes4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perspective has to be his weakest skill

>> No.2725906

>You talk about how unlikely the scenario is, but I'm half inclined to think it's happened to you since you're, one, seemingly very triggered by all this and, two, a turbosperging aspie that I doubt many people would want to be around.

Anon, you getting butthurt that someone disagrees with you then projecting and trying to insult them doesn't magically validate a shitty hyperbolic argument you made. Full marks for trying though.

>> No.2725922

I-its still a good start...right?

>> No.2725933

use norling or scott robertson's books/videos for perspective

or olson's video series if you're man enough

>> No.2725955
File: 48 KB, 1086x233, 1477221959434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this and then go with this /ic/ guy