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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 164 KB, 800x600, 1452020586931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2717895 No.2717895 [Reply] [Original]

>Thousands upon thousands of artists that are heavily experienced in the fundamentals
>No one ever tells struggling artists that waste years upon years what they should do, and it's a virtual rarity when they do
>Most likely out of fear of creating more competition

Is this the true toxicity of the artistic community?

I can't sit on my high horse. I do the same.

>> No.2717896

Yeah right. The resources are there. Just fucking go at it, retard.

>> No.2717897











>> No.2717901

The resources are there, but not if you're a 15 year old kid on deviant-art.

It might be different now though.

>> No.2717902

The main issue is that if you google "how to draw" you're going to hit a lot of shit.

This wiki-how article makes it seem almost like boogey-man magic


Then you're seeing a bunch of popular shite like Draw-with-Jazza that leads artists down the wrong path to keep them dependent on the videos.

The simple fact that Mark Crilley has fans is a testament to the major issues and secrecy of artistic knowledge for the average non-4channer.

Just look at how much money Art Schools suck from students across the USA. It's almost magical pixy voo-doo for a lot of people until it's taught properly.

>> No.2717905

That's like saying bodybuilders should inform every faggot doing pushups in his garage about proper training.

Drawing and painting are amongst the best explained activities I've ever come across, you just need to pick up a fucking book.
Compare the resources we have readily available without leaving your room to the shit literally every other kind of artist has to go through.

>> No.2717908

No, the issue is that you're apparently an autist who needs a wiki or a faggot on youtube to spoonfeed you instead of picking up any of the million books on the subject.

>> No.2717911

There's another issue that arises with this despite your enthusiasm.

For someone that doesn't have internet access, they're more likely to stumble across this


than anything else.

Top top it off, there's a huge lack of direction as to what books to buy. Simply type "drawing books" into amazon and there isn't single /ic/ recommended book that appears.


I feel that there are plenty of artists that could easily be helped in 2 seconds with a pointer in the right direction.

>> No.2717914
File: 127 KB, 645x195, how2google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google "best drawing instruction"
>drawing on the right side of the brain
>bargue drawing course
Such secrecy. How do people even git gud without 4chinz?!?!

>> No.2717918 [DELETED] 

>Solely books dedicated to observational drawing
>Nothing that can really teach a person how to quickly improve without a reference

>> No.2717920

>Solely books dedicated to observational drawing
>Nothing that can really teach a person how to quickly improve without a reference
>Had to go to google images to pull up what you want despite the fact the vast majority of people will click on the websites

I can't support this. You have to admit 4chan is a great community that points artists in the right direction.

>> No.2717921

To top it all off, there's an increased likelihood that ignorant artists will be mislead by writers claiming a certain book holds the key to becoming a good artist, and they may never even click on what they really need to.

It's very easy to become a bad artist with no knowledge of 3D form.

>> No.2717922
File: 393 KB, 1250x782, Kimon-Nicolaides-Gesture-drawing[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. You're an ignorant moron, fucking educate yourself
2. this is literally the front page of google, which you'd know if you weren't an incompetent moron

Now fuck off

>> No.2717923

I'm sorry, but I can't pretend that it's a simple road to becoming a good artist.

Droves of deviant artists that don't improve over the course of years are proof of this.

>> No.2717926

Ignorance doesn't equate incompetence.

>> No.2717931

>google learn to draw
>first page
>draw a box
>reddit board with links to proko, ctrl+ paint and loomis, links to another board with links to draw a box and peter han
Just... just stop.

Finding this shit is literally the easiest thing ever.

It does when the only thing keeping you ignorant is being too incompetent to type 3 words into google.

>> No.2717932

I guess this is the change I figured had occurred.

Alright, I'll concede.

In the current year, 2016, it's simple to get on the right path. It wasn't in 2009. None of those things you've listed existed.

>> No.2717933

>how to draw book
>second non-youtube link is Scott Robertson

>> No.2717934

I'm kind of confused now. Why are there so many terrible artists if the resources are now so abundant and clear?

>> No.2717936

People keep stroking bad artists' collective dicks so they don't see a need to improve.


>> No.2717937

I thought the opinions of people were totally irrelevant.

I, personally, would never be satiated if I drew shit.

>> No.2717938

It was always the easiest art to get good resources for.

Were you some kinda retarded kid that only lurked DA and fucking newgrounds or some shit, only looking at animu shit?

The human machine was published in '39, Nicolaides' shit earlier, Loomis' shortly after.
Drawing was always the most accessible art to get into.

>> No.2717940

Dunning-kruger effect
They don't know that they're shit so they don't try to improve.

>> No.2717941
File: 20 KB, 300x295, 1373633929153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different strokes for different folk. Even if you wouldn't be satisfied others still would. People are different like that. Some are satisfied with just the attention they get.

>> No.2717946

I wasn't a retarded kid. I did grab art books from my school and public library, but they were always the wrong ones. I distinctly remember scouring the internet for knowledge on art and never finding anything except for incredibly basic "How to draw a snowman" tier things. Every art teacher I had was terrible.

I didn't really get started on actually learning until I was 17.

>> No.2717948

This is probably the worst thing I've seen in action. I tried to lead a terrible artist out of their pattern of creating garbage, and 30 people attacked me for telling them they had room to improve. I linked them art books and everything, but they deleted my comments.

I wasn't trying to be inflammatory or anything.

>> No.2717954

>scouring the internet for knowledge on art and never finding anything except for incredibly basic "How to draw a snowman" tier things
>mfw I find an 8 years old post on yahoo fucking answers telling you to read DOTRSOTB, Nicolaides, Bridgman, Hogarth and giving you links to sites about mark making, perspective and composition in less than 5 minutes
Shoulda scoured harder

>> No.2717958

probably kicking himself now, imagine how far he could've gotten by now if he'd only spent a few more minutes scouring to find the good stuff when he was a kid

>> No.2717960

I wish I clicked on something like that a long time ago, but buying books through the internet was the last thing on my mind.

I barely knew how to download an MP3.

>> No.2717989

>how2google file name
>doesn't know google search is influenced by your browsing history

>> No.2718002

am I the only one who thinks Nicolaides book is shit?

>> No.2718016

It's obvious you didn't even go through the whole thing, stuck with the schedule, and did the assignments as instructed. AKA: not gonna make it.

>> No.2718021

>Most likely out of fear of creating more competition
anyone worrying about this is insecure about their ability, and probably for good reason too.

>> No.2718022

Yeah back in 2007 it was kind of hard to find legit resources that weren't some DA artist's tutorials.

Now it's very, very different. No excuses.

>> No.2718030
File: 41 KB, 432x349, death-of-lincoln-kimon-nicolaides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would I, his work sucks dick

>> No.2718031
File: 17 KB, 400x253, 1155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2718035
File: 27 KB, 316x433, hghgfhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2718036

That schedule has got to be the most inconvenient and resource expensive schedule ever created for a self teaching art student.

>> No.2718046

here is a guy who did the whole schedule, wow look at all that improvement. google " john guy natural way to draw " 4chan wont let me post a link

>> No.2718050

If you're worried about becoming a mirror image of Nicolaides and his modernist vision, you are definitely autistic enough to be looking at it the wrong way. You take the things learned and apply it to your own work, your own methodology, just with any other instruction. There is enough material in there to make you a significantly better artist than you are now.

But hey, if you're the type of person who stays indoors playing video games and drawing hentai, then yes, maybe this isn't the book for you.

>> No.2718058

Which is why it was meant to be tackled in a "class" environment with fellow practising artists. But if there's a will, there's a way. Stop making excuses.

>> No.2718059

so you are saying his paintings are intentionally shit? he could have painted well but it was an artistic choice to paint complete garbage?

>> No.2718072

>artistic choice
No shit. Go back to your merc_wip, mate. :-)

>> No.2718078

>What is shape design?
>What is Value control?

Look at the silhouettes. Look at the dynamic counter change between like and dark/light warm/cool with the draped figures. Shit, look at the drapery!

There's a lot of intentional design going on, good design. If only you could see past your bias.

>> No.2718081

Hey man, does that Nicolaides help me draw people better from imagination?

Is there anything radically crazy in his book that's gonna flip my world upside down?

>> No.2718117

More uneducated shitters = less competition for you. Field was always elitist as fuck.

>> No.2718120



And yes.

>> No.2718131
File: 32 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keeping a browsing history
>Keeping Google preferences
>Keeping Google search history

What are you? An Apple customer?

>> No.2718134


Aside from art schools, the problem here isn't artists withholding secrets, the problem is just the blind leading the blind. You can find top notch education, you just need to hunt for it.

>> No.2718137

>I'm sorry, but I can't pretend that it's a simple road to becoming a good artist.

Becoming a good ANYTHING isn't an easy road. All that life has to offer isn't handed to you on a silver platter, more at 11.

>> No.2718139


Because most people are fickle hobbyists. Because drawing is fun for everyone, but actually pursuing art as a discipline is boring torture for most people.

I'm not a terrible cook because I'm misinformed, I'm a terrible cook because I have boring taste and don't care to be good enough to feed anyone but myself.

>> No.2718163

>I didn't really get started on actually learning until I was 17.

>implying anyone learns anything before they're 25

>> No.2718175

I thought this was obvious, people don't get good because they aren't willing to put in the effort, and if you can't be bothered to put in the effort and take an initiative then you don't deserve the success.

>> No.2718187

I don't understand this though.
Why draw if you're not going to apply effort?
For what purpose?

>> No.2718217

>Most likely out of fear of creating more competition

No retard. 95% of the stuff you learn as an artist comes from your personal observations, studies, taste, and mistakes. All of this knowledge just ends up just being vague bullshit that nobody else but you understands.

The other 5% are extremely hard, specific, fundamentals you need to get right in order to stop being an amateur.
When the fundamentals become second nature, that's whenever you can finally draw and paint everything that you've ever wanted.
If you've ever wanted to make a decent living as an artist without appealing to the lowest common denominator this is how.
You need this if you want to work on AAA games, film, etc. so you can finally quit your job at Zynga, drawing cute vector puppies.

>> No.2718232

I find that a lot of artists on twitch asume everyone in their chat is trash. Constantly critique lack of fubdamentals and never dig into the idea.

In terms of things online i see that seem like people are trying to keep everyone bad at art, i think mostly people with talent are too busy to help people on any significant level.

I see a lot of people saying they just use hard and soft round brushes and blend. But they are clearly using chalk texture brushes or using photobashing and photo brushes.. Its kind of them having no time to reply though i feel

>> No.2718571

Did you ever watch a cooking show? You know his they always bring up shit nobody but cooks actually cares about?

That is how normal people see art, except they appreciate artistic effort even less