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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2716631 No.2716631 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2716633

To be able to create things like that. Why? Because it's cool.

I draw because it's cool. It's as simple as that really.

>> No.2716635

It's all I've got. If I didn't have art I would probably just kill myself. I guess it gives me the illusion that my life has meaning.

>> No.2716640
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Started out as escapism because my mom was single and an alcoholic, usually left me at home for long periods of time so i had to find something to do. School was a shitshow because i was a skinny nerd with crippling anxiety so no friendos to show me that there were other options besides being a shut-in weirdo. /boohoo
Payed off i guess because im not half bad at drawing.
Now I just want to make comics.

>> No.2716646

im 34 with no real goals or aspiration
always wanted to draw but never did it following /ic/ guide now
maybe i can be happy approaching 40 with drawing

>> No.2716652

>be happy approaching 40
How did you survive the first 30s of your life? I woulda end it if I didn't find anything worth living for by 25.

>> No.2716656

This world has plenty of good things you can distract yourself with outside work.
Video games, movies, books, comics, and the sort. All do a good job as distracting me about thinking about life.

>> No.2716705
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A lot of my ideas in my head I wanted to get out visually

I switched to drawing when I realized writing, also easier for me wasn't as fulfilling as the feeling i'll have when I finally make it

>> No.2716713

I want to get paid drawing hot girls and doing laborious jobs like construction.

>> No.2716714

So I can make it.

>> No.2716860

I need to compensate for being an ugly awkward loser.

Also to express myself I guess.

>> No.2716863
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Why, /ic/?

>> No.2716866

I don't know anymore. I busted my ass off for the last eight years and I have nothing to show for it. Don't get me wrong, I got way better than I ever would have thought was possible. My work gets to the frontpage of reddit, I had two or three gigs with big name studios, I get compliments left and right, even from /ic/... and yet I'm barely holding on financially. I've been burning through my savings all this time and by next year I'll be broke. I haven't had a single gig this year besides some cheap private commissions and with the amount that pays I'm working well below minimum wage. I have to work insane hours just to earn enough money to buy groceries.
Git gud and work will come to you, they said. No, mates. You need connections unless you're an industry star and I just can't seem to break into the community... people have formed cliques and such and it's just hard to be seen as anything else than an outsider or competition.
I find myself at a crossroads. It's highly unlikely I'll be able turn this around by next year and it seems I need to switch gears, fast. I'm currently looking for a non-art job but the market is really tough at the moment. No one believes I actually worked as a freelance artist last couple of years, they think I'm making shit up to fill my resumé. It's fucked.

No, I won't show my work. I know my art career is pretty much finished at this point but I still don't want to damage my image like this. Maybe, with tons of luck, I'll be able to turn things around in time...

>> No.2716873

Oh yeah, needless to say the passion I once felt has evaporated due to the brutal nature of this career path.

>> No.2716917

because I can and it makes me feel better than people who can't

>> No.2716922

So I can draw sexy animay waifus.

Jk, lad, I draw because I love it and it's fun. I don't want to do anything else with my life, what the hell is better than doing art for a living? Absolutely nothing, at least how I see things.

>> No.2716930

its all i have, its all i want

basically the star + the tower + death

>> No.2716931

This image is brilliant. I fall under death and the emperor, I couldn't have described it better myself.

>> No.2716935

The Magician + Justice + Death + The Star

>> No.2716940

Fun, theraputic and satisfying. Its also always challenging so its fun to always be trying to solve a problem and trying to work towards improving. Theres also so much variety which is awesome as well!

>> No.2716946

to escape.

>> No.2716958
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The Magician, the High Priestess, and the Hermit

When I was a kid it was definitely the Sun- want that back actually. It's not fucking fair.

>> No.2716979

i hate myself and i want to feel the pain

>> No.2716980

Jokes on you, I don't draw, hahahahaha!


>> No.2716991

the world + the high priestess + the hanged man

>> No.2717035

Catharsis, essentially, and I just like the satisfaction that comes with making stuff. Also, I'm a NEET with nothing else to do.

>> No.2717046

So I can create something of value instead of only consuming and being a leech to society or working to further someone else's goals that I don't believe in.

>> No.2717074

I wanna be able to show people things I created and make them happy or impressed, basically I want to make people smile. also because it's fun.

>> No.2717366

I want to make something I can fap to.

>> No.2717379

Gets the endorphins flowing
Gives my life some kind of meaning from my perspective (wow I'm kind of good at something where a lot of people aren't)

>> No.2717394

Working in the heat in summer, bringing the heat in the winter. My brother from another mother.

>> No.2717397

because i want people to loove me and i dont know how to make them do it

>> No.2717418

Started out as a hobby and showing off the power l level in high school because it was funny to get reactions out of people. Then went into studying a lot of anatomy and now painting. No goals but enjoying drawing for myself and wanting to do something with it.

>> No.2717419

Same guy here wanted to add: currently working part time to support it until i either figure out what i want or quit.

>> No.2717445


>> No.2717458


>> No.2717463


>> No.2718159

But why wouldn't you try to apply for a full time job at a big studio?
If you're so confident in your art then just try to adapt a style from a big studio and go work for them.
No worries about money anymore, no worries about bad days anymore, just don't fuck up big time and that's that.
Crying won't help, pitty won't help, the only way to get help is to help yourself.

All this git gud memeing is bullshit and we all know that, you could literally draw anime porn with decent rendering and make tons of money if you know how to market yourself.
Don't get me wrong your art has to meet a certain standard, but in EVERY job dedicated to art, networking is at least 50% of the work, and to be frank, you should've known that.

Art is expression, just as communication is. So stop whining and get a normal job at a studio. That's the single best way to start networking.
If you feel that someone is excluding you, then that's your interpretation, not the real deal.
Ask them out to have a beer, try to find out what drives them and so on.

If you feel like you can't easily communicate with people in that way, then art is not your job, it's your hobby.

>> No.2718203

You need to practice your social skills m8o. If you've done big name industry work and assumingly did it well, then you have no excuse to not be working right now. Go to conventions. Network. Read "how to win friends and influence people".

>> No.2718229

because art is truth. I'm a scientific by formation and by taste and I never felt any opposition between science and art. In both my goal is understanding and sharing that understanding.

although my actual skills are mediocre, my goal is grand and so I go forward.

>> No.2718250

Because I wanted to make comics.

But I cannot draw well at all and am over the age of 30.

So. I guess. I don't draw, really.

>> No.2718264

Initially, it was so I could draw comics. Now it's sorta morphed into something that makes me better and fuels my pride. I've got other shit going for me, but art is where I truly excel in the grand scheme.

Honestly though, I draw every day without even thinking about it. It's just a part of who I am now and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.2718273

all i see are social links,if you know what i mean

>> No.2720076

Wanted to be a concept artist or an animator as a kid.
Realized that wasn't gonna happen, so now I just draw as a hobby but still want to get relatively good.

>> No.2720164

Got buttblasted that there were no lewds from Akagami no Shirayukihime. So I decided to start learning how to draw so I can draw my own lewds of underrated shows that deserve lewds.

>> No.2720692

I've always enjoyed creating things.

>> No.2720792

mirror for the image ?

>> No.2721197

I am not really good at anything else and I want to make my ideas visual.

>> No.2721203


>> No.2721308

narcissism, so quite a few of these. I don't have anything else I really want to do or anything I've put as much time into. Improving to where I'm the best in whatever circle I'm currently in and moving on. I also like inflicting pain on myself because even though I might be better than a lot of people I'll never be good enough to me no matter how many plebeians I crush.

>> No.2721311

This is honestly the biggest hurdle I see. I don't have a problem with drawing for the most part. But I loathe the idea of spending time posting my work around, making connections with other names, fighting to break into cliques, sucking a whole bag of dicks basically. There's plenty of amazing artists out there with no following and no connections.

>> No.2721328

In my life I been a lot of them, right now... maybe za wardo. If I remember my first year practicing, would have been a combo of Lovers first then Chariot, after that Strengh and Hermit at the end of my teenages years.

>> No.2721491

>The Emperor
>The Star
>The World

>> No.2721496

my identity.

>> No.2721504

Thats pretty bad. Better start finding yourself or youll be a nervous wreck in no time

>> No.2721670

shutup brian

>> No.2721748
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because when I wasn't drawing and doing other things, I always thought how much happier I'd be being a creative type for a living. and it took me a lot to make that transition, but what I didn't know is that just to see myself gather the guts needed to make the switch is all that I wanted. now I'm just drawing everyday because idk. pushing the boulder up the hill. but I am improving, which is remarkable. am I at a place the past-me would have adored? yes. is it all I thought it'd be? satisfyingly no. but I'm still happy and feel at peace from having made the jump.

also it's fun as hell lol

>> No.2721792


it's fun.

>> No.2722040

Because i put so much time into it already, i just dont want it all going to waste...

>> No.2722045

I'm primarily motivated by the fact that I find it difficult to find art/artists who create art that fits my specific aesthetic ideals and preferences, so that only obvious solution is to create my own art.

>> No.2724373
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I started drawing because I wanted to make fanart for my favorite ships, now I do anything but that.