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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 335 KB, 491x549, 1476618718896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2716070 No.2716070 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Rebecca sugar? I think her art is nice

>> No.2716072

she doesn't look like xj9

>> No.2716076

This. Jenny XJ-9 is cute as a button. Rebecca Sugar looks like a 4/10 jewish slut lmoa

>> No.2716077

She made one of the best cartoons in recent years!

>> No.2716106


I appreciate she hasn't let her cartoon turn to shit like Pendleton ward, at least not yet.

>> No.2716120
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>> No.2716457
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Becky is cute! CUTE!!

>> No.2716488

The catch being that it was shit to begin with

>> No.2716498

niggas got a point but at the same time I just don't like her art direction. It's not good looking at all.

>> No.2716529

She's the best that has happened to cartoon industry since Adventure Time.

>> No.2716534
File: 264 KB, 1638x1912, 1368498751447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a /pol/tard babbled his opinion near me

>> No.2716634

Thank you for correcting the record.

>> No.2716643

Thats a decent amount of cancer in a single post, friend.

>> No.2716650

>vector anime reaction image
>being retarded

where the fuck am i

>> No.2716901

I actually really admire her art and even as a person

But SU stinks

>> No.2716905

She has a nice grasp of WHAT she puts on paper, form and motion wise, unlike the popular opinion that these people can only make flat garbage. Her style is gross but it grows on you, and I like the effort she puts into her work.
But at a con she said she was queer snowflake so she's dropped as a person I'd ever talk to.

>> No.2717061
File: 44 KB, 250x250, 1463868798483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only thing she said was "[...] as a bisexual woman [...]" when answering a question about the lgbt stuff in her show.

>> No.2717064
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She could do better than SU 2bh.

>> No.2717073 [DELETED] 

this dude is so enraged about lgbt people having one cartoon, just one, showing a word they can relate to. not even everyone there is gay, literally only the aliens that come from an all female species.
The rest of the cartoon landscape, including R&M and AT, is too scared to clearly show even one gay couple.
It's weird that people take that shit so hard.
by 4chan standards, that means she should be put to death.

>> No.2717077

>>2716070 (OP)
this dude is so enraged about lgbt people having one cartoon, just one, showing a word they can relate to. not even everyone there is gay, literally only the aliens that come from an all female species.
The rest of the cartoon landscape, including R&M and AT, is too scared to clearly show even one gay couple.
It's weird that people take that shit so hard.
by 4chan standards, that means she should be put to death.

>> No.2717093
File: 158 KB, 484x386, the-die-cis-scum-girl-came-out-as-normal-tumblrism-disease-just-a-phase-e16vf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this dude is so enraged about lgbt people having one cartoon, just one, showing a word they can relate to
And he's right to be enraged about it. Sexuality is not an age appropriate subject to the show's target audience. No one gives a shit when LGBTOMGWTFBBQ+ shit is kept on stuff for older audiences (see revolutionary girl utena), it's when you start spreading your degenerate faggotry to the youth that people hate.

Also, >>>/tumblr/

>> No.2717096

the cartoon she created feels like it was written by a high schooler

also she looks like a monkey

oh right her art

she's okay but she does this thing where she draws her figures with these weird spindly crypt keeper fingers on their hands

>> No.2717097

>dat generic microwave artstyle
haha, no

>> No.2717139

Ugly Art but great storyteller. Specifically in the way she designs stories.
Too lazy to find it but her comic 'Don't cry for me I'm already dead' is amazing.

>> No.2717143
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>> No.2717160

I have respect for her.

>> No.2717163
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>> No.2717430

Diante the madman

>> No.2717435


>> No.2717442

Nop. Well explained sjw phenomenon, watch some sharpiro or milo my friend.
Real talk this is a /pol/ ass thread, get to drawing you kikes

>> No.2717451

>this dude is so enraged
Diante does not make serious posts, he's like a leanandcuisine for facebook

>> No.2717453

this is why SU shouldn't exist

>> No.2717454

She's the living embodiment of the decline of western society.

>> No.2717456

Take a look at modern society, you complete imbecile. We're already at the bottom of the slope. This isn't something that's going to happen, it's something that's happened.

>> No.2717461


>L-LGBT Stuff is corrupting children's minds to b-be more sexual

You're acting like a show about subtly gay rocks are influencing 12 yo girls onto having sex.
This is like that episode from Drawn Together where Wooldoor makes a show that "gays up" children but on a unironic context, jesus christ.

Then the same way LGBT stuff is "corrupting muh children" I guess the same should be said about 80s-90s anime abundance with stuff like the Master Roshi-Bulma skits or Ranma 1/2 (let's face it, half of the people who watched that show probably has an R63 fetish) making kids into perverts, or Power Rangers and Dragon Ball Z influencing violence among minors.

This is some soccer mom logic, I tell ya hwat.

>> No.2717471
File: 24 KB, 480x360, slipery slope isn't real, then so isn't this boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally already happened

>"s-see? L-look, this cartoon says you're wrong!"
lol, fucking manchild. Grow the fuck up. Stop watching children's cartoon.

>> No.2717476

Degenerate or not, the show is just bad and the art is hideous. I just like the music it uses as an outro.

Also the girl is a huge butterface, damn.

>> No.2717485

Honestly i agree. I find everything Steven Universe related very annoying. I'm not even homophobic or anti lgbt or whatever.

>> No.2717486
File: 802 KB, 800x450, strawman argument.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"An image and ridiculing others can totally make my point!"

>> No.2717490

You're making a fool out of yourself.


>> No.2717497


>> No.2717511
File: 36 KB, 600x607, 1467090883902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making kids into perverts

perverts for their correct gender. at least they could go to the correct bathroom without getting confused

>Power Rangers and Dragon Ball Z influencing violence among minors

people(kids especially) are naturally violent. people(kids especially) aren't naturally buttfucking each other

>> No.2717516
File: 105 KB, 910x1024, ff825358254e690d392a5fd636a3e944689f0ec7557adf49e4507f63436af791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really like off topic strawmanning

>> No.2717518

You really like terrible childrens cartoons and buzzwords.

>> No.2717584
File: 14 KB, 500x352, tmp_30714-e5c-1546151056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2717588

You missed the point so hard that it's like you're playing for the Cubs.

The cartoons are not affecting children at all. The most you can say is that they're being introduced to different concepts possibly earlier than they should. But even then, this is the world that we live in now, where gay people are visibly apparent all around the world without much of an outcry, not that there should be one. You can't hush away the concept of being gay like you used to when we...well, when I was a kid.
Nor can you hush away the concept of a boy wanting to be a girl or vice versa. It's not a case of "Oh, it's not like the good old days!", but purely due to the changing social landscape. More and more people are being connected now and things that were so taboo that they dare not be spoken about are suddenly very easily discussed.

Besides, art can deliver a message, but it rarely influences people as heavily as people like to try and exclaim. Art is appeal, especially in terms of cartoon appeal, and people are attracted to what appeals to them. If a kid became gay and was watching Steven Universe, it's way more likely the kid was gay and decided to watch Steven Universe rather than Steven Universe changing the child's mind to become a homosexual. No show has that power or influence, especially not something on fucking Cartoon Network.

>> No.2717592

That's a lot of words for "I want my kids to be faggots".

>> No.2717594
File: 14 KB, 289x289, 10341434_1047207425323163_4317330924319940904_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm hurt: the post

>> No.2717595
File: 20 KB, 284x211, TrumpCaptcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally people don't critique stylized heads fyi even if you intend a troll post

hogartho my mayne
>using pure white backgrounds
wtf i hate SU now

>all around the world
>without much of an outcry
Do you ever watch or at least read some of the news outside usa

>> No.2717601

I just liked the image. I was mostly put off by the other bodily extremities, particularly the feet, which are just straight badly done either out of laziness or not knowing.

>> No.2717605

If I draw a penis, are you going to suck it?

What if it's a really appealing penis?

>Do you ever watch or at least read some of the news outside usa
Okay, fine, my bad, I was focused more on the US. Being gay in the US is slowly becoming just part of the norm.

Point I'm trying to make is, cartoons change kids about as much as violence in video games did in the 90s, or rock and roll or metal did before that. They didn't. The most you can say is that games, rock and roll, and metal brought those topics to the limelight that would introduce kids to them, but that doesn't make their simple existence a shot in the heart full of a syringe of the devil.

>> No.2717608

How am I going to suck a penis if it's on paper?

>> No.2717609
File: 28 KB, 332x363, 614ddfc473ad0fb8bd7c5e69f4bd19ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks like matt bennett's twin

>> No.2717610

You roll the paper up and suck on it.

For extra effort, get some milk. Drink a little, it'll help your bones for good paper-rolling.

>> No.2717611

Holy shit. That's actually pretty close to the mark.

>> No.2717614

Who put glasses and a wig on Andy Samberg?

>> No.2717615

Then yes I'd do it. Drinking calcium out of boners, just as skeltal intended.

>> No.2717617

You speak in absolutes based off 100% on sociopolitical opinions.

Let me tell about the cognitive stages of a child's brain development, as theorized by biologist/psychologist Jean Piaget. Children of 2-7 years find themselves in the preoperational stage. While in this stage, a child is far too young to develop his own morals or to question the morals presented to him. Only afterwards, in the concrete operational stage, they are able to either question or conserve what was presented to him. Conserving, however, is the most common thing to happen. A child raised in a religious family is more likely to turn religious himself. A child like in a degenerate family, however...

So, yes, a child can easily manipulated into thinking the way you want him to think. Hence why I say this cartoon does not contain age appropriate subjects for its target audience.

>If I draw a penis, are you going to suck it?
>What if it's a really appealing penis?

A brain of a child is not an adults brain.

>> No.2717619

>Being gay in the US is slowly becoming just part of the norm
wtf man
just let em be

sometimes I want to turn off my critique eye and just enjoy the image
now cant fap much to most hentai so i have to contantly look up some good artists

>> No.2717623

I'm very much familiar with this struggle, familia. What I normally do is find an artist I really like who may have an issue or two and just use their sketches as material. it being a sketch seems to justify some inconsistencies for me.

Of course, this would require the artist to be pretty open about their process.

>> No.2717635

Your argument would work if Steven Universe was targeted at children 2-7. You could argue the lowest target demographic for SU is maybe 8, but it's definitely a 10+ show, beyond the preoperational stage you mention.

Honestly, if a child as young as 5 is watching SU, they're probably not being supervised and is in a lot worse situation than simply being introduced to stuff like that. Even beyond the innuendo, there's actual fighting and people getting stabbed. Really weird situations that aren't suitable for children that young.

So yes, while I'll concede that I shouldn't have put all kids under an umbrella of 'they can't be influenced by media' and admit I was wrong there, the subjects are perfectly appropriate FOR THE INTENDED AGE GROUP.

>> No.2717639
File: 548 KB, 5000x5000, Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children at ages 2-7 don't watch cartoon network
nigga, that's the age you watch cartoons the most

>> No.2717646

Do you seriously think that every single cartoon out there is intended for "kids" alone? The concept of a target audience is really that foreign to you? Do you like giving a lego set to a 2 year old or a toy pony to a 12 year old?

There's a reason we had Nick Jr. as a kid, and it wasn't to make a block that was made for the mentally retarded. That was a legitimate age group because most of the kids beyond the age of 6 or 7 will be at school at that time. They needed something to show at that time, but they couldn't use the shows that were on later on because parents would be upset about showing their kids anything other than educational shit.
I remember not being able to watch Ren and Stimpy at that age simply because my mom was very upset about it. But once I got to the age of 9 or so, I watched shit like Angry Beavers and Catdog without a problem.

Fucking Catdog. No problem.

Now that more networks decided to do an offshoot network for educational programming and more parents are using streaming for that stuff, Cartoon Network seems to be moving more towards an 8+ demographic. If it were the 90s, something like that would have never happened. SU definitely wouldn't have been picked up, either.

>> No.2717649
File: 21 KB, 635x402, 1462263963699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


according to richard williams, her animation sucks because it limits how believable animation

so fuck her and her gay ass cartoon

>> No.2717650

Here ya go. http://imgur.com/gallery/ZsACh

>> No.2717666

Her animation or the shitty show animation that they send to china to animate?

I bet you've never even seen her animation before.


>> No.2717674
File: 76 KB, 1030x821, Johann_Heinrich_Füssli_-_The_Nightmare_-_WGA08332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you've misunderstood how the development stages work. Perhaps it was due the way I worded it. It made it look like I was saying the child, in a poof, gains all judgement of an adult at age 8. It's not like that. The concrete operational stage is when the child STARTS, to develop his logical abilities. Enough logic to start questioning the legitimacy of Santa, for instance. But at this stage a child is still highly underdeveloped, as they can't even think hypothetically yet (that's why it's called the concrete operational stage). The child can still be persuaded or coerced into believing what is presented to them, especially if it comes from a figure of authority (the child's parents, a teacher, the TV...).

>> No.2717703

I am well aware that a child does not gain judgement like that instantly at age 8, thanks.

It is still well within reason that SU, being billed by most ratings as 10+ (with the least possible age being 8+ acceptably) is fine to have the themes it has presented, as it is still around the time that a child can start to think and form opinions for themselves. It's still much closer to the formal operational stage than the concrete, in any case.

Beyond that, what exactly is SU going to teach the child that is so horrible? Even if it's SO BAD that it's presenting the morals with theming that is very feminine and 'queer' or whatever, they're still fairly sound morals. Stuff like family being important and behind you, people being complicated and being accepting of those complications, forging your own path instead of what is considered 'the right one', etc. Good things to teach a child at that age group.

>> No.2717919

>forging your own path instead of what is considered 'the right one'

and yet 4 seasons in and steven still hasn't made that decision

>> No.2717943

Course not. Gotta milk the views.

>> No.2717974


The ultimate feels not reals argument. You're nothing but an animal that acts on pathos.

>> No.2718003

functionally it's basically the alt-right word for problematic.

somebody stop this culture war, I want to get off

>> No.2718005

God it's gross but I still like it

>> No.2718010

really?, i just know her from steven universe

>> No.2718012

her ed, edd and eddy porn is legit the best thing she ever made

>> No.2718534

It doesn't surprise me that a thread about Rebecca Sugar got derailed.

>> No.2718544

Wow, really? You're not surprised that a troll thread about an animator who's created one of the most politically correct SJW cartoons on television doesn't get a warm reception on /ic/? You must be some kind of genius.

>> No.2718623

Wow this is actually pretty inspired. The ending was total shit. But animation-wise it was expressive and worked well with the sound design.

>wet mouth sounds

>> No.2719220
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1476800950262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politically correct
nice buzzwords

>> No.2719279
File: 173 KB, 640x360, We_need_to_talk_Rose_Chuckle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music and backgrounds are god tier
Character design is solid, story is alright. Animation is pretty terrible, but not the worst i've seen.

>> No.2719291

Without knowing anything about her aside from this photo, I would guess she has some kind of mental handicap or developmental disability based purely on her appearance.

>> No.2719498
File: 110 KB, 720x960, IMG_20161014_163816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an offical retarded handicap monkey, i declare that i will ruin her in the cartoon indisrtry.

>> No.2719514

Don't stop the culture war, I want to get off.

>> No.2719718

>Character design is solid

No. Some of the character designs look godawful. Nice silhouette uniqueness, though.

>> No.2721897


>> No.2721937
File: 46 KB, 270x350, Bismuth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Character design is solid

Are you sure about that anon?

>> No.2721944

she's great but her fanbase is complete shit

>> No.2722011

I thought all the gems were supposed to be woman looking even with the whole "genderless" bull, what the fuck this one is just terrible what is that supposed to be?

>> No.2722334

>says ''an image and ridiculing others can totally make my point'' as a sarcastic retort
>literally uses an image and ridiculing others to make his own point

m8, you just did the unthinkable. YOU KNOCKED DOWN YOUR OWN STRAWMAN

>mfw you only find stuff like this on 4chan

>> No.2722370

All I know is that Steven Universe sends positive messages.

>> No.2722372


>were supposed to be woman looking even with the whole "genderless" bull


>complaining the gem isn't womanly

Anon. You figured it out yourself.

>> No.2722373
File: 200 KB, 672x594, n23-566d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character is supposed to represent the gemstone they are, it'd be an ok character design with better hair, but she chose to use that to reflect the gem better.

>> No.2722867

I don't really care enough to have a strong opinion on her. Fanbases that have spawned from her shows on the other hand... I couldn't care less.

Is it a coincidence that they turn out a horrible mess?

>> No.2723262


Any idiot can draw like her

I just find it boring to do so

>> No.2723274

This was surprisingly good.

>> No.2723283
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>> No.2723442


are you new?

>> No.2723721

She's a nice lady and a huge inspiration for me

It's a shame she scrubbed her old dA, but it was a necessary action.

>> No.2724836
File: 241 KB, 300x300, reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vector on /ic


>> No.2727160
File: 59 KB, 1100x678, ninawat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not only she's good animator, but she's also good with composing songs (I believe good portion of SU's songs are composed by her)

Girl has a vision, and with Steven Universe it really comes to shine. You can see she drew influence from works like Sailor Moon and Utena (rly whole Pearl/Rose relationship is pure Utena lookalike), biggest problem I have with the show is that it drew in the absolute worse cancer of a fandom one show could ever get.

>> No.2727161

I hope you get murdered.

>> No.2727165

I honestly can't tell whether or not you're trolling, or if /ic/ has been overrun by 15 year old girls.

>> No.2727177

Didn't mom tell you its ok to dislike certain things?

Problem isn't show itself, problem is when a tween finds out about fandom and then ends up on Tumblr between retards that believe genderfluid and nonbinary is a thing.

>> No.2727190


More like (((Rebecca Sugar)))