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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.05 MB, 1280x1280, gjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2715200 No.2715200 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
>have fun

Last Thread >>2710423

>> No.2715201

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2715204

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

Here is a helpful tool that lets you see who is streaming at the moment:


You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


A separate LAS styled site has also been launched called DED. You can check it out here.


>> No.2715207

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2715208

>A separate LAS styled site has also been launched called DED. You can check it out here.

>> No.2715211

Fuck. I just put it in there too.

>> No.2715215

It's official. Thready doesn't read the thread.

>> No.2715219


>> No.2715225

yeah, i had nostalgia and started viewing the recent submissions, so i uploaded one myself for old times sake.

not so much. just been practising basics and stuff.

>> No.2715232

Nah I read everything, just forgot to change the op.
I can never win with you guys. ;_;

>> No.2715235

>tfw Lava already networking
We can all call on each other for help right? Like jmgn?

>> No.2715237


whats with doom.moe? did lava make a different site for mainstream use or something?

>> No.2715238

Anyone dumb enough to hire Lava to draw them something deserves to lose every last penny.

>> No.2715244
File: 32 KB, 389x366, hell pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2715246





>> No.2715257

W (a user on las) made a new las site because lava stopped working on the OG site. It was up for like a week but then w said he got bored of it and took the site down, crushing everyone's dreams in the process. Now we only have 1 site. (The original that lava made)

>> No.2715263

>Got bored of it
It was fine exactly how it was. He could have just left it up and we all could have still been posting there.
Why is it anytime some cool site or something gets made, it's always run by the absolute shittiest people that have no idea how to run it?

>> No.2715266

He didn't just get bored though. He deleted a ton of data on accident and didn't want to make the effort to get things back how they were.

>> No.2715267

Right? I would absolutely forgive him saying, "no more new features for a while" and not updating for months at a time. But taking it down because he personally got bored? Just shows what a douche he is.

>> No.2715269


so you are saying Lava isnt around anymore? meaning in the threads/stream chats/ on the site.

>> No.2715270

Good thing he did it sooner rather than later, least we get strung along for another few months only to get dumped after having invested more effort.

>> No.2715274

Lava went AWOL for 3 or so months before DED (doom.moe) died, he came back for like 1 or 2 days just before it died and now he's fucked off again and hasn't shown his face since, so it's pretty much back to status quo of Lava being AWOL again.

>> No.2715276

susi please

>> No.2715278

Yeah, I don't know the specifics of making a website but I think he should've just left it up. I think he made the code available to people though so maybe someone else can put it back up?
I think he said he had everything backed up so he only lost 3 days of data. Again, don't know much about making sites so idk how much effort it would be to restore it, but it seemed doable.

>> No.2715279

>meaning in the threads/stream chats/ on the site
He posts on his blog and submits to LAS, he's radio silent about LAS 98% of the time and doesn't appear in threads, stream chats, discord or anything beyond his own blog.

>> No.2715282


if someone has the code i can see what i can do.

>> No.2715284

He only posts to las and I think he updates his personal blog. He had some seriously painful medical operations a while back and then after that he just kinda stopped updating the site or posting in the threads. He made a post last thread about it but then he disappeared again. Seems like he just wants to focus on himself atm.

>> No.2715285


>tfw he will surpass everyone within a few years because he has literally cannot run out neruoplasticity

>> No.2715287

>I think he made the code available to people though so maybe someone else can put it back up?
It WAS available open source GitHub, I should've really cloned it while it was.

https://github.com/LarsWalter/ded-progress is the link to the repository that had all the code ( https://boards.fireden.net/ic/thread/2645220/#2650756 )

However, as you can see, the link is dead, and https://github.com/LarsWalter doesn't have any repositories.

I wouldn't worry too much about the code being gone forever though, because w (AKA dotesq AKA Volt) is still around, he's in the Discord as "Volt" so if you want the code you can probably whisper or @mention him a lot for it, and please just take over developing the whole thing afterwards if you can.

>> No.2715290

>inb4 volt never logs in again

>> No.2715291

wait scrub is a five year old?

>> No.2715292

yeah, his brother is the one that posts his work and sets up streams for him

>> No.2715293
File: 273 KB, 405x514, 1472272541593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he's actually online in discord RIGHT NOW and this will be the last time he'll ever be online

>> No.2715294

wow, seriously wow what the fuck I quit. I'm too fucking old for this

>> No.2715295

should probably mention LarsWalter is w/dotesq/Volt, in case it wasn't obvious

>> No.2715297

He's 15/16 I think

>> No.2715298

damn, if its his health its understandale. i thought he just got bored of it

well, if anyone sees him around ask for it. i dont mind maintaining and updating the site.

>> No.2715307

You should probably get a secure trip if you pick it up, people put on tripcodes for less reason.

>> No.2715321

today LAS topics: broken, ancient, tricky
LAS in 3 words

>> No.2715322

Choob stinks.

>> No.2715326

>not even a year old yet

>> No.2715331

I hope Lava and W both perish

>> No.2715333

las is ancient

>> No.2715350

Choob slowed down with his Trump nonsense, what happened?

>> No.2715351

Choob saw Trump's tax shenanigans and realized that no money is coming.

>> No.2715353

Choob realized Trump is a massive buffoon and realized the country will be destroyed if he becomes President.

>> No.2715354

he isn't even american, he was just riding the meme train and got off now that its crashing into reality

>> No.2715360
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>> No.2715367
File: 123 KB, 735x597, indiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob painted Trump nonsense whenever he won states in primaries, the primaries finished months ago.

>> No.2715371

Haven't they already? Haven't seen either post since the apocalypse.

>> No.2715379


>> No.2715386

We should address our current most important concern

How long does the site have left and is Lava going to continue paying for it?

>> No.2715389

no idea
no idea

>> No.2715405

Alright lets get this straight. You DEDers always like to discuss Lava and his illness but lets get back to whats important people, let's go back and talk about what matters, lets talk about the ISSUES. Why don't we talk about how washed up W deleted all that data on purpose? Cause believe me, it was on purpose. I know people, the BEST people that work with cyber and ya know what they all tell me? They tell me that this was no accident. They tell me that this was premeditated and that this was done purposefully. I talk to people all around /ic/, I've even been to the Discord and they all say the same thing. They say that washed up W is not a nice man, they say that he has absolutely VILE, VICIOUS, hate in his heart, and they tell me that they want me to make LAS great again. See, washed up W, he fooled so, so many lassies into using his site, and then he abandoned them. Cause that's what he did, he abandoned them. Millions, I mean millions of people, abandoned by washed up W. He told you he was gonna make LAS great again but did he? No, he didn't. But I will. I will make LAS great again. I will build a wall so, so big, and let me tell ya, this wall, like nothing you've ever seen before. Bigly. This wall will keep all of the choob posters out, it will keep all the viewfags out, it will keep all the reeeeeeee fags out, all of those undesirable individuals that are coming into our site in the masses, it's gonna keep them out. This wall will be bigly effective and DED is gonna pay for it. And I tell you, after we get this wall built, washed up W is gonna be in some serious trouble. I will appoint a special prosecutor to go over his "deleted DED" case and we will get to the bottom of this. And I know that we are not gonna like what we find. We're gonna find out that there is some serious corruption going on at DED, and we're gonna find out that washed up W is NOT the man who he says he is. Vote for me and together we will make LAS great again!

>> No.2715408

shit pasta

>> No.2715411


>> No.2715421


Yes, you. The one screaming, "LAS is dying!" and "W lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.

Tread lightly.

>> No.2715490

if we die in las do we die in real life?

>> No.2715497

Kirito pls

>> No.2715533

How do I get better at coloring?

>> No.2715538


>> No.2715649

I have managed to clone the repo before it was deleted. I can upload it if you want. The problem is that there's no LICENSE file. I don't really know if project is open source now that it isn't hosted on Github anymore...

I was thinking of continuing the project, but it's written in PHP and I'm not touching it with 10 meter stick. I was thinking of doing a LAS clone myself, write it in Go and Angularjs, to teach myself those technologies. Anyway, if there is a volunteer to clean up license issue (if it exist, legal stuff is not my strong point) and host the project again, I'll be happy to join it.

>> No.2715655


He got bullied in discord.

>> No.2715714

>The problem is that there's no LICENSE file. I don't really know if project is open source now that it isn't hosted on Github anymore...
Interesting stuff, check out the wiki links that got linked in there too.

Essentially we gotta ask Volt, but if no one here's interested in programming in PHP with Laravel anyway then may as well write it from scratch in a lang people are more interested with.

Imo, getting someone that's willing to indefinitely host and keep the code updated would be the most important concern, the hoster themself needn't be the one actively developing it, but they'd have to be interested enough to host it (likely out of pocket) for a long time and check in with the community regularly for just as long to accept patches, updates and such.

>> No.2715723

Lava has mentioned that people have tried to commission him in the past.
Honestly, I would rather believe in jesus than that.
Besides, can't you guys smell the fucking autism in Lava's posts? I swear he seemed like an actual functioning person when he was active. Now that he has separated himself from all possible contact with other humans, hes gotten so fucking autistic it makes me cringe reading his posts. Aint no person alive that wants to communicate with a mind like that for extended periods of time.

>> No.2715727

just cuck my shit up t b h

>> No.2715733

>Lava had a girlfriend for 5 (FIVE) years
Why the F U C K are we using this disgusting normies site?

>> No.2715781
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He IS truly autistic, holy shit.

>sends an e-mail to someone
>feels bad because that someone replied to the e-mail

Lava how are you so dumb

>> No.2715784

>Email someone
>They reply
Someone needs to take away Lava's computer before he really hurts himself.

>> No.2715801
File: 78 KB, 848x480, mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be mad that your senpai took a few minutes of his time (he might not have been even working then) to say thanks and good luck?

>this fucker
How rude. What if he sees this blog post?

>> No.2715802

I agree.

>> No.2715826

Autistic people don't understand how the real world works. Seriously Lava if you're reading this, come out of your isolation and start socializing or seek help, the path you're on now only leads to depression and sadness. Nothing good will come of it.

>> No.2715831

>says in his blog post that "This fucker... stalked me a little"
>posts this on the same blog which said "fucker" stalked him

>> No.2715838

>stalks some guy
>the dude doesn't actually run off and responds to me
>*S-stop stalking me, it was ok just when I was doing it.*

>> No.2715843
File: 71 KB, 640x780, 1468634789767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lava's behaviour is all coming together

>> No.2715848

>Lava has mentioned that people have tried to commission him in the past.
>Honestly, I would rather believe in jesus than that.

>> No.2715866
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>> No.2715870
File: 46 KB, 241x370, you'll swell up to the size of a basketball bvtm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the lava

>> No.2715874

so, who is going to post on his blog now to make him come back?

>> No.2715876

No one wants him here anyway.

>> No.2715948

quick, somebody got to pee on his face

>> No.2715955

Please don't. There's an announcement on the site


"Site News" announcements show up on the front page and are highlighted in green. People have been complaining about me posting updates on my blog, on /ic/, in banners on the site, etc and not having a single place to go to for information. I'll use this from now on for the important stuff

>> No.2715956
File: 25 KB, 191x380, peed on his face bvtm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late fuckooo

>> No.2715957


>> No.2715958

no way, the "1" voters actually guessed right D:

>> No.2715959

......did Bobby Chui draw these?

>> No.2715961


>> No.2715962
File: 116 KB, 809x427, pissing bvtm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't draw the 2nd one, but he did draw pic related and some other pissing pics

>> No.2715963

>I think I should pee on that

>> No.2715964


>> No.2715965
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>> No.2715966

What the heck is this?

>> No.2715967


>> No.2715969

Lava, do not listen to faggots trying to ruin your day. We still believe in you.
It'd be cool if you were here more but I can understand why you might not want to be.

>> No.2715992


>> No.2716005
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw Weed Every Day

>> No.2716027

and listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUVmcKcTZ4A

>> No.2716030

Is this true? I don't interact with anyone and just go to school and come back, been like this for almost 2 years now. I don't really feel that autistic and can still tell what's socially right/wrong.

>> No.2716034

lokki what are you doing

>> No.2716035

no, not really, some jobs are literally just that, go to job, go back home, repeat until you go insane or quit. Also, some people genuinely don't need much if any interaction at all.

>> No.2716037
File: 132 KB, 1280x782, Kf1CdtV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they do say autism is a spectrum! :^)

>> No.2716042

oh god

>> No.2716045

If you avoid social interaction for too long you'll become a sperglord. I guarantee it.

Every person needs interaction. We are social creatures, no matter what your basement dwelling head might tell you.

>> No.2716046

"We believe in you"

Speak for yourself please, Lava is a faggot.

>> No.2716069

who the fuck is dank

>> No.2716084

I-I think I'm pretty dank?

>> No.2716088

>Lava posts a big list of upcoming site features to discuss
>everyone ignores him

>> No.2716090


>> No.2716095

we've learned our lesson

no more trust and dedication poured into ic made sites

now we are here just to shitpost

>> No.2716113

thanks for this dank homie

>> No.2716115

what important information could you possibly have

>> No.2716116

we're already past believing lava and w's lies

maybe he might get shit done since theres no more pressure on him since we expect nothing

>> No.2716121

Lava lost a lot of good-will from the community, he has to get it back himself

>> No.2716130

>For the last 2 years I’ve imagined her off being happy with someone else and they’ll get married and have kids and she’ll get her happy ever after. I hope she’s happy and that I never cross her mind

is lava a cuck?

>> No.2716131


>> No.2716137

>should there be tokens in the new system
No, remove the idea of tokens completely for streaks.
But all tokens that have already been used in the past and up until the new system starts should not break streaks. That would just be stupid, you put them there to be used so why would you take almost a year of credit away from people for using them in the past.

Your poll is useless and doesn't address that so some people are voting for 'should tokens be retroactively removed' and others are voting for 'should we remove the safety net from now on' and I'm sure we already had this discussion for hundreds of posts 4-5 months ago.

>> No.2716138

fair point

>> No.2716150


it would take some time to gain that trust back, but at this point its up to him

>> No.2716153

yes and we are currently interacting, nice projection, must come from experience i assume.

>> No.2716155

It does, thats why I wouldnt want anyone else to go through it.

And interacting on the internet is not real life interaction, don't find out like I did.

>> No.2716188

What would you guys have done in my situation anyways? I probably handled this poorly in a lot of ways, but when LAS is going to be actively continued as a project, what the fuck is the point of another site? It's clear lava isn't going to shut down shop, so it'll just be 2 sites for a community that's barely large enough for one.

I should probably never have made DED public, so that's my mistake. It was shortsighted of me, because I don't have the time to actively work on a project like this as much as I think it would require for it not to slowly rot away and perish. Not just from a dev standpoint, but the effort of bringing in new people, because people will fall off and leave all the time - new people need to come in if the site is to survive.

I forgot to put up the MIT license, so as it stands, the repo you've cloned is copyright and I could take you to court if you proceed with it. :^)

>> No.2716191

W confirmed for turbo faggot

>> No.2716193

Elaborate if you want me to fix my faggy demeanour.

>> No.2716194

wow, you are worse than the cripple. go back to playing your videogames loser

>> No.2716222

I'd have kept on going and said Fuck You Lava because at that point people were, and still are, deeply disenfranchised with Lava, Lava had yet to prove he won't go AWOL again (and has to work hard to prove it) and a large portion were already participating in doom.moe, but then you pulled the plug.

If it was taking up too much time then I would've learned from Lava's mistake and actually informed the community something along the lines "development may be a lot slower because I'm busy during this period in time, any programmers here that are interested in helping out please feel free to contribute to the Repository https://github.com/blahblahblahblah"..

In the end, it doesn't matter what I'd have done since you yourself were not interested in it enough to keep it alive compared to playing videogames, and nuked the god damn database, it's actually BEST that You dropped us early rather than late, since You don't seem like the guy that would've been able to last the long run you shutting down the site was, in hindsight, inevitable.

>> No.2716228

get a fucking trip

>> No.2716231

Man this is a treasure. Surely great for every time a trip goes in a bad direction.

>> No.2716235

Oh my god what a faggot

>> No.2716241

>I forgot to put up the MIT license, so as it stands, the repo you've cloned is copyright and I could take you to court if you proceed with it. :^)

If you came here just to say that, good for you. keep your precious code and get lost

>> No.2716245
File: 193 KB, 600x398, 1472599178374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I forgot to put up the MIT license, so as it stands, the repo you've cloned is copyright and I could take you to court if you proceed with it. :^)

>> No.2716246

It was a joke you retards, did the :^) not singify that enough for you? I took down the repo because there had been zero interest shown. 7 showed up the day after. If he wants the code I can reup it, although he said he didnt want to use php.

>> No.2716250

:^) is also used to signify snarky/"fuck you" remarks, and people that've just been fucked over by the person using it can very easily read it as such

>> No.2716251

las/ded was a mistake

>> No.2716254

both were going to be fine before the people in charge made mistakes

>> No.2716255

Well my mistake. I find it ridiculous anyone would take that line seriously, though.

>> No.2716262

how do you faggots have so much time to shitpost? Just say Choobs art is crappy and move on.

>> No.2716263

get back to drawing, proko

>> No.2716265

Choobs art is crappy

>> No.2716273

nice try w, but you're not getting away with this after causing some shitstorm

>> No.2716274

Choobs art is really crappy

>> No.2716278

I think choobs stuff is pretty good. Nice guess tho.

>> No.2716292

How's this :')

I won't actually use a trip, and probably never will. Ruins all the fun of people posting as me. Don't take las so seriously, or 4chan.

>> No.2716296

I meant to reply to >>2716228 fuck

>> No.2716297

>tripfagging on 4chan
Pls go newfriend

>> No.2716301

never gonna make it

>> No.2716303

>yotsuyu didn't die
The op lied

>> No.2716304

The fucking reading comprehension on this site..

>> No.2716306


>> No.2716311

Stop changing the subject. Try to learn the board culture before you post next time. It's not that fucking complicated newfag.

>> No.2716313
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, n8umjWj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty bad at baiting desu

>> No.2716345

Why are you defending him? Whatever I don't even care.

>> No.2716379

Does he even come to the threads?

>> No.2716382

>Tfw that not improving list fucked you up so much you still can't draw

>> No.2716385

You still have a chance. You can still make it, senpai!

>> No.2716387

lasers, would you be interested in organizing a christmas/holiday cards trade?

>> No.2716390


>> No.2716393

shitposters too strong ;_;

>> No.2716405

Choobs art is crappy

>> No.2716406

Choobs art is great

>> No.2716411

oh, a week 1er lost a token

and nothing much else happened

>> No.2716416

>and nothing much else happened
read the fucking news m8

>> No.2716419

what happened rozzle?
>7 lost token after 1 day
Leaving already?

>> No.2716421

>straw poll
make a site poll before some fuck nugget rigges the damn votes

>> No.2716425


he could make an actual poll on the site he controls, so he can put in restrictions like:
- must have a minimum running streak of 14 submissions (AKA needs to be a user, needs to be active, needs to have been active in the last 2 weeks)

>> No.2716427

>in the last 2 weeks
for* the last 2 weeks

>> No.2716437

holy shit santi's submission is good

>> No.2716439

>tfw it actually is good
I thought Santi was supposed to be shit.

>> No.2716445

>that excitement in Lava's new post
Senpai is too cute.

>> No.2716449

well, if we can't have yotsuyu we'll have rozzle

>> No.2716450

that's a cute kitty niche-kun

>> No.2716468


>> No.2716472

I can't take being shit anymore. I thought I would atleast be decent after a year or that people would atleast tell me if I was fucking up so much. Goodbye las

>> No.2716476

>not sure if I should be sorry or not
Well, art isn't for everyone, I guess. Another one bites the dust.

>> No.2716479


>> No.2716487

Oh youre still in your "im going to be annoying and edgy as possible do i fit in yet" phase. Welcome to the husk of 4chan, newfag.

>> No.2716492


>> No.2716531

good night friends and family

>> No.2716538

Actually you know what, fuck all of you. I'm gonna git gud and go pro. I'll show you all!

>> No.2716564

Yes. Yes I would.

>> No.2716566

I had those down moments and used to get up like you too. Now I just sit at the bottom of the hole while looking at aspiring newbies who don't know what lies ahead of them. It makes me a bit happier.

>> No.2716573

Where are you now anon?

>> No.2716583

I don't understand. So you're saying you've given up and you like watching other people try to make it because you think they will give up too?

>> No.2716598

Here, just like you are.

Seeing other people try so hard to make it with their smiling faces and their burning drive brings back some memories of when I had such a great time. Life is merciless though. Only a small percentage of the world can and will actually make it. Never forget that.

>> No.2716601

Sounds depressing. What level is your art at? What're your goals?

>> No.2716622

This is moronically pessimistic.
Sorry you suck brah.

>> No.2716666

man this place is too fucking depressing now. I joined to get motivated not this shit.

>> No.2716692

Nice quads anon

Do not fret or frown, it's simply the latest tactic to weed out the weak ones, if you can endure these petty trips and tricks you can make it

>> No.2716707

What did you expect to find in /ic/ of all places. Discipline is not something you find in a shitty website made by a toothpaste tube, you have to get it yourself. LAS is for meeting other autists.

>> No.2716708

>Only a small percentage of the world will make it
>Therefore I won't even try, confirming my own bias

>> No.2716712

In the first couple months of LAS there was a sense of hopefulness and community, it kinda felt like it was the start of something great. Now everything's all doom and gloom, the threads are super slow and 99% shitposting, people who ask for help get ignored and there's no sense of community at all. The discord was supposed to remedy that I think but now it's just a circle jerk between a handful of people who have all formed their own cliques so new people can't even join. I kinda feel like leaving at this point, LAS wasn't what I thought it would be at all.

>> No.2716716

Isn't this what we see with empires in history, they have their genesis, live out their glory days till they reach the height of their rule and then after that it's just downhill. The glory days are gone, there are good and bad days here. Im gonna stay just because I started, and it'd be a shame not to see this out till the end.

>> No.2716717

To be honest, just meet some people you attune with and form your own clique. Works infinitely better. Good luck leaving if you're in topic hell though.

>> No.2716718

This. People thought it was going to last decades. It's going to last a year if not less.

>> No.2716724

You see what you want to see. LAS has never been some shining beacon for improvement, or had threads without shitposting and forced memes, in much the same way that 4chan never "used to be good". LAS itself is just a gallery site, you could just as easily submit to some reddit or facebook type group.

The only important aspect of LAS is the lassies t b h. If the threads are quiet and devoid of meaningful crits, paintovers etc, it's because you the users aren't contributing any of that. If there aren't any good challenges open it's because you the users haven't made any. This is the same for any site, any group, any community, complaining about lack of things won't change anything, you have to bring those things about yourself.

If you want to see change you have to be the change first.

And for the record, plenty of the people who complain have already left LAS, especially in the Discord. If you've left then good for you, you don't need to stick around and hope the rest of us grow tired in the same way.

>> No.2716725

The constant stream of updates and new interesting things to look forward to with an active developer posting ITT and taking feedback helped a lot at the start, as well as the initial fun of week fighting, then many began to realized how flawed the week system was (retention of new and returning users becoming increasingly dismal) Lava vanished, and we've been downward spiralling ever since on this horrid rollarcoaster

But don't look too down, there's hope, maybe Lava really will stick around this time and make LAS great again

I always hope in some future there will be sets of well structured official community challenges incorporated into the site that go through the different fundies step by step which beginners can follow and get rewarded

>> No.2716729

>what happened rozzle?

I had finished art before the deadline but it's still my fault/bad choices etc.
anyway i'm not gonna quit

>> No.2716730

>If you want to see change you have to be the change first
I am so fucking tired of seeing this shit. People have been spouting this bullshit since the start. There's plenty of people who tried to make the threads and community better and nothing happened. You can't single handedly change a community by "being the change you want to see" that's just not how it works.

And go back and check the old threads. I didn't say there was no shit posting at all, just that the threads are more upbeat. It was the start of a new community so people were genuinely excited about it. Now no one gives a shit, the developer has left and nothing is happening.

>> No.2716731

>anyway i'm not gonna quit
aw, I was hoping for the death of another weak1.
jk. Good to hear man. Keep on submitting.

>> No.2716751

>Good to hear man. Keep on submitting.
Fuck you, I see what you're doing!
you're not going to get me to quit with that kill them with kindness bs

>> No.2716809


>> No.2716843


Let me guess you guys just started drawing eh

>> No.2716933

How much longer until the site gets taken down I want out of LAS

>> No.2716937

until Lava gives up on it

>> No.2716944


>> No.2716952
File: 388 KB, 1076x1400, Inside Out Concept Art - Disgust by Tony Fucile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading instructional book then notice typos

>> No.2716995

fuck you W

you are worst than lava

you actually gave me something I enjoyed then took it away

>> No.2717003

>it's just a circle jerk between a handful of people who have all formed their own cliques so new people can't even join
I agree with your post except for this. I have seen variations of this since the very start of LAS, when two people swapped their skypes, when people joined streams, when emails got posted. You don't want to join in for whatever reason but you feel left out, so you get upset that others do.
Let me tell you, the only people that are going to take anything out of LAS are the ones meeting each other and talking, they will be around long after everyone loses interest in the site. Having an individual or a group of people to turn to is infinitely more helpful and motivating to git gud than just drawing daily and nothing else. That was lava's original reason for creating LAS, because he wanted to meet people to progress with.
My main 'art community' isn't this one so I don't talk in the LAS discord much and mostly lurk but when I do say something people in there reply like I'm just a regular, nobody makes a big deal of it. I think you are just too scared and anxious to join in so you sit there getting more jealous and more angry at anyone that does. The truth is if you suddenly joined in the general chat or asked for crit in the art channel nobody would even give it a second thought that you are 'new' they would just talk back normally, it happens all the time.

>> No.2717007

if you enjoyed ded you can enjoy las. It's the same site.

>> No.2717015

LAS is uglier, doesn't have achievements, critiques, streaks...

>> No.2717017

What do you mean new people cant join the discord? Dont be so fucking autistic. We get all kinds of cancer inducing fuckbois joining. Dont blame your autism on someone else. Everyone there is super friendly and helpful, people get critiques daily.

>> No.2717021

none of which were used except streak which is coming to las from the sound of it. I dont think it changes much anyways.

>> No.2717026

>LAS is uglier
nigga are you blind or do you just have terrible taste

>> No.2717034

>all this projecting
The discord is not to my taste. No need to start attacking me and calling me nervous or jealous or whatever else. If it helps you, great. If you're curious about it, go join and form your opinion about it. Just from what I've seen, it's only really a handful of the same people interacting and everyone else stays quite. I didn't like it and that's all there is to it. No need to get all offended and start worrying at me, for real dawg.

>> No.2717039

who the FUCK is dank

>> No.2717048

I've been here since day -2, I know what the threads etc were like, of course there was more to discuss. And you can change shit singlehandedly, especially in a community this small and filled with shy autists, 90% of the time if you start a conversation people are glad to join in, they just didn't want to start it.

Your bitching and doing nothing though has a negative effect, making people want to leave. Going wah wah the site is dying or this is the end of LAS or community is gone or whatever just keeps putting those ideas in people's heads.

Look at the fucking active page where you can see all users and submissions, we're getting the same amount of new users each week that we've been getting since like week 6, and people all last the same short while. If you want to change that shit then do something about it, if you want to just whine about how Lava can't magically make everything how you dreamed it would be then just get the fuck out, all you are is a negative drain on lassies.

>> No.2717049

It is good compared to most other submissions on LAS.

>> No.2717067

Why do you need to log in to see anything I never understood that.

>> No.2717069

Maybe some people are self conscious about their work. Also there is no need for others to see it.

Because you keep talking about the discord is there one for LAS? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.2717070

Hey buddy, fuck you. How's that for change?

>> No.2717075

Literally what

>> No.2717080

>1 person can change all of las
Then why hasn't anyone done it yet? Why haven't you done it?

>> No.2717081

It is not the best but it certainly is better than 50% of the rest.

>> No.2717085

It's linked in all the OPs. https://discord.gg/atc5REB

>> No.2717088

Oh yeah sorry.

>> No.2717110

ahahaaha, ok santi

>> No.2717135

What do you think about your rivals?

>> No.2717141

Limited membership, compulsory Discord participation, Weekly instead of Daily, doesn't have its own fancy website with the endless possibilities of new builtin features (if Lava could actually get off his ass and work on them).

Meh, they're so different it's no use comparing.

>> No.2717142

How are they our rivals? Also they seem to be kinda strict but I don't know.

>> No.2717147

Unmotivated Losers:
>We accept (traditional and digital) drawings, paintings, studies, sketches, and 3d sculpting. Please do not submit photography, photo manipulations, tutorials, traced works, bases, animations, or graphic designs.

>Fetish and sexual art is not allowed, please censor it or make a sfw version to submit.

>Any 2D drawing/painting allowed (tracing and animation allowed). 3D not allowed.
>No restrictions on NSFW.

>> No.2717153

probably a lot more useful than las, but I like the whole website part of las (in theory at least, the site is still too featureless for anything besides building a drawing habit)

>> No.2717164

I'm thinking about joining desu but people in the Thread were saying the people who run it are dicks so idk. Seems like more of a community than las.

>> No.2717193
File: 312 KB, 1223x869, RXBBcKk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I was never too good with design. Did a little tweaking today, though. I think it's an improvement.

>> No.2717196


>> No.2717203
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, %5BSEF%5D_Soul_Eater_-_06_%5BH264-720p%5D%5BACCCDC55%5Dand%20this%20is%20him%20with%20his%20sidekick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be true

>> No.2717204

Looking good. Is that your local time or the submission timer?

>> No.2717207
File: 17 KB, 350x196, rsz_1122_8197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fool me twice

>> No.2717209

Lava can you let W work on your site?

>> No.2717212

for what purpose

>> No.2717217

for a rainy day

>> No.2717220
File: 920 KB, 260x187, 1466591811138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we have to... get rid of lava?

>> No.2717222

Don't accidentally delete it now

>> No.2717226

These shenanigans have gotten so retarded.

>> No.2717227
File: 196 KB, 712x367, nii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw sasori draws best girl

>> No.2717229

when did YOU realize that w is a big faggy fag fag

>> No.2717230
File: 28 KB, 665x662, e68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2717281


I think this is the best way to think of it.
LAS is great if you're having trouble really getting off your ass and into the habit of practicing regularly. Once you've gotten that, LAS has served its purpose. There's no reason to keep posting after that, other than the community.
Unmotivated Losers is a lot better when you've already developed a habit of practicing and want no-bars-held harsh criticism as well as productive guidance facilitated by active Discord chat participants, in particular on part of the admin. If you just do the one hour per week, it's probably useless for you anyway.

>> No.2717305

>be me
>me not like LAS
>DED appears having all the stuff I wanted from LAS and so I start posting in
>DED down
>me not like W now, me not like Lava

>read about the strike feature which might appear on LAS
>hmmm, maybe that's a good point to start posting in LAS
>a few minutes later this happens >>2717193


>> No.2717309

Beening anon is suffering

>> No.2717315

stop typing like a cancerous underage /b/tard

>> No.2717325

stop replying like a cancerous underage /b/tard

>> No.2717336

Hey guys, I saw first LAS on /ic/ like half a year (or was it a year?) ago and I wonder - any of artists that started back then made some kind of progress pics? Or at least testimony?

>> No.2717342

"I fucking hate Lava" - lassie

>> No.2717343

will be the year mark soon I'm sure people will do some then, if you go on the site you can just have a look yourself now

>> No.2717345

>that one anon that warned everyone that he'd make progress pics of all the 1 year survivors and laugh with /ic/ at the ones that didn't make any gains

>> No.2717352

>tfw that was me
>tfw I was on the not improved list
I-I guess karma is real. I'm still gonna do it tho.

>> No.2717357

>people actually drawing and posting to a site everyday for a year
I'm not sure who's more insane, those people or those who gave up.

>> No.2717358

>tfw you gave up
>tfw still here.
>tfw the closest thing to a community you've ever had.

>> No.2717392

stop it anon, you're kill us all ;_;

>> No.2717416
File: 985 KB, 1024x752, topic challenge frontline 2016-10-18 update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been nearly a week and a month since a Topic Challenge Frontliner died.

4 Remain, the end is just peaking over the horizon!

>> No.2717477
File: 120 KB, 392x495, 1476051887324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slump... gomen... I've failed you

>> No.2717480

what's happening?

>> No.2717555

There's no anon thread of people backstabbing eachother. You have 1-3 professional level people offering occasional critique. And just general casual chatting.

>> No.2717566

https://picarto.tv/artscrub is nobody streaming anymore or am I just missing them?

>> No.2717569

Why stream if nobodies are going watch?

>> No.2717572

In my case I just like being there if anybody ever feels like chatting. It also helps me stay focused I guess?
People do watch though. I'm constantly looking for streams for example.

>> No.2717700

even if its just a few people, its nice drawing and being able to talk to others occasionally

>> No.2717778

So, after seeing this I decided to make a progress compilation of pretty much everything. I wanted to focus on the volume of stuff I've done, since it's mostly just sketches until august or something. So, sorry for the absurdly huge file size in part 1, But there was a lot to squish in, and there wasn't any "finished" items I could pick out, it's also missing my animated stuff.

Part 2 has my recent stuff just a bit bigger, where I have been focusing on colours, stylisation, muscles, and also more realistic lighting (I'm about to read Gurney so that's gon b fun), and blending towards the end. I would love to have some critique on the stuff at the bottom, where I've kinda taken a break from commissions to focus on improving my rendering.
Personally, I think the thing I did yesterday, which was practice on lighting and subtle colouring without using any references is really freaking neat, and I'm going to finish off the figure today.

Sorry for the furry stuff, but I'm a degenerate and I can't help it.

part 1:

part 2:

>> No.2717928
File: 38 KB, 570x433, my boy pussy for fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant you be my AI gf bondage fairy? i'm so lonely.

>> No.2717944

that pic looks like jelly bean

>> No.2717951


>> No.2717957
File: 367 KB, 636x431, jerry beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jelly bean best meme

>> No.2717975

Only if we draw together every day, all day.


>> No.2717981
File: 602 KB, 963x720, 1451303124523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not see the problem with this!

>> No.2717993

take a room you 2

a picarto room, and don't forget to invite me too

>> No.2717998

Sure. I'll do a private lassie stream for a bit, use this link to join


>> No.2718019

Everyone who is just working 30m a day has made very little progress. Those who draw every day for hours have made considerable progress.

>> No.2718034

Oh please not another list

>> No.2718037

with this many list we might need a list of the list we created so far to keep them in order

>> No.2718038

lists :D

>> No.2718068

Was that last list legit? I disagreed with a lot of it

>> No.2718069

post your list

>> No.2718079

which are the best lists?

>> No.2718080
File: 306 KB, 679x517, lists everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2718140

Not a list just a very general conclusion. 30min a day will in most cases not show much progress in less than a year.

>> No.2718144


nice list of numbers you got over there a-anon

>> No.2718158

Can someone post the current flawless image?

>> No.2718174
File: 94 KB, 1000x750, tumbleweed dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2718177
File: 473 KB, 1400x854, 1475973461214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is it.

>> No.2718189

Oi, did you ever finish silver spoon?

>> No.2718190

it seemed correct to me
A good thing to take in when gauging progress is the person's personal work vs their studies
Studies are are always going to look higher quality, because they have something to reference
imagination is the hardest, because it actually tests what you've learned

>> No.2718223

I check in time to time, but it's kind of rare. Just chugging along try to post everyday.

For what it's worth, I really thought I wouldn't make it.

>> No.2718224


>> No.2718355


>> No.2718393

>Tfw not on this anons mind

>> No.2718394

You're on my mind choob

>> No.2718404

>tfw not choob
>tfw therefore not on this anons mind

>> No.2718405

It's alright susi

>> No.2718418

artscrub, post ref.

>> No.2718419

Isn't artscrub that 5 year old

>> No.2718472

ah ha! you're right! that's him isn't it!

>> No.2718490

I can almost smell the blood of week oners, struggling to draw every day.

>> No.2718493

>tfw now that lava is back, w1ers can't die to technical issues

>> No.2718496

he's not still redeeming people is he? I thought he dropped that for good

>> No.2718505

Yep, no more reinstating people unless they were eliminated because the site was down

>> No.2718506


>> No.2718507

>list says hman has improved
>puts me in not improving
I refuse to believe this. I highly doubt the guy actually took the time to look at all of my work.

>> No.2718511

ok, I'll admit I wasn't familiar with everyone listed when I said it was correct, but for the handfuls that I do I tend to agree.

>> No.2718513
File: 68 KB, 600x448, B-3j9nYUYAAsqjJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Its by KJG

>> No.2718514

>implying hman isn't the one doing the list

>> No.2718515

That's the vibe I was getting off it. Thanks!

>> No.2718517

Getting a similar vibe is p good in my book. So thank you. (and no problem)

>> No.2718536

what a twist!

>> No.2718555

https://picarto.tv/artscrub probably a short stream today

>> No.2718689

Wow UBF, you've really improved. It's really great to see that you push out of your comfort zone and tackle new things. Progress compilation was cool to see it. Hope to see more of that here.

I'm not saying this cause you're a girl, cause I'm not into pussy. I swears it.

>> No.2718709


>> No.2718740

Finished the first season iirc

Thanks! I really try to think about what I'm scared of drawing, and then push myself to study it, it's working pretty well so far. Except for faces, forever my weakness.

Really would like to see some more progress pics from other people,coming up to a year so it's a good time to do it.

>> No.2718746

When we get to a year I'll open a challenge, don't worry.

>> No.2718837


>not into pussy

lucky for you ubf has a penis

>> No.2718901


>> No.2718978
File: 48 KB, 359x411, eyeyetyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this man and why is he so mysterious

>> No.2718983
File: 1.41 MB, 1274x1500, HqcHLlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am I watching Miloyoyo?

>> No.2718989

some flawless still remain utterly shrouded in mystery

>> No.2719007

Is that a penis?

>> No.2719012

Oh shit he really invisible

>> No.2719022

strikes when?

>> No.2719026


>> No.2719029

read the news on LAS

>> No.2719033

oh, you mean STREAKS

>> No.2719039


>> No.2719040

I could do with some steaks myself right about now

>> No.2719050

I'm gonna shove a STAKE so far up your ass you'll be coughing up splinters you paki piece of shit

>> No.2719051

gonna have lemur steak tonight~ <3

>> No.2719056

Oi oi there's no need for that language

>> No.2719060

fuck YOU

>> No.2719061

no bully pls

>> No.2719064

hey, hey, so, lava, where're the steaks? and the badgers for that matter? getting real hungry here

>> No.2719066


>> No.2719069

*fapl fapl fapl*

>> No.2719073

did poon sneeze again? lmao

>> No.2719156

I was gonna but then I got put on the no improvement list. Now I'm scared I'll embarrass myself if I post progress.

>> No.2719159


>> No.2719161
File: 71 KB, 500x535, 47287919_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she doesn't want to analyze you

>> No.2719221
File: 16 KB, 300x300, tiredness_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so sleepy
just fuck my brain up

>> No.2719225

>tfw you learn how caffeine really works and realize it doesn't actually make tiredness go away, just the feeling of it
Just fuck my shit up, can't even rely on coffee.

>> No.2719227
File: 1.55 MB, 320x218, 1463706666071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bamboo Fun


Choose one

>> No.2719229
File: 380 KB, 1500x1500, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do greyscale stuff and shading between two colors shows the brush strokes instead of it looking smooth like with the blur tool used on the right and I'm wondering if I need to use that tool to do it or if something with the first brush is messed up.

>> No.2719231

I'll choose a cintiq

>> No.2719235

You must be new to this. I've encountered it before, it's just that you're not transiting correctly. You need to get the values down. They move like a staircase.

>> No.2719250

Explain what you mean by them moving like a staircase this is new to me

>> No.2719254

anon must be drunk because staircases dont move.

check the whole chapter 8,its a good starting point

>> No.2719261
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 1457736883366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i always render in greyscale first?

>> No.2719265


i prefer to do it in color first, then adjust with an overlay layer or mess around with the contrast/hue/saturation sliders later

>> No.2719284

isnt the only thing about tiredness that matters the feeling of it anyway?

>> No.2719287

saving this.

>> No.2719290
File: 227 KB, 810x450, littricked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped out of LAS accidentally and just stopped submitting a couple of months ago. Should I rejoin? Is it still going strong? These threads don't seem to have a positive outlook toward LAS's future so I'm wondering if it's worth it. Also,
WEW Lava's off the deep end

>> No.2719294

It only does in the short run because you can still recover by sleeping like 16 hours in one day. However in the long run, if you continue to constantly push back tiredness and let it stack up, it will eventually crash onto you and you may never be able to recover again. This is why it's important to get your sleep and take breaks even if you got caffeine. Tiredness doesn't go away through willpower, the brain and body deals with that shit and the brain and body are not you even though they're in your possession, they do their own shit, so you have to play along with your limits in life. Yes, limits are a real thing, you just have to find them out.

>> No.2719300


Honestly i don't care about all this shitposting in these threads i am just happy to have a place where to submit my shit.

Well was LAS any use for you? Did it make you draw more from normal? If so by all means, continue.

>> No.2719306
File: 1.20 MB, 1100x1200, godisdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It absolutely did. I'll probably rejoin within the next few days.

>> No.2719313
File: 215 KB, 794x860, runescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> my fetishes have lead me through a series of events that resulted in me actually recognizing who drew this

just fucking kill me
end my fucking life

>> No.2719316

>tfw open it thinking it's runescape from the thumbnail
>it's not
>notice the file name says runescape afterwards as if it knew what I was thinking
What the fuck is going on, why did the colors make me think of runescape, but it's not runescape at all.

>> No.2719318
File: 90 KB, 800x502, abbey_in_an_oak_forest-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2719320


That's it, yeah. I wish it was just TF, but it was a gateway fetish into so much other shit, though TF is the primary one.

>> No.2719336

Why hasn't Choob made any progress? His last dozen posts actually show a steady regression.

>> No.2719338

1. Stop talking in 3rd person
2. Draw from life
3. Lists.

>> No.2719382

good night friends and family

>> No.2719399

https://picarto.tv/artscrub stream

>> No.2719404

>Can’t concentrate, probably because I still can’t sleep well. Doc appt tomorrow, hopefully will help somehow.

>> No.2719406


Choob, if you're here, and you:

> snore
> are overweight
> periodically wake up during the night

Go and get checked for sleep apnea.

>> No.2719480

>it's a perspective study episode

>> No.2719492

sorry, I've been doing shit productivity wise and time management wise lately and it's effecting my studies. haven't had a good day/week in a while.

>> No.2719561

how much longer till I git gud?

>> No.2719579

Who are you?

>> No.2719580

I miss the streamers, dammit. I miss them all....I miss the shenanigans and the laughs. I miss my friends T_T

>> No.2719592

Streaming consistently takes a lot out of you. it's pretty fun at first but doing it consistently is exhausting. Generally if you don't do it one day, you're more likely to not do it the next day. If you don't get many people coming in, it genuinely feels lonely too, so you just aren't as likely to stream the next day.

Then, it gets pretty sad when people lassies stop showing up. There isn't any point in streaming every day on the off chance a lassie pops in to see that there is no one else there so they just leave, so you keep streaming by yourself. Shit sucks.

>> No.2719640

There are advantages and disadvantages to each method. You just got to find your own. Rendering in grayscale will let you have more control over your values, unless youre a master painter. Its also a great way to study values.

>> No.2719716
File: 1.22 MB, 1508x789, pixiv new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, pixiv's really changed their website, posts are now very twitter/tumblr-esque

>> No.2719824

I image Choob to look like a British Scarce. You boring fuck

>> No.2719845

but unlike tumblr pixiv is usually actual quality

>> No.2719862
File: 53 KB, 227x328, Adolf_Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In keeping to the tradition of using black and white images of dead people to represent people in las that have particularly high streaks we should choose and image for the eventual winner of the flawless
A black and white image featuring a single person

>> No.2719875

>we want the mobile audience
at least the following tab is better and cleaner

>> No.2719879

Why did you post a picture of choob?

>> No.2719885
File: 70 KB, 500x500, pRndTube_metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is Choob

>> No.2719900


>> No.2719902
File: 23 KB, 500x319, 19619912395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2720054

Slow threads for a dying community (◡‿◡)

>> No.2720056


i'll be back next week anon, using my vacation to go to disneyland

>> No.2720059
File: 130 KB, 868x540, pls-respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. Though I sleep so quietly that people think I'm not breathing, if anything a bit underweight, and the problem is just getting to sleep initially. Went to the doc which is slowly helping but yeah the past week or so has just been posts to keep me in LAS. Had same thing a month or so ago.

I'll get better though and then I can focus on getting gud-er.

Accurate. Shiny and chrome.

>> No.2720085

A year. Everyone can git gud in a year. Just look at w1ers. With the one easy trick of LAS, they've improved ten fold.

>> No.2720087
File: 52 KB, 828x472, floop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah I've certainly gotten gud alright...
Anon I think you mean one year of deliberate and focused studies for much longer than 30 minutes a day.

>> No.2720099

But I was on the not improving list. :(

>> No.2720134


>> No.2720148

oh great lord Loomis, I invoke you!
Oh mighty lord vilppu, I invoke you!
Oh you gods of art, please kill a week 1 today. Please take one as a sacrifice.

>> No.2720158

week 1s did nothing wrong

>> No.2720159
File: 973 KB, 312x213, IT&#039;S HAPPENING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry for the low effort post today. I’ve been working on LAS stuff and I spent too much time drawing on paper.

>I've been working on LAS stuff

>tfw you lived long enough to witness Lava return to working on LAS

>> No.2720160

>tfw the Gods of Art have forsaken you

>> No.2720241


>> No.2720363

Lel, did you know Karla Ortiz used to color bl comics?

>> No.2720382



