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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 37 KB, 640x640, dankest pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2714960 No.2714960 [Reply] [Original]

have any of you risen above this meme and achieved your art related goals? Are you on the way there? Are you close but not quite? Are you no where near there and ''making it'' is just a dream to you? Is art a passionate hobby to you or is it actually your job? Or mabe a bit of both?

i would like to hear about your personal experiences on the artists path.

>inb4 obligatory ''go kill yourself,go read the sicky,Op is a fag
I don't know why this type of thread would trigger or offend someone but you can never be to sure

>> No.2714965

If you have to make a thread to ask this question you could figure it out yourself it's self explanatory - no one needs to fucking spoonfeed you every single bit of information use your fucking head.

>> No.2714966

I've seen multiple threads like this in the past month alone. Just search the archives.

>> No.2714967

I wanna go pro but I'm not even close to making it ;_;

>> No.2714973

>no one needs to spoonfeed you
>obligatory offended guy detected
anon, im trying to get personal experiences about people on the pursuit of art from /ic specifically becuase im curious, i'm not asking for you to tutor me for free or anything

>just search the archives.
i didn't even know that was possible. could you send me a link?

>i wanna go pro but i'm not even close
what do you mean by pro? Do you mean patreon famous or world famous? do you do portraits or comics or something else. Whats your goal prerogative anon?

>> No.2714980
File: 35 KB, 323x400, PleaseKillMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showcasing how butthurt you are about not "make it" this blatantly


>> No.2715009

lol chill out dude just take a deep breath

>> No.2715011
File: 1000 KB, 2000x839, 1462834416394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so close, i can feel it in my bones

>> No.2715013
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my Graphic designing these past 2 days

>> No.2715035

>that gradient between the K & C


>> No.2715048

going to remove it on the left and apply it to the right of the k to separate them a bit

>> No.2715055
File: 38 KB, 500x301, ju4LhHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2715061

Not exactly,

but I still have an art and design job which is more than what a lot of people can hope to achieve.

>> No.2715069

lol no offense but you were paid for this?

>> No.2715070

no its in progress

>> No.2715077

I might have made it.

5 years ago in High School I started getting into concept art after only drawing anime up until that point. I started watching Feng Zhu's videos, and was instantly seduced and decided then that I would become a concept artist. I really wanted to attend his school, but when I did the research I found out that my government would not give me a student loan to attend his school, and there was no way my family could afford it, so I have to choose another one as my country didn't have any programs for concept art.

So I started attending AAU in San Francisco, which had a visual development program. I put a lot of effort into my studies and improved steadily.

So now 4 years later I'm in my very last semester, I'll be graduating in December, and I've been attending an internship as a concept artist at a major mobile gaming studio in SF for 6 months now, with promise of getting hired. If I do I get to stay in the country, as a professional concept artist making my living purely from drawing.

It was a huge gamble leaving my country and pursue a career in a field as unforgiving as art, but now I feel like it was all worth it.

Worth it, but a lot of work. More than you can imagine.

>> No.2715130

op here

>i have an art and design job
could you expand on this more?

nice job anon! hope it turns for the best.

>> No.2715131

i honestly think im almost there to the point where i can start selling my art, a coworker today told someone about my art because its the same type of art they like (demonic/ weird/ scary) and they were looking to buy something of my style. many people have told me to sell my art, and why i havnt been selling my art yet. the problem with me is that i only finish half of the piece im working on, and then get bored and move onto a different one. my way of drawing is doing a super simple sketch then a lot of detail going down. so its half fully finished then the last half is just a sketch. i was thinking maybe if i get prescribed adderal id be able to shit the fuck down and finally finish something

>> No.2715133

my type of shit bro. blog?
reminds me of my art

>> No.2715141

How's the school? I'm thinking about attending it, but it's hard to tell if it's actually good.

>> No.2715149

Depends on the major, I can only talk for Visual Development, but yeah I think it's really good. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to become a concept artist.

>> No.2715156

Yeah, I was planning to take that route hoping it's enough for becoming a concept artist. Mind sharing some of your experience on that program?

>> No.2715168

I think you need to be a little more specific.

>> No.2715174

What was the process you had to go through to get the internship? Did you have to do art tests?

>> No.2715178

>>i have an art and design job
>could you expand on this more?

I work in graphic illustration and product design. The company I work for is e-commerce oriented. I would like to do something in the entertainment industry, so I use my free time for /ic/ things

>> No.2715187


Aren't those the scam schools?

>> No.2715195

Such as how helpful are the faculty? Are they always available or busy? Do they tell you the right things or are they themselves unsure? Stuff like that. Maybe even how's housing?

>> No.2715301

Someone on a team at the studio needed a concept artist and wanted an intern (because interns are cheap) and they contacted my school for recommendation. Me and a few others were recommended, two of us were interviewed and I got the position. The interview process lasted a couple of hours, questions were generally about what my process is and what my approach to deigns were. No art test, got this position purely because the team needed an artist quickly.

It's not a scam, their advertisements are just terrible. I don't even know where you got that from?

So far I've had great experiences with the staff members in the visual development department, even the leader of the department will take time to talk to the students one on one to critique artwork and give tips for getting jobs. In general you can set up appointments with any teachers when they have office time and talk to them. In class the teachers will often stay late to give you feedback if you want it, really most of them are very dedicated. I'm good friends with a lot of the teachers, even had a few beers with some of them, they're really chill, and knows their shit. They won't like you if you don't put any effort into your art, though, they know a lost cause when they see it.

>> No.2715312


>> No.2715500

grats man, what kind of stuff did you do as studies there?

>> No.2715507

I have a lot of my studies posted on my tumblr


>> No.2715518


>> No.2715521

>go all the way back to try and find when you suck
>never sucked
Well shit.

>> No.2715580
File: 155 KB, 500x401, 1436405768644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm far away from making it, but I'm steadily getting there.

No one has ever made it by hoping.

>> No.2715636

Do you think you could've made it to where you are today if you were self taught (in terms of skill level not job opportunity)? How did you initially learn art, just the feng stuff or more? What was your schedule like and what did it consist of(I.e. How many hours a day did you draw/what kinda studies did you do etc)?
Sorry for the barrage of questions, just kinda curious.
And congrats on your progress+job anon, you're living the dream!

>> No.2715856

What? How would the personal experiences of others be "self explanatory"? I know this gets thrown around a lot on this site, but are you actually autistic?

>> No.2715872

Personally, I think of "making it" being less about achieving one end-all goal, but rather making progress towards goals that build off each other. I've found making smaller, more attainable goals can help you stay motivated while feeling like you're making real progress.

I've been trying to break into an illustration industry I'm interested in (editorial) and I've been fortunate enough to be able to land some solid gigs. I've also been able to accumulate a solid passive income from royalties on print-on-demand sites (Redbubble, Etsy, etc.) It's a bit different of a path that a lot of /ic/ seems to be interested, but I really enjoy building up both of these things.

I'm happy to be at a point that these two things provide a small livable income, but I don't consider that to have "made it". Rather, I feel like I have some more milestones that I can reach, such as:
1. Continue getting more & better illustration gigs to help me land an illustration agent
2. Try and increase my print-on-demand + drop ship monthly earnings.

I'm sure that if those goals become a reality, then there will me new milestones to hit, such as working for a dream client or something. I highly recommend focusing on smaller, realistic goals that create stepping stones to your larger, end-of-the-road dreams.

>> No.2715889

This industry is a fucking joke. The fact you get hired as an intern when there are so many unskilled crony like cunts that worm there way in... Fuck the concept art industry, you deserve better than the shitshow that is Zynga.

>> No.2716039

Zynga is actually filled with a lot of talented artists and they take very good care of their employees. Their games aren't the best, but the culture at the hq is nothing to complain about.

>> No.2716080

I don't see why that matters, Zynga are pushing out absolute garbage... Why the fuck would someone invest time into learning a creative trade only to end up in a void like that, other career paths would pay out faster.

Not that places like Blizzard are much better, they pay poorly but have a good bonus setup. Completely homogenize style to the point you can't tell who worked on what.

>> No.2716086

Money? Not everyone can choose where they work.

>> No.2716091

Yes? sort of? Someone of that skill level is good enough to choose where they work so why settle for less?

If stability or money are the issue then why aim for concept art at all and then defend ending up at some hell hole devoid of creativity. I guess they still spend money lavishly on employees, I know places like King do with all kinds of benefits.

Still, i'm not the one posting where I work and attaching my name to it because heaven forbid you're honest in this industry, thats a fast track to being cast out.

>> No.2716098

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2716112


I just want to clear something up, because I knew I would get some shit if I revealed I worked for Zynga.

There are several reasons I'm considering staying at Zynga for awhile after graduation, reasons I have little control over. First one is that I'm not a US citizen, and Zynga can sponsor me for a work visa which I need to stay in the country. Not a lot of companies are willing to hire someone if they know they have to get them a work visa, but Zynga happens to have offered that. Second, I have tons of loans to pay off, my parents are not paying my college tuition and when they have occasionally helped me by sending me money, I have to start paying that back. I feel terrible having needed so much money from them, and I'm desperate to start paying it back as soon as I can.

I'm at a point where I have to choose what will get me through my first year after graduation, where most people have to look for any job at all, I'm lucky enough I already have one. I'm not taking the opportunity for granted.

>> No.2716122

You hear that a lot around these parts, outside of posting who I am, who i've worked for and who I know theres no way I could convince you otherwise right?

The work visa aspect makes things far more understandable. Your reasoning makes sense and I wish you all the best in getting somewhere where you won't go to waste in a few more years.

>> No.2716124

I'm 23 years old, I have time to get where I want. Thank you.

>> No.2716135

>It's not a scam, their advertisements are just terrible. I don't even know where you got that from?
Not that anon, but for-profit schools have a bad reputation of just taking students money and giving them a worthless education in return (Corinthian colleges. ITT tech, Trump U, University of Phoenix).

>> No.2716163


I think there is no reason why you should defend or explain why you work for Zynga.

You work as an artist for a major studio, you get a good salary and benefits. By any standard you have made it.

Ignore any person whining "wa wa mobile studios are shit and mobile games are shit."

>> No.2716197

I haven't 'made it' but I did just get my first gig as a professional comics artist with one of the bigger US publishers. It's a first step in the right direction to whatever 'making it' might be

>> No.2716198

Congratulations! What type of work are you doing? Is it an assistant type job or something bigger?

>> No.2716203

Thanks man! I'm drawing (pencils and inking) four issues of one of BOOM's licensed series. Unfortunately can't talk bout it til it's solicited tomorrow.

>> No.2716205

Wow four issues pencils and inking, sounds like a really nice job you landed. I hope they pay you well for it.

>> No.2716208

It's just above a typical starter page rate, but it's a good license and has a great writer attached so yeah, pretty sweet gig!

>> No.2716210

Can i see some of your art? I want to see what level of quality i need to be at to break in

>> No.2716219
File: 1.66 MB, 1795x2696, 05res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. This is one of my most recent pages

>> No.2716229

what's the typical rate for comic pages?

>> No.2716233

Nice, much more professional than I had imagined. I didn't realize there was anybody here who did comics at this level.

>> No.2716240

Most US publishers will start you off at $75 per page (inks + pencils). I'm on $100 as licensed comics generally pay a bit better, and if the issues move enough units you get some royalties too

Of course the bigger the name / property the better the pay, so give it a few years and you could easily be earning at least $300pp at Marvel, DC or Valiant

I don't think there is anyone but me, I've asked around on here and /co/ but most people are self-publishing or doing webcomics (which is why I mostly lurk)

>> No.2716242

Ah its you, nice one getting a gig.

>> No.2716247
File: 2.67 MB, 1944x2529, 20161015_170151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool stuff man, idk if you should be showing me a page though haha

Do you use a lot of reference?
Do you ink directly over your pencils or use a lightbox or tracing paper?
What are the dimensions of that page?

Gotta grill you mr big comic man art man
Any advice for pic related?
Cant resize, srry

>> No.2716267

Who dis b?

>Do you use a lot of reference?
Yep, for everything. I use a webcam to take my own for poses, and research everything else (locations, props etc.). The important thing is not to just trace the ref, it has to inform. A lot of comic artists blatantly trace (over photos, 3D posing software or otherwise) and it shows

>Do you ink directly over your pencils or use a lightbox or tracing paper?
Yep, ink straight onto pencils. But whatever works for you man, that's just me.

>What are the dimensions of that page?
The live area dimensions are 10x15inches, with a 1cm border around. The bristol board I'm using is your typical 11x17 A3 stuff

I can't really give you much advice on your piece considering it's (a) not finished and (b) not an actual page but;
- Commit to spotting blacks more. Some of your hatching is nice (like on the shirt) but it's inconsistent around the muscles on the arm, and won't read well when it's scanned and printed
-Vary your line weights a bit more. Your finer lines are great, but I think you lose a sense of volume by not having thicker lines on bigger shapes and where the light isn't hitting.
- Also finish the overall figure and elements before you go into details, I do that myself sometimes and it's a bad habit

What are you using to ink btw?

>> No.2716276

Great stuff, I hope you'll go places!

>> No.2716280


>> No.2716290

If you're the person that posted in the self promotion thread a while back i'm the one that noticed that you like sean murphy.


Is that you? If not nevermind and nice stuff regardless.

>> No.2716300

Nah not me, there's enough Sean Murphy wannabes around. But still nice stuff, and cheers!

>> No.2716308

Yeah not a great example but its the only thing i have right now.

Using a crow 102 and Black Magic

>> No.2716719
File: 787 KB, 1000x748, october-10-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it but im so pitiable that nobody cares.

great at art but no social life, hasn't masturbated in 3 years, hasn't kissed a girl in 4 years, lives with his parents, no art connections, no money

not exactly what people envision as "making it" but made it nonetheless

someone even slightly less socially retarded than me wouldve been a millionaire with my talents by now

>> No.2716769

What's the difference between visual development and game development program? They seem so similar that it's difficult for me to decide which I would have to choose.

>> No.2716773

You come off like you overestimate yourself incredibly, to the point where i cant tell if youre joking.

>> No.2716778

get a part time job brian, you havent made it
unless you're joking

>> No.2716861
File: 232 KB, 834x769, 108510510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never began to begin with.
I am a passionate lurker for years and saw all the progress you anons and namefags made.

I have the /ic/ books collection waiting patiently in my hard drive to be unzipped.

I'll continue to learn programming and pursue that other dream while still being afraid of making the first steps

>> No.2717539

Do you want to draw concept art for games? Visual development.

Do you want to build levels and code? Game design.

Most students in the Game design departments are a bunch of neckbeard twats tho, typical idea people with no real skills or drive. Every Game dev girl is also ugly.

>> No.2717542
File: 6 KB, 242x208, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, sat close to a guy who changes his computers wallpaper to some meme shit and a neckbeard actually wearing a google glass.
School shooter kid in all black with chains, sunglasses, and spiked hair tried to befriend me.

>> No.2717551

I had one game dev class once, it was seriously terrible. regret taking it so much, and worst of all it lasted fucking 6 hours.