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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 368 KB, 1200x1699, eart-cg-333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2706731 No.2706731 [Reply] [Original]

Hey kids! Now you can go to school with lots of depressed chinks in semi-rural china and become that identical (read: somewhat sub par) copy of RJ that you always wanted to be! And tuition only costs about $5000 a year. I hope you brushed up on your ching chong, because you have to speak communist moon to study there.

What do you think d/ic/ks will you be studying in the east?


>> No.2706822

psh, I don't need ancient Chinese secrets to get that good. Sooner or later I'll get to that level on my own

>> No.2706827

I wonder what the /ic/ of the east is like, they probably don't have incredibly shitty memes about sparks, gesture battles, natural talent, need more loomis, post your work, flash me, symbol drawing, ligamemes, neuroplasticity, and aphantasias

>> No.2706831

But they still have all the same dicksucking threads about Mullins/Jaime/Ruan. It's probably not all that different from here, I'm sure they also have their own memes and negativity. Human nature is pretty uniform.

>> No.2706874

Don't make fun of Fenghua Zhong, op. Imma ree if you do it again.

>> No.2706887

No one cares about the hordes of RJ ripoffs in China. The scary thing is that some of them have started going to Art Center now...like I am scared to see what this guy will be doing in 5 or 6 years: https://www.artstation.com/artist/lucaxu

>> No.2706891
File: 373 KB, 1798x1200, 14757870332900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hgjart finished this course this year

>> No.2706892
File: 144 KB, 690x874, 14757870333042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2706901

How good was he before? Is Chinese magic actually real? I guess if FZD can do it, China can do it too.

>> No.2706902

So he only did a month there? Other anons made it sound like he was studying full time in their main program.

Also his lack of drawing skills really shows in his traditional paintings way more now that he can't hide it behind a million digital flashy techniques and rework it endlessly.

>> No.2706903
File: 1.28 MB, 1887x1060, 20130614222850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never saw any traditional work of his before, but he did stuff like pic related several years ago digitally, and I believe he is self taught.

>> No.2706907
File: 169 KB, 690x973, 632bafadgw1f7ovbn75q3j20uc16sk3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also his lack of drawing skills really shows in his traditional paintings way more now that he can't hide it behind a million digital flashy techniques and rework it endlessly.
I don't think anon who can't draw in position to talk shit about his art. Especially traditional

>> No.2706933
File: 898 KB, 1378x973, HGJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a piss-stained, glowing, cross-eyed painting that is well into kitschy Jesus territory is supposed to change my mind? He's literally hiding half the drawing behind saturated colors and soft edges, and he still made him cross-eyed.

Sure he's skilled, much more than I am, but he's still not a god and has lots of mistake in his drawing, and he also has some shitty taste.

>> No.2706937

>blah balah blah

>> No.2706938

Oh, anon, you're just cute.

>> No.2706939


>> No.2706940
File: 175 KB, 694x585, Screen-Shot-2015-02-14-at-6.08.11-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure he's skilled, much more than I am
>but he's still not a god and has lots of mistake in his drawing
>he also has some shitty taste.
my sides

>> No.2706941
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1423155256202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2706942

Every artist has mistakes

>> No.2706943

How does one get this good at painting

>> No.2706946

you retards are forgetting he was already good before he went to school for art. either he went for more exposure or his parents are loaded.

>> No.2706950

>No digital work of any kind.
>No works made from photos (absolutely "no" for the Academy).
>No fantasy, 3D, etc.
>Only classical, academic samples of real objects and real people.
So what skill level do you gotta be? There's no way beginners join right?

>> No.2706953

>his parents are loaded.
Wha? He's like over 30 and has his own art school in China.

>> No.2706954

For their summer program like that they mostly are filled with foreigners I think, so the level should probably be at least mid tier but you don't need to be as good as if you were getting into their full time program.

>> No.2706962

Thanks captain obvious, but what the deal with that "parents are loaded" cringe shit? 1300 eur are not big money for professionals like him.
They have training courses for exams. But I don't know they international or not. Probably not.

>> No.2706964

If you're that critical about anyones art, whether or not it's Ruan Jia's, god knows how you must feel about your own art. Good luck with whatever you're doing, you'll need it.

>> No.2706969

I'm critical about all art, and I believe it's necessary to maintain a highly critical eye on everything regardless of what name is attached to the artwork. You're right that I hate my own artwork, but with enough time and work I hope to hate it a bit less.

>> No.2706974


>> No.2706975

How old are you?

>> No.2706981


I'm not a Maximalist. I'm 23 though.

>> No.2706982


>> No.2706987

>23 already and still has that way of thinking
Are you in depression?

>> No.2706990

Depends,what are the signs?

>> No.2706993

Anyone else feel this style looks kind of ugly even though it's good? There's just something about it that I don't like and I don't know what it is.

>> No.2707000

Don't know about your shit fetishes but left chick is hot as fuck>>2706891

>> No.2707003
File: 115 KB, 796x1052, Gwen John 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's just poor taste. Everything is trying to show off with blending and soft edges and rendering everywhere, but there's no real taste guiding it.

>> No.2707013
File: 1.61 MB, 2401x1563, Charles_Angrand_-_The_Harvesters_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being proud of poor taste

>> No.2707017
File: 69 KB, 941x1332, Jin Shangyi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have good taste, thank you very much. Also I'm not sure on what planet you think HGJ is considered to be good taste.

>> No.2707026
File: 144 KB, 800x1059, Jean_Eugène_Buland_Almosen_eines_Bettlers_1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already posted two examples of shit taste. Even my teachers from Repina would laugh at you

>> No.2707027

>but there's no real taste guiding it
Can you define taste in this context. It means nothing in this sentence.

>> No.2707032
File: 390 KB, 834x1200, abram_arkhipov_5_peasant_1916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even my teachers from Repina would laugh at you
What? What's Repina? Is that supposed to be the Repin Academy or something? Never seen it written like that, and if you really were attending that then the teachers there would like the images I posted.

Any decisions in how you depict something come down to taste, but a lot of his decisions are stock formulas like adding in lots of unnecessary hues or soft edges. Each decision should be made in a case by case basis so that it has the most impact and is effective, but he isn't doing this. He's not following a strict direction with his art so it comes across as tacky and cheap.

>> No.2707039

Wait, what exactly were you trying to prove with that paintover? That using shitty brush strokes, fucking up the edges and getting rid of rich broken colors makes it look worse? No shit it does. Are you retarded? You're basically saying if you remove 50% of the skillful elements of the painting it doesn't look as good anymore.

>> No.2707050

For unknown reason you think that your taste is not shit.
>Any decisions in how you depict something come down to taste, but a lot of his decisions are stock formulas like adding in lots of unnecessary hues or soft edges.
You can't draw. Your opinion is nothing

>> No.2707066

kek resorting to baseless insults now? you really have no argument at all and even if you're trying to just troll and rile people up you are failing

>> No.2707073

i like the corrected one better ...

>> No.2707077
File: 335 KB, 1920x1128, luca-xu-10x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's say a guy is an amateur in drawing
>He has savings for one year
>Decides to quit his job
>He gathers resources and prints them, buys books that he'll need
>He cuts off internet to his pc
>He starts drawing
>~10h a day each day

In that year his schedule would be to get up at 10am, workout in his home gym for 2h (including shower and breakfast), then draw from 12am to 12pm with one hour in between for sleep and eating (food would be made).

That guy is around thirty years old.

Would he become at least employable and good enough to switch his career to illustrating / animating or CA depending on what he chooses?


>> No.2707082

>, then draw from 12am to 12pm with one hour in between for sleep
Haha, that nigga is going to die.

>> No.2707090
File: 230 KB, 1212x1480, f1ed247d128618a95e7b134a377ed39b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you think your taste is good? Who are you to talking about "hues or soft edges" as some professional artist or art teacher? Do you have art education in one of the best fine art school? Did you study art history? Are you part of any art academies? Can someone competent like members of Royal Academies confirm your good taste? Can you show some other proofs? Oil panitngs? Fine art collection? Claiming about superiority of taste is very provocatively and snobbish

>> No.2707093

A few problems:
-it takes longer than a year to go from amateur to professional, so he would run out of money, it's best to say it will take at least 3 or 4 years, but for most people it would take over 5
-almost no one has the discipline to actually work 10 hours a day every day like that cut off from everything
-if someone did indeed do that they would likely burn out
-even if by some miracle the artist gains professional painting skills at the end of the year, they haven't been making connections or marketing themselves online, so it would take a while before they could start to make any money or get any jobs
If you're already 30 then you're going to be "late" to the game anyways, so just take it slow and don't try to rush to catch up. At that age a couple years extra makes little difference. So if you will quit your job then maybe get a part time job instead so you have some income and can stretch out your training period to be several years.

>> No.2707094

>Who are you to talking about "hues or soft edges" as some professional artist or art teacher?
Those are literally some of the most basic terms and ideas in painting. You don't need to be a teacher to use them.

>> No.2707095

You need art teacher. Watch Watts videos about mastery. 100% self taughts are rare. Don't belive /ic/ memes about "you can do it". Art teacher speed up your process.
>inb4: Watts shill

>> No.2707098

There is no rules.

>> No.2707418

just tears.

>> No.2707618

Well then, enjoy your scribbles!

>> No.2707666

Why are chinks so obsessed with white women?

>> No.2707670

You gave him a dead eye. Are you crosseyed? Because in your version hes literally looking in two different directions, not to mention your bland and ugly colors

>> No.2707671

Should Russia have imported some chinese women for him to paint?

>> No.2707672

Russians hired white women. What can you do?

>> No.2707674
File: 105 KB, 693x758, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw at the bottom of the valley

T-That means I'm improving, right?

>> No.2707679

It really doesn't. It's just about knowledge and not improvement.

>> No.2707697

This is like dunning Kruger dunning kruger, thinking that you bottomed out, but you still have so much more to fall.

>> No.2707699

Dunning Kruger is a meme.

>> No.2707709

He might go insane and start a shooting rampage but I don't know otherwise, it's tough to say. This person would most likely improve, but again, it's tough to say how much you- sorry, HE would improve. Remember being technically proficient is half the battle, if you want to be hired doing art you like, you have to have a style and that can take as much time to develop as your- sorry again, his technique. But you - FUCK- HE should go for it.

>> No.2707711

no, its pretty much real, we are biased individuals after all.

>> No.2707716

The Moment you can stop masturbating to youreself you will be gud.
If your paintings look off there is a reason, find that reason and change it. Dont be afraid of doing things over and over until they look right.
Be willing to learn.
You just need to let get of the inner 12 year old who thinks his poorly scribbled orcs are the hottest shit and everyone who is better is "cheating"

>> No.2707730

>he thinks having talent isn't cheating

>> No.2709168

he's right though, right blonde chick has an unbalanced pose and her hand looks really awkward, for example.

>> No.2709189

Are you trolling?

>> No.2709234

Asia has some of the best artists. Raise yourself to their standards and you will get a job.