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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2706418 No.2706418 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find the joy in art again?

>> No.2706436

Drawing what you like.
Stop doing 100% studies and do like 50% studies 50% drawing what you like.

You can even do study by copying good artists you like, if you don't copy it mindlessly, you will learn a lot of thing and you will have more fun. You like Eva so DL an artbook from Sadamoto or Yoshinari and study their drawings, just do the same thing you would do with a photo reference, and try to think what they are doing as artists themselves, what do they do that you don't do the same way. "Did Sadamoto make the arm that long? I wouldn't do that, but it seems better"

Good luck.

>> No.2706463

Take a temporary break from the grind or whatever and draw whatever you like family man!

>> No.2706471

Fuck off weeb

>> No.2706906

Take a break you'll find you miss it after a while.

>> No.2706913

>how do I stop being depressed?
Either seek medical help or be an hero. But most importantly, stop wasting time here, dumbass.

>> No.2707047

go back to older hobbies that made you want to draw in the first place
play a video game you heard was good
watch a movie or tv series you've always wanted too
go hiking to see the beauty in the world
don't do something you've already done before though, you're trying to find a new spark

>> No.2707051

You relinquish importance of your joy and just fucking do it

>> No.2707056

>was depressed and didn't draw
>the fact that I didn't draw made it worse for my depression
>go to therapy
>after 3 months find motivation again
>since then I've improving and drawing 2-3+ hours a day in studies alone

Go to therapy, faggot.

>> No.2707758

Draw something you like.

>> No.2707764

i take some time out of the day to draw something i like, usually anime lolis and western cartoon characters.

drawing what you enjoy or something youre interested in helps bring the joy back to your drawing.

>> No.2707775

>get depressed because can't draw
>Stop draw
>come back 7 months later
>get even more depressed because i somehow didnt get better not drawing for 7 months
>say fuck it and do /ic/ image that says do these fucking books, do drawabox at the same time, read loomis and start studying/doing exercises
>day 10, currently doing 14+ hours a day
>want to kill myself

I just want to draw dick girls with nice cocks but here i am drawing badly drawn grasshoppers

>> No.2707777

the only way to get better is to keep drawing, you dont improve if you dont draw.

>> No.2707779

I'm aware.

It's just 100% studies is taking its toll
I lack the ability to make what I enjoy so I study.

>> No.2707784

take a break from studying and draw for fun, even if its bad, nobody will see it anyway. Try to reconnect with that feeling of drawing random shit as a child without regard for if its "perfect" apply what you learn, or just draw the things you think youre good at drawing, anything that is enjoyable.
people on /ic/ say you should study constantly, thats a good way to get burnt out and angry.
The way to really unlock the joy of study and the joy of drawing, is to make it a habit, enjoy yourself and enjoy your failures, if you turn drawing into a relaxing, enjoyably habit, you'll start feeling like youre missing something if you DONT draw, and that will keep you drawing even if things dont turn out good.
When you are not so great at drawing, grinding for hours on end and seeing no immediate results is a great way to get frustrated and bitter about art and its pretty counter intuitive if youre prove to frustration.

>> No.2707787

It's going to be hard to suppress the "you're fucking up" thoughts when drawing. But, nonetheless I'll give it ago. Why do I care so much anyways, noones going to see so why do I feel so pressured to make it perfect? You're absolutely right. I'll ease up on the studying and just start drawing for fun

>> No.2707792

why are you drawing grasshoppers if you wanna draw dick girls. atleast draw things with relevent textures dude.

>> No.2707798

Not him but Drawabox has a insect lesson in the early stages of the program. I think female anatomy is a ways away.

>> No.2707800
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>It's going to be hard to suppress the "you're fucking up" thoughts when drawing.

I was like that once, then i realized that every artist has to go through millions of shit drawings to get to be one of those "good" artists.
Grab sketchbbook or whatever, and just draw, try to remind yourself that nobody but you will see it, the point is to just hammer out drawings and try many different things, doing that also builds confidence and speed, too many artists are hung up on making something look good so they take too long, or over think things.
The point im trying to make though is that you should have a "fuck around" book to dump your doodles, and just remind yourself that they dont have to be good, and if its really that bad, just redraw it. There is no limit to how many times you can redraw something or try again
its hard to explain but i think you catch my drift

>Why do I care so much anyways
Well, youre holding youself to certain standards, thats not a bad thing, but you should be realistic and not be so harsh on yourself, if youre just starting out, of course you cant draw something utterly amazing, and thats alright, because you can learn, and you'll eventually get there. Utilize that standard of quality you hold youself to, to realize your mistakes and make corrections from there, but most importantly realize that its no big deal if you fuck up as long as you learn from your mistakes, thats seriously important. failing is something everyone goes through so the sooner you deal with that, the better you'll be at studying and the less you'll feel shitty for producing something you arent happy with.

Remember, dont believe /ic/, nobody ever "makes it", mastery is subjective, art is a constant, never ending learning process and all you can go is up. No matter what level of skill your at, theres probably someone better, and you'll probably feel bad for not being like that guy whos better than you, even if everyone else thinks youre a master. it never ends

>> No.2707804

I'll take your advice to heart, anon.
Thank you.

>> No.2707807

What kind of shitty ass response is this?

He put so much effort into giving feedback.

And you.
>Ill take your advice to heart, anon
duh huh deh duh

>> No.2707809

Theres not much else that needs to be said.
His advice isn't open to debate, nor is it a question
He's telling you his experiences, that anon has two choices

Respond with thank you
Not reply

There isn't anything left that needs to be said
Now this thread can die

>> No.2707814

No problem dude, drawing is supposed to be fun.

I didnt put any effort into what i wrote what so ever, its full of mistakes lol.

>> No.2707951

good stuff ITT

>> No.2707953

Nice quads.

>> No.2707955

well deserved quads

>> No.2707964

Wow, what a faggot.

>> No.2708138

>he's mad on 4chan

>> No.2708217

Do life drawing, you'll see some titties

>> No.2708269

gain patience and enjoy slow drawing

>> No.2708329

Reminds me of another anon who once told me replying to the same question: just go on any booru, search lolis and draw all day long. Also the way he said it made me realize how much i was overthinking art. Just take what you like to look at and draw it.

>> No.2708667
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goat tier advice anon

>> No.2708681
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You either have the "spark" or you don't. I'm a person who wants to create. Build upon. Every personality test I've ever taken has espoused that.

When I play a video game, I want to draw something from that universe. When I read a book, I instantly imagine my perspective on the setting I'm reading, and have interest in seeing it laid out before me physically.

My dreams have always been vivid. I've dreamed of exotic worlds and locations, a car driving through a low bridge connected to a lake on one side, and a towering skyscraper on the other, with a nearby planet overlooking it.

I've dreamed of chasing people through my old home town, going through the oldtown and passing some buildings and then a hill, which leads into a tunnel with a vast complex of railroads in any shape or direction possible, with water rushing in between.

Imagination. Willpower. Ambition. These are the tools of life.

>> No.2708688

>look at me ive had weird dreams and i imagined something once and that means im special from the rest

>> No.2708692

wow nice painting you really are inspired

>> No.2708773

I had to cling to my sanity when I read this post. man, that was intense!

>> No.2708822

How do I find joy in life?

>> No.2708826


>> No.2709000
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>> No.2709326

no u

>> No.2710392

I found joy in art when I just admitted to myself that I was wrong about my skill level. I was so used to getting showered in compliments that I always thought my talent was just there and would always get better no matter what I did.

I personally believe that the first few years of drawing are so fun because you are proving to yourself that it's possible. I know this from experience. When it gets down to the nitty gritty and you realize you have to make some changes to your old habits or that you have to fine tune your techniques, that's when it's no longer the "YAY I'M SO HAPPY I'M LEARNING" and becomes "Alright time to get serious"

>> No.2710394

That's when you realize you're going in deep, and if you've been drawing for years and still haven't gotten to that point it's almost worse. For me personally (this may not apply to everyone) what helped me the most was buckling down and realizing that I had to actually do something to get better. There are tons of tutorials out there, and if you're not so much into reading about them then try YouTube and look at some artists there. You can typically gauge who to watch and who not to watch by looking at their skill level. Don't take advice from someone just because they're popular. Some of these people just tell you what they want you to hear and can be misleading.

For me the joy in art now isn't about the compliments or the confidence it gave me, it's about enjoying the things that I love and enjoy and being able to communicate those things visually. It's looking back on my old artwork and thinking "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WAS I EVEN DOING". It's doing all that work and seeing it pay off. There are right and wrong ways of doing things, but there will always be your own individual techniques or styles that will make it yours. Don't look at studying as a way to diminish what makes your art unique, swallow your pride and learn something you know deep down you don't know so that you can basically git gud and be the artist you want to be.

>if you find no joy in art try to get better so that drawing can be more fluent and not as stressful of an ordeal. It's not about having a natural talent, it's about building one so that you can look back on your old stuff and see you're getting somewhere with it

>> No.2710412

Just listen to Shadman.


>> No.2710429

good post anon

>> No.2710542

god bless him

>> No.2710544


And by serious. You have then reached a level where you are still unemployed, but are so desperate to give your art a purpose.

This is when game companies are developed. It's up to you for it to evolve.

>> No.2710555

Holy shit this is embarrassing and awkward.

People don't find this inspirational, do they?

>> No.2711222


>> No.2711255

Stop taking yourself so seriously, stop taking your art so seriously and draw some stupid shit for a little while. No one piece of art will last forever and no one gives a shit anyway - you draw because it feels good to finish something. You do it for you, no one else. It could also be that you're burned out and need to try a new medium

>> No.2711562
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watch some Bob Ross nerd

even if you just open up a thing in photoshop (or Gimp in my case) and paint along with him on there, he'll help you find the Joy of Painting ™

>> No.2711940
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>> No.2712044


>> No.2712995

From what I've heard therapy is literally just talking to someone about your issues and that's about it. You just designate that person as the one you bitch to.

>> No.2713014

My therapist also gives me pills tho.

>> No.2713018
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>> No.2713086

It's not just talking, you talk to a person who was studied a lot so he can guide you and help you feel better.
I was a fat bitch who wanted to commit suicide everyday and i was really socially awkward (i couldn't walk past people without getting anxious)
But now im getting fit, i draw for 3-4+ hours a day and i'm in a great relationship.
Tl;dr therapy can work if you actually work on following the advice you receive

>> No.2713132

That depends. When I was at the hospital, my psychologist was actually the only person who found at what was wrong with me, too bad she had to go vacation. But before that she gave me a bunch of sound advices about how i should change my lifestyle to not get fucked up again after i stop taking pills.

My friend says exactly what you do tho

>> No.2713333
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This post was incredible THANK YOU

>> No.2715250

Draw with other motivated artists. If you cant find any in real life you can always get into livestreaming.

>> No.2715530

i'm actually gonna say the opposite of what a lot of people are saying and tell you to stop drawing what you like, and start drawing what you don't like. meaning, go out of your comfort zone. if drawing feels too repetitive, that's because you're drawing the same thing every day. try different mediums, like if you do mainly digital art then try sculpture or traditional art. referencing also helps, find artwork from another artist and put your own spin on it, like draw it in your style or something. i find copying other artists to be fun, you can always learn a lot of new techniques and stuff like that.

>> No.2715575
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is it possible to to be a truly renowned artist and have a normie social life?

>> No.2715660

>tfw too scared to livestream

>> No.2715706

Joy to paint ? paint is the last resort paint is what i do when everything else goes to shit its your chill zone , its where u back too when lifedrives u against the wall ?? why would u need motivation to art , i dont get it

>> No.2715708

nice tip

>> No.2715740

you dont. its gone. just treat it like a work now.

>> No.2715742

Hobbiest detected

>> No.2715771


>draw 14h+ per day
>no contact with friends or family
>not going outside, not having leisure time like going to swimming pool
>wonder why you want to kill yourself

Lol, I'm always laughing at you idiots who think you can "make it" by being basically a hikkimori on a dole and without human contact.

Look at all professional artists. One thing they have in common? They have families, private life, time to travel etc.

Will Terry? He is professional book illustrator, but has time besides drawing to hike everyday for some hour or two because he lives in area with nice landscapes. He also has family he cares about and to top it all - he finds time to make some YouTube videos and podcasts and to travel and meet with other artists.

And you are a sad piece of shit that has fucked up life, health, wallet and nearly everything on your own wish.

Keep being stupid.

>> No.2715785

You either have the "autism" or you don't. I'm a person who wants attention. Lots of it. Every personality test I've ever taken has espoused that.

When I play a video game, I want to fuck something from that universe. When I read a book, I instantly wish I lived there instead of the spare bedroom in my parent's house that lies before me physically.

My dreams have always been vivid. I've dreamed of having a job, driving a car to work at McDonald's, and a gf willing to overlook that I'm the size of a planet from eating towers of fast food..

I've dreamed of chasing people through my old home town that used to bully me with ninja swords, going through the oldtown and passing some buildings and then a hill, which leads into a tunnel with a vast complex of girls that wouldn't date me, now having water gush from between their legs at the mere sight of me.

Imagination. Fedoras.Shitposting. These are the tools of life.