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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 96 KB, 640x640, y9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2701199 No.2701199 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else start out as weeb trash, but shift over to traditional art over the course of your journey? I started out just wanting to draw my waifus, dreading having to draw big scary realism. Now, I never want to draw anime at all. Most of it is so shit, lacking any value aside from cell shading, facial features are just one or two lines or a dot. Originally the simplicity of it allured me, but after learning so many things, the power at my disposal to create much more dynamic images excites me more. Anyone else?
>pic somewhat related

>> No.2701210

that is the best sketch of naruto i have ever seen.

>> No.2701212

I'm the complete opposite.
>start off in realism because drilled by /ic/ to have strong foundation in fundies before bothering with "muh style"
>completely unable to draw the weeb shit which I aimed for all along because too scared I don't have a strong enough mastery of the fundies for their to be any point

>> No.2701215

yeah it's by Dave Rapoza, the man is real good.

Also on a side note, if you image search the OP pic it shows up as "Dave Rapoza Sketch" How good do you think you have to be until google starts recognizing your distinct drawing style?

>> No.2701219
File: 128 KB, 575x896, 822c03c22d4c1c639d1e9b06befb4156c21c49492611c-Xx55s8_fw658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic somewhat related
Do you consider your pic more anime or realistic?

I actually got really tired of realism by now, finding new appreciation for simplicity, plus drawing dot-eyed faces and moeblob is fun.

>> No.2701220

sounds like you're going though an adolescent "muh realism" art phase

do both, its more fun.

>> No.2701221

currently, im inbetween the 2 styles
>want to draw really cool realistic shit
>also want to draw anime chicks and fuck around with anatomy
Kentaro Miura seems to fit this gap quite well so ive been studying his work (primarily Berserk) for a few weeks now, already learnt loads.

>> No.2701223 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 1600x900, 13d48a8ee3507f791d2c42d7240e6747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All anime aren't created equal. You'd have a point if you were specified mainstream trash, but there are eastern cartoons that have solid stylization that make use of facial features. You need to find a happy middle ground. Realism is always the foundation, but you need to manipulate it into something that can catch the eye. Stylization helps with that.

>> No.2701228

I'd say 25% anime 75% realism

the mouth is fairly big and the hair has anime shapes going on

>> No.2701244

>you look kinda cool Nardo

>> No.2701280

I like Dave and all, but he fucked up he expression. The mouth is pulled to one side, and the muscles are pulling to the other

>> No.2701302

im assuming this was drawn after the episode where naruto's mouth got cut, so thats wht that is

>> No.2701308

i'm afraid of this happening to me

>> No.2701309

I started out drawing Dragonball Z fanart.

I cringe when I think about how all of my high school art looked like DBZ characters, even though I was petrified of anyone finding out I liked DBZ.

>> No.2701311
File: 3.05 MB, 3000x3000, 1459379539537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing stopping you from drawing neither, both, or anything in between.

A good artist is always flexible.

>> No.2701321

its a dual expression you neut, he is planing on a sneaky attack or listening to your crits.

>> No.2701328

I'm training myself in traditional art to be able to draw weeb trash well in future. I want to master realism before stylization because otherwise I'll just fuck myself up.

>> No.2701332


>> No.2701336

I don't think it recognize the style itself, but the pic itself, which is well known

>> No.2701344

Anon, you dumb

>> No.2701355

>start off wanting to only make drawings of hentai waifus
>end goal was to become another REIQ
I suddenly hit a wall with anime and learned it's only a crutch now. I want to make epic paintings now for movies and games. I wouldn't have learned more if I kept cranking out anime drawings. The saddest part is that I did reach my goal of drawing really high tier hentai waifus. Such a waste, but I need to move on. I haven't gotten to REIQ tier yet, he's in a completely different league, anyone interested can look up his non erotic art, it's very inspiring to me, even now.

>> No.2701357

that's probably it. 24 hours with no sleep will fuck you up.
fite me

>> No.2701366 [DELETED] 

I used to hate Reiq's work but I've become a fan of his as his quality got better. His SFW stuff is really neat. Even his NSFW stuff is decent now. It used to be terrible. He's come a long way. Definitely inspiring.

>> No.2701416

I can relate with you, anon.

>I started out drawing anime and shit like that, I didn't give two shits about realism.
>Fuck that noise.
>Freshman year in high school comes.
>Meet my art teacher, super nice and caring, takes interest in me and tells me I can improve so much more if I try realism.
>Dumb ass me thinks "lol no" and continues to draw weeb shit for the rest of freshman year.
>Finally realization hit me during my sophomore year and I practice realism.
>My urge to change was me looking at google images of surrealism, pop surrealism, and Dali's work.
>INSPIRATION came in truck loads afterwards.
>Practice realism since then.

Now I'm out of high school and I'm still doing art. The difference is that now I appreciate/love doing different kinds of styles and mediums now. I love, realism, anime, cartoons, surrealism, animation, digital, 3D, so on and so forth. I only had one mindset in the beginning but now I've expanded. My major ones are still realism and anime but I'm much more flexible now than I was before.

>> No.2701418

>Also on a side note, if you image search the OP pic it shows up as "Dave Rapoza Sketch" How good do you think you have to be until google starts recognizing your distinct drawing style?
You've got a misconsception about Google image search, but I think it's totally possible for it to detect similar drawings as well. But it'd have to be close by style contrast/colors and composition probably.

>> No.2701548

I've always been weeb trash and always will be, japanese art is what made me draw in the first place. There was a phase I went through at around age 18-20 where I scorned anime style and glorified western stylization and studied the shit out of Betty Boop shorts and other western classics. Then I went to my first and only life drawing class and was like "oh shit, I can actually do realism that's neat" and it helped me a ton with fundamentals.

I think I've melded the two now, I could give less of a shit if someone thinks I'm an immature weeb for drawing anime and cartoons cause I am. These past few years have just been me extracting muh style as a humble shitty NEET.

I just need to figure out everything else now.

>> No.2701557

Universally, people like you were never real manga/anime fans to begin with. Just low power level normalfags who thought they were special because they watched some foreign cartoons specifically made to appeal and marketed to your demographic.

All you did was become what you always were.

>> No.2701563
File: 2.63 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-26-06-56-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's just a style. If you're talking about anime (which i dont think you are) then yeah of course it's simple because drawing consistent frames isn't easy. As an artist you should know that.
If you're talking about like manga, there's definitely more to it than simple shapes. Berserk rides on techniques like cross hatching with very little cell shading and it looks incredible, as does most mainstream manga. They also use techniques you've probably learned but have never seen them use. Anime as a general style can get boring but so can realism.

As for me, I'm dwelling between both. Instead of limiting myself I decided to combine the two. Doesn't mean I'm good, but I think I could learn a lot with both.

>> No.2701583
File: 55 KB, 453x604, 1457831373267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started out with weeb stuff, still draw weeb but wanna git gud with realism so my animu is good.

>> No.2701599

Pretty much the opposite for me. I started out trying to get good at realism, all my inspiration was realistic art, I was really into this whole realistic concept art shit etc but over time, I became incredibly bored with it. Nowadays most of my inspirations are comic book artists, animators and just people with a unique style and expressive artistic voice and that's what I try to achieve with my art.

>> No.2701614
File: 88 KB, 845x945, 1_by_ervin7-da1y5w5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate to go off-topic but the various image analyzing software out there is pretty interesting. Google image search will primarily look for identical images on the internet to the one you uploaded, and give results based on those identical images. But there is also some sort of recognition software at play as well. For example I drew pic related a while ago and ran it thought a few programs before uploading it anywhere, out of curiosity. Google image search thought it was a picture of Emma Watson, I have no idea how it came to that conclusion. Now months later, searching for the same image instead gives me "Deviantart" as a best guess since that's the only place I've uploaded it, with random head-shots of women given as similar images. CaptionBot on the other hand has consistently guessed it was Kristen Stewart. So I think there's some combination of wonky facial recognition going on if no identical image exists on the internet yet, but once an identical image does exist, Google Images instead tries to gather some associated key terms, which in some cases actually gives worse results. However it certainly isn't going to figure out who drew a sketch by somehow analyzing it's art style, it simply found the same image somewhere else on the internet and just looked at what words were consistently associated with it. What would be cool is if the picture did not exist anywhere on the internet yet and Google images was still able to figure out it's a sketch of Naruto.

Anyway I encourage others to play around with Google Images and other similar services and see what you get.

>> No.2701637

I don't know if this is a troll thread or if you're genuinely retarded, but I'm guessing you're a shit artist based on your analysis of animu. You honestly sound like teenager who's rebelling against your childhood by rejecting it and trying to act mature.

>> No.2701639

Oh no did he disparage your waifu? Are you ok?

>> No.2701658

>im matur
Don't worry. You'll grow out of it, eventually.

>> No.2701684 [DELETED] 

You didn't grow out of your weeb phase you just entered your, i read loomis and watched vilppu and now i can actually draw things that resample reality
and you went full Dunning Kruger effect, by the way that you describe stylisation you have no idea about art.

>> No.2701713
File: 3.07 MB, 1226x7832, po.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I have. I'm glad that I'm over that phase. pic related

>> No.2701744

Doubt it. The anime I've watched is far from mainstream or normalfag tier. Mostly dad walks in kind of stuff. I still like it, I just found drawing it to be too simple and unsatisfying. A few lines and i'm already done.

>> No.2701775

>The anime I've watched is far from mainstream or normalfag tier.
Eh, dunning-kruger

>> No.2701780


Pretty much this. This obsessive anime hate is one of the most telling signs of a shit tier artist suffering from Dunning Kruger effect.

>> No.2701789

>Mostly dad walks in kind of stuff.

Well, yeah, that kind of niché anime usually is poorly drawn because it doesn't have much of a budget, nor does it have any good desingers, background artists or animators working on it. The normalfag stuff is usually where the good art is at. Just like with video games or movies. The good artists are where the money's at.

>> No.2701879

>mark crilley
I'm so sorry

>> No.2701881

>I want to master realism before stylization because otherwise I'll just fuck myself up.

Don't do that. You'll be able to draw realism and then get frustrated that you can't draw weeb stuff and give up.

Practice both at the same time

>> No.2701961

man i got to practice hands

>> No.2701965

Quality post. This is interesting shit,

>> No.2701968

I had the same thing, starting from Animu and going to a realistic style.

After working in this style for a few years I realized I don't really like it and it just looks ugly and my passion (and the reason why I started drawing) lies in a more simplified style. So nowadays I combine the simplicity and prettyness of Animu with a painterly style.

>> No.2701997

This thread is so fucking edgy, it hurts.

>> No.2702007

that word has lost all meaning

>> No.2702029
File: 36 KB, 381x510, 1469587087731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the past now

>> No.2702032

omg this meme is too much.

>> No.2702060

>weeb trash
How old are you? 18yo?

>> No.2702309

I started with one of those shitty How to Draw manga books. It made me a better artist in middle-school considering I started from nothing, and put me on the path to wanting to git gud.

>> No.2703105
File: 27 KB, 285x298, 1311947915015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op tells the truth
>weebs get butthurt

at some point you faggots gonna have to grow out of your shitty moeblob obsessions

>> No.2703112

If anything you're the one

>> No.2703663

You need some cream for that butthurt? Not everyone likes your shitty thread. Cry harder.

Fuck off samefag.

>> No.2703666
File: 8 KB, 694x150, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's that fractured butt working out for ya?

>> No.2703673

Lol, nice try satan.

>> No.2703678
File: 23 KB, 422x114, satan is calling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2703685
File: 50 KB, 653x395, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the thread actually.

>> No.2704059
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x3259, 1475382923371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far berserk have fallen.

>> No.2704088

sounds interesting, i wanna see your art

>> No.2705059
File: 943 KB, 2202x2163, IMG_4426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, a-alright here's a better portion of one my sketchbooks. I apologize for the unfinished chaotic mess and phone pic btw

>> No.2705064
File: 1017 KB, 2427x2202, IMG_4426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought phone pics were automatically flipped, fucking Christ

>> No.2705068
File: 241 KB, 433x595, you did it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I want to draw, I'm jealous as fuck mi familia

>> No.2705100
File: 23 KB, 212x160, IMG_3876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Keep going anon, you've helped me keep going.

>> No.2705102 [DELETED] 

This doesn't look bad.
It just looks like he reverted back to how he used to draw Guts in vol 19. You have to admit, in that vol 30 and episode 300+ bracket it looks like Miura forgot Guts is only suppose to be in his mid 20s. He was drawing him like he was well into his 30s/close to 40. So he probably just dialed it back to make him look younger. No one would guess Guts is only suppose to be in his mid 20s from those panels.

>> No.2705123

how did he achieve that texture? what could I do to achieve something similar? is it a certain type of paper or?

>> No.2705248

>this is how I want to draw
Heavily stylized? You could draw that "well" in a week.

>> No.2705292

If something's wrong with it I'm all ears anon, don't know why you gotta be passive aggressive

>> No.2705666

I did. Started going through shitty weeb books until multiple sources told me to go with realism first. That's where I am right now.

It's harder to revert, but not impossible. Not ever animu artist is a seasoned master of fundies, many decent ones have only brief basics down but still make good pennies. Common moeshit itself is a pretty simple style.

>> No.2705679

Depends what you consider an "animu artist". Random illustrators on Pixiv and deviantart? Yeah, they often lack fundamentals. If you're talking about actual animators though, then even the ones working on the most simplistic moeshit usually have stronger fundamentals than any wannabe realist artist. At least as far as their ability goes to create 3 dimensional scenes, objects and figures in perspective, which is the single most important fundamental. Doesn't fucking matter what type of stylized eyes or noses they decide to draw on top of their gestures and mannequins, which look nearly identical to those used by any realist artist, only better in most cases.

>> No.2705689

I'm meant mastery. A lot of artists, even those working in the industry, may not be masters, per say, as much as simply having good understanding of things like perspective, gesture and anatomy.

I'm specifically referring to the word "mastery", here, since I saw it thrown around around in this thread. Not every sweat shop Japanese or Korean animator is on par with Kahl or Vilppu.

>> No.2705711

>youthful idealism

>> No.2705765

>per say

>> No.2707078

Hoozuki kids on the right?

>> No.2707218

>Google image search thought it was a picture of Emma Watson, I have no idea how it came to that conclusion
Facebook can recognize me based on my hairstyle.

>> No.2707454

No just some twerps I made up but now that I googled that series realize it's pretty damn similar to their characters. Fuck.

Oh well, thanks for that anon

>> No.2707472
File: 159 KB, 600x800, 3 point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked anime a lot when i was a kid, i feel like my generation grew up in an anime golden age, toonamie, adult swim, fox kids, kids wb, there was so much anime, and it was before the internet ruined everything entirely man.
I also always wanted to be some sort of artist, i remember getting pissed because some dude in my class could draw super sayjin 3 goku and i couldn't.

I still have nostalgia for anime, and will read a good manga if i find one but discovering fine art, western animation really does open your eyes.
eventually i get really good at drawing anime, then i realized how gay anime is, how inaccurate anatomy and everything is, this was also around the time i was growing up and anime itself was turning into nothing but cute girls doing cute things.
I started studying fine art, i realized you need to know color theory, human anatomy, proportion, perspective, all that dumb stuff, to draw accurately.

I also found john K's blog, that dude is obsessed with western animation, he really goes into detail about western cartoons, it was like some world i barely knew because i was bombarded with anime as a kid

>> No.2707480

whatever starts the spark anon

>> No.2707487

The thing about quality western animation though is that it's almost impossible to produce without a team. Look at Harry Partridge, who imo is the gold standard for online animation. He produces really crisp really beautiful western animation but it's so time consuming that he only releases like a video a year. Anime/Eastern Animation is just way more doable on a budget and they do some pretty amazing things with what they have. But if resources aren't a problem then western would probably be superior.

>> No.2707500

modern western animation is gay as fuck, look at adventure time, its pretty much stick people.
Of course you can try to be some ralph bakashi motherfucker but thats expensive

>> No.2707508

I have wet dreams about being a Ralph Bakshi, the west needs a new Wizards or something. It's getting stale over here imo.

>> No.2707516

all the western animators of today cant draw for shit and are all agendered multi colored hair morbidly obese ugly fagatrons.

Also computer animation has made cartoons really stiff and lifeless.

>> No.2707527

>Also computer animation has made cartoons really stiff and lifeless.

>> No.2707528

I straight up started with one of those "How to Draw Manga" books by Katy Coope.

>> No.2707541

How often do you practice? That's some good gains for less than a year.

>> No.2707561

That's cause I never had the money or mindset to get myself into an animation program- don't worry anon give me like 5 years to teach myself, I'll make you proud.

>> No.2707564


This is what you will do

1. Go to cal arts
2. become a social justice warrior
3. throw up some shitty animation short on youtube
4. wait for cartoon network to come knocking

>> No.2707565


> that much progress in less than a year

How? How much do you practice, and how do you practice?

>> No.2707585
File: 141 KB, 900x675, 1469546371741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of coffee, ambition and crying like a little bitch.
I practise everyday, while sacrafising a social life in the process. I owe a lot of it to LAS. How long I practise depends on my mood. If happy, I work for the entire night, otherwise I just try to reach my 30 minute threshold for LAS. I spent a lot of time reading Michael Hampton's book. The thing is that I can't move to the next page until I understand every aspect of what it's teaching.

>> No.2707588

What year? The picture spans 2013-2016

>> No.2707593

What about me, I already went and got a 4 year degree at Berkeley. I managed to avoid becoming anything.

>> No.2707595
File: 57 KB, 235x235, 1472953187553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll skip the first two, really can't afford to shell out 100,000+ dollars and I don't like hair dye desu my hair is too thick and dark

>> No.2707600

you're probably just lazy, be honest

>> No.2707605
File: 36 KB, 176x460, 946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know I am. But I'm trying to be better

>> No.2707615


Do you have a job and just practice afterward? How many hours on average, daily?

>> No.2707626

What's your las name? I don't recall seeing your art on there.

>> No.2707630

I don't like having a "normal" job so I decided to make money from home. I became a bounty hunter and started finding bugs on websites that allow it.
Usually I just practise 30+ minutes if I'm tired. When I'm happy, I study 6+ hours.

>> No.2707635


I see. I think I'm definitely going to have to take advantage of my weekends then, since I've got a "normal" job of sorts, and after post-work exercise, that pretty much just leaves me with 4 hours maximum for free time.

Thanks for the insight.

>> No.2707637

I joined from LAS#13, my name's Digitixe.

>> No.2707641

This is absolutely fascinating.

Do you have an online blog anon or portfolio?

>> No.2707642

Good luck, try to draw everyday

>> No.2707646

Hey anon.

You could probably start your own thread. Share with us your surrounding of creativity. This is fucking fucked.

I'm intrigued!

>> No.2707655

Sadly no.

>> No.2707658

I got nothing, just a simple man here, trying to get gud.

>> No.2707745


just fucking start drawing you insufferable faggot

>> No.2707772


can you dump for photos of your station?

>> No.2707776
File: 1.02 MB, 1230x720, nextgenstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2707783

Nice job on the rendering on the ball and pencil, but try using a realistic blue next time, nobody's gonna believe that hue, I mean come on.

And your composition sucks, try using a fibonacci spiral next time

>> No.2707797
File: 11 KB, 198x251, YVvK9L1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha, I will keep that in mind

>> No.2707914

Uh so I started with very shitty looking anime girls and eventually became much better at realism but I hate drawing realism, it just bores me. Should I continue drawing my old weeb shit, at least I liked doing it.
>getting into artschool never

>> No.2710011
File: 81 KB, 954x1000, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me take a step away from weeb stuff.

>> No.2710163

Your weeb shit is better honestly, you should try making your own designs.

Also get a sketchbook ffs

>> No.2711187
File: 148 KB, 728x1134, klq_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this was also a cool Naruto drawing

>> No.2711196

That's one big forehead.

>> No.2711201

I studied realism so that my animu would look good.

>> No.2711801

Just do what you want/like to anon, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.2711856
File: 101 KB, 261x291, 20161012_002842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats one rare pepe

>> No.2711865

this picture is actually so helpful. do you have more?

>> No.2711888
File: 72 KB, 720x690, 1468174368764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't work in a bigass canvas
I'll never make it

>> No.2711943
File: 62 KB, 224x206, six years of pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
