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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.11 MB, 1099x3000, progressbar till 10-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2699492 No.2699492 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a long time since I've seen one, so I wanted to try making one. I wanted to post mine for some time. Hope I can get some insight in what I really lack right now and what would help me get to the next level. Other comments are also always welcome

>> No.2699494

>lots of improvement

>> No.2699502
File: 274 KB, 1280x1365, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it's not a lot and I'm still a beginner. I've seen a lot better ones, especially pic related, but I don't even dream of this kind of improvement. Right now I just would like some pointers on speeding up a bit.

>> No.2699505

That improvement was actually a fake, anon

>> No.2699507

>he fell for the tehmeh meme
sorry to smash that dream

>> No.2699509

damn, for real? Fcking embarassing.

>> No.2699510

yeah, it's actually over like 6 years I think

>> No.2699544
File: 27 KB, 365x394, 9396645_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way man! It was posted on the internet, it has to be real! Pic related!

>> No.2699551
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x3290, 788wq478w5798q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2699560

nice, would like to see you drawing environments

>> No.2699577
File: 3.06 MB, 1588x3195, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one for the last thread, I haven't updated it since then but I also haven't done any good art since then so it all works out.
just fuck my shit up

>> No.2699640

has your lineart also improved as much as your rendering?

>> No.2699644
File: 277 KB, 900x1277, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It hasn't. 90% of the time the lineart I do is a scratchy underdrawing that I just paint over anyway, it's definitely an area I need to work on.

>> No.2699653

I like those feet

>> No.2699697
File: 3.51 MB, 920x4000, 2016 Progress small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff from my sketchbook this year. You guys have any tips on improving?

>> No.2699718
File: 1.69 MB, 800x1373, gregr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 2 years, feels longer though.

>> No.2699719
File: 1.97 MB, 1838x1000, gregrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I did the draw the thing again shit recently.

>> No.2699773

Draw more personal work, these all look like studies. You started drawing for a reason, right? Start drawing things you like now.

>> No.2699807

fuck, hell yeah! I love the heavy metal style. Where do you draw inspiration/find reference material for this style?

>> No.2700033
File: 2.14 MB, 1500x4570, drawings_sept_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pencils down in sept 16, might do a bit of inktober though

so many fond memories...

>> No.2700039

isn't it the other way around? I mean looking at his stuff he seems to only draw figures and faces, which is probably what he likes.
If I were you anon, I would start to do longer drawings. They all feel a bit like doodles.

>> No.2700088

Blog ...

>> No.2700095
File: 927 KB, 1044x1778, trögress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2700098

I'm sure you'll make it but it is always sad to see people with terrible taste and no imagination having the most persistence...

>> No.2700108

Source on big red sword girl in 2016?

>> No.2700116
File: 3.68 MB, 1827x9999, progression2015 aug..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill update later in thread and delete this post

>> No.2700118

Gotta say I'm miring hard. Not my thing but you seem to be the one to make it.

>> No.2700129

Never thought about it too much. There are the obvious influence by other artists and then the rest probably comes from my love for B horror movies or re-runs of 80's cartoons that I used to watch as a kid.

Sad to see you quit my famalalam. I hope you keep drawing at least as a hobby

>> No.2700138


Return to us, Tableguy.

>> No.2700197

Nice improvement this year mang.

>> No.2700212
File: 1.94 MB, 1407x1407, 2 year progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt be bothered to organized by time. but anyways the pencil paper stuff is starting june 2014 so a little over two years. im seriously lacking personal stuff. but the courtyard/creatures/masks/pool orgy/dog and pots are all from imagination

>> No.2700302

You seriously need to forget color for a while and do value studies from master works and life. Try to avoid photo studies for a while. Your work suffers greatly due to your poor value and edge control.

>> No.2700305

am i picking bad refs for the photo studies?

>> No.2700307

also is my progress good or bad? im just a hobbyist

>> No.2700310

Some of them yeah, if you want to do photo studies for now I'd recommend ones with really strong lighting like the 2 nude women, turning them black and white and then trying to study them. Also I would recommend doing 2 value studies. Just black and white, black for the shadows and white for the light.

>> No.2700316

I'm presuming you are this guy >>2700212
You are doing ok, even good for a hobbyist but you do suffer heavily from some fundamental problems with your art. Your strongest point also seems to be landscapes.

>> No.2700317

makes sense. i figured some of my stuff was too saturated. anyways good or bad progress for two years?

>> No.2700319

what other fundamental problems besides values. i know perspective is a big weak point for me as well

>> No.2700334

just admit you watched dave rapozas tutorial

>> No.2700361
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x5080, 502_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2700362
File: 2.85 MB, 933x667, Swadia rhodokin3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that "dave rapoza rip off" a lot. Even the last time I posted the skeleton dude >>2690779 , or any other time I do colored line-drawings like pic related and he was the one I was referring to with the "obvious artist influence". I just presumed he was talking more about the design of skeleton dude since it looks like its an cartoon villain or a heavy metal band mascot.

>> No.2700366

Values, perspective and color. I'd recommend just focusing on the values and perspective for now though because color isn't that important.

>> No.2700810

thanks guys, Ive been stuck in a 'constant study' mentality. I'll work on some more finished stuff.

>> No.2701242

ha ha >>2701227

not sure how to interpret these, but drawing was always a hobby so I made the most of it

i'm around /ic/ while i'm pooping at work. It just feels good to conscientiously take a break and work on some other stuff.

>> No.2701512

ty m8

>> No.2701568

you're that young guy right, I usually see a lot of teenagers improving a lot around the age 18-20. So keep drawing and post your shit sometimes, I'm interested in how you'll progress.

>> No.2702049

Yeah I think he is 18 now and >>2699718
is 19 according to his blog.

>> No.2702056

Do you spend like half the year on those or something?

>> No.2702494

Hopefully I wont dissapoint.
Wish I could, the 2014 ones are like 2 hours, both of the 2015 ones are 2 weeks I think? And the latest ones are 3 weeks each

>> No.2702519



>> No.2702533

Don't take that advice. What you've been doing up to this point is not true studying. You're not getting alot of improvement because you're not being present or applying yourself when studying. Instead you're just going through the motions, it appears to me that you don't fully understand the difference between studying( i.e attaining useful information that you can apply) vs just copying.

>> No.2703392


>> No.2704151

Alright, so i should follow the definition of "study" to the T? And take my time analyzing stuff? Is it okay to do finished pieces for fun?

>> No.2704240

Hey do you have any tips for drawing as good as you? What did you learn? If you went to art school, where did you go?

>> No.2704249


>> No.2705527
File: 264 KB, 1061x983, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any tips for drawing
i basically copied other artists' drawings for 3 years. I only recently tried to draw from imagination - /ic/ was pretty critical about the copying thing, but I couldn't stop...

>went to art school
went to engineering school, I learned how to iterate on a process.
>draw something I think is cool
>post on 4chan
>sleep / bait for feedback
>draw something based on feedback or whatever sucked in the last drawing
>repeat many times (pic related)

>> No.2705629
File: 57 KB, 629x307, asaro head demo for anon-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing finished pieces is fine and there's nothing wrong with it, but if you want to get better then you should be focusing on fine art layins and the application of your studies from your mind.

Ultimately you're going to do what you want to do and I can't change that. But if you have a real goal in improvement, then the best way is to first understand what real art training is. Which is long hard hours (preferably 6-8) daily.

What you're currently doing is drawing around the form and going through the motions of copying lines. This doesn't give you a proper understanding of anything, you're just copying works with your brain turned off. You need to understand the difference between copying and studying, if you want a good example of what true training is, then you should look to the watts atelier.

They have youtube videos and an online course that you can take. I have a sample video from it uploaded right here for you:


I really hope you take my advice to heart, I can see my past self reflected in your post and I pray that you'll get on the right path soon. If you do you'll get good effectively and quickly. Best of luck to you.

>> No.2706423

>3 fuckin years
>literally 75% copying other drawings

Thx mate now I know that I CAN FUCKIN MAKE IT

>> No.2706426
File: 87 KB, 390x362, 1-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but thanks for posting. You're the reason I browse this board.

>> No.2706434

But how do you actually study?

>> No.2706446
File: 164 KB, 735x1000, Zhirkiewicz1894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you will spend time on "finished pieces". They will be enjoyable to make, but always disappointing. You will grudgingly do some studies to improve.

Then you will have respect for the studies and in between "finished pieces", you trudge through some of them diligently.

Next you will notice the direct correlation between your studies and the improvement in your "finished pieces". You will dedicate more time to studies than "finished pieces". Some of your studies are coming out better than your early "finished pieces".

You then will put off "finished pieces" more and more often. You'll have a backlog of projects you meant to do because you're too engaged in studies. You will post in draw threads, and your 20 minute crayon sketches on toilet paper will look better than the "finished pieces" you see people post from phase 1.

Eventually there will be nothing to distinguish your finished pieces from your studies but the amount of time they took to complete. Your studies will be like music on a page, and you will spend only as much time on them as is necessary to convey what you'd like to.

You know how Sargent, Mullins, Fowkes, etc works look sketchy and masterfully loose and every scrub wonders what brushpack they use? It's because their finished works ARE studies. They are almost always working at the boundary of their abilites.

>> No.2706449
File: 342 KB, 800x534, 000000001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't want to make my own thread, but where's somewhere I can order cheap sketch paper and also cheap pencils for a total noob? Stickies in a new window, gonna consult it but still wanted to ask.

>> No.2706450

different anon, but Watts talks about how to study @17:15 for a couple minutes


>> No.2706456

study perspective and construction until you have a handle on representing forms in space. You'll struggle with copying the proportions of stuff correctly, that's normal. see the next section.

Then study bargues and sight-size and eventually comparative measurement and shadow shapes to learn observation. In doing this, you'll realize why you had trouble copying stuff before: your faculties for observation and reproduction were not finely tuned: you were like a guitar player without any muscle memory trying to study bach.

Then, bring the two together. Short of a professional mentor, there is no good guide for doing this.

>> No.2706484

not that anon, but this is well said

>> No.2706485

have a friend or family member wipe a ream of copy paper from school or work

Have said family member also swipe some pencils and pens

or go buy it because it will probably cost about $4

>> No.2706493

thank you kind anon, I put some thought into it.

also ~7 years of the exact process I described.

>> No.2706705
File: 78 KB, 657x669, nose pen study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I most commonly study is access a weak point in my knowledge base, then dedicate my time in the day towards that area.

Let's say I did a finished piece of a profile head and notice that I really know nothing about noses. So then what I would do is draw ( and think about) the basic planes, rhythms, and anatomy of the nose. I can look at how John Asaro breaks the form down, how bridgeman breaks the form down, or how Frank Reilly ties the nose from side to side in his abstraction grid. After that I I'd study the skeletal structure of the nose, then with a layer of tracing paper I might draw the cartilage ontop, then the tissue, then skin. There's tons of ways to attain information.

Most importantly, after doing the study I would apply what I learned. If I don't then the information is quickly lost.

I can do this by drawing noses from my imagination, doing long tonal drawings of noses. Or I can go to bed and lose all the information because I didn't apply it, then wake up the next day and still be poor at drawing noses.

Videos on youtube also work, there's no information too basic to cover because you can never do enough fundamentals. Proko is pretty great despite him being cringe, you'd want to avoid channels like Sycra and Jazza. Try to find strong working professionals with a background in traditional or industry training.

I hope I'm not coming off as too intense, but this right here is why drawing is difficult. It's more of a battle within yourself to retain the information. If you just copy a drawing with your brain turned off, that's not true studying.

And on the note of fun, It's a difficult balance. You don't want to burn yourself into the tarmac. If drawing becomes non-stop work then you'll brain will trick you into not wanting to draw.
Really do your best to fall inlove with the process of drawing. The more you do, the more you'll love it.
It's funny because I almost never come here.

>> No.2707352

I remember you posted that tree in a draw thread. cool, keep it up

>> No.2707409
File: 3.96 MB, 1186x3729, Oct15toOct16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regressed but theres no regression thread

>> No.2707412

I've been keeping time on how long I draw everyday and I've been putting in four hours on average rather than the two I had. With bursts of eight to nine hours of drawing times. I'm really happy. Now I just need to draw faster.

you lack direction.

>> No.2707456
File: 1.20 MB, 450x7606, history_by_steveahn-dadaxy77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously not mine, but I saved it because I thought it was interesting. He improved a lot in 2 years.

>> No.2707467

thank you. Super helpful. Also
>avoid Sycra
is his stuff that bad? Some of his more recent stuff is abysmal but I assumed his older stuff about the fundamentals was alright. I'll avoid him none the less.

>> No.2707794
File: 874 KB, 1062x1583, fechin example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry If I came off like I have a personal vendetta against specific content creators, I just named the two closest examples from the top of my head.

Essentially you want to be very careful with the people you choose to study/emulate/watch, because you're absorbing their opinions and knowledge when you do. You really don't want to absorb people that are mentally unstable, people that have bad taste, or bad habits. You will absolutely pick up those bad habits if you do. Sycra is almost all of those things, he's a victim of himself and those he associated with early in his development. He's gotten far worse, but ultimately even his earlier videos are fundamentally off.

I could keep going on about Sycra but I don't want to get too negative. When you eventually build up your eye and skills you'll be able to form your own opinions on artists. Your eye will build faster if you hang with people that have good taste/opinions. This is why I shill Jeff Watts and his atelier so much.

It can be difficult to judge for yourself who has good taste, but you'll grow overtime and find your way.

Some good people to start out with is Frazetta, Joseph Clement Coll, Jeff Watts, Nicolai Fechin, Dean Cornwell, Alphonse Mucha, and many others.

I don't come to /ic often because one of the points I made earlier. I'll try to keep my eye on the thread inbetween work, but If you want to stay in touch you can add me on discord at Plat

Anyone else is welcome too...i need more online friends....

>> No.2707858 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 1500x1874, taylorerose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying mindful about heading in the direction of making finished pieces consistently now, and really planning them out/finding refs.. to hopefully makes some $$ of this shit

>> No.2707867

>do a couple of real studies
>never do studies again
>never improve
Good job

>> No.2707868
File: 751 KB, 1500x1874, taylorerose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying mindful about heading in the direction of making finished pieces consistently now.. hopefully to make some $$ off this shit

>> No.2710911

You could make your own.

>> No.2711090

Really like your style anon

>> No.2711112

You should get into depression more, works good for you.

>> No.2711120

That is one hell of improvement. What books did you pick up when you first started?

>> No.2711174

would you say that your fetishes were the one driving force that didn't let you stop drawing?

>> No.2711184

He is my absolute hero for that. The passion for drawing giant furries got him to stick to those massive amounts of studying and work for 8 years and he became really good, still staying true to his likes. Absolutely amazing and awe-inspiring.

>> No.2711370

Keys to drawing, Perspective made easy.

>> No.2711400

that little asian boy in part one would make a great reaction image

>> No.2711414

What's the time gap between "parts"?

>> No.2711447
File: 45 KB, 307x388, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant muscular lolis

Can't knock the hustle

>> No.2712123

Thanks man.

>> No.2713504

Damn, that's really nice.

>> No.2713549

What's a good amount of progress to make in a year? I've been drawing seriously for about 10ish months now but I'm a bit disappointed with my progress. Anyone have examples of reasonable art progress for a year?

>> No.2713664

>Post your progress
Everyone operates under different initial conditions and operating circumstances. I wouldn't worry about comparing yourself to others retroactively. Instead use others as goals to guide your progress

>> No.2713906

hi bupe

>> No.2714201
