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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2698751 No.2698751 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how many hours on average do you practice a day?

>> No.2698754

be honest, you just made this thread so you could use that pic didn't you?

But I try to get in 1-2 hours a day, somedays I get up to 4 in. Pretty weak but I have college stuff. During vacations I average around 5-6 hours a day sometimes more.

>> No.2698755

well played anon....
i try to do 4 to 6 or more. i always make the 4 though.

>> No.2698764

9 to 10 hours is not unusual for me.

>> No.2698766

I'm with this guy. 8 to 9 hours is my norm.

>> No.2698774

post work? Not b8ing, just interested.

>> No.2698778

How the fuck do you even focus that long?

>> No.2698780
File: 687 KB, 1000x700, lands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work on and off. I worked a couple hours this morning. went to day job work. come home will probably work another 6 hours on this into the am. I lose track of time kek

>> No.2698789

where are you getting all the reference for these medieval paintings you've been doing?

>> No.2698794

Less than an hour but I'm very loyal. I've done it every day since I started.

>> No.2698795

And how long has that been?

>> No.2698796
File: 204 KB, 500x378, 1459352038485-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not telling baka

>> No.2698797

i try to get in a minimum of 4 hours each day

>> No.2698798

A wee bit over an hour normally. Might push it to 2 or 3 if I got really interested. I don't plan to be a great artist, I'm just a video game developer.

Is drawing your job or are you neets?

You must have autism.

>> No.2698800

I time travel back to medieval age.


>> No.2698803

no drawing is just something i do everyday for fun.

>> No.2698809

Are you autistic.

>> No.2698811

actually no. just passionate.

>> No.2698812
File: 65 KB, 220x313, 1474647444398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently upgraded from 1 hour a day to 4 hours a day.

I'm very happy I did.

This video inspired me to. I don't want to be 30 and drawing like this dude.


I'm 19 atm, but I hope I become good enough.
I'm so grateful that my dad forced me to work with him in hell hanging cabinets for 10 hours at a time. I didn't know it, but that really taught me self-discipline. It also made me realize that I if I don't succeed I might as well commit suicide.

I won't die with a hammer in my hands.

>> No.2698815

Nothing quite as motivating as the prospect of mindless manual labor

>> No.2698816

You've got that right.

>> No.2698831

>You have an infinite amount of time to create things, and only a short amount of time to create them.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2698834

It depends on the day. When I have school, I won't draw much after class unless it's finishing up homework (so 5+ hours) but if I have a day off I'll either work on personal work between 2 and 5 hours or won't work at all.

>> No.2698847

I have no idea what he meant by that.
Maybe he meant you should be studying harder than 4 hours a day if possible so you can make what you really want to at the quality you envision before you die. Maybe he meant that mastery is a life time journey.

Maybe he meant that a general artistic knowledge isn't as good as a refined specialization.

I really don't know. That's the first time someone has used "What did he mean by this?" un-ironically.

>> No.2698852

Was that in a thread with a guy posting anime everywhere?

I remember it vaguely from somewhere.

>> No.2698920

I'll go die in the corner.

>> No.2698935

like... an hour a day... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK

>> No.2698964

N i c e picture, lad, baka 2bh senpai. I spent about 12 hours practicing yesterday. This entire week I've been going at about 10 hours average because my mentor gave me a direction to work towards so I did what he said and then I did more.

What helps me focus for so long is that I draw as I lay in bed when I do digital and I take lots of breaks to stand up/stretch/walk around. What keeps me in the mindset is anger and really just wanting it so bad. I love art as well, but I hate my own so I need to keep working. You'll mess up your back if you sit for 10 hours a day so be careful, you should always stretch or get chair that's really easy on your spine. You'll shrink a few inches before you even know it and have chronic back pain if you don't take care. Deadlifts are really good if you want to have a 100% erect spine. I always feel super tall after doing some lightish (less than 100lb) deadlifts. Remember to start really low on weight so you don't damage your spine while deadlifting.

>> No.2699045



>> No.2699055
File: 33 KB, 163x240, vilp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was doing anything from 5-8 hours as a neet for 8 months, made some good gains.

but since i started uni this month i've only been doing about 30 mins - 2 hours a day..

i've only been here for 2 weeks, but i think i can push it up to 5 hours if i get the motivation back after a day of being at uni

>> No.2699057

Which video (/series) was it where Vilppu say the "hugh mungus" meme?

>> No.2699063


Practice? I'm usually working on client work for 8 hours a day or so. Does that count as practice?

>> No.2699065

No. That's work. Practice is doing a specific exercise to learn a specific skill.

>> No.2699068


Oh... hm...

Well for the two weeks I didn't have any work I spent probably 6 hours a day on average studying animation in preparation for the short I want to make.

Right now I'm getting a lot of FORCED practice in digital painting, because that's what the client wants.

>> No.2699086

Yes. If it isn't you are doing something wrong.

>> No.2699097

probably 30 hours a week, trying to increase it

>> No.2699108

beginner spotted

>> No.2699118

2 hours per day.

>> No.2699141

>tfw 1.30-2 hours a day
I like to think it's not so bad but it probably is way too low for me to get anywhere within some years, even if I plan to draw porn for the money

>> No.2699149

Humongous what? HUMONGOUS WHAT???


>> No.2699157

Yes I wanted to use the pic but I really want to know if everyone practices often.

>> No.2699167

I work professionally and don't count it as practice really. I learn things on the job, but the difference is the goal. Work the goal is to meet to deadline, please the client by following the brief, and create a finished product that matches the style they want. Practice the goal is to learn. They're quite different in my mind.

>> No.2699175

7-10 hours
but i'm on the net too getting distracted

>> No.2699186

Then it isn't practice. Which part of "be honest" do you not comprehend.

>> No.2699275

>less than 100 pounds

>> No.2699284

You guys practicing for over 4 hours should really do some reading into how the brain completely burns out and levels off after too long a stretch of studying when it's trying to learn something new. You're not learning any new skills or getting any better past the 4, maybe even 3 hour mark.

And even then if you want to maximize how much you're learning in the 4 hour time you need to take breaks to give your brain some time to recharge. Like a 10-20 minute break every 30 minutes is what you should be doing.

>> No.2699285

Will you be my bear mode papa?

>> No.2699452


I know you're trying to be clever, but your witty retort makes literally no sense.

>> No.2699455

>You guys practicing for over 4 hours should really do some reading
This is 4chan. People make shit up. You really think the average person here makes over 90k a year, 9 inch penis, 3 fuck friends on the side of their gf, and drives a lambo, all while having 9 hours to practice drawing anime?

>> No.2699459

Can't believe everything you read. Just because it's in some fucking book. Everybody has a different brain and we all learn differently.bitch.

>> No.2699480

considering almost all artists recommend study periods that involve both a lot of hours AND total concentration, you can stay shit anon

>> No.2699493

One hour, on average.

Last month I drew for 40 hours total, so I guess 1.3 hours.

I think my max I pull off in a day's work is 3-4 hours. I'm hoping to improve it, but I'm an undisciplined shit and I'm glad enough that I have a daily routine.

>> No.2699497

well clearly ur retarded so maybe you should try thinking differently.bitch.

>> No.2699500


I agree with you in part but don't be ridiculous. Getting up and stretching your legs for like five minutes every 30-60 minutes is sufficient. Maybe a 15-20 minute break to get a snack and recharge after two hours or so.

Attention span does get impacted after a few hours and you're likely to be retaining less information at the end of 4 hours than at the start, but not to such a degree that "you're not learning any news skills or getting any better".

>> No.2699541
File: 57 KB, 788x508, piss_disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a month or so when i was doing 40 hours a week which is a little under 6 hours a day (not doing it now because of uni and i'm not dishiprined enough to do both). just think of it as a 4x multiplier if you can also do the same quality of studying in that time, also 40hrs a week means your studying full time and doing the same hours as you would be expected to do in an industry job

(pic unrelated)

>> No.2699549

Humans aren't like video games, anon. You can't just grind out XP 12 hours a day and get really, really good in a small time frame.

>> No.2699556

You can learn more with one hour reading a good artbook or truly analysing a painting than mindless scrubbing for 100 hours.

>> No.2699565

never said 12 hours, i think thats a bit unrealistic. but i think 35-45 hours a week is optimal for learning once you build up your drawing stamina, not just based on my own experience, but a number of professionals i've heard from recommend putting in the time of a full time job. anything below that has room to improve, and there's not many people who can handle more than it and not be overworked to where they aren't learning

>> No.2699566

and then when you sit down and start drawing you realize you are still bad

>> No.2699568

Before I was interested in actually getting good I used to copy stuff for 8+ hours day on weekends

Right now I'm doing tutorials and shit and it's kinda tedius, still I manage to keep around 3 hours a day.

Hopefully once I'm able to draw from imagination I will be able to draw for longer times.

>> No.2699571


There's knowledge and there's application.

You can know all there is to know about art and still be a shit artist.

>> No.2699592

I've noticed mark improvement after reading books, during which time I wasn't making any art, only learning abstract principles.

This kind of theory is beyond the understanding of d/ic/ks who only know Loomis though, you guys literally think it's like bodybuilding or something, you think it's linear growth.

>> No.2699775

you underestimate how much of art is in your mind and not in your muscles. try just looking at art and really think about everything that makes it look good, compare it to your own, look at bad art and think about why it's bad, read art books and don't just hammer out copies, do one copy then analyse the shit out of it, compare, work out every single thing that makes it wrong and only then move onto the next drawing and avoid all those mistakes. once you've done that, you'll realise how important just stopping and thinking is.

>> No.2699860

It's so easy to get wild, insane gains when you're not doing anything else.

It takes pure will power to even hit that perfect beat boy once you're killing yourself.

>> No.2700053


You want to get better at art? Get an art related job. You'll be amazed how much better you'll get, and how quickly, when you're boss is breathing down your neck.

>> No.2700056
File: 80 KB, 243x247, 1449770580018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People daydream about what they wish they did.

Install a software like manictime that counts when you are using photoshop and actually drawing. It will show you how morbidly wrong you are about the time you spend drawing.

I draw 4-6 hours a day. It's not impressive, but I know where I am and I can improve.

>> No.2700083

I usually draw for about 1-2 hrs, but if i'm doing art trades and i wanna get shit done i'll go for 6 hrs. Sometimes i'll just play video games all day and not draw tho.

I used to do things that make it hard for me to focus while drawing. It made me tilt and hate drawing, which lead to me going weeks without drawing a few times.

>> No.2700084

I noticed lifting has given me more energy to draw for longer periods of time, nothing quite like seeing gains on paper and your body.

>> No.2700100

I would love to but instead I have a labor job. Maybe once my portfolio is good enough I can.

>> No.2700105

where you could find such a software?

>> No.2700131

I feel your edginess, keep at it.

>> No.2700141


Calling people out isn't edgy, learn what words mean before you use them.

>> No.2700143


Not him, I use rescuetime and it works the same way, it just tracks what you're spending your time on. You can set it just to track certain programs if you're concerned about privacy.

If you do traditional art you obviously need to keep track another way. I have a spreadsheet I put all my art time on.

>> No.2700369

I draw whenever I can, but I work a shitty normie job 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, so finding the time is tough.

But I'm finding the time because someday I want to draw instead of literally wasting my life moving boxes all day.

>> No.2700372

>that tumblr-tier artst
>giving "art advice"

My sides.

>> No.2700376

Watched this video while hatching eggs in Pokemon.

Now I feel so stupid I want to kill myself.

>> No.2700386

What is he wrong about though? Seems to me he's right
Of course you shouldn't apply that advice as-is to yourself perhaps, he is talking about his own mistakes, but I think he's reasonable
The fact he's tumblr tier is because he made those mistakes, or he just likes drawing like that, whatever

>> No.2700395

>Think I draw 4-6 hours a day
>Run an app that tracks time and mouse movement
>Turns out I only worked 1.5 hours

I duplicated my hours since this realization.
Sitting at the computer with PS open is not being productive.


>> No.2700396

>don't play video games
>don't go out and do things with people
>don't do anything other than draw
>cut all fun out of your life
>only drawing can be fun for you
>then you can learn how to draw badly just like me
seems like the kind of advice to give if you want an artist to suicide by 25

>> No.2700398

That was a really good video. Mostly because I can relate so much to him.

>> No.2700400

>>then you can learn how to draw badly just like me
>seems like the kind of advice to give if you want an artist to suicide by 25
m8 if he draws like that it's because he didn't do those things. See the title of the video
And of course you don't have to REMOVE FUN, just don't be a lazy fuck and actually put effort into practice

>> No.2700405

>message boils down to "Don't do anything other than draw because you can't be good at two things."
Well, people who are actually talented can. Must be a bummer having to work so hard for so little, though.

>> No.2700409

>of course you don't have to REMOVE FUN

You do if you want to ever be good. Art is a joyless endeavor for at least a decade. If it makes you smile at any point before you're actually good, then you shouldn't be an artist.

>> No.2700412

post your work

>> No.2700419

>tfw this thing is silently judging me for being lazy

>> No.2700425
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1468717321665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is a joyless endeavor for at least a decade. If it makes you smile at any point before you're actually good, then you shouldn't be an artist.

I remember now why I stopped lurking this shithole.

Feng says this over and over. If you don't have fun drawing, YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT.

If you don't enjoy making stuff, you're just a poser that wanted attention and compliments.

>> No.2700430


>don't have a life video

I can't stress how incredibly harmful such mindset is. People are regarding doing art as some sort of grind in rpg where after X drawings/studies you gain new level. It's bullshit.

Also - professional artists actually do have families they take care of and have time to do things.

>> No.2700444
File: 62 KB, 1000x900, 1436213169028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. If you follow artists on twitter you'll realize that they travel, have families, play games, workout, etc.

The people who waste 10 hours a day doing gestures and then cry to themselves to sleep are dumbasses that missed the 2 most important methods of improvement.

1.-Have a specific project with a goal.
2.-Have a deadline.

When you have to make a 12 page comic in a week then magically all your time becomes polarized.

No waiting for inspiration. You know your schedule well ahead of time. You know what references you will need. After some time you know exactly how long something will take you to make. And then you can include games and dating in your schedule.

Freedoodling your feelings for hours and hours and doing mindless studies hoping that some year in the future you'll use them is the worst thing you could possibly do with your time.

>> No.2700467

i'll pray for you dude

>> No.2700474

There's a quote or interview somewhere with Glen Keane where he talks about how other guys at Disney would kill themselves overworking while he'd always clock out at 5 and go play tennis and spend time with his wife and family.

The culture of overworking is a big dick waving contest that just runs you ragged in the end. Meanwhile guys like Glen who put the time in and lived their lives become didney legends.

>> No.2700584

are you saying you assume everyone on here giving advice is anywhere close to being as good as that guy? lmao

>> No.2700656

Nice video i guess. I ain't sure if i wanna be obsessed by it, but getting good isn't easy either.

>> No.2700690 [DELETED] 

I'm 16, and I can easily draw for 7-8 hours straight a day because I'm ambitious
but the problem is that some days I can't draw because I'm too tired of school, so I can not draw for 3 to 5 days and then drawing all the week-end from morning to night
I know I'm young and I shouldn't worry about that but as I said I'm very ambitious and wanna have a professionnal level as soon as I can

Is this good or bad ? Should I change that way of working ?

>> No.2700752
File: 1.52 MB, 1302x1182, 1464857743317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 16,

>> No.2700778

I'm 53, and I can easily draw for 7-8 hours straight a day because I'm ambitious
but the problem is that some days I can't draw because I'm too tired of kids, so I can not draw for 3 to 5 days and then drawing all the week-end from morning to night
I know I'm old and I shouldn't worry about that but as I said I'm very ambitious and wanna have a professionnal level as soon as I can

Is this good or bad ? Should I change that way of working ?

>> No.2700782

now i'm between 5 and 6

Waiting for vacation to go 7-8 a day

>> No.2700791

0. The only thing I do is giving critique, redirecting people to books and making smart posts. Nobody knows that I don't draw. And yeah, I'm familiar by now with all the stuff that don't let others to blow my cover: I can explain difference between gouache and watercolor and that there are 2 types of the former, that different pigment dry out with different pace and that you need to lay thicker paint over previous layer if you do wet-on-dry oil painting so you should lay first one mixed with oil, I can recommend you Dodson instead of "Fun with Pencil" and say that Robertson is best for construction and you should practice lines and ellipses like in drawabox.

Yes, I'm evil.

>> No.2700796

Zero, it's like riding a bike. You can either do it or not. I'm a bit rusty but I can hop back on the sadel.

>> No.2701250

6 most days but sometimes might not have that much time because I have to attend to school I hate.

>> No.2701283

I haven't drawn a single time in the past 2 years. I just come here to make myself feel bad about my life choices

>> No.2701290

me too

>> No.2701361
File: 11 KB, 588x510, neggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw maybe 4 hours a day, practice... 4 hours a month?

>> No.2701364

I'll assume you made this
It's not so bad as NSFW pixel art goes. LOOMIS though, and the coloring could use some work.
I like it overall
Do you always do this kind of stuff, have you got a blog?

>> No.2701367


Other here guy, but - seriously? Are you going with LOOMIS on this one? And with colors when there are like 5 flat ones?

>> No.2701372

Yeah, I could very well work on my fundies, for now I mostly draw for fun so I do pixel art like this with some simple cell shade once in a while. I really should do more IRL studies tho.

My blog is http://drawersden.tumblr.com/

>> No.2701511
File: 53 KB, 197x190, No stress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 0.5h / day on average
> I've been enjoying this half hour of stress relief for the past 2 years

>> No.2703176

3-5 hours a day, depending on my schedule. Sometimes I have other shit to do (like run errands) and I don't get to draw, though, which really sucks.

>> No.2706465

So basically
1. Find your weaknesses,
2. Practice, work to improve them
3. Manage your time
3. Git gud?

>> No.2706682

i love the technique here, gj anon

>> No.2706798

Happy belated birthday 4chan

>> No.2706802

TIL drawing is Dark Souls IRL

>> No.2706823

Not as much as I should be. Even after years of practicing, with a tablet even, I'm still struggling to hold the pen while I draw. It has always felt uncomfortable in my hand

>> No.2706978

The end is so much kek

>> No.2706988

Lately i've been questioning myself so many times If I actually enjoy art and want to continue art school, but the fact that I am worrying so much about this and given the fact that I actually enjoy drawing,and I doodle a lot at school -but when I watch my shitty art it's this that demotivates me- I want to make it .I am putting much more effort in art and less in videogames, reading more books and comics (a bit late but better late than never)

>> No.2710369

Barely half an hour a day. I hate being such a lazy shit and I should kill myself

>> No.2710386


2 hours every day.

I would like to do 6, but school isn't making it really easy for me.

>> No.2710457

Not exactly.

With "project" and "goal" I mean in a professional sense.

Do you want to be a concept artist? Do you want to write comics? Illustration?

Then get used to the workload. ASAP. Look up the kind of deadlines in your industry. Imitate them.

There is something called "Post traumatic stress growth". Which means that improvement comes from getting your ass kicked. Not from slow daily RPG grinding.

Instead of doing random studies and sketches, try to create something of a "pro" level. Something that you can show hand in hand with the artists you look up to. In their own deadlines.

You will fail, but you will grow faster than you could possibly from a "classroom" style of learning (memorizing trivia for months and then getting a test far into the future).

>> No.2710551
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1408977958058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't found the time as of late yet. My life has been in turmoil since the end of last year. I was homeless for a while and lost most of my previous possessions. I want to get my life in order at the moment so I'm torn between working and going to college so I haven't been drawing as of late. But seeing this thread is motivating me to at least find a bit of time to practice.

>> No.2710562

The time it takes to drink a coffee or 2 every morning. If it's a good day with a beer in the evening.

>> No.2710574

All of my free time

>> No.2710682
File: 294 KB, 390x630, 1473924085260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a destructive mindset.

>> No.2710687

best of luck anon.

>> No.2710717

I don't think it is only the drawing. Something is totally wrong there. But then it is a youtube personality, so he may have multiple channels and just pokes holes to see what works or something.

As for getting better resuilts than this guy: don't use a fat brush and masturbate to textures. That is like 90% of his problems.

>> No.2710945
File: 265 KB, 3000x1683, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related it's the people who don't follow this guys advice

>> No.2710980

Looks like a typical beginner, what is wrong here?

>> No.2711001

More like the first time someone picked up a pencil.

>> No.2711014

>on ic

are you by any chance a bear too? even if not, fuck me raw omg

>> No.2711070

That X in the middle is supposed to be where the crotch is. Yeah it's 8 heads tall but the waist is way too long.

>> No.2711072

I'm a full time worker who uses art as an outlet. Because of the way my schedule works I only get to draw every other day, and I'll usually take 1-2 hours. I've thought about getting to the point to where I can quit my job but I'm way too pleb for that. Still I never say never and hope that one day I can make something out of my art that people will enjoy.

>> No.2711098

That is not what I am asking, I don't give a shit about beginner mistakes. I give a shit about why it was posted in the context given.

>> No.2711170

Fags who aren't going to make it

>> No.2711176
File: 6 KB, 377x330, 1469232416001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats for gay losers, ive been blessed with natural talent

>> No.2713406

Seeing so many people even younger than me drawing more hours I ask myself, is it really worth? Why should I spent hours and hours on something I will never be the best at, I would end up doing something others already did better. Scenery, fantasy stuff, sci-fi stuff, naked women, cute anime girls, what can I do to be original and actually matter?

>> No.2713416


>Why should I spent hours and hours on something I will never be the best at

I've got news for you anon - odds are you're never going to be the best at anything. At all. Unless you pick something really obscure, there's almost always someone better than you. If you desperately need to be the best at something, take up playing Jenga with your asscheeks or something. Give it a few months and there won't be anybody on earth as good as you at playing Jenga with their ass.

Honestly "if I can't be the very best at it why bother" is a shitty approach to any craft. Set more achievable goals.