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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 314 KB, 544x800, remphF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2697362 No.2697362 [Reply] [Original]

Recently reminded about /ic/

Hey guys, it's been a while.

>> No.2697363


>> No.2697366



>> No.2697374

post your big german sausage or it's not you

>> No.2697377

sup fag. This isn't Pete.

>> No.2697380



>> No.2697381

That rock is riding nice and deep in his ass crack

>> No.2697383

Yeah, that was a common complaint on the Reddit thread. I can't figure out if changing it would majorly effect the way people see the piece, because it's not a big deal to me.

>> No.2697384
File: 83 KB, 900x630, trampled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pete you like this painting I'm working on? feel free to leave some notes. perhaps ideas I can add.

>> No.2697386

>feel free to leave some nudes


>> No.2697387


The historical feel and brushy finish remind me of Karl Kopinski. It's not really my thing personally, but that's not really a reflection of its quality.

>> No.2697395

Is it really that nice?

>> No.2697398
File: 720 KB, 4608x3072, dsc03015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you were expecting this to be brought up eventually so I'll just be the guy to do it first. I'm pretty disappointed that the industry has you tracing stuff from time to time my man-but not why you might think. I don't think there's anything morally wrong with tracing nor do I think it's a huge knock against you overall as an artist; your rendering is some of the best around. However when I saw that video where you were walking through your process creating the piece in this picture, you had laid in a perfectly competent head and face on your own, but from your words it sounded like you were almost compelled to trace over it because you'd felt your own work wasn't good enough-when your results really weren't bad at all from what I remember.

I feel like when you do trace it's because working in the industry has made you doubt your own abilities to a degree and I personally feel it's unwarranted.

>> No.2697399
File: 603 KB, 1339x1260, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Peter, but I thought I'd give my two cents.

Right now the entire image is filled with empty space so it loses all impact it has, especailyl for a charging horse. I think you can either add a bunch of other horsemen behind him, or do a tight crop on just him. I would also introduce some light on the horse to make it read a bit better because it is at such an extreme angle it's not all that clear.

>> No.2697406


I don't think about tracing much because it rarely comes up in my process. But if there is an opportunity to improve a piece by tracing a reference, I usually won't hesitate.

>> No.2697409

Do you do any pro work these days or are you just selling prints of angels?

>> No.2697412

I understand, I also acknowledge that there's a hell of a lot of stuff in your pieces that you couldn't trace if you wanted to, I know it's a pretty touchy subject and I meant no disrespect.

>> No.2697414


Just the angel stuff for the past 2 years. I almost did an album cover but some dates moved around and it fell through.

>> No.2697415

can you stop talking like a god damn pleb?

>I meant no disrespect.

Faggy ass kid over apologetic like he's star struck.

>> No.2697416


I don't think of it as a touchy subject. I think it's one of those things that people consider to be more taboo than it really is.

>> No.2697420

It's only taboo if you don't own the rights to the photo, or if you are intentionally lying or misleading people about the process you use.

>> No.2697422

do you get a lot of girls once you make it and truly git gud?

>> No.2697423

How big is your vagina?

>> No.2697424

oooh oohh and do you think i/c has actually helped you other than vapid entertainment ?

>> No.2697425

He'll let you know if he ever gets good

>> No.2697426

post work?

>> No.2697427


I've been married for as long as anyone has known my work, so I've never gotten girls from painting but I would say it couldn't hurt.

>> No.2697428
File: 276 KB, 846x833, nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2697429

Stfu nosetrash

>> No.2697431


I never posted on /ic/ enough to know but I can say that most crit communities are horrible circle jerks. It can't be worse than the alternative.

>> No.2697434

/ic has the best crit community.

>> No.2697436

When are you going to stop with the angles man? Your comfort zone is showing. I think you could be doing a lot different variety.

>> No.2697438

Share some artwork you did when you were in your early 20's.

>> No.2697439

Hi Peter.

I'm in freelancing right now working on pieces for $150-250, and it's a bit of a bummer. I've sorta been forced into using 3D in my work to speed things up (I try to get full illustrations done within an 8-hour period), and while I don't have anything against 3D, it sorta stiffens my work in the end.

But that's not really my problem. I wanna get in with more companies but am finding it really hard. I've asked other pros what they think and a lot of them have said that yeah I should probably be with more companies, but I feel that no matter who I email, no one replies. In the 1 year I've been freelancing, I've gotten in with one company that pays me what I listed above, a smaller company that's never emailed me back, and one of the bigger companies that has never sent me work (got in with them in February).

I'm not saying I'm gonna give up, I'm gonna make this thing work somehow, but I guess I'm just sorta ranting and looking for any advice you'd give. I dunno if you'd be willing to drop an email to go further in depth, but I want to do better than $1000 a month.

>> No.2697441

how old are you now Peter, and do you have any process videos ? or at least think about doing them ?

>> No.2697442
File: 481 KB, 1160x1023, Photoshop_2016-09-29_21-11-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a new wip meme for you faggots to use

>> No.2697443

I would love too see how pete would handle a wide landscape format instead if the default vertical poster

>> No.2697444

Isn't that the entire premise of his patreon though?

>> No.2697448

Just get a financially sustainable job and do art on the side. Pete barely makes 25k a year off his art. They do a good job making seem like they're rich off their shit art,but in reality his wife has the bigger income and ultimately supports the family.

Also you should probably get really good.Keep in mind art directors have thousands of portfolio submissions each month. And you're just another try hard

>> No.2697449

I'm willing to bet he makes less actually.

>> No.2697458


I'm pretty sure you're confusing my story with another artist, since that's a pretty common situation. Many pros I know survive only because of a secondary income. Anyone doing full time freelance is likely making somewhere around minimum wage unless they have another job or income stream.

I'm lucky enough to be one of the few artists making a decent living off this stuff. Most of the money comes from things like print and book sales. It's a comparable income to when I was working as an art lead in house at a game studio.

>> No.2697459
File: 287 KB, 1160x1023, nosebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2697460


Freelance is a tough game. If you are looking for a stable income while you build your experience, I would look for opportunities to work in a studio, even if it's not ideal.

>> No.2697461


I would say you are right. There are plans to expand on the types of pieces I'm making but nothing has come together yet. At some point I'll get bored and switch things up.

>> No.2697464

>I was working as an art lead in house at a game studio
Think you can describe a bit what your daily tasks at that job were and how you liked it? Why don't you work at a studio anymore, only to have time for your own project or did other reasons come into play aswell?

>Anyone doing full time freelance is likely making somewhere around minimum wage
And fuck man, that sounds pretty shitty, why is that so? Lack of comissions, or just overall exploitation of artists and shit pay or does it come down to their business skills and if those were top notch, you could actually live decently? Like, maybe most pro artists you know just suck at marketing themselves, I dunno.
Also, do you think for those guys that make a shitty living doing freelance, it would be a problem to get a studio gig? Like, do they live like this by choice or by lack ofalternatives?

Sorry, it's a lot, but I'd really appreciate some insight on this, thanks a lot.

>> No.2697471


I was managing a small team doing 2D graphics for a Facebook game. My time was split between management and painting myself. I liked the working with the team, but hated working with the business people. Going indie was a way for me to avoid having a boss.

When I first went indie, I was trying to mix in freelance with my own work but it was hard to split my time. I think that's what gets a lot of people in trouble. Splitting between a lot of small income streams rarely builds to a substantial flow. In the fantasy art market, most of the commercial projects pay below a viable living rate, but they all get measured relative to each other. MtG brags about being #1 for pay, but compared to the competition, that's not saying much. I know MtG artists that made less than $10K in a year.

The freelancers that do well typically have some core income flow they build off of. Sometimes that a steady stream of commercial gigs through a rep or some of them have built a following of collectors.

>> No.2697474


Doing a really wide landscape painting is right at the top of the projects I'm planning on for the near future. Maybe next month.

>> No.2697475


Some of it is still up on my DA http://petemohrbacher.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=72

>> No.2697476

Do you have a daily schedule to ensure you are consistently productive? How far ahead do you plan for different paintings or projects?

>> No.2697477

I think a lot of your loose paintings are some of your best works, regardless of what your opinion is, I think you should consider going back to painting more lose and freely.

The over rendering is nice,but it can really cause a painting to become stagnate leaving the viewer to feel empty and not immersed.

>> No.2697481

cool thanks man. I love looking at past work of the pros. it gives me a lot of hope.

>> No.2697485


I'm not very good at planning. I prioritize what opportunities I want to chase down from day to day and week to week depending on what feels the most valuable.

In the beginning, before there were financial stakes, I made myself accountable to deliver a finished painting weekly. That helped a lot.

>> No.2697504

Is it true you cry yourself to sleep every night on the couch?

>> No.2697507

Oh, it's you... Hello.

>> No.2697531


Yep. I'm about to go do that now. G'night /ic/

>> No.2697539

What's the matter anon?
Something happened between the two of you?
Did you have a few too many at a drink&draw and ended up naked in a hotel room and later decided to never mention this to anyone and it'd be best if you never met again?
Did you lure him in a deadly trap and expected to never see a sign of life from him ever again?
Did you walk in on him pleasuring himself with a stylus and he begged you not to tell anyone?
Did he win a drawing contest when you were younger and you only got 2nd?

>> No.2697540

literally who?

>> No.2697543

Pete you can't just fucking make a thread and leave.

We have lot's to discuss big boy.

>> No.2697546

WAIT! Before you leave tell me the secret of gitting gud!

>> No.2697550

>all of those pros making fun of us
And you call us the bullies?

>> No.2697557

peter here. the horse posture looks boring. try to make it more dynamic by putting each leg in a different position

>> No.2697559

What's the matter anon?
He like your ex-boyfriend or something?
Walk in on him colorpicking from a Sargent painting, stealing the colors for his own work?

>> No.2697571

read the sticky
read more loomis
have the spark
have the ligameme
be born with natural talons
be under 25 so you aren't rapidly losing neuroplasticity
win gesture battles
post your work
flash me

only then are you gonna make it

>> No.2697574


>> No.2697621 [DELETED] 

>Go check it out.
>Weird angels.


>> No.2697623

>Go check it out.
>Weird angels.


>> No.2697624


love your stuff pal

>> No.2697643

Good to have you back, haven't seen you here since that one red scarf/ribbon angel piece you did way back when.

>> No.2697653
File: 359 KB, 1500x801, 1386992451325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked up on this board after a long time away.

When I was starting out almost every image here was made by the poster and seeking genuine critique. Everyone was busting their balls to get good, find work, and do paintovers for each other.

Now... its different. I've been a working artist for a bit now and I owe much of my beginnings to things I learned here...

Hope my initial impression is wrong and that those strong, motivated, helpful people still exist somewhere, because I see an awful lot of rumor mongering, pro bashing, and general bitching going on.

related: feedback from a ways back.

>> No.2697661

There's still a lot of feedback that happens. Hell, there's a paint over in this very thread and it's not even a critique thread.

>> No.2697675

What are you going on about? Get over yourself there's rumor mongering and bitching everywhere you go in life.

There's a lot of good feedback just lurk more.

>> No.2697729

you're delusional if you think there isn't more redundant and unfunny bullshit on /ic/ now

it's not just an /ic/ thing, it's a 4chan thing
people don't lurk like they used to so you get a ton of garbage posts

4chan on a whole has changed a lot

>> No.2697732

you're kidding.

Why don't you except the fact you probably grew up. Nothing ever changed here on 4chan as an entire. You did.

You sound just like those "gamers" who glorify the good ol days and bitch about the current trends. I don't wanna here anymore of your shit.

>> No.2697795

i don't understand why you would think that any site wouldn't change with an increase in population/traffic

humor from 2004-2006 era was largely stolen and corrupted from 2chan; the humor wasn't largely based on a thin veneer of irony, it was mostly absurdist or over the top offensive

(definitely different from the current trends of meta-shitposting)

your attempts to seem more "adult-like" ironically make you look more like a child-- it's like someone going from the hipster phase to the anti-hipster phase to the anti-anti-hipster phase

get over yourself

>> No.2697797

Whn are you going to stop making these shitty sameish pictures and do something actually fun?

>> No.2697804

he made my drawing worse!

>> No.2697806

please come back please

>> No.2697809

Over 50% of the people on this board, and probably 90%+ on other boards, weren't even teenagers 10-12 years ago. They don't get it. Leave, and never return, it's all a giant pile of shit now.

>> No.2697872

I wish catbib made a thread like this.

>> No.2697904
File: 110 KB, 901x362, 9H1Btjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ - community hub for professional artists

>> No.2697919
File: 483 KB, 1600x1200, fisherman village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Peter,
If you're still here I'd like to ask you an actual question, how do you go about not overworking certain parts of your drawings when you know you've probably spent too much time looking at that particular area and still can't nail the level of detail you want?
And in case you do, how do you fix that?

I find that I can get a nice looking feel to my drawings with loose and big brushstrokes but when I render on top of my lines/previous sketch and go into detail I get that shitty overrendered look like the fisherman in the fg in pic related.

>> No.2697930

>"gamers" who glorify the good ol days and bitch about the current trends.

But gaming is legitimately bad now. everything is made with money in mind. they're all versions of the same game. Farcry = assassin's creed with guns, fallout = skyrim with guns.

I know this because I grew up, quit gaming, and work for an investment bank now. Seriously, gaming is designed to print money off of idiots.

>> No.2697934

Gaming was always made with money in mind, however I suppose back when the hobby was younger there was more room for exploration and less samey, derivative bullshit to be sure.

>> No.2698040
File: 535 KB, 800x1176, funfunfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time you pushed yourself? It sounds overly negative to say that what you're doing is self satisfaction as thats the point in a lot of ways, it just doesn't look like you've deviated from this aesthetic in a very long time. Ironically the piece named Looking Forward is one of the last times you've done something distinctly different and that was over 7 years ago.

I'm glad there are so many artists with clear styles and I think its a shame to see some get so stuck in their ways, barely straying from their tried and tested workflow... Speaking for myself when I find things becoming rote I see it as a problem.

>> No.2698047

Shit anatomy
Shit colors
Pretty average

>> No.2698048

I was talking about >>2697399 for >>2697384

>> No.2698052

hey dude, love your art, enjoying your streams, keep up your work, much love <3

>> No.2698055
File: 497 KB, 700x940, pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full plate armour with shield
>no shield armour

Don't be lazy on the historical aspect, the real thing is often a thousand times better than our blind guesses.

>> No.2698064

No one cares about your autism

>> No.2698084
File: 26 KB, 600x600, K.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2698316


It's a new day, so I'm back.

The thing you are missing here is doesn't have to do with rendering, it has to do with value. When the piece is a line drawing with flats, your brain isn't assessing the values, just the edges. But as soon as you start to create more dynamic values in one element (like the fisherman), the parts of the piece that don't have any attention paid to their values start to clash. You know you are getting a bad feeling, but you have to trust the fact that it's hard to assess where that feeling is originating from.

My suggestion is to do a pass where you ignore detail in favor of working out a more dynamic range of loose values. You should be able to go in after that and clean up the edges you need to focus back on the expressiveness of the drawing.

Breaking down a painting piece by piece is essential. Doing the drawing >values >colors>details in a serial fashion is how I complete all my paintings these days. But any way you find to break it down will essentially provide similar benefits.

>> No.2698322

hes right tho.
whats the point in extra weight when you are already fully shielded...

shields were a cheap alternative for lower ranked plebs to have a greater chance .

>> No.2698325


I would say the times where I've made the largest leaps forwards were not when I pushed myself but when sometime just clicked. So, I never really feel like I got much benefit out of putting myself out on the line. On the contrary, I see artists regularly running away from doing good work due to the fear of being repetitive. Lots of aspiring artists will do a big breakthrough piece and then just never repeat their successes because they are afraid of these sorts of accusations.

Moving away from making the type of work I love doesn't feel like the right move creatively or financially.

>> No.2698360

It wasn't only about historical accuracy though.

History often provides ideas and ways to improve the visuals too. Art at professional level isn't just about strong fundamentals, you have to communicate something. If you want to paint knights, but your library of visual tools is pretty much empty, you won't be able to communicate as well as someone who knows a lot about the subject.

Just to stay on the example of that knight, you can use horse armour to change the visual impact of the piece. If you use a shield you might make it look like the armour is useless. If you know about weapons you might get something that stands out as both unusual and original. If you know about time periods, you can even pick whatever fits best. If you know how lances were recovered, you can paint a scene that you couldn't otherwise. If you know how bows were held, you can make it look like your character is actually pulling on a powerful bow. I'm not saying you'd have to go full autist, but if you're competing with so many other people, you want any advantage that will make you stand out.

>> No.2698366

Yeah, most of what i've learned just seems to happen in a strange unrelated epiphany. Though my personality lends itself more to the challenge as the question of whether or not I can do something is generally what drives me.

Mullins has talked a lot about experimenting and having smaller iteration loops and his stance on that in regards to professional artists is worth listening to.

That being said I don't mind if someone wants to only draw shitting dick nipple hentai, you can do what pleases you most however in the same way you think a lot of artists miss out after a breakthrough piece I consider the opposite to be true as well. Your treatment of a completely different subject matter could be just as interesting and we won't know, alas you've got to drive the reddit views and pull the MtG card as and when if finances are a factor.

>> No.2698384
File: 577 KB, 1000x622, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Pete. Just wanted to pop in and say I really love your work. I watched OFW and was a fan of your paintings long before I even came here. My question is for someone who is looking to make card art, what should my priorities be? I am currently at this level and am looking to fast track my training. Also, if you're willing, could we get a sneak peak at what you're working on now? Thank you for your time here

>> No.2698398
File: 689 KB, 1490x1600, norman-rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is great, people seem to calm down as if it was Christmas or something. We stopped believing that "making it" can be an actual, real thing.

But since this is a critique board, here's mine:
Besides splendid technique, in the pic there is no reason for me to look at it for more than 6 seconds.
>A cool angelic thingy sitting on a rock in the sky.
That sentence summarizes everything you've worked for all those hours.

I'd hardly summarize a painting from Rockwell or any old master with less than a paragraph. It gives my mind hints of a story that I can be a part of and a reason to come back to the artist.
Same problem with every painting of yours I've seen, that's why people think it's repetitive.

Thank you for coming to /ic/ by the way.

>> No.2698438

Hey! Are you still checking this thread?

I have a question about freelancing vs studying.

I made the jump to full-time art, however I'm really slow. Currently working paid-per-piece illustration.

Clients gave me feedback along the lines of "You're fast for someone who doesn't work full-time". They didn't realise I put in 60 hours a week, I'm just so slow they think I am not full-time.

So I need to spend more time studying/improving but precisely because I am so bad, all my time goes to working (learning nothing, comfort zone type of pieces).

I'm stuck. Do you have any advice, Peter? What is the route to get out of this catch 22?

>> No.2698444


Your art has improved a lot man, keep up the good work.

>> No.2698597


holy shit.

there has always been a formula for creating games. nothing has changed just your age.
The games used to be good because you used to be 12. Kids today enjoy games today just as much as you did when you were 12(assuming you're not 12)

Get it? I hope so. holy fuck lol

>> No.2698601

no he fucked off ages ago. He only made this thread to market his shit angles he's all hyped on right now trying to scrape in as much cash as possible.

>> No.2698699
File: 79 KB, 900x533, kickstarter_playmat_by_petemohrbacher-d6u4nh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Pete. I remember you posting here years ago with pic related. You seem to be an outlier in the art world, at least the imaginative realism realm, who has successfully made a living off of their own personal thing that gets them off. I know it was extremely hard and no small feat, but it seems like everyone else has to supplement their income with either a day job or with doing work they're not passionate about.

What's some helpful tips to 'making it' with doing the stuff you love? I know you stared work on Angelarium in ~2003 and that's a long time. What have you learned in that time??? Plz help I hate my day job.

>> No.2698722

wtf if you hate your day job go find a new one.

Maybe if you stopped being a little bitch your life would change.

>> No.2698779

>I'm not saying you'd have to go full autist, but if you're competing with so many other people, you want any advantage that will make you stand out.
or, like I like to say:
>You have to allow yourself to become autistic about something if you want to become good at it.

>> No.2698784

>telling to an anon they are not kids anymore
man, I know this place can be harsh at times, but this is too much

>> No.2698808

Peter detected. I can hear his nerdy voice in this sentence.

>> No.2698813

Police officer treating a runaway kid to lunch

Not that hard to do with anything. The Mona Lisa is just a woman sitting there almost smiling. The Odyssey is a greek man going on a journey.

You can sum anything up in a few words. What you are describing is not complexity of concept, it is emotional impact.

>> No.2698856

That works too.

>> No.2698908

Apologize my assumptions, but you must know utter shit about art if you think there isn't a huge difference in visual storytelling between OP and Rockwell. Rockwell never painted two paintings that would be similar.

The cop and the kid are interacting, but you can't tell the relationship between them. You look at the sack and think he ran away - but you don't know why. Considering the way they look at the kid, he probably just told them something interesting, maybe the cop is gonna take him back to his parents, maybe he'll let him be, who knows - you have visual clues to make your own story about the painting, that's what makes it interesting.

>> No.2699172


There are two uncomfortable truths here:

1. You are still relatively early in your development, so it could be a while before companies reach out to you for work.

2. Shooting for such a far off goal is not a fast track, it's a dangerous moonshot that will more likely mire you in a dead end than get you anywhere you want to be.

What I've seen work, is to give up on goals. Make as much art as you can in an effort to see what comes naturally to you and what should be avoided. In a market this competitive, finding your voice is the only plausible route forwards.Once you have the work, then look for a market, not the other way around.

>> No.2699179


Still here.

I've got friends who are slow painters, it's not a problem. My podcast co-host Sam Flegal takes about 100 hours on his paintings.

Where I've seen meticulous painter thrive is in the direct sales market. Selling original paintings directly to collectors and prints to fans. Any work that takes a long time to make will likely have a higher level of "finely crafted" feel to it, which makes it more attractive as an art purchase.

Dip your toe into the con circuit if you haven't already. It's easier to make $1000 selling prints than it is $1000 getting gaming commissions, albeit more risky. If you can absorb that risk, it might be a way forward for you.

If you are considering this, the first thing you need to do is value your personal paintings. Assume they are worth $1000 in future value and measure that against your current commissions.

>> No.2699184

As much as there are things you can do to improve the value of your personal work, I don't think there is a formula for everyone to follow that leads to success in that space. I was lucky that what I wanted to do matched up with an existing demand.

Anyone who does a repeat of my success will find doors closed where I found them open.

My only recommendation would be to do what you can to structure your life more around making things that actually make you happy. Even if it leads to nothing financially, it'll improve your life.

>> No.2699190


If I make any money off this thread, I would be fuckin surprised.

>> No.2699698

Thanks for the idea. Yeah, that's not for me. I'll have to stick to studying, studying, studying and getting better.
Maybe I ought to quit paid work for now and be patient.

>> No.2699975

hey dude if your still here I just wanted to say I came across your artstation a few months ago and I was astounded by your artworks and I have an incredible amount of respect for you, im just an artist starting out so I hope I wil be able to one day render like you, godbless you and your art, thank you <3

>> No.2699977

He's a satanist. Don't bother anon.

>> No.2700528

yea but back then it was how to make something fun so people would buy it
now its lets just jew as much as we can by fooling people
like no mans sky preorders and the retards who bought it

>> No.2701077
