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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 590 KB, 680x1024, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vcll2OHdjUC5qcGcifQ.xeaWd4kvzlUgzFownlMgYUnIA-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2696263 No.2696263 [Reply] [Original]

Because there's no reason to keep cluttering up the Beginner Threads with our shit.

I have nothing to show because I have been working and not practicing because I am stupid ;_;

No the OP of the last thread btw

>> No.2696357

Why would you create such a train path? Just put it on the ground.

>> No.2696371

Trains are terrible with slopes, they can't go up very well since they're so heavy. That's why they blast holes through mountains for them instead of going up and down.

>> No.2698077

where is the line between /abeg/, /beg/, and the drawthread?

>> No.2698087

only god knows

>> No.2698256

Why even bother with beggining?

Strat /nbeg/ - Never Beginner Thread, where you can whine about work, depression, lack of inspiration, lack of neuroplasticity after 25, procrastination and all other stuff that stops you from drawing.

Keep everyone up to date about your zero progress.

Inform us daily how you are still not sure, if you should go to an art school.

It will also keep /ic/ clean, since 50% threads here are about that.

>> No.2698270
File: 29 KB, 455x290, bored_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, did you really need to make ANOTHER one of these?

Just post in the beginner thread. Absolute beginners can go there - the advice you get there for your trashy 5 minute halfassed "sketch" is going to be the same as you get here.

>> No.2698271

>75% of the threads here are about that

>> No.2698274


>> No.2698277

Ever watched Andrei Rublev? Not everyone is autistic. People just need more reason, a revelation of faith, before they can truly submit themselves for their creation. This catharsis may take time and effort to achieve. We need to encourage each other, share our own opinions and story of strives, not only insult. Amateurs shouldn't whine all the time, and professionals should give words of advice, encouragement, and wisdom, not just technical advice. Some fresh and encouraging inspirations would be nice too, because even the most mvp artist on /ic/ seem to lack decent ideas.

>> No.2698280

I didn't know there was a level below the /beg/ thread, just read the sticky, lurk and draw for a few months, that's it. Does that sound like that much of a struggle?

>> No.2698283

Some people don't operate on advice and kind words. Some people never take it seriously when it's all fun and games 24/7. What some people really, really need is the harsh truth and being put in front of a choice - stop trying, either do or don't.

A simple 'ur a faget' can change a life.

>> No.2698312


>> No.2698612

>tfw you put hours into a drawing and post it legitimately proud of the tiny semblances of progress and douchebags assume i spent 5 minutes on it just because im new and shit all over it
Feels bad man )^:

>> No.2698618

>being nice doesn't influence everyone equally so i'll just act like an asshole all the time to everyone

>> No.2698624

Maybe hold of posting for your first week of drawing, or if it isn't your first week get fucking real you aren't putting hours in

>> No.2698638

>"How dare a beginner post in a beginner thread!"
If you say so senpai (:
You oughta run this board since you know so much

>> No.2699522

Today i had no revelation of faith, so I drew nothing. Is it even possible to have a catharsis after 25?

>TFW not autistic enough to draw

/r/ encouragement and wisdom.

Wanted to add Andrei Rublev to watch but couldn't find him. What's his DA?

>> No.2701409

Hey guys I am a absolute beginner. I got myself a graphic tablet but I absolutely suck at using it. I cannot even follow the lines if I try to trace a image of my waifu.

Are there any basic trainings methods to re-learn how to use a e-pencil?

Note I have not drawn anything for like 25 years. But just now I happen to have plenty of free time to do something new.

>> No.2701415

peter han's dynamic sketching exercises

>> No.2701443

thanks. This looks like good training

>> No.2701703
File: 1008 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_2505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are my angles so high

>> No.2701709

this dumb phone. it should be rotated to the right

>> No.2701736

Get Erik Olson & his perspective bullshit asap. Just lesson one will help you out.
Also buy a ruler ffs

>> No.2701740

What's that supposed to be? You do know that two parallel lines converge to a point on the horizon, right?

>> No.2701782

Or Scott Robertson's Basic Perspective Form Drawing

>> No.2702008

This has to be bait. No one is this shit at drawing.

>> No.2702017

You should use a ruler or straightedge.

>> No.2702087

is this what happens when that neuroplacebo thing kicks in? I'm only a few years off 25, but I don't want to go from bad to total shit like this anon.

Drawing every day prevents this, right?

>> No.2702155

>falling for the meme

the only thing that breaks down as we age is our ability to fight off cancer

>> No.2702162

So did most of the people on this board just decide to take up drawing one day? Or been drawing most of their lives? I just thought about it taking it up a few minutes ago and came here to have a look

>> No.2702163

We come from all walks of life. Read the sticky though.

>> No.2704789
File: 113 KB, 1000x707, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Wacom Intuos Pro and I'm completely lost. Using Krita 3.0.1.

Pic related is "Superimposing Lines" exercises from Lesson 1 of drawabox. What the fuck am I doing wrong? If I can't even draw correct lines I'm fucked...

>> No.2704795

Have you managed to do the excercise traditionally? Can you post that for comparison? (just so we know it's not the software just fucking your shit up)

>> No.2705185
File: 419 KB, 680x2114, comic001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're drawing too slow, and letting your lines wobble. This exercise is pretty difficult, so don't expect to be able to nail it perfectly immediately (or even after plenty of practice). It's something you do regularly for a long time.

What you should be seeing right now are smooth lines, but that likely part slightly near one end. That is, as opposed to wobbly lines that waver back and forth around the guideline.

Pic is the comic drawabox has to explain the issue behind the wobbly lines.

>> No.2705187

They wobble cause he sucks. It ain't about speed at all. It wobbles even if you go fast.

>> No.2705202

keep it up, anon. build that muscle memory.

>> No.2705253

Seriously, the author of drawbox is insufferable.

>> No.2705787

I'm the anon from before. Thanks for the nice comments.
Pic related is 10 superimposing lines in traditional 2H pencil. Tried going faster but still wobbly...

I'll go and build some more muscle memory, then move to the next exercise. If I get stuck, I'll post again.

I disabled Windows Ink and Forced proportions, anything more I should do? Also, why does Krita not recognise the "Rotate" function of the Ring? It just zooms in and out.

>> No.2705789
File: 1.59 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20161006_172803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, I'm dumb.

>> No.2706346
File: 678 KB, 1600x1200, 20161006_153520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my arm

>> No.2707347

6/10 not bad

>> No.2707369
File: 5 KB, 67x109, 8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2707607

You should really learn the lessons and watch the video demonstrations carefully.
You're not suppose to grind up a particular lesson or exercise until you're satisfied, you're to try your damned best on the exercises and do the homework as provided and move on to the next lesson.

Drawabox is designed so that all your lessons from previous lessons are applied to the next lesson. For example everything you learn in Lesson 1 is applied in Lesson 2. Everything in Lesson 1 and 2 is applied to Lesson 3 and so forth. Every day before sit down before doing a lesson you should pick 2 exercises (note: exercises, not lessons, not homework, but exercises) from the previous lesson you learned and do them. This gives you a refresher and warms up your hand.

Follow instructions as followed and take your time doing what is presented, you're asked to work in a felt tip pen or a brush pen for various reasons: 1.) To discourage you from randomly scribbling, randomness is not how you become better. You're to think, prepare, and plan each individual stroke. It may become troublesome at first, but over time you'll get use to it. And 2.) Too see what your mistakes are. You're to face your mistakes head on and assess why and how you fucked up to better understand how to prevent them in the future.

Ultimately you can do Drawabox anyway you damn well please. But to absorb the most from the program you really should stick to what is recommended..

Lesson 1 explains the common errors to lines.
Wobbly lines = Too slow, you're overthinking. Let the pen do the work and stop second guessing yourself
Stray lines = You're going too fast, speed is no the name of the game; you're looking for accuracy.

The Super Imposing line exercise is to help you find the middle ground that works best for you that lets you stay accurate without sacrificing line quality. The exercise is designed to get you use to going over a line, which eventually evolves into the next exercise "ghosting"

>> No.2707624

You're Uncomfortable aren't you?

>> No.2707683

What repercussions are to be had if I immediately jump into figure drawing with no drawing experience under my belt

>> No.2707710

You will get frustrated and bored, then you will stop drawing.

>> No.2707752

just go for it if it's what you want to do, dude. there's no right way to learn to draw. jump right into what you think you'll enjoy, kids do it all the time.

>> No.2708084
File: 504 KB, 1600x1200, 1475974368716841794332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me some tips to improve it then

>> No.2708087

Meant for>>2707347
I need some sleep

>> No.2708101

Thanks for the tips again. I'll take it into consideration. I think I get how I should manage the lessons now. (I do them in both traditional and digital.)

I'll do the ghosting thing now because Super Imposing lines has become extremely boring (I've done much more than the recommended 2 papers full of lines) and I feel like my creativity is slowly dying when doing those lines...

How much should I be able to do in a single sitting? Half of a lesson? Also, is it a good idea to go through all 15 lessons of the website, or is there a point where the lessons fall apart?

>> No.2708271

If you do tackle drawabox digitally, make sure you try your best to emulate pen (no erasing), the goal of Drawabox is to teach drawing while improving your line confidence and accuracy; as stated above randomness is not to be encouraged (no chicken scratch!).

Yeah, super imposing lines would definitely get boring after a while, just do the minimum required for the homework and move on!

Do as much as you like, it's up to you. I won't encourage sitting through all exercises AND homework of a lesson in one go. Just do as much as you can/want and then take a break and when you come back give the lesson a reread and knock out whats left.

The lessons are structured in a way where I recommend that you do all of them in order. Lessons feel very repetitive but none seem to fall off, for me at the very least.

>> No.2708286


Anon, if it takes 5 minutes to identify the flaws in the drawing you spent hours on, it takes 5 minutes to identify the flaws.
If you're new the flaws are going to be pretty fucking obvious even if you put in a lot of effort. You don't need to put equal effort into the critique as the person put into the work.

The point of posting your work here isn't to get asspats, there are plenty of far better venues for that if a pick-me-up is all you want. /ic/ is a place to get shit on and maybe 1 in 10 times actually have someone who knows what they're talking about give you a good critique.

>> No.2708843

I'll unbind Ctrl+Z in Krita then. I think I'm getting the hang of the lessons, so I won't be posting too much any more unless I hit a wall. Thanks again.

>> No.2711423 [DELETED] 

bumb :^)

>> No.2711615

Could someone post that tutorial with the shrimp please?

>> No.2712016

Bumping this up. Getting into Hampton. Any advice?

>> No.2714167
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>> No.2714188

Split a drawing session into two parts - studies and creativity. Practice the basics during the first part, then you'll have earned a bit of time to do what you like - figures, anime, abstraction, whatever.
The figure is the most complex thing that exists and we all know that if you don't follow the simple→complex rule, you are bound to fail.

Hampton is quite advanced and assumes that you already know the basics. He's a splendid teacher, but if you're starting out you should first look into Keys to Drawing, Fun With a Pencil, Drawabox and Proko, more or less in this order.

>> No.2714196

What are "basics"

>> No.2714208

Today marks day 14 of drawing, wish me luck

>> No.2714644

sorry for the delay
I literally listed books and websites that explain this in detail, but here's you basics:

>The basics I:
1. Learn to hold the pencil.
2. Learn to draw a line.
3. Learn to draw a shape. (2D)
4. Learn to draw a form. (3D - perspective)
5. Learn to connect forms inorganically. (still life)
6. Learn to connect forms organically. (gesture)
7. Learn to draw simple organic subjects. (plants, insects, small animals)

>The basics II - the human:
8. Learn to draw the skeleton - proportion and landmarks.
9. Learn to draw a mannequin - proportion and perspective.
10. Learn to draw muscle (force) and fat (weight).
11. Learn anatomy. Plenty of books on this topic.
12. Put it all together.

Don't think of this like a staircase, you're never standing on one step only. It's more like a kettle of soup where you add more and more ingredients while stiring up what you already know, every day. The foundation is always more important than the design.

>> No.2714871

Any tips on lettering/numbers or guides?

>> No.2715079

Look into typography for that. There are specific guidelines as far as that stuff goes, but as long as you have a ruler it can be easy to do.

>> No.2715233

Should I just draw everything in the book/do the exercises? A lot of books that you listed are just words words words words psuedoscience tapping my locked potentional and all that boring bullshit

>> No.2716099
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>> No.2716118

With Keys to drawing - sure, you can just skim through it and do the exercises. It's for the absolute beginner who suffers symbol drawing, line confidence etc. It's still a pretty good read tho.

Fun with a pencil is also more of a skim through kinda book, just to get a general idea about the importance of construction in drawing.

With Drawabox I recommend doing it with patience and reading it as well, 'cause there isn't a lot and it's a very good resource for construction.

Proko makes short videos where he specifically tells you what, how and how much you have to do.

>> No.2716129

is there a tutorial out for various methods of head and facial construction? i'd like something inbetween the detailed and cartoony loomis styles for quick practice. or would it be best to just experiment with references?

>> No.2716227

How do you draw someone bending or sitting? I have so much trouble with both of those, I can only seem to draw someone standing up.

>> No.2716232

Read a book, nigger.
Noone will teach you about perspective here.

>> No.2716238

Standard loomis head is great, but I dislike the fact that the actual head is not rounded, it's more like a capsule shape.
You can draw a ball for cranium, a curved line in perspective for eyes and a little shadow under the nose, that's what I like to do.
Triangle for the points of hairline, back of the head and chin is pretty good, too.
Or just lay down some landmarks important for the pose you're drawing, like the back of the head where spine connects or the jawline.

Draw a bean shape or the famous animator's pillow.

>> No.2716431


I came here to say the bean but someone else said it before me.

For real though, drawing beans is shockingly helpful for constructing good poses. Proko has a good primer video on it. From there you need to get the hang of attaching limbs to them and knowing how best to foreshorten, which at its most basic means you should have a rudimentary idea of perspective and basic shapes.

>> No.2716477

When someone says draw the motion not the contour, what do they mean; how do you SEE the motion in lines?

>> No.2716481

>want to draw figure
>learn drawing basic shapes and positioning them in 3d in my mind and on the paper
>learn how to combine shapes
>decide to read "Keys to Drawing" book on how to draw
>they say to draw the contour and not the shape first

H e l l o ?

>> No.2716483
File: 171 KB, 698x825, lineofaction2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It takes some getting used to, but most tutorials on gesture drawing will talk about it. The common phrase is finding the line of action.

For example, as an exercise if you were to take pictures of people in motion, try and capture the motion in one or two lines.

Pic off of google but it illustrates the point of what a line of action is. I find if you establish that line first and then build on top of it your stuff will look more dynamic. If you're using a photo ref it doesn't hurt to exaggerate the line of action a little, I find trying to copy the post 'accurately' makes it stiff more often than not. Try to use curves rather than straight lines unless you're intentionally going for a really solid / stiff pose.

>> No.2716575

silhouette --> geometric forms --> detail

many people will just skip the first step when copying what they see

>> No.2716735

I'm stuck on learning basic shapes.
I can't seem to make a perfect cube, sphere or cylinder.

>> No.2716756

I've been drawing casually my entire life, but I'm still shit at it. I can do okay within my comfort zone, but when I try to venture beyond that it just goes right to hell. It's demoralizing. It's like I'm not getting better at all even though I'm practicing.

>> No.2716764

Are you drawing with your wrist? If so, try drawing with your elbow or shoulder instead.

>> No.2718181

my lines turn out wobbly on a tablet unless i go slow and lift my arm. it doesn't feel the same as on paper

>> No.2718212

Look around your house and draw boxy furniture from life. You are trying to draw boxes like you learned from geometry, but they don't look like that in real life. Go draw boxes from life, it will help.

>> No.2718213

Why do I feel so uncomfortable drawing human figure?

I don't have this problem with any other object or landscape.

>> No.2718242


Because the human body is complex and little mistakes look very 'wrong' compared to many other subjects (a hill that looks 'wrong' doesn't repulse us the same way a face or body that looks 'wrong' does).

>> No.2718253
File: 30 KB, 948x711, 1449947753093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conception of a beginner thread is a cancerous idea.

It's unnecessary filtration and containment of bad art.

Those threads are constantly under the influence of the infamous Dunning-Kruger effect.

I'd say those threads need to be uprooted and removed from this board. They're mainly causing a great deal of harm. I'm watching people post "references" only to then immediately draw shapes and lines. No form. No 3D. The blind leading the blind.

Beginners should be shitting up the draw thread and getting ripped apart, not hiding out in a hug-box.

The draw thread shouldn't be "pretty picture general". I believe it should serve a more utilitarian purpose than that.

>> No.2718255

You need to check out draw-a-box, and you need to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours on each lesson.

You're not above anything that he's showing you.

>> No.2718261

The greatest insight I've had into the path I should follow has come from the draw thread on /ic/, not the beginner thread.

It's a damn shame the mods are so detached from the happenings of the board.

>> No.2720286
File: 190 KB, 835x652, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun-zies :D

>> No.2720416

What do you mean by uncomfortable?
Do you just not like looking at the naked human body or does its complexity intimidate you?

>> No.2720417


>> No.2720670
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>> No.2720701
File: 278 KB, 986x1000, IMAG2198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem to have a pretty good idea of the sphere now, but still struggle with Loomis' heads. Any other exercises I could do, or just more practising?

>> No.2720746

It's a messy sketchbook just like the masters have and I appreciate the effort and all, but you probably aren't as good as you think you are. Start at the start, move towards the finish.
Work on your muscle memory and line quality so you can draw larger. Learn to draw form instead of flat muscle shapes.

Sorry but no, you don't have a very good idea of how the sphere works.
Drawabox is what you need.

>> No.2720763


>Sorry but no, you don't have a very good idea of how the sphere works.

His lines are messy but if he did those from imagination he understands the form, which is the point of the exercise.


Keep practicing, but if you haven't done other shapes do them. The anon isn't wrong about drawabox, it'll teach you lots of basic forms which are fundamental for construction drawing. It'll compliment Loomis well.

>> No.2720773

Thanks both!
And you are right, I'm way to insecure about the forms. I had hoped that I would get a feel of it by diving into loomis, but I guess it was prematurely done.

>> No.2720774


>but I guess it was prematurely done.

I wouldn't say so. Learning forms and basic shapes is basically step 1 of learning to draw, unless you buy into some people on this board's opinion that you should spend 3 years drawing straight lines before you even touch a spherical form. I say keep going on Loomis, but check out Drawabox for a different resource on a similar concept.

It takes a lot of mileage to start getting clean confident lines, but you can still get an understanding of the fundamentals in the mean time. Practicing any will inevitably also be practicing your line control. The better your understanding, the more confident your lines will be.

>> No.2720795
File: 65 KB, 959x607, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

Truly understanding the form can take decades, anon. Vilppu spent his entire life trying to grasp that concept and all of his drawing videos are basically an attempt to share this immense knowledge with us.

It's most definitely not a step 1. A step one would be learning to hold and control your pencil, step two is drawing a straight line. If you rush any of these most basic exercises, you'll suffer in the long run. Drawabox (or "dynamic sketching for noobs") stresses this a lot. Loomis is not that easy to grasp, not for an /abeg/.

>> No.2720796
File: 773 KB, 868x429, gilbert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a question.
I can't go to sleep without the answer it itches so bad.
How this thing is called when you use graphical representations which are non functional. For example apple ipad keyboard had ridges depicted on it's keyboard f and j keys.
I read an article or some shit and I remember this thing about apple keyboard.
And now I want to know how is it called. Tried googling every which way, came to no fruition.

>> No.2720881

can you rephrase your question in english?

>> No.2720887


>> No.2721162
File: 3.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20161022_134215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I give up

>> No.2721164

Dont be a pussy, friend.

>> No.2721169

is it good

>> No.2721172
File: 133 KB, 1600x1117, pencil measuring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how pencil measuring works? for example do you bring your pencil closer in order to make bigger drawings and further away to make small ones?

>> No.2721174

No. But it doesn't mean you can't do better.

>> No.2721179
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20161022_135950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know how to improve practice isnt helping

>> No.2721181

It is helping, you just don't think it is. Keep drawing and you'll see it if you look back a month.

>> No.2721182


>> No.2721207
File: 270 KB, 962x236, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing Loomis right? Is his stuff supposed to be copied or what?

>> No.2721208

If you don't know if you're doing Loomis right, then you're doing it right. Loomis is just construction. Putting things together like a puzzle. Put a nose, ears, eyes on a blank ball to get a face.

>> No.2721210

That's it? Repeatedly? Even through most recent practice looks like absolute shit compared to early ones?
(Is there even an explanation for this sort of phenomenon?)

>> No.2721215


At a guess I'd say not entirely. Are you copying blokefaces out of the book or making your own?

They're simplistic and cartoonish for a reason. You'll notice they're basically all made out of very simple shapes. The idea is that you should be able to 'invent' a face using mostly basic shapes like spheres.

Take the noses for example. Are you able to 'wrap a line' around the noses in your drawing in the same way as you would a simple sphere? If you are, you're on the right track. The main idea is to understand the face as a series of shapes plastered onto a ball.

>> No.2721216

Line control comes with time. This phenomenon is no phenomenon, it's called practice. You go up and you go down, but it's always going to get better if you keep drawing.

>> No.2721225

Unfortunately, the first. Even though the book said that I was supposed to copy the blue lines >only, I ended up copying the black ones as well. But that's what I suspected, that's why those faces turned out to be better than I expected. (Still terrible, anyway.)

About the nose, I THINK I may able to pull out one properly though I felt too intimidated by my lack of skill to actually try it out. In the end, I guess I just needed somebody else's direction, thanks for the advice. I'll try to post more trash in case it smells better.

If you could only guess how many times I've dropped drawing because of that. Good to know it's all about grinding.

While at it, I tend to do 30 mim gesture exercises (The "class mode" available at Pixel Lovely.) Anything I should keep in mind? Should I focus on Loomis or at gestures?

>> No.2721228

Just do what you are doing, don't change it up or anything. People change too quickly because they don't see results. Huge mistake. You'll be changing all your life if you do that.

>> No.2721260

I've learned anatomy and can draw a figure from imagination for the most part but can't grasp gestures at all

I would watch proko do it and say to my self "hey, that's pretty easy" and when i start the gesture drawings i stumble over and keep tripping. I can't keep proportions, but when I focus on proportions i lose the gesture

>> No.2721262

If you haven't been trying for a month or longer, just keep trying. Understanding comes with time.

>> No.2721264

Picked up a copy of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain or w/e it's called. And currently going through the book and finding each excercise and noting what page it's on

But do I really need the materials they "require", like the make-shift view finder and what have you? Or can I wing it

>> No.2721271

Nevermind figured out instead of using a "viewfinder" and an object irl, i can just make a viewfinder in photoshop and find an object online to place it over.

>> No.2721274


>i can just make a viewfinder in photoshop and find an object online to place it over.

Anon, 99% of references online have already had the "viewfinder" applied. The viewfinder is useful because your field of vision is generally wider than what your subject is going to be, and it helps you focus on your subject. When it comes to photography, the photographer has usually already composed the shot. Unless your ref is some wide angle shot, you won't need to impose a viewfinder.

Don't skip drawing from life entirely. The viewfinder isn't required for drawing from life but it doesn't hurt if you've got some cardboard and a box cutter lying around.

>> No.2721299

I also picked up Drawing on the Right Side of The Brain, but I also got Loomis Fun with a Pencil, Keys to Drawing, and Hampton Figure Drawing because I want to be able to draw people.
I'm a begginner artist but can understand construction and learned my fairshare of anatomy in the past, but was wondering if I should go through them one at a time in order, or can I jump around? I just want to draw naked girls.

>> No.2721300

Keys to Drawing is enough to draw naked girls.

>> No.2721307

From sight sure, but waifus don't exist irl so thats why I have loomis and hampton

>> No.2721310

Once you draw enough from sight, you'll be able to copy from memory and just fix up things a bit with your imagination. It's cheating, but no one cares if you cheat as an artist.

>> No.2721318

I've studied loomis but i cant seem to think of things to draw, how into creativity

>> No.2721334
File: 77 KB, 600x822, 1444833118447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much
>pic related

>> No.2721751

I borrowed Drawing on The Right Side of The Brain from my Uni library, should I just work through that as a starting point then branch into Loomis?

>> No.2721778
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x408, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guess what these objects are, or is my drawing too shit?

>> No.2721779
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140606_225321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have some boxes.

>> No.2721810

>think boxes are too straight
>probably used a ruler
>see ellipses
>oh shit skill is genuine

>> No.2721812

boxes aren't that hard to get straight m8..

>> No.2721813

m8 i didn't use rulerz. It took me like 3 days of drawing boxes for 2 hours straight to get that, it's not hard at all.

>> No.2722012


Onion, lemon, pot?

>> No.2722015

What's the name for the "skeletons" that people draw when starting to draw a person? Do artists, particularly comic artists, draw those every time they draw a person, or is it more of a beginner thing?

>> No.2722030
File: 2.34 MB, 2673x2388, DSC01783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never made a vaporwave thingy before but how's this? I edited a photo I took in quebec by changing up the color balance and throwin in some trees and grid and some cherry blossom n shit

>> No.2722035


I think that the cherry blossom tree takes away from the vaporwave aesthetic. I think it looks good other than that, though.

>> No.2722038

upper arm is WAY too long for how long the forearm is, unless the perspective is skewed, which I don't think it is.

>> No.2722125

So just copy my favorite porn images until i can create them on my own?

>> No.2722196
File: 2.32 MB, 1536x2048, 20161023_165419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another. pls critique

>> No.2722197

I want to kill myself

>> No.2722650
File: 278 KB, 1200x900, IMG_20131214_181502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one's a pomegranate!

>> No.2722652

We all do anon, it's okay.

>> No.2722657

why is there a /beg/ and a /abeg/ thread? the quality of work is pretty much the same in both actually the work in here is better than in /beg/ to be honest. Its just splitting things up further for no reason.

>> No.2722668

I really like your inking style, it reminds me of marjane satrapi's.
But holy fuck you need to work on your faces (especially the second one). Use references

>> No.2722672

you just use it to compare different elements (ie this arm is 2 times longer than this head, etc...)

>> No.2722727

abeg is for artists who just picked up the pencil
beg is for self-hating artists who picked up the pencil years ago but say they'll draw but never do and then bitch about how futile life is

abeg = no experience
beg = little experience

>> No.2722730


>> No.2722738

Damn I downloaded the pdf of this one.
Is starting with this one alright or Should I start with the draw a box thing?

>> No.2722742

I've just started getting into drawing.

How the fuck do you draw a circle? Seriously, I can draw a circle, but it always comes out like a scribbly mess, as though someone was constantly batting the pencil every step I was drawing.

what is the best way of drawing a smooth one? Quickly or slowly?

>> No.2722745

Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain teaches you how to SEE and how to draw what you SEE.
Keys to Drawing teaches you how to SEE and how to draw what you SEE.
Eye to hand to paper

Drawabox teaches you how to CONSTRUCT based on strong fundamentals of utilizing geometric shapes such as the box. (hence the name)
Loomis teaches you how to CONSTRUCT

Anyways you don't HAVE to do one over the other, or one before the other. You can do both simultaneously if you'd like.
Just draw, really.
But I would reccomend doing Lessons 1 and 2 of Drawabox, and repeating the exercises daily as a 15min-30 min warmup before tackling your Drawing on the Right side of the brain exercise of the day.

You can skip all the pointless drivel in the book, just do the exercises.

>> No.2722746
File: 48 KB, 400x393, diagram_armpivots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw with your shoulder


>> No.2722868

Try without drawing out the VPs

>> No.2722940
File: 2.23 MB, 1536x2048, 20161024_134700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I thought the second one was one if my best :/. Is this better or worse? She's meant to look surprised.

>> No.2722965

that pot one is pretty good. Keep it up bud

>> No.2723086

my shoulder can't hold a pen

>> No.2723215

Your wrist is still going too hold the pen.
What anon was saying is that you need to do the circle motion using your shoulder, while your wrist is completely locked.

Do NOT use your wrist to make the circle motion. Using your shoulder to do the motion will make your lines instantly better.

>> No.2723230


>> No.2723241

I like:
>the composition
simple but it works
>the body
really, it's impressive for someone posting on /abeg/
>your use of values
making everithing dark but your character draws the eyes of the viewer to the character

I don't like
>the nose
I know noses are weird, but look at reference photos dude. This looks like it was made by a 8yo
>the chicken scratching
your inking was so clean in the other ones, why'd you need to chicken scratch on that one? the body is fine, but look at the hair or the background. Looks nasty doesn't it?
>the lack of eyebrows
how did you forget about eyebrows? You have two of them on your face.

She does look surprised, good job on that, but she'd look even more surprised with eyebrows.

Overall you're pretty good, I wouldn't have wasted my time on you i I tought you had no potential. You definitely have potential, but you gotta practice

>> No.2723516
File: 148 KB, 645x772, 1476492205431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no keeping it up. That was 2 years ago and I gave up a long time ago.

>> No.2723527

well then pick up a fucking pencil and a fucking sheet of paper and don't be such a gigantic faggot

>> No.2723588

Any books or resources that teaches you how to draw people interacting with one another (like fucking), I can draw one figure fine but when I draw another figure interacting with it that new figure looks flat

>> No.2723591

post examples

>> No.2723717

Draw through the forms

>> No.2724022
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>> No.2724039
File: 335 KB, 825x1000, manvsgame_by_sam_peterson-d8xjev4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't draw this, but is this guy lacking the fundamentals? I watched a bit of his stream on Twitch yesterday and found him not very good, but he works as an illustrator, so he can't be that bad. Would like to get the opinion of someone who knows this stuff on it.

>> No.2724041
File: 150 KB, 1144x699, orc_man_by_sam_peterson-d5ljt7r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2724043
File: 115 KB, 894x894, lord_dwarf_by_sam_peterson-d7s8ja8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2724044

Poor proportioning.

>> No.2724047

I would say that he has workable fundamentals. Its enough for him to churn out fantasy pieces to fulfill client's brief.

>> No.2724114
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>> No.2724115
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>> No.2724116
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>> No.2724263

Go grab a ruler and try to draw straight lines on your tablet using it. I worked with an intuos for half a year when I was a fresh beginner and didn't realize drivers were making my lines go wonky until I literally discovered they were wobbly even with a ruler. After that I went traditional. Far easier to learn without the added abstraction.

>> No.2724328

aww don't cry anon
I was just mad cos you are wasting a lot of talent

>> No.2724347
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Mugz guy here. Just fininished watching prokos first video. Wut u guys thank

>> No.2724351
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>> No.2724417
File: 466 KB, 864x1536, kurv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad overall, but I like how his left leg turned out.
Should've used reference for the pose.

>> No.2724452
File: 85 KB, 550x358, 1474395878396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks ok you just need study FDFAIW no joke it will help

>> No.2724459

I think I have downloaded this already a while ago. Gonna look into it, thanks.

>> No.2724832
File: 162 KB, 630x546, 01-Andrew-Loomis-books-Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Loomis book is the best for fundamentals?

>> No.2724849

God I'm autistic.

I´ll download some PDF and draw some shit.

>> No.2724983
File: 118 KB, 467x750, 1475284187486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun with a pencil

>> No.2725238

Figure Drawing For All It's Worth

>> No.2725250


Fun With A Pencil gets you started and eases you into his methods of head construction.

Figure Drawing is exactly what it says as is Head And Hands.

Successful contains a lot about the fundamentals, the five shapes and perspective bits, but would be a heavy leap for someone who isn't already knowledgeable or geared. It's like... A supplemental of the basics or an expansion on.

The others. Don't know.

>> No.2725702

Thanks for the honest feedback. I suck at noses. Yeah I forgot the eye brows that feel when drawing on speed amirite

>> No.2725708

I dont know wtf to draw. Where to begin, anything.

I've been on/off with drawing for years. But I've never put time in because any time I try to learn it's always shit. And any time I try to draw people, or anything with symmetrical curves. It looks like lopsided shit. so idk wtf to do.

I want to learn to draw and paint, but meh.

>> No.2725800

Well, practice drawing symmetrical curves a lot until you get gud.
Try drawing on graph paper if you're really having trouble telling if what you're drawing is symmetrical.
Other than that it's all just practice.

>> No.2728229
File: 474 KB, 705x485, 1424397621474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scott says perspective curves as it moves further from the vanishing point

well that explains why everything i've produced thus far looks like shit. all that "hur connect the dots, anon!" instruction was only half the truth; they watched me stumble with a stick and a blindfold with no goal

>> No.2728242

What did you do before that?
Show example, I wanna kek

>> No.2728248
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2728294

>tfw shit

>> No.2728304

charles bargue drawing course

>> No.2728362

I'm pretty sure Marvel uses it in their early constructions, as they have something like that shown in Drawing Comics - The Marvel Way right when they begin talking about making the figure. Don't know if there's an exact name for it, but it's highly convenient and isn't something done only by beginners.

>> No.2728667

You can always use yourself for a reference. Strike the pose you want and stand in the mirror

>> No.2728698

Forget about distortion, you CLEARLY do not have the basics of perspective down.

>> No.2729633

give me the full critique senpai

>> No.2729833

Pommegranat, pomelo, pot.

>> No.2731236

How should I hold my pencil?
I read the whole "draw with your arm instead of your wrist" in draw a box.
But should I let my hand rest in the paper or not?
Should I hold the pencil at a certain angle?
Should I hold it differently than I usually do it to write stuff?

Maybe I'm thinking this too much, currently I'm trying to draw 250 boxes.

this new ads are fucking retarded

>> No.2731239

>I'm trying to draw 250 boxes.
That website has driven far too many good people to autism.

>> No.2731246

Soo I shouldn't follow it's advice and I should try something else?

>> No.2731250

Do whatever you feel is working and helping you make progress. The moment it stops working, move on to something else.

Personally I don't think drawing mass quantities of context-less boxes and cylinders is particularly helpful. I'd rather be drawing actual stuff.

>> No.2733152


>> No.2735070
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