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2689854 No.2689854 [Reply] [Original]

does drawing get more fun as you get better?

i'm just about getting jobs from my work, but drawing only feels as fun as it did when i started. i still look up to true pro artists and think about how i would want to draw every hour of the day if i could do what they do, but i probably said the same thing about the level i'm at now..

>> No.2689859

It becomes a little more gratifying, but not better in the sense were you'll love it more and automatically see it as fun. If you're not having fun when you start then why do it at all. Besides, you won't get better if you're not passionate about it. You might as well be doing something you actually enjoy.

Almost everyone I know who went from shit to pro just had fun and drew what they liked, while applying what they learned and got entry level within 2-3 years.

>> No.2689860

My motivation isn't drawing itself, but being able to draw my imagination, my creativity on the paper, not sure if it's right...

>> No.2689863

I've hit where you were before, buddy. In that case, take a break from drawing, and do some light sketches while you pick up something else, say writing. I'm not saying write a novel, but make some fun characters and do some light world building. Maybe even think of funny scenarios you'd maybe like to sketch out. It's helped my creative process a lot more. If you get something almost solid together maybe you can make it into a little project. Drawing can get more fun when you're working towards something.

>> No.2689872

i have few ideas, but im much to bad to even attempt to draw them.

>> No.2689878

No. As long as you draw for others it's rarely fun. It's mostly stressful because you have to meet the demands of the person paying you for the job rather than your own. That is going to be a reality even if you're a god like artist.

If you want to have fun with drawing all you need to do is let go of the need for the end result to be good. Just sit back and let go of any need to git gud for a while.

>> No.2689879

Obviously it becomes more fun when you leave the grind behind and start to experiment and design. How is this even a question? What is more fun? Learning to work with wood or being able to build all kind of things out of wood with your knowledge? Being able to program the things you want and experiment with all kind of algorithm and different approaches or learning the language from ground up?

It's just normal that things get more fun when you streamline the tedious tasks with experience.

>> No.2689895

if you find what you like drawing you will develop love for drawing, if you are just gonna grind fundies and do others ideas it's gonna be draining

>> No.2690120

i'm OP , not saying it isn't still fun, i mean it beats doing pretty much everything else except binging on youtube and shitposting. i think it's just constantly the feeling that you have to be doing things to improve and not being able to do certain things because you're still too shit to pull it off. i'm hoping that aspect of it dies down

>> No.2690122

oh man i don't think i could ever let go of needing the end result to be perfect, i mean not anytime soon anyway. <half of my motivation is to just get to the point that the artists that inspire me are at, and i think only then i could let go and just create some shit without worrying until the next study cram

>> No.2690177

I think it will get much more fun...
You will be much happier with the end result so having much more motivation for the next piece..because you know you are "gud"

>> No.2690829


>> No.2691787

Just sit yourself down and force yourself not to think of the end result. Often that leads to what your working on looking like MORE shit.

Remember Anon, the result doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to FEEL perfect. Accept Lord Villpu as your savior today.