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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2689669 No.2689669 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw it will take several more years of practice to be as good as iain mccaig

>> No.2689672

Kek. It will take a lot more than a few years anon.

>> No.2689673

When did I say a few? Learn to read, dipshit.

>> No.2689676

>what is the definition of several

>> No.2689678

>more than two but not many
>synonyms: some, a few

>> No.2689764

It ain't just the years, it's the mileage.
Met McCaig at Spectrum year before last; after he spent all morning and afternoon hosting a class where he drew for us continually, I overheard him telling one of the people managing the classes that he was going to then relax by spending the rest of the day drawing in his hotel room.
You want to be as good as him you're going to have work your butt off all the time for it.
Good luck.

>> No.2689801

>he doesn't realize he meant lines of coke
That's why he was winking so much.

>> No.2689805

>but not many
Yeah, as in not 50.

Ironically, you might want to look up the definition of many.

>I killed 6 people
You can use either several or many instead of 6

>I have 6 quarters
Can use several, can't use many

>wow, it's like the meaning of words depends on the context they're used in or something

>> No.2689806

It's more about the fact that for McCaig, drawing in his hotel room after a day of drawing at a workshop is relaxing. In his mind, he's not working his butt off, he's just doing what he loves, whenever he finds the time to get out a pencil and paper.

People who have to force themselves to work their butt off will never be able to get to the level of those who do it because they simply love drawing.

>> No.2689814


From raw beginner to similar level of drawing skill (as in able to produce similar looking drawings, obviously you still won't have the same mileage and experience) I'd say with 10 years of drawing like a madman it is possible.

>> No.2689843

I write software and documents in LaTeX to relax. lol. While this gives you mileage, it isn't about forcing yourself or working your butt off, it is because you have fun doing it and it relaxes you. It's not something like "flow" either. It is at best putting together all the small crap that came up over the day and you want to try out now. You don't actually push a lot there as in trying to force something in, you are just good enough to produce something.

What matters here more is that you like to think about art all the time, then this "drawing for relaxing" happens normally, because it is actually experimenting or mental masturbation.

But if you try to force yourself all day you burn out either way. That is why McCaig said, he drew to relax not to grind.

>> No.2689847


I may assume that youre not over 40. then several years is nothing. whats stopping you?

>> No.2690726

You're fucking delusional if you seriously think you can reach his plateau in a few years. Try a decade or two, and even then it's unlikely.

>> No.2690745

You're projecting, you have no idea what OP's level is.

>> No.2690753

I do. He's posting on 4chan so he's tehmeh at best.

>> No.2690852


>> No.2690853

damn i just realized ive been stressing about drawing/painting for a long time time to just draw some cool shit.

>> No.2690930
File: 16 KB, 434x244, 1447235959847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a matter of time.

>> No.2690999

this, should be the anthem of /ic/

>> No.2691008

>tfw haven't seen this in a while

>> No.2691020

Nope, it would take you 2, maximum 3 months to be able to trace as nicely as your idol.

>> No.2691137
File: 1.06 MB, 949x582, photo-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iain McCaig

Are you retarded?

>> No.2691138


>> No.2691141
File: 82 KB, 657x720, bait2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool bait.

Got me to reply/10

>> No.2691142

Poor technique, extremely bad work. i feel sorry for whoever made this. get lost loser.

>> No.2691155

been saying this months, how couldn't people figure this out?

>> No.2691166


Be a good sport and accept that you failed. No reason for you to keep trying with these unimaginative bait attempts, it just makes you look stupid.

>> No.2691783

Mileage means nothing if it's not quality study :)))

>> No.2691995
File: 70 KB, 400x388, 1465794740028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im better than iain mccaig

>> No.2692020

prove it

>> No.2692193
File: 153 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm better than Ian because I'm happy with my work

>> No.2692201

I like your handwriting

>> No.2694608

>le evidence meme

you are never gonna spark anon

>> No.2694618

>lalala im being a faggot an no one can stop me!

I'm the reanimated corpse of Einstein.

E=MC squared