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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2687819 No.2687819 [Reply] [Original]

How do I bring my painting skills up to a industry-standard level?

My drawing skills are FAR better than my painting skills, and I feel the reasoning behind that is because I've put in so much mileage into drawing than painting. SO, how do I approach buffing my painting skills? Let's say I have a DECENT amount of knowledge in traditional and digital painting...I know how to render form in value, I know how to turn edges

but when it comes to temperature control, color saturation, basically anything color, everything that I know and love falls apart.
What are the steps I should take in the painting realm? Perhaps master color and value studies, but I feel that only takes me so far.

>> No.2687826

Pick up some gouache and try it, you're not forbidden from undersketching so your drawing skills will help you that much, but you should know that just doing it is the first step

>> No.2687828
File: 63 KB, 418x489, color-and-light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book covers what you're asking for in detail and then some. I don't know if there's a version you can download, but it's not all that expensive to buy either.

>> No.2687850

>just doing it is the first step
You're ultimately right

I guess drawing got to such a high level because of how easy it was to actively draw. When I paint, I gotta get all my paints together, get my palette set up, get my canvas set up, etc. and in that time I could have drawn some other things.

idk, maybe just getting a small portable gouache set that I carry around is enough.

>> No.2687874

invest some time in making a permanent space where you can paint without having to set up/break down every session, and invest in some nice materials

if you don't want to do that just paint digitally, and try limiting your palette to only a few colors at first

the hardest thing for me to get past was finding colors I liked, if I don't plan my palette first I end up all over the place
this is true for traditional and digital, but especially digital

>> No.2687889

What do you want to do exactly? You say 'industry standard' but what part of the industry? Doing what?

>> No.2687901

>industry-standard level

Once again, /ic/ automatically assumes the illustration industry = fantasy/sci-fi/concept art. This triggers me.

>> No.2687928

paint paint paint, and maybe some master studies

>> No.2687953

>I've put in so much mileage into drawing than painting
>How do I bring my painting skills up
what did he mean by this?

>> No.2687966

probably that he's been drawing a lot and not painting a lot and id trying to now make the transition. paint paint paint and keep drawing

>> No.2688064
File: 599 KB, 2036x794, IndustryStandardIMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess pic related is as close as I can get to showing what I mean when I say industry standard.

> automatically assumes the illustration industry = fantasy/sci-fi/concept art.
You're also right, I should have specified.

>> No.2688146

You still haven't told me what you want to do, but I assume you mean concept art.

How are your designs? Doesn't matter how good you paint if you can't design well. That is much more important.

Also do you use 3D? It is becoming increasingly expected of concept artists that they can use 3D due to how fast it makes generating accurate work.

>> No.2688184

Yes essentially concept work. Being able to work fast, yet efficiently is something I strive to get to.
But work for Magic the Gathering could also fit in where I want my skills to be as well.

My design sense definitely is something I'm constantly working on. Kind of goes hand in hand with drawing. I'm not where I want to be with my designs, they're slightly above mediocre, but I can have some kickass ones from time to time. It's hard to say without showing you stuff.

I've used sketchup, but It's becoming clear to me that Maya and Zbrush are also things I need in my belt too.

Perhaps I could mix design and painting together to make something? That way I'm practicing drawing+design or painting+design? Because I know brushstrokes and graphic shapes are also elements to consider in a painting.

>> No.2688213

Hey you don't need to write your reply as if you're selling yourself in an interview, just be clear cut about things, no need for sugar coating.

Learn 3D, like, really learn it. You'll need it if you want to do concept art.
Focus more on design than the rest. A good design can survive poor execution, but a poor design can't be saved by good execution.

>> No.2688231

How do you know what the game developers want in a concept artist when you make your portfolio? For example, Blizzard. What do they like? Not typical fantasy shit or scifi shit, if so then what?

>> No.2688239

If you have something you want more than anything, you will get it if you are at your best and serving as you know how.

>> No.2688241

Thanks, senpai.

>> No.2688257
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, 1470187867002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yee sometimes I forget where we are

Do you know any good 3d resources/vids right off the mind?

>> No.2688342

>It's hard to say without showing you stuff
Then post your work, you pussified liberal.

>> No.2689020
File: 28 KB, 649x600, MrConceptArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to master generic near future characters, as well as have a good understanding of chromatic aberration and toasters.

>> No.2689029

Get this DVD.

Color the Daniel Greene method. It is more
Applicable to portrait painting easy to digest may not cover all things related to color but it is a good take in color that I have not heard any where else. He is a master.

>> No.2689030

max kek, is that guy still making parody concept art?

>> No.2689032

this book will never be available for download you have to buy it.

>> No.2689038

He has his own based website. He sells mugs and shit for charity, but he doesn't update that much. Still, the 'reviews' of himself get me each time.


>> No.2689085

>the bought this book but left it at my stepdad's place and he won't let me back in the house because we got into a fight 6 years ago
fucking hate that asshole

>> No.2689152
File: 648 KB, 1151x579, 2016-09-21 19_17_25-_ic_ - How do I bring my painting skills up to a industry - Artwork_Critique - 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689174
File: 868 KB, 1080x1465, ChaseStone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magic the Gathering
This is the ridiculous standard that MtG is moving towards. I don't even. Can't tell if he uses 3D and photos or not. I guess? But it's not always blatantly obvious where and what is what. It's well integrated. I don't know how one would visualize something like this and get to this point. WTF.

>> No.2689179

mtg is shit pay why would you want to do anything but photobash?

>> No.2689189

they pay better than pretty much any other tcg

>> No.2689228

mtg artists all use 3d now. Minimal painting is involved for a lot of the artists. I've seen cards where they just copy and past a sky in, make subtle color changes and leave it. That game has seriously lost a lot of originality to it in terms of art direction.

Now don't get me wrong. There's still a lot of mtg artists that stick to the roots.Those are the best artworks imo.

>> No.2689330

Copy master paintings by eye, no color picker. for traditional do color scales. Do them both a lot.

>> No.2689341

It's the idea that the image is so small they can get away with it. No one is going to know if you photobashed a sky because of the print quality and the size.

>> No.2690781

This is making me mad that I still can't get my physical copy from my stepdad's place

>> No.2693937

how? pls i want also ;-;

>> No.2694590

Use a smaller pallete. I'm telling you, use monochrome painting to establish form and lighting which you should be decent at if you're familiar with drawing, then just use Prussian blue, cad red and yellow, and white. Learn to mix colors and how the interact while working on composition. You can also practice with fewer brushes and setting up and clean up becomes a breeze.