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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 351x329, 5700826+_21f6faf63491f26529ec447c24381777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2679183 No.2679183 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest anons, how many of you can competently draw without reference?

>> No.2679195

I still have issues drawing the upper and lower limbs especially the legs

>> No.2679205

draw what? a face? yea i can

>> No.2679209

just faces and stiff poses...

i still struggle with perspective and gesture...

>> No.2679211

anyone can, the question is if you should. No matter how good you are, chances are if you use reference, your work will look better.

>> No.2679217

From all angles, no. I can sorta "one trick pony" the human body though and draw something that looks quasi-good.

>> No.2679226

>anyone can, the question is if you should.

Anyone can? Yeah. Simply don't do it if your knowledge is poor.

>> No.2679238
File: 355 KB, 900x1000, generic demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this competent?

>> No.2679242

It's a bit off, but it's also quite stylized so it's hard to tell

>> No.2679246

I do it all the time. I used to play DnD with a 6 man party (it was hilarious) and I was the "draw everyone and everything guy". It was great practice and now I can draw without reference and still make nice drawings.

>> No.2679314

I don't see why I should. I sketch the idea and roughs myself, then I just trying find material to match my idea. How am I supposed to bring life into something if I don't refer to life itself? I don't speak only about figures and poses, but different types of lightning, details and other stuff. You can't just make this shit up, because it WILL look falsely. And I don't only mean realistic types of render. Every artist of past used them, every artist of present uses them, I don't see why I shoudn't. Although you should use them wisely.

>> No.2679326

I'm sorry anon, but this looks rather amateur. The biggest tells are poor anatomy(even for a styised image), the edge control, values, form, lack of texture, etc. I can highly recommend Scott Robertson's books/vid to cure most of the rendering problems. As for anatomy, get an artist doll and then study Bammes/Villpu/Hogarth.

>> No.2679330

Well yeah, I can only do a limited amount of things. Only people like Kimj Jung Gi who observe 24/7 are really amazing without any reference.

>> No.2679338

So in other words: use references?

>> No.2679344
File: 168 KB, 482x495, nm 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not counting the skulls, this is my imagination work. I have trouble with different angles than front view and interesting poses tbf

>> No.2679355

To be fair, /ic/ is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to art skills. There is barely anyone competent browsing this place. Most people here are still early in fundamentals. Normally you only start building a quality visual library after you got the fundamentals done since there is not much of a point learning it before it when all you draw is crap.

>> No.2679358

Yeah, no offence anon but I wouldn't call that a competent understanding of anatomy. Just keep grinding.

>> No.2679368

Agreed tbf :)

>> No.2679373


I can be good gestural/aligning my perspective boxes and sometimes random porn positions come to my mind but I have to reference if I want my anatomy nice. Guess I can draw pinups just fine but that's boring OP. Can't post anything as it's all furry porn.

>> No.2679376

In other words get a better grasp of fundamentals.

>> No.2679378
File: 1000 KB, 1188x962, Korean Tiger Fights the Japanese Samurai 08 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can.

>> No.2679381
File: 67 KB, 600x600, Ccgp2isW8AINK_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2679383

...you can't

>> No.2679388

Keep spewing your meaningless words of can't and jealousy. You are just jelly belly you couldn't paint anything better than this from imagination.

I consider this one of my best works ever.

>> No.2679390

you should marry Brian and produce together an art prodigy that world have never seen

>> No.2679406

I like the main characters senpai, but the background is too messy in my opinion.

>> No.2679413

Wouldn't class that as competent sorry mate

>> No.2679414

no reference?
even the armour n'shit? you got all from memory?

don't get me wrong, your painting is decent at most... but if you didn't used any type of reference, then I'm impressed.

>> No.2679416

most of my stuff is from imagination unless otherwise stated. sometimes i borrow elements from drawings i remember from memory or have studied before.
but yeah I prefer drawing from imagination.

>> No.2679417

Okay I used reference for the armor and the tiger.

I looked at them for 5 minutes total. Then painted from imagination and memory.

>> No.2679418
File: 106 KB, 317x228, crp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I enjoy drawing it. What more is there to say. Always just really liked kemono stuff.

>> No.2679419

Only use reference when you've established a strong construction on paper/in your head. If you're gonna use ref without it, ref will overwhelm your initial, hazy design, and you'll just mindlessly copy the photo.
Also never forget that even good photos do not look like real life.

>> No.2679423

are you blind or is this one person is baiting me for reply?

>> No.2679424

brian is 1000 times better that this guy, he atleast isn't ashamed of using refs

>> No.2679431

Competently as in "I can draw a thing that looks like the thing" then usually, at least with human figures. Competently as in "and it also looks good" then not really.

I'm trying to get more in the habit of starting with imagination and only using reference when I'm refining / rendering.

>> No.2679438

from a normie's perspective it's pretty decent...

I've seen worse paintings being sold.

>> No.2679527


What do you guys think of these? I could see myself using them a lot to figure out poses.

>> No.2679566

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Competently draw the human figure blindly? Pretty okay, but it's definitely gonna be off. Also they will look terribly samey as I'm not good at improvising human bodies from imagination.

I can draw buildings tho but that's because I went to college for that

>> No.2679599

Leonardo used reference.
Tbh most of us can draw from our minds, but I'm to old (late 20s) to care if some normie thinks I shouldnt use reference. I have a lifetime of referencing to do until you get to the point when plebs start referencing your anatomy.

>> No.2679830

I draw from imagination most of the time, gathering and using reference is harder for me since I'm more of an impulsive person. My drawings look hilariously bad in the sketch phase but knowing construction makes them look better and better as I go. I still wouldn't advise this type of drawing to anyone since reference is going to help you improve faster (but I wouldn't say drawing from imagination's hasn't taught me some good stuff either).

>> No.2679841

I use mental references so, none I guess.

>> No.2679868

>poor anatomy
Do you even draw? Nothing about >>2679238
is "poor". You must be an astounding artist if you think that is garbage.

>> No.2679919
File: 622 KB, 452x700, streamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure I did this on my stream.

>> No.2679926


>> No.2679981

no but seriously draw what
like literally anything? different kinds of trees, landscapes, objects, buildings, clouds, from varying lighting conditions and angles...
or just smug anime girls.

>> No.2679988

That's chunbum park, you faggot. Did you think no one was going to notice?

>> No.2679992

arms,legs main problem. rest would take me 12 layers just for a finished sketch.

>> No.2679993
File: 52 KB, 254x260, Koume_React_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The left arm is a bit wonky but I like it besides that. Blog?

>> No.2680004

I struggle with pretty much everything

>> No.2680064

I can draw everything without reference

>> No.2680070
File: 55 KB, 616x519, 1459298238319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2680074

How did you learn? Do you have a photographic memory? How many years did it take? Any tips?

>> No.2680085

I never said it would be any good but theres nothing i wont try :^)

>> No.2680093

The drawing being at least decent was implied in the question.

>> No.2680098

definitely shows no knowledge, but irl its too hard to tell if there was(n't) reference. Unless it's photorealistic, then its obvious. But this glorified doodle... there doesn't need to be any argument. No reference needed.

>> No.2680195

I have a rather simple style (Baced on Canadian cartoons like the blokes at AKA instead of the Japanese blokes at Fugi tv or what its called) so because of the gentle dispropotions and sausage fingered hands I usualy never use a refrence. (I wouldn't call myself compatent however)

>> No.2680227

It's one of the few things I'm actually decent at. I can't accurately copy references for shit (especially faces) but I'm really good at imagining and drawing dynamic (albeit simplified) poses from scratch.

>> No.2680228

This is probably the most cancerigenous /ic/ meme please don't fall for it

>> No.2680229

I made the mistake of never using reference at all for the vast majority of time I've been drawing, so I can do it quite well. I've only started relying more on reference over the past two years, and I still ignore it more than I should, and never use it in anything I post.
The downside is that I'm far behind where I should be, as I discover an ever increasing amount of things that you need reference to learn and can't simply "think" your way into understanding.

>> No.2680346
File: 31 KB, 192x224, 1431420753265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bait, perhaps?

>> No.2680349

You people are fucking retarded.
vangoart DOT co/pastelchu/korean-tiger-fights-the-japanese-samurai-6e64b834-23f9-4d29-9d87-15f4f81f5f70

>> No.2680549

ty for confirming we were right

>> No.2681754

I am extremely in favor of reference for illustrations, concepts, whatever.

However, drawing without reference is incredibly important as well. Improving your visual library, anatomical knowledge, understanding the science behind lighting, and constructing a 3-d form onto a 2d plane effectively will all make you a better artist.

It's the same as "Give a man a fish he eats for day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for life." If you only know how to copy from a reference you are only good for that one specific situation. If you understand how lighting, form, ect actually work then you will be able to go beyond your reference and create whatever you please. Having this additional knowledge also gives you more insight into your studies. Knowing WHY the lighting looks a certain way during a sunset is more important than knowing what it looks like.

>> No.2681760

>If you only know how to copy from a reference you are only good for that one specific situation.
Reminder that referencing doesn't mean copying.

>> No.2681776

Did you ignore the rest of the post? Did you completely forget the context just so the point could soar highly and proudly over your head?

>> No.2681778

I sometimes use reference for bare feet in certain angles.
Other parts of the human body I can do without reference and have it also look pretty good.

>> No.2681783

I read all of it, but I just wanted to point out that one misconception you had. Plz no bully.

>> No.2684450

This any tips on how to get better I know where I'm struggling just not how to fix it.

>> No.2684452

Tell us what you're struggling with specifically and I'll try to give you solutions.

>> No.2684456

Lifeless Doll like poses I just cant seem to give characters life and personality.
Whenever I'm just drawing for fun I tend to go back to the same 3 hands on hips pose.
Foreshortening is also a major issue.
I feel like I know what to do but I forget to actually think about it while I draw.

>> No.2684459

Sounds like you just need to work with it more. You just need time. Do a ton of gestures and keep doing more and it'll click to give your figures life, same with foreshortening. It's a visualization process in the mind, then visualization through thinking on paper. I say this, because when I was at your stage, I understood what it is I wanted, but I just couldn't do it. My hand was incapable of following my mental image. Eventually as time went on, it connects and you finally just get it.

>> No.2684529

This is great. I wish you were a little more bold with values though. Go darker in the shadows, especially in the face and horns.

>> No.2684540
File: 190 KB, 1280x1829, 35675f02-85c5-4499-b6ef-c75c895c0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can (???)

>> No.2684549

better than 27% of ic.

>> No.2684552


Jia, is that you?

>> No.2684558

Where have you been nosey, I haven't seen your work in like a month. Have you stagnated?

>> No.2684569
File: 181 KB, 800x885, IMG_20160918_170627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, what a retard and awkward looking elf.

Zero reference. Rekt torsos.

>> No.2684909

looks lit mang

>> No.2686350


Better than Nose Bro indeed

>> No.2686468

I can. Only stiff poses and humans though.