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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 353 KB, 1375x468, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2679081 No.2679081 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody got any neat process stuff that they've been working on?

>> No.2679083

How do you even know when you keep a progress shot?

>> No.2679090

Well, I work in photoshop, so I just keep around major changes to the image in case I fuck up and need to go back. So for instance, keep your sketch, keep the base colors, keep another layer a couple more steps into rendering and then keep the final. That's what I do.

>> No.2679111

Is this yours? If so, colors in #4 look substantially better than in #2, but this image doesn't tell me at all how you got them.

>> No.2679114

Yeah it's mine, and no, it doesn't necessarily tell you how I got there. The basic explanation is that I just painted it, leaning on a fundamental understanding of how light falls and what colors look nice together. I'm not really trying to teach anybody anything, I just like seeing where people start and where they end up.

I'm happy to break it down if you would really like me to though.

>> No.2679120

Hm, come to think of it you're right, a lot of process pics don't explain what they do. Some of it is self-evident, but moreso when you already know the techniques being used.

I'd really love to hear how you separated your colors and went from almost pure monochrome to a palette that had more elaborate light-dark relationships. I'm guessing it involves some curves fuckery but I really can't figure out which.

>> No.2679135

Sure. Like you said, I basically painted up that the first image to the second one in monochrome.

There's a little bit of seperation, but that's not the point at that stage. All you want at the beginning is to establish the values of the character.

Moving on to the third one, I'm using fog and dust to further separate the rear limbs to suggest more space than I've actually drawn, and it keeps me from rendering them, because frankly, nobody gives a fuck what that side looks like. They can tell from the near side.

Then I introduce some color graphics with a color or a hue layer. Whichever works better with the image. Honestly, you can kind just play around with the layers when you're trying to introduce graphical elements like those blue stripes. There's no real set method that I use.

I also use multiply or overlay layers on the yellow parts of the suit to introduce some variety in the yellows: paint in some red and orange tones to match the environment, and give some richness to the paint. Add grease running down, dust, other kinds of imperfections so it looks lived in.

And finally, just unify things, copy all the layers and flatten them so you're affecting the entire image. Then I use a combination of gradients and selective color layers to bring the red tones into the shadows as a sort of fake bounce light, but it reads at a glance. You can also color grade the entire painting that way, without manually repainting anything.

Then you go in on top, and just paint any remaining details. At this point, all of the colors and values are available to color pick from, so you don't have to fuck with any more adjustment layers. And that's it.

Hope that helps.

>> No.2679176

This thread would have made more sense to me if there were only 1 IP.

>> No.2679181
File: 3.90 MB, 5265x1920, mecha process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still in process. One day I'll finish. Sigh.

>> No.2679193

Thanks for the detailed explanation! Funnily enough these are all techniques I know of, but seeing them unified in a single workflow really helps visualize the whole thing.

Helps a ton.

>> No.2679202
File: 261 KB, 659x2000, process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to make process stuff for longer paintings.

It's actually kind of showing me how bad my process is and slowly working to tighten up and correct it

>> No.2679206
File: 284 KB, 797x2325, taylor-rose-untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2679213


>> No.2679220

You're probably right Anon. It's not really a great design, but you gotta do sometimes you gotta push this shit to a finish, or you spend all day sketching badly, and not really working on your other skills.

>> No.2679227

The first lighting scheme is the most interesting.

>> No.2679229
File: 520 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_09-14-09.08.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing I'm trying to do on my phone

>> No.2679233
File: 1.25 MB, 2479x756, process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a quick character while I was waiting for the thread to get some replies.

>> No.2679241


>> No.2679244
File: 1.05 MB, 3598x1314, orcfagprocess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest piece

>> No.2679249
File: 343 KB, 1620x960, watdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like these kinds of images are rather redundant as most people will basically work the same way.

Sketch > Refine > Color/value blockin > Refine > Sometimes postprocess.

Most of my images are solved after 30mins - 1hour then its a matter of legwork to render it as far as need be. Then depending on how smart the person has layered you might see some deviation from the sketch or it just stays similar throughout.

>> No.2679250

I want you to break it down.

>> No.2679257

Nice fish study
The sclaes look a little weird though

>> No.2679264


I did. It's the big block of text five posts down.

>> No.2679267

Shit, wrong post. I meant this one.


>> No.2679278

So many just get worse.

step it up piefam

>> No.2679319
File: 28 KB, 400x479, PicsArt_08-26-05.03.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.2679365


It just kind of feels like you always remove hard edges for your light sources and you dull them out severely.

Like your first one the last one is easily the most boring, kind o removed all the interesting point and made it a mellow minifall.

>> No.2679426
File: 907 KB, 3000x675, fagaxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been working on this. I wanna refine some bg things.

>> No.2679437

Start using reference. You have a lot of potential, you could be doing work 10 times better if you use reference from now on.


>> No.2679458

Can you red line the lips for me pls?

>> No.2679465

hey man, you do beautiful work but I can see from your process that you don't quite know where you're going with your paintings. your rougher block-outs have the best atmosphere and the perspective feels more warped (in a good way). but you seem to have this habit of equally tightening and cleaning all areas the more you work, and thus losing track of your focal point. maybe after the initial block-out you should try working from your focal point->outwards; technically you're supposed to work all over a painting at once and not hone in on one spot, but in your case it might actually help you see how leaving something less rendered will HELP the more important parts of the picture. once you figure that out I think you'll also get better at distributing detail everywhere at once, because you'll know how to prioritize better. just a thought, I love your work.

>> No.2679474


yeah i tend to overwork everything and paint without a purpose, hoping to fix that! I just tend to finish a painting and think everything looks really ugly, so i want to go back and keep fixing/changing ideas

>> No.2679475

oop, also thanks a bunch for the feedback!!! c:

>> No.2679540

no problem! :)

>> No.2679618


No problem bro. Your stuff is great, you easily can go places and advance in no time.

>> No.2682387
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x1920, hopper nighthawks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put together some of the studies/sketches Hopper did for his piece "Nighthawks".
I thought it might interest some of you.

>> No.2682393

Wow that's really cool to see actually

>> No.2682424

I think the legs needs to be thicker. This gives me sort of the gundam/resistance robot suit feel and the legs are usually plated and thick on those.

>> No.2685454
File: 1.29 MB, 320x240, TWLWb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2687593

ty for this anon now i wanna research into other things like this

>> No.2687621


>> No.2687637

He has already finished you dumbfuck.

>> No.2688328

I fucking love the lighting and composition in #2

>> No.2688478
File: 387 KB, 1422x1055, kill process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some ultra color practice

>> No.2688534

>tfw that gif triggers the hell out of me

>> No.2688625


>> No.2688667

"Reference" is just a fundamental tool. Not using it, is far more creative, productive and essential to expanding as a real artist.

>> No.2688680

Imagine how good you think it is to not use reference...And then completely negate that, so we're talking about something really bad. Not using reference at all is just that. People can spot bullshit in non-referenced, finished pieces, easily. Depending on what you need to happen in a piece, you'll need more or less reference, but generally some...

>> No.2688701

Fundamental being the key word. As in a beginners foundation tool. It won't take you to the next level. Only reference what you have retained from your memory, when you're ready to move forward.

>> No.2688703

Not using reference can seriously cripple your imagination.

Experience painters always have at least 2 or 3 references for their image. This way they can combine their imagination with what is real.

You're full of bull shit kid.

>> No.2688707

The amount of ignorance in this comment is barbaric.

>> No.2688722

/ic/ wouldn't know good advice if it slapped them in the face with their own dicks. Don't even try anon.

>> No.2688732

Reference is the equivalent to copying and pasting.

>> No.2688737

and money is the equivalent to money

>> No.2688769
File: 2.22 MB, 600x417, summoning-storms_process_smaller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sometimes making process gifs of stuff I do.. It's kinda fun

>> No.2688770
File: 853 KB, 600x664, photostudy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2688772

Is this the ABC method?

>> No.2688773
File: 1.20 MB, 464x600, ritual.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2688775

its the turd polishing method

>> No.2688814

would it be better to not render anything if you can only draw turds?

>> No.2688957

very flat.

the pink is absolutely killing this painting.

>> No.2688997

>Random tentacle hands.

>> No.2689050
File: 890 KB, 1070x759, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully

>> No.2689098

Those lines. Are you a computer?

>> No.2689147

Hmm... Why do I feel like the lighting on her looks wrong?

>> No.2689931

tfw it actually works.

>> No.2690005

got better as it went along

>> No.2690020

this is very well done.

>> No.2690240
File: 722 KB, 1636x666, buymebape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite finished yet but i thought id share it aswell

>> No.2690361
File: 2.77 MB, 600x885, astrid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the whole point of progress pics to show something that goes from meh to acceptable, instead of from bad to incomplete/still bad?

>> No.2690367


>chromatic aberration out of nowhere

My fucking eyes

>> No.2690505

I feel like that was a joke.... I hope

>> No.2690524

stop using that chromatic shit Instagram shit.

>> No.2690777

>Started out nice, pleasant pallette, then BING BADA BOOM CONTRAST, LIQUIFY, CHANNEL MIXER, SIGNATURE

>> No.2690779

Feels like you're ripping off Dave Rapoza, but the end result is nice, so idgaf

>> No.2691268

I get that a lot and I've been actively trying to get rid of that "Dave Rapoza knock off" aesthetic but its apparently not really been working.

>> No.2691282

This is really awesome.

>> No.2691459

great but the colors ruin the charm

>> No.2691465

Ah don't sweat it man. If it means you're drawing, you're drawing. I doubt Dave minds. I'm pretty sure he actively encourages it.

>> No.2692737

What's bad about them? I'm still quite new to doing color pieces.

>> No.2692991

I have noticed a lot of digital painters start off with greyscale. Can you tell me why that is? I just started digital painting (got my first wacom tablet) and I notice a lot of artists use this method.

I like the background. I have such a hard time conjuring a background for people.

>> No.2693134

They look muddy, nothing really stands out, and you shaded with a darker color rather than a more saturated color (this isn't necessarily bad, but changing the saturation and hue for shading usually makes things look a lot better)
Can you post the full finished work?

>> No.2693405
File: 221 KB, 1287x1000, Skeleton dude done2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2693793

I just use it in the first 30 minutes of the painting, but why you use it is because if you're only doing it in grayscale you don't have to worry about color and can solely work on building up some nice looking values.
Me though I just use it to get the general shapes down and as fast as possible slap some color on top of it

>> No.2694356

Nice Goku picture.

>> No.2694403

edited into oblivion

>> No.2694696

Hey man the first one of the both of these are superior.

>> No.2694713

Yeah I've been trying to learn how to consolidate/wrap up paintings, I second guess my decisions too much

>> No.2694728

You're also a transgender. Right?

>> No.2694765

Yes, I'm trans, how is this related?

>> No.2694768

Good looks are always a relation with art.

>> No.2696927

Where is the lens flare?

>> No.2700353

Is it finished now since you put it in the progress thread?

>> No.2700493

>all that chicken scratch

don't draw on your phone, a 5in screen or lower is too small and you're only hindering your progress

>> No.2700505
File: 513 KB, 638x3143, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2700588

Dang, I really like the atmosphere. Do you have a blog?

>> No.2700808

I know you, from permanoobs

>> No.2700865

nah shake what you got, love the aesthetic.

>> No.2700908

2nd to last step is much better than the poorly executed gradation of the final image.

>> No.2701655

I like the last step the most but it fucks up the comp of the pic a bit.

>> No.2701666


your linework is nice, but your colors and rendering are pretty poor. work on that

>> No.2703354

Have any more similar to this?

>> No.2703358

>artists really actually do multiple iterations
I think I can make it.

>> No.2703372

Went from great to shit to medicore looking.
What happened there?
Let me try to fix it.

>> No.2703420

>OP's process
>start with already finished lines and basic value
>next I fully color it and finish the value


>> No.2703425

That's how it's always done, anon. Haven't you finished a piece before? First part is the hard part, the rest is just render render render.

>> No.2703661
File: 65 KB, 304x448, robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my 5 minute take on that robot. I think it looked the most dynamic in the sketch.
I would've just rolled with that and polished it until it's done.

>> No.2703674

..why those colors

>> No.2703677

I think it's cooler when the first picture of process is the bare bones sketch/construction. Gives a better sense of turning a blank page into something excellent. I don't like when the first photo is totally polished, and the 2nd to 4th are just rendering color and value.

>> No.2703693

For modelling with contrast.
You can always change that shit with the color sliders.

>> No.2703710

you are only a true artist if you are blind

>> No.2703718

You say this, but plenty of people are blind to the world and we all know who those people are.

>> No.2703793

Maybe the sketch idea was better but those colors make my eyes puke.

>> No.2704021

The OP pic has too many greys mixed in.
Might be not an issue for people with Dichromacy but it makes the colors look bland and muddy.

>> No.2704364

What the fuck happened? I see the changes in value, but somehow it still looks completely flat. Why does is all lime green ass except for the nonsensical blue shadows? Also, you somehow fucked the torso into looking like it's facing almost 90 degrees from the way the legs are situated. A problem, that definitely wasn't in the original sketch.

Also, what's the point of doing a 5 minute rendering, if that's what this even is, of a what was probably a 5 minute sketch, that looked better anyway?

It doesn't matter anyway, but fuck man that thing is gross.

Also, I'd like to point out that the posture and design of the character only change a very minute amount between number 1 and number 4. There's the helmet and it's taller, but I frankly can't see a huge change.

Someone please prove me wrong with an overlay or something.

>> No.2704376

He clearly used #2 for values, then went over it with color mode or whatever to define the base colors on #3, plus there are some stronger highlights. Then he merged everything and textured it for the final.

>> No.2704379

OP here. The technical term you're looking for is 'noodling' for steps 2-4.

>> No.2704424
File: 88 KB, 660x495, 130220-color-patterns-330p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure your eyes are fine? Tell me what numbers you see.

>> No.2704434

I'm >>2690240 and I can only see 12.. ;_;

>> No.2704436

Think I can see them all but are the bottom right and left circles meant to just be squiggly paths?

>> No.2704442

Yeah. They are probably there to deceive you.

>> No.2704445

>ishihara test

That shit isn't enough to test for colour vision defects.

Bottom row are differentiating plates, they're non verbal and you just have to connect the lines, the bottom middle one is a dummy one thrown in to catch out cunts trying to fake their results or one thats only visible by those with a red-green colour deficiency.

t. optom student

>> No.2704454

>or one thats only visible by those with a red-green colour deficiency.
I can see all of them so I presume its a dummy to throw off people.

How is this test btw?

>> No.2704475


Its based off a test thats meant to be conducted in person under the right lighting, so computer monitors will change the results a bit. These sorts of 100 hue sorting tests are good for measuring the severity of a defect, if there is one. The plates posted early are kind of a blunt tool, you either have it or you dont, but they'll miss more subtle problems.

The gold standard is from a machine which does a test similar to this.


Generally with colour vision testing you'd want to run multiple tests to get an overall idea.

>> No.2704480

But I see a faint 45 in the bottom middle if I unfocus my eyes, does that mean I might have a red-green colour deficiency?

>> No.2704484

Almost everyone has problems seeing it, I think its a problem with computer screens.

>> No.2704485


Oh my bad then, looking back at my notes that is called a hidden plate. Its meant to be easily picked up by people with defects, but is possible to be seen by people with normal colour vision.

As long as you are seeing the rest of the plates its fine. The criteria for failing the test isn't getting that single plate right. That being said, its not uncommon for people to have a very slight defect they have not noticed, but that sort of thing is only ever picked up by an anomaloscope, and is of little consequence to a person's daily life or drawing ability.

>> No.2704494

Cheers, that's interesting.

>> No.2704627
File: 56 KB, 958x472, palette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, work on your palette.
Not only is it ugly, but also dull.

>> No.2706207
File: 715 KB, 557x758, Priesterino.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make an another progress webbum.

>> No.2706240

you get worse as you go

>> No.2707678

How can you fuck up this much?
Are you lazy or dumb?
Great sketches to medicore smudged shit to complete blurry and bland garbage