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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 279 KB, 441x750, muffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2675920 No.2675920 [Reply] [Original]

cat-pun on tumblr.17 years old. how bad do you want to kill yourself /ic/?

>> No.2675928

I want to kill myself, but not because of some teenager's mediocre art.

>> No.2675942

Go home cat-pun, you're drunk

>> No.2675943

I want to make sure I live long enough to surpass this person first.

>> No.2675946
File: 810 KB, 940x648, JEAN-LÉON_GÉRÔME_-_Jóvenes_griegos_presenciando_una_pelea_de_gallos_(Museo_de_Orsay,_París,_1846._Óleo_sobre_lienzo,_143_x_204_cm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jean Leon Gerome painted this at the same age, I have two suggestions for you 1. raise your standards for what good art is 2. realize that maturity is as much an aspect of art-making as technical skill; this means look at the subject, look at what unique things the artist is bringing to his/her art if anything, and realize what your yourself have to offer viewers before you start harboring jealously towards cutesy/spottily-rendered fanart

>> No.2675954
File: 218 KB, 935x1122, self-portrait-1852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He painted that at 22 you knob. Alma-Tadema painted pic related at 16 though, and he had no formal training at that point either.

>> No.2675968
File: 180 KB, 296x444, 1473111946852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill myself
>Over Tumblr Undertale art

God, I'm not THAT petty.

>> No.2675972

I want to die but not because of some stupid kid who I don't know.

>> No.2675981

The fact that you measure yourself against other artists instead of spending your time practicing and improving yourself (In art, as well as other ways) is probably why you're suicidal. Grow up, literally. Take responsibility for yourself and your progress, and then stop making retarded threads.


>> No.2675984
File: 686 KB, 1280x1065, tumblr_o6s97wM6KT1r3cazzo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is done by a 17 y/o from this board.

>> No.2675985

This is only slightly not garbage.

>> No.2675988
File: 494 KB, 540x781, tumblr_ocmy4mtqFN1v2z03bo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is done by a 16 y/o from this board.

>> No.2675989
File: 768 KB, 1128x1806, 1472675662195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is done by a 18 y/o from this board.

>> No.2675991

pic related is done by a 17 y/o from this board.

stop caring op.

>> No.2675992

I want to be impressed, I really do, but then I look at it critically and see it for what it is.

>> No.2675994
File: 41 KB, 540x460, tumblr_oc6l9zGJ8O1skjbgeo1_r1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2675995

yeah but that's not impressive at all

>> No.2676020

not as good as you think bra. lacking a lot of fundamentals.

>> No.2676025

this is garbage.it lacks a lot of important detail,limited because artist is 16. The horns are placed incorrectly too.

>> No.2676026

typical amateur. Hiding feet because they're too fucking lazy to learn. Not using reference.

>> No.2676036


OP if you're not on the level of someone younger than you it doesn't mean anything. If you're not 30 then stop giving a shit. Much of these still have much to learn like you, they just had discipline earlier in their lives. Maybe you were busy doing something during that time, or working on school work instead? Who knows.

>> No.2676051
File: 1.69 MB, 1133x1566, Vioriee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viorie has 15, and she is very beatyfull

>> No.2676092

what conveniently-placed mounds of rock in the foreground

>> No.2676095

At some point, you will have to start dealing with your depression and insecurities, anon. You can't keep making these threads and project your mental state onto others. It's just not healthy.

>> No.2676117

he's not 16

and mozart started making full fledged compositions at the age of 5
step up nigga

>> No.2676136

i thought she was 16

>> No.2676177

Okay, so they've drawn for their whole life. They took 17 years getting to there. Someone who has never drawn can get better in a year with enough study, and having it focused correctly.

If you can't get to that level in a year, and you're really trying, they kill yourself.

>> No.2676191
File: 31 KB, 564x674, catbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on earth was an actual fuckin point studying someones life drawing digital sketch? Figure was already interpreted by the artist, you were just copying spots of values.

>> No.2676200

Have you never heard of a master copy? It's seriously one of the most common and most important exercises

>> No.2676220

I think even catbib himself told you that there are masters of past out there to copy. And if you just has an itch to copy his work choose the finished one, not a quick pose drawing. It is like copying Vilpu's gestures.

>> No.2676236

>tfw these are better than 76% of /ic/

>> No.2676245

I'll kms at your shitty standards for art

>> No.2676250

kids these days are talented af
what's new?

>> No.2676267
File: 35 KB, 223x284, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2676275


you forgot your tripcode, nilefaggot.

>> No.2676290

looks like Micheal Cera

>> No.2676293

but op im also that a ge......

>> No.2676295

she is 17 now

>> No.2676297


>> No.2676301
File: 19 KB, 480x480, kzksw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im also a qt gril desu

>> No.2676305

P Y W or G T F O

>> No.2676306

Hmm, like what?

Granted for the horns, but I'm curious to hear about that important detail.

>> No.2676307

but what if my work is shit

>> No.2676312

that's for us to decide bby ;^)

>> No.2676313

>isn't halfway decent due to the resources you've grown up with

1-800-come on now.jpg

>> No.2676316
File: 226 KB, 662x960, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I hope to be somewhat good in the future I wish I had started drawing from an early age..., for now I am just absolute garbage and im trying hard to study loomis and get ok at art, it makes me depressed when I see these artists that are the same age as me that are already pretty good....

>> No.2676321

You're rendering is okay I like your use of color but dude, work on your actual drawing. Like on pencil and paper. You're 17 so it's not a big deal, work on them faces and bodies you'll be fine in a year.

>> No.2676327

thanks heaps dude, yeah I figured that im just going to drop digital drawing completely and just perfect realism first my dude loomis is helping me a lot, although sometimes I wish I had a teacher since the only art lessons I get at school is how to write an essay critiquing Jackson Pollock's "art" ...., that drawing was just for a friends birthday so I dont spend all my drawing time attempting to create full illustrations, as I understand they will all look like garbage until I have fully understood my fundamentals but yeah I really hope if I keep this method of practice up I will be half decent in a year

>> No.2676329

All I see is stereotypical stylized cheese. " cat pun " should show me some real portraits or figure drawings. Maybe that will inpress me

>> No.2676337

School won't help you much, there's a clear distinction between "art" education and "drawing" education (idk what better term to use). Sadly even practical art classes can be hit or miss, I took university drawing and painting classes which ended up being complete bullshit with people doing absolutely random stuff.

Stay on /ic/ for the crits, but only if you understand what they're saying and how they can be used to improve your work. Don't forget generic, unfounded "this is good/bad" feedback is essentially useless if it doesn't come with an explanation.

>> No.2676347

is definitely sixteen

>> No.2676353
File: 23 KB, 998x851, 1463756263316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how that goes, didn't take an art class til I was your age and only got to one life drawing class in college before I dropped out. Learning on your own is tough but you got /ic/ and the whole internet to help you out.

I would honestly not worry too much about being "bad" right now- you're 3 years from 20, seriously, just have fun and make more drawings for the sake of it. Create all you can in your spare time, study, and draw from life with pencil and paper for about half a year like you said and compare. It's not garbage, just has some glaring flaws (mainly due to weak construction IMO, work on your faces and the way the head/joints connect to the body esp) but if you grind in some sketchbooks and then go back to making a full digital illustration I bet it will look a lot more like how you want it to look. Good luck young anon.

There's a bunch of 17-19 year olds on this board that are pretty good, fuck all of you t b h. Keep working and you'll be very good by the time you're like 22.

>> No.2676356

sadly that is true... what you experiences is my worst fear, I hope to at least find a good place where you actually learn properly, but yes sir I will do, I know a lot of people here are pretty harsh but it doesn't bother me since I acknowledge I am bad lel, but not gonna lie this place has given me a good start on how to start training my fundamentals as well as some cool people that give extremely handy advice, and once again you have my thanks

>> No.2676396
File: 262 KB, 1119x690, 223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such encouraging words...... i will work my hardest, i honestly don't know why i chose to become an artist.... but im set on it now and i guess i have to work extra hard if i want to keep up with all those around me, although i do love the idea of drawing what i want, i also kind of find it fun the just train my fundamentals, and since i have absolutely 0 social life, i really can focus on giting gud, no chill for me, i just wonder how fast i can improve if go full out and not screw around.... i actually started drilling fundos like at least a few of months ago, before that i just tried to draw from imagination which i regret so much, ive improved with my anatomy somewhat but its still shit, the drawing on the left here is from march 20th 2016, and the one on the right is one i did for fun a couple of days back, but don't worry you will usually always be one step ahead of us youngsters due to more experience and maybe more practice, unless they are a prodigy of some sort...

>> No.2676404

I have noticed the tendency that the most of the young artists who are considered "taleneted," stop improving after a while and stay at the same level for years and/or become even worse.

>> No.2676415
File: 287 KB, 702x556, 1473621976126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 years old
>never studied Loomis/Hampton/Vilppu

>> No.2676457

Got any examples to prove your point?

>> No.2676465

I think making threads is a great idea. and is a great way to deal with depression, it's socializing with other artists.

>> No.2676468

Sure. How about you start working with a smaller brush. Get those textures in, work on edge control,make shadows more contrasted.

>> No.2676487

How about little redline?

>> No.2676495

It looks fine. It's a quick sketch so obviously won't have the same amount of detail that a 20 hour painting would. If anything I think the colours are the weakest point of her work when it comes to painting, she's pretty good with edges, form, values, and simplification.

>> No.2676497

I just gave you advice. now fuck off.

>> No.2676502

I doubt it,looks like a couple hours work, that's not a sketch lol. edge control is loose, could tighten things up a lot. The colors are shit.

>> No.2676521

Advices from people who can't draw worth nothing

>> No.2676524

Not the artist, but if you consider this level of edge control & values garbage, what are you doing on /ic/?

Genuine question, I've seen comments like that before but never gotten an answer.

>> No.2676526

There's nothing wrong with joining an online art group, active groups are honestly much more useful than /ic/ because you're almost guaranteed to get feedback, plus people are less tempted to act like retards when you can identify them with a username.

/ic/ is where I go for resources, discussion, and keks, but I don't even bother posting my art on here anymore because the quality of the feedback is a complete crapshoot. It is good for hearing about books, techniques, etc. though

>> No.2676530

it's because they're just naturally talented at art

>> No.2676534


Anon was giving criticism.

Take it or leave it. And yes. You are the artist, you don't need to hide.

>> No.2676541

Hurr durr, by that same logic I might as well call you out for being the buttmad anon that called a decent picture shit and refuses to explain his weirdly lopsided standards on a site of tards.

I'm not questioning the accuracy of the criticism, merely its odd presentation, which frankly, fascinates me.

>> No.2676547

No, it's because they actually draw every day unlike 95% of /ic/.

>> No.2676567

the collab comic thread really opened my eyes on this, jesus

>> No.2676578
File: 50 KB, 600x444, 1406186059344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm already 22 and just started

>> No.2676583

I'm 22 and just started this year too (not from scratch, but I didn't know exactly what perspective was until this summer). Been making great progress so far.

Don't stress, amount & quality of time invested trumps by far your age, and you can "git gud" within 1-2 years if you go hard.

If you draw for a hobby you should be fine. If you're 22 and have just started to draw with the hopes of being a professional, well, get to work.

>> No.2676606

i don't have any desire to become a professional concept artist or enter the animation industry or anything. i just want to draw the stuff i've wanted to draw forever

>> No.2676656

actual shit
kinda cute but still shit
too sloppy, shit
polished turd, i.e shit
nothing special, shit
worst out of the bunch

Atleast to try to impress me anon

>> No.2676660

actual shit post

>> No.2676668

>expecting pro level work from self taught teens

>> No.2676671

A typical /ic/ post, you mean.

>> No.2676672

no honest post. bluntly put,but he's right.

>> No.2676674

post werk

>> No.2676684
File: 108 KB, 620x350, 24918393573198s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard if you think I'm gonna post my work, any idiot could see that these are all memetier deviantart garbage

Pic related is a portrait Picasso drew at the age of 15, what makes you think your work is better than him?

>> No.2676706

That's a photo of Alfred Hitchcock.

>> No.2676709
File: 161 KB, 740x746, 1456058341683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly ebin

>> No.2677407

I'm surprised nobody said this before...
... but this thread fills me with determination.

>> No.2677412

That's the mindset you should have mate, seeing someone who's younger than you being really far ahead of you should light a fire under your ass

>> No.2677429


28 here, nig. Don't stress about this petty shit.

>> No.2677433

Why do you say that?

>> No.2677518
File: 49 KB, 540x540, godtier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of whining on /ic/, these people are actually drawing. Try to do something and stop complaining about how bad you are. See the good side of it. If someone who's 16y/o can do it, why you couldn't?

>> No.2677522

>Instead of whining on /ic/, these people are actually drawing.
Why won't you listen to your own advice?

>> No.2677544

No, Anon, he's making an Undertale meme

>> No.2677745

Anon that's just a series of tutorials applied to a cutesy rough sketch.
In terms of talent it's not as far away from the average artist as you may believe.

That said, it doesn't bother me because her progress has no effect on mine and there's nothing wrong with more good art to look at.

>> No.2677878


>> No.2677882
File: 2.00 MB, 1919x2560, GFKP3BPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is with these companies slapping really terrible art on their packaging? Does the marketing team just go "We need art for the packaging." "Well my 13 year old son is a pretty good artist."

>> No.2677884

when you make 40K a month why would you ever change what you do, regardless of whether or not its "improvement"?

>> No.2677885

I always figured it was because most of the people buying the product draw like that so it appeals to them. It feels achievable and shows them what they can do with it. Otherwise it would be like selling MSPaint with the cover made by Mullins. Sure, someone out there can do great things, but if you expect that yourself you will be disappointed.

>> No.2677887

Because not everybody is motivated 100% by money? Or even if you are motivated by money, becoming better would only make it easier to make more money. If she wanted she could also probably retire soon and just focus on her art.

>> No.2677897


That was my guess, but even before I could draw I could recognize that sort of art is crap. Why would you advertise "you can draw this poorly made shit with our product"?

It'd be like McDonalds advertising its food by showing off a soggy flat burger. It's probably closer to the average thing but it doesn't actually appeal to anybody.

>> No.2677899

ah basing your points on outliers, sasuga.

>> No.2677901

You expect me to believe sakimichan just loves drawing the same league of legends trash so much, the money is just a nice bonus?

>she could retire soon

We're talking about a 20 year old, the fact that this is a remotely sane concept to you shows how fucked your generation is

>> No.2677910

>You expect me to believe sakimichan just loves drawing the same league of legends trash so much, the money is just a nice bonus?
She was painting that same stuff for years before without making money. It's not unreasonable to think she enjoys it to some degree. Probably the only difference now is that she has to stick to a schedule and paint some nudity.

>We're talking about a 20 year old, the fact that this is a remotely sane concept to you shows how fucked your generation is
She's mid 20's I thought. And in any case she's making about half a million dollars a year. It's possible to retire off that after a few years. When I said "soon" I didn't mean like 3 months, I meant in like 5 or even 10 years, which is much much earlier than most people can retire at.

>> No.2677932

>I meant in like 5 or even 10 years, which is much much earlier than most people can retire at.
That's my whole point. The fact that people nowadays are okay with that is disgusting. This generation is obsessed with making ordinary people outlandishly wealthy.

>> No.2677948

There's always been massive gaps in wealth between people. At least we live in the one time where it's possible to bridge that gap.

>> No.2677965

Personally I don't think somebody deserves to make $500,000+ salary because they can draw fan art from their bedroom. Just like I don't think somebody should make 36 million dollars a year for making one or two catchy songs. But my opinion is shared by nearly no one, as you can tell. People see a 20 year old make 4 million dollars a year on Youtube and all they can say is "Hey man, good job, you deserve it."

>> No.2677975

>We're talking about a 20 year old, the fact that this is a remotely sane concept to you shows how fucked your generation is

Retirement has nothing to do with age, the whole "65 years old" thing is a meme because that's the average age people can afford to retire. Some people retire early, some people never retire at all because they're shortsighted / unlucky. When you're making almost half a million dollars a year you can have enough that you can live on the interest alone in a few years.

>> No.2677979

I'm not sure the packaging is necessarily marketed towards the ones using the product, but more towards their parents/relatives who knows jack shit about art or tools. I've got shitloads of those pens over the years, mainly from my sister, mother or aunt who still thinks i draw "those chinese cartoons" at age 24... I mean, the product in and of itself is pretty standard, but those ugly fucking drawings sort of lower the percieved quiality of it imo. Not that normie relatives could tell the difference anyway, which is the point.

>> No.2677982


Well, how do you measure "deserves"?
If it was coming out of my tax dollars yeah, I'd have a problem with it. But her salary is literally coming from people who donate money to her or buy the products advertised on her patreon. Her employers think she deserves it, or they wouldn't pay her, and the opinion of her employers is the important factor. Do I think people could donate money to better causes? Certainly, but at the end of the day it's their call. Nobody is being "robbed" by the fact Sakimichan makes that money, except possibly by the assumption that if someone is paying her that means they're not paying someone else, but it seems a little unfair to start arbitrating who you support financially based on who "deserves" it (by that point it's basically a tax), and what's the metric you'll determine a deserving person by?

>This generation is obsessed with making ordinary people outlandishly wealthy.

This generation is obsessed with paying a little bit of money out of pocket for things they like. The internet has just made it so that a little bit of money out of pocket can become an exponentially larger sum when you accumulate a large fanbase. Distribution increased a ton, and the people who become millionaires are usually the early adopters of a medium (IE Pewdiepie with Youtube and Sakimichan with Patreon). Then everyone catches on and tries, and saturates the market.

>> No.2677995

Because caring about age is petty? You can enter the career of illustration regardless of your age. All that matters is you have the drive and learn what you need to learn to produce good work. Art is a profession that isn't restricted by age.

>> No.2678005

>Personally I don't think somebody deserves to make $500,000+
So what about all rich people, actors and businessmans? Politicians? Astronauts?

>> No.2678008


Fuck off commie

>> No.2678101

Someone can be great at rendering something but if they can't draw or understand the basics it won't be as good as it could be.

This is okay. I hope she studies from life more bcause then she could be godtier in a few years. Unfortunately since tumblr encourages mediocrity I doubt it

>> No.2678102

There were some artists in my high school who had already sold paintings for $200+ (and they were about this skill level or better).

Age doesn't matter when doing art, it's how much you study.

>> No.2678137


>> No.2678223

those hands though. hah still a fucking pleb

>> No.2678227
File: 811 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is done by a 17 y/o from this board.

>> No.2678230

who did it? it's a pretty nice master copy

>> No.2678275

Idk I saved it from a draw thread a week ago.

>> No.2678287

so why would you say they are 17?

>> No.2678298

They said that they were 18 and did it a year ago. They also said that they did in in charcoal but it looks digital to me in some spots. So who knows

>> No.2678300

Looks like charcoal to me. Where does it look digital? The white parts were lifted out with a kneaded eraser.

>> No.2678313

The hair is pitch black like it was digitally touched up and background almost looks like a photoshop brush. Same thing with the highlights but maybe I'm wrong

>> No.2678324

It probably had some levels adjustments, but I imagine in real life it would look similar to that. Compressed charcoal can go black as fuck. There's ways to do the background in charcoal, but maybe it was touched up digitally, I can't really tell. I would guess it's all charcoal though.