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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 9 KB, 170x307, vilppudrawing04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2671617 No.2671617 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone here actually gesture battled? sounds like fun.

>> No.2671620


>> No.2671622

how would it work, i draw one then you draw one? or what, are there rules or is it no rules just tools like old vilppu the master of the gesture battle says.

>> No.2671639

no because people are too pussy

>> No.2671700

first one to complete 100 gestures?
Using a 100 images picked by a third party ahead of time.

>> No.2671706

post 5 gestures and other guy post 5 then I ref who wins.

>> No.2674410


Strawpoll of 1 day to see who wins

>> No.2674417

>am I a meme yet guys
>it's funny, I swear
this shitty board gets shittier by the day

>> No.2674418

I thought it would be something more autistic than that.
I imagined that it would be like rp battles (https://paste.teknik.io/Raw/1062)) but with gestures. So one guy attacks the other with a gesture and then the next has to counter with another gesture until someone comes up with the strongest gesture and then he wins.

>> No.2674424

thats kinda what i was picturing ,because its a battle so you have to go back and forth. but the numbered gestures are a good idea to.

>> No.2674428

this shitty meme has got to be one of the most autistic things to have come out of /ic/ in recent years

>> No.2674443

It isn't that bad actually. I get that you confrontational types don't like to face it since it shows how ridiculously angry and petty you come across most of the time. That's what this meme is all about, showing overly aggressive and spiteful critiques for what they really are, childish and unhelpful.

>> No.2674451

Maybe it could be a turn-based set of moves defined by the roll of a dice. Like if you get a six you can draw six gestures, and it is up to you to decide which of them are to be defensive, offensive or magical. Maybe each offensive gesture you fail to counter with a defensive one takes 1HP of your life. You can perhaps build up protections or even heal with magical gestures but those use 2 action points instead of one.

>> No.2674461

>That's what this meme is all about, showing overly aggressive and spiteful critiques for what they really are, childish and unhelpful.
No, you pseudo intellectual little shit. It's literally one guy spamming the gesture threads trying to make it a meme.

>> No.2674463


No it's not, fag.

>> No.2674484

lol here we are making up actual game rules for gesture battling. starting to sound more fun. but how would you determine that , like if its defensive do you show your gesture using a sheild against the other gesture which would be the attack (ie copy the opponents attack gesture and draw another gesture defending from it could make a useful exercise as part of the game.)?

>> No.2674491

you would need an unbiased ref to determine who wins the turn i suppose as well..

>> No.2674516

Yes it is, you fucking newfag. It's one faggot spamming gesture threads with shitposts challenging paperfag, another shitposter that spams "the paper calls to you, my child" in every fucking thread. This isn't even new, it's been happening for at least a year, it only escalated recently because autistic lolrandum summerfags like you found out about it.

>> No.2674535

I guess you would need a game master to determine if one particular gesture is up to whatever standard both battlers set. Other than that, dice and strategy would dictate who wins
If weapons were to be added, that would make the defensive gestures clearer

>> No.2674543


Listen, you fucking retard, I would know it's not one person because that guy is me. If it was me spamming the threads like you so claim then that person would be me, but it isn't. But you seem to be very knowledgeable about the origins--perhaps you are paperfag and the one spamming "the paper calls it" in every thread. We can end this tonight if you join the hangouts.

>> No.2674544

Not once did i insult you yet here you are spouting vitriol as if you had an actual reason to be offended. Safe to assume most of your interactions with other lurkers are similar, all this uncalled for attacks make you look like a frustrated individual. That's why when your edge is cutting in, people laugh at you with the "battle gesture" meme, nothing to do with one guy spamming it in whatever conspiracy your sick mind made up. Thanks for proving me right btw

>> No.2674555

op here, yeah im not that one guy who spams it into other threads i just opened this one because i thought it sounded like it could actually be something fun and useful as an exercise under certain circumstances.

>> No.2674563


>> No.2674571

That's retarded and here is why:

1. The merits of a gesture depends on the application. What are you doing the gesture for? What do you want to get out of the gesture? If there is no idea of application then there is no way of judging the quality, its merits.

2. Gestures are vague in definition. Different schools of thought produce wildly different styles of gestures. Compare Rodin's to Vilppu's. Big differences but still masterful gestures in their own right.

3. No one here knows how to appreciate a gesture. Nobody has demonstrated an eye for appreciating the formal qualities of a gesture. The only gestures you people brown-nose is Vilppu.

So basically your gesture battles would amount to weebs chicken scratching their asses off, with no rhyme or reason, and then letting their dumb weeb friends vote on who's looks the closest to Vilppu's.

Gesture is like abstract conceptual art. You weebs hate those things. But the reality is that gestures are about conceptualizing an abstract idea about something. You fucktards get bothered when someone talks about the beauty of a line, or its essence. If you can't wrap your head around those simple things, there is no way any of you will even get any better. If you can't even see the qualities of a line given, there is no hope for you. If you can't recognize the form of beauty of something, your gestures will never get above sub-par.

TLDR; You suck so bad at gestures, a gesture battle would be torture to the spectators. Your're too dumb for gestures.

>> No.2674573

cry moar, gaytard

>> No.2674577


There are only like 3 people on this entire board who can do gestures and you aren't one of them. Dead serious.

>> No.2674582

what makes you assume i am a weeb?
i also thought that gesture may be a little to vague for battle maybe like sketch battling would be more accurate. say 5 minute 1 sketch same subject.

>> No.2674586

Just let the autists roleplay, it's not worth it.

>> No.2674587

Dunning-Kuger effect is what you have. Double dead serious.

>> No.2674591

>what makes you assume i am a weeb?
You're on a weeb board and you sound like a weeb.

>> No.2674594

You know you are on the same weeb board right?

>> No.2674595


You sound like you take it up the ass. Triple dead serious.

>> No.2674606

you sound like you're still desperate to get someone to put it up your ass. virgin dead serious.

>> No.2674613


Put it in my daddy. I want to feel your flow deep inside me.

>> No.2674616

I don't date mudslime

>> No.2674619


*Sigh* well that's too bad

>> No.2674620


>> No.2674627

draw a box

>> No.2674634

Back to your safespace scum. Since when /pol/tards care about art that's not natsoc propaganda or the god-awful watercolor paintings hitler did anyways

>> No.2674641

fuck im screwed ive actually been using mine to draw and paint over

>> No.2674645


Tough luck, kid.

>> No.2674655
File: 310 KB, 561x592, cute pharaoh husbando holding card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2674658


>> No.2674716

Looks like someone's acting like a real tough guy on /ic/ again, huh? Look, if you want a gesture battle with me that badly, just say so, we can get Nosebro to be our judge.

>> No.2674857

Autistic as fuck

>> No.2674867

>No, you pseudo intellectual little shit.

it's on now, fucker. Gesture battle me right now.

>> No.2674881

too much words
not enough gestures

>> No.2675144
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 1469247802494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds fucking awesome. It could be fit for streaming as well, people challenging each other to fite for their honor, audience cheering or picking winners n'shit...

Or even bigger stream events with rounds to decide the ultimate gesture master out of 4 or 5 contestants, each gesture being a response to the last one with 2 minute time limit.

Different themes could be martial arts, stick fighting, dancing or animals, in digital, graphite or ink. Irl meetings could work too, people already meet up to do stupider shit.

>> No.2675150

I imagined it like a shokugeki type of deal, where the artists draw a gesture of the same pose, and the one who captures the subject's action with greater fluidity and accuracy wins.

>> No.2675187
File: 34 KB, 494x500, 3994559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a gesture!

>> No.2675188
File: 70 KB, 556x371, batteru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's do it OP

>> No.2675192


I think it's better to make as many gestures as you can, then convert them to "skill points" you can use to cast spells or do something...

I.E: 10 gestures = 10 skill points.

10 SP = 6 attack points + 2 defense points + 2 spell points.... You can convert them to anything you need.

The goal of gesture drawing is doing a lot of them... so, that's the deal.

"Dick shot" requires 6 attack points to cast... "Loomis blessing" requires 10 magical points, and so on...

That would speed up the process and won't need a master or dice.

>> No.2675288

Have a website where you can queue up to be in a gesture battle.

-Two people draw a pose selected by the website within a set amount of time.
-When the time is up, both gestures are shown
-People in the queue vote on who's gesture won
-Temporary points are awarded
-The next two people in the queue gesture battle

>> No.2675304


This is a very good idea for a website. Someone quick, patent it!

>> No.2675307

Honestly I am really tempted to do it under the name GestureFight(.)club

>> No.2675312


I'd do it if I had coding skills. Unique ideas are hard to come by.

>> No.2675313

this is some next level autism

>> No.2675320

If some one can define gesture drawing in such a way that covers

1. living things like people, animal, trees, etc.
2. objects like rocks, water, machines, etc.
3. abstract ideas like fast, slow, stillness, etc

and if some one can give good examples of those three things. explaining why they are good gestures. Maybe then you could have your stupid gesture battles.

Heck I may even join in and wipe the floor with your weeb ass.

>> No.2675324

You sound like an ignorant bigot

>> No.2675326

In summary you want me to bestow upon you knowledge from outside the icy wall to a lesser being such as yourself on the secrets of flow. You are not even of royal blood.

>> No.2675336

vilpuu dont know much about gestures. Hampton dont. Proko dont. Huston maybe but he's like the rest. They only apply it in a narrow sense.

basilly yuus dont knoes shit. Dunning kuger bitch

>> No.2675371
File: 89 KB, 654x455, 1401050029113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu is the master. Hampton is a watered down bitch boy that recommends vilppu over his own method because he isn't confident and proko is too scared to move away form his atelier crutch and explore the deeper realm of gesture.

I'd love to repeat myself but I'm sure I've done plenty of times over the years. Linking old threads for further reading on me repeating myself is something I can do for you because every argument you throw at me I've already addressed the matter.

Basically you are below me, retard.

>> No.2675376

So youre a fanboy and not actually an artist of any caliber. And that's why you sucx dicks with gestures. enjoy your gesture battle playpin, fanbaaby

>> No.2675377


Clearly you failed grade school reading comprehension.

>> No.2675379

Post someone that knows more about gesture than any of them.

>> No.2675383

clearly you failed reading. "Narrow sense" flew over your head. And you posted a pic of a tutorial with vilpuu mentioned CLEARLY youre a fan boy.

Dunning kuger kiddo that's what you are. All you do is repeat back what you torrented. you have nothing to offer anyone.

>> No.2675388


You really are legit retarded. If you read my post instead of spurging out whatever first thought comes to your mind you would have read that, and let me put it in nice big arrows for you, >>"narrow sense" was addressed with he fact that hampton teaches gesture in a fashion to go through his course seamlessly to get through the anatomy portion. >>>>recommended texts for further reading on the same principles that are not "watered down" would be vilppu.<<<<

This isn't being a fanboy this is stating a fact.
>All you do is repeat back what you torrented
On the contrary, you of all people should know I think critically on everything.
>you have nothing to offer anyone
I don't have to offer you shit neither was I "offering" anything in the first place.

>> No.2675394

why? you give no criteria what better knowledge is and you only parrot back back what youre "heroes" tell you. if you cant jusitfy your own ideas why should anyone waste time arguing a dumb bitch? Youre question/request is stupid.

>> No.2675395

I'm not even the person you've been responding to all this time.

So no one?

Basically, you're full of shit.

>> No.2675420

Not him but if you're really interested in gesture these guys aren't exactly the best at it since they don't specialize on gesture. Vilppu is very good at it and explains it well but he's not Ollie Johnston or Milt Kahl.

>> No.2675425


Not that anon but you need to stfu.

It doesn't have to be the same person because you all think the same. The only reason Vilppu comes up is because he is the only one you know through your lazy habits of circle jerking that gives the most direct demonstration of it.

To ask who would I prefer as a gesture source is stupid and misses the entire point. My opinion don't mean shit. And you and other fuckwits like you quoting Vilppu don't mean shit either, that's just your oponion through parroting the guy.

Nobody here has demonstrated any real insight. Even if it was shaky, nobody has done that. Instead you shitpost about how much you think you know

Gesture drawing is an example of the Dunning-Kuger bitches like you.

>> No.2675438

>70 posts
>24 people

and you expect me to believe you aren't the same fag,rep?

>> No.2675706

I expect you to stfu

>> No.2675722

Back from your nappy poo, reppy boy?

>> No.2675751

Im setting up the hangout baka

>> No.2675764

awww shit , its about to go down! GESTURE BATTLE!!!!

>> No.2675768

Autism gets a hangout


>> No.2676231


>> No.2677279
