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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 900x795, pinky_and_the_brain_by_natsu_nori-d46hx25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2669935 No.2669935 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that you always can tell whether a drawing was made by a chink or not?

I've been analyzing pic related for forever but I can't figure out what makes them so distinctly eastern looking. Even though the character designs are western and all.

>> No.2669966
File: 109 KB, 1024x631, ByQqh97CAAAsO_F.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even though the character designs are western and all.
Literally all 80s cartoons were animated by TMS, you raging faggot.
As soon as american studios took over the animation looked like furaffinity dogshit.
From gummi bears to rescue rangers, everything was animated in japan and it shows.

>> No.2669968

the shading still looks anime-like

>> No.2670111

chinks always cel shade, and their lines are much sharper and straighter, not a whole lot of round shapes in their art.

>> No.2670113

>tfw you're asian but your art looks like shit because no fundies
It isn't true.

>> No.2670130
File: 75 KB, 1000x562, carls-jr-aqua-teen-hunger-force-and-fresh-baked-buns-large-4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rescue Rangers was the shit, used to have shelves filled with the toys.....not gonna lie, wish I still had em.

>> No.2670132

because it's drawn better :^)

>> No.2670158

Because they're better at drawing/animation.

Cumskins just laze around all day complaining about how lonely and lazy they are.

>> No.2670159

Butthurt asian detected.

>> No.2670393
File: 1.94 MB, 256x368, 1460933081676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually it kinda looks like shit. Eastern animation studios aren't commissioned for their quality but because they are much cheaper than western animation studios. Obviously there are some exceptions like Studio Trigger, Ghibli, Madhouse etc, but those are not the studios that western tv animation is being outsourced to.

You can almost always see a big drop of quality when a western based animation studio starts outsourcing their animation to Japan or Korea. Just look at the Simpsons or Legend of Korra as the 2 perfect examples.

Pic related. Top is western animation, bottom is eastern animation.

>> No.2670403
File: 65 KB, 647x960, gmkroZr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great nitpick

>> No.2670421

man the westerners really fucked morrigan up....

>> No.2670444

>great nitpick
>posts nitpick

>> No.2670450

Those drawings don't remind me of asian artists at all to be honest. After checking out that guy's DA it kinda makes sense. It's a japanese westaboo who tries to copy western artstyles and does nothing but fanart of western cartoon characters. His drawings have nothing of this typical asian artist charm to them.

>> No.2670484
File: 27 KB, 454x284, 7927850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.2670497

Americans draw round cartoons asians draw spikey cartoons


>> No.2670501

better than 97.3413256% of ic

>> No.2670580

poor round-eye

>> No.2670815

Why do Americans hate making woman beautiful in their cartoons and games

>> No.2670823

op doesn't look very spiky to me

>> No.2670824

Compare it to the original and youll see what i mean

>> No.2670831

PC culture.

>> No.2670863

Because theyre using cliche anime poses

>> No.2670874

>Cel shading (often misspelled as "cell shading")[1] or toon shading is a type of non-photorealistic rendering designed to make 3-D computer graphics appear to be flat by using less shading color instead of a shade gradient or tints and shades.


>> No.2670875

OP isn't wrong. There's something I can't place that's different than the actual show. Maybe it's just how crisp it is compared to the shows now due to age? Like even on Netflix the colors are much duller than they would be today (such as in fanart).
So I wonder if it's a mix of that and the sharper cel shading?

>> No.2670877

While true to some extent it's not the rule. For instance some shows are sent overseas from day one of their creation with the core team really only doing important scenes and the pencil tests and such.

>> No.2670878

Give /ic/ some credit, not too many people get into yaoi hands territory aside from absolute beginners or children

>> No.2670893

It's like you guys are blind or don't know any cartoons/games.
If anything Americans are intimidated by handsome men.

>> No.2670952

You missed the point

>> No.2670964

>what is culture.

How retarded are you?

>> No.2671775

Nice shitpost.
Feel free to enlighten us what 'culture' is in this context.

>> No.2671814

Korra was korean from the start you ass

>> No.2674531

what is your question?

>> No.2674540
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1455363935642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




How can the anglo even compete?

>> No.2675552
File: 1.75 MB, 2504x1661, Cartoon recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do weebs who have only watched like 2 Cartoons in there lives, think that they have a basis on all western American made cartons in general?

If you haven't watched any of Pic related then fuck off.

>> No.2675554

I watched most of them. American cartoons are shit right now. And France is animation/comics/manga mecca.

>> No.2675572
File: 4 KB, 493x402, view (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I watched most of them. American cartoons are shit right now
Are you a /co/mrade and doing a justified judgement, or are you pulling that opinion out of your ass and based on memes

>> No.2675616

how many /co/mrades are here actually?

>> No.2675619
File: 289 KB, 500x600, 32543535353535353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't visit /co/. But I like some modern cartoons. Star is great mahou shoujo

>> No.2675631

Too bad a lot of the episodes are kind of slow in my opinion. The best ones are ones involving Munie or people/creatures Star knows but sadly since it's set on earth that doesn't happen enough.

>> No.2675657

Even if quite a few of the recs in this pic are pretty damn good the retarded categories triggers my autism something incredibly.

How the hell do you excel in anthropomorphism

>> No.2675659

>that morrigan in quality section

disregarded, kek.

>> No.2675674

>How can the anglo even compete?
With a blast.

Really, those asian OPs are awful and have all the japanese crappy cliches.

>> No.2675877

that whole column is trolling anon. "quality" is meant in the sardonic sense

>> No.2675934
File: 80 KB, 151x261, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to answer your question honestly OP. It's the
1.The harsh cel shading.The very sharply marked areas of light and dark and lack of gradation is very anime.
2. Those "symbol expression" speech bubbles in the top left one. (also Brain's sweat bead in the bottom right one. Otherwise that one's actually the most western looking one, if it weren't for that)
3. The line art. Eastern artists sometimes seem to draw lines much more meticulously no matter how cartoony the subject matter is. the range between thick and thin is often much narrower. notice how delicately the artist handles the separation of pinky's eyes. in those top three. also notice the slight wrinkling of Brain's closed eyelids in the top left one. bothering to include a detail like that is a decidedly eastern thing.
4. the glint on the eyes. this kinda ties in with the above note, but for the purposes of your question it sticks out a lot in this particular image. like the eyelid wrinkles mentioned in the above note, if included at all, an original artist of the show would have likely made this kind of detail markedly bigger.

those are pretty much all pertaining to finishing details. in their early stages these drawings probably looked a lot more like legit western production art, with the exception of the top right Pinky, who looks straight out of a yaoi doujin. that's anime cute rather than the kind of disney cute animaniacs was imitating, pic related.

>> No.2676253

Great analysis, thank you anon!

>> No.2676262

>that list
Most of this stuff is shit.
Avatar is a show for closet weebs who are too repressed to watch actual anime.

>> No.2676264

>static shock
>costume design
Eurgh is this list bait?

>> No.2676265

>How the hell do you excel in anthropomorphism
Have you ever seen any of the movies in that list? You will laugh and cry with a toaster.

>> No.2676266
File: 71 KB, 1355x183, akom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom is a corporate product.
The moment the simpsons left the tracy ullman show it was animated in korea you repressed hack.

That being said AKOM is also a shit-tier studio.
TMS was the best studio around.
That's also why all intros to 80s cartoons look so amazing, all animated in japan.

>> No.2676269
File: 251 KB, 1200x984, really makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2676330

Posture. Japanese culture is a lot more demanding about how you sit when you write.

>> No.2677756

Sounds like a bullshit kind of theory to me.