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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2666604 No.2666604 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions of DrawABox?

>> No.2666608

Being free is its only redeeming quality.

>> No.2666629

It's free. You get free critique. Just do it if you don't plan on reading sticky.

>> No.2666632

Pretty good for beginners since you get someone to correct your mistakes. Better than /ic/ critiques that's for sure. Drawabox takes you through a ton of stuff, even figure drawing, so you should learn a lot if you go through the course.

>> No.2666633

supports ISIS
donations go to terrorists

>> No.2666653

Uncomfortable is a poor artist, so I don't trust learning from him

>> No.2666660

Most artist are poor though, including a majority of /ic/

>> No.2666696

Doesn't know the fundamentals.

As always, the moment someone achieves a bit of knowledge, they run around teach others.

>> No.2666725

I can accept critiques from bad artists because it's much easier to see mistakes than draw well but direction on how to improve from a bad artist is not something that sounds like a good idea to me.

>> No.2666726

Exactly, not to mention there are other sources from actually good artists that teach exactly the same shit. Isn't Drawabox essentially Peter's course but shittier?

>> No.2666729

You just don't get it mane. He's POOR as in no $.

>> No.2666733

>pay $1,500 to take dynamic sketching twice
>slap a basic website over the notes you took
>set up a patreon
>make $1,000/month
smart guy, i guess

>> No.2666745
File: 120 KB, 736x736, 8hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memery just like Feng Zhu

>> No.2666765

If anything FZD is proof that drawabox works since they work on the same skills.

>> No.2666768

Just do the fucking Peter Han course.

>> No.2666774

Pretty much this.
>instructor who's been teaching the course for 10 years and was mentored by the guy who created the course
>instructor who took the course twice but has good web design skills
It's an obvious choice.

>> No.2666776

One critiques you, the other doesn't. Regardless of which you chose, you can't do it wrong because you're comparing to yourself.

>> No.2666778

Why not both? Stop being such faggots.

>> No.2666785

Why do both when you could just do the Peter Han course twice?

>> No.2666786


But DAB offers critique and a community. If you want critique on your DAB exercise you have to use the /beg/ thread and the same fag losers like you would be the ones critique the drawings.

>> No.2666793

Who do you think is critiquing your DAB work?

>> No.2666796

The person who can draw better than you.

>> No.2666802

Literally anyone with $1,500 can become as qualified as him in 6 months.

You know what? I have $1,500. Wait here. I'm going to go take Dynamic Sketching twice, then I'll come back to call you a faggot.

>> No.2666807

and then you wake up

>> No.2666813

So wait, haha, you really aren't even past the stage of dynamic sketching? You don't know to to draw in 3D yet? hah?

>> No.2666836

Great for beginners who keep skipping the fundamentals, his lessons are structured and simple.

And for all you faggots bringing up the ISIS issue, fuck off, it has nothing to do with the lessons. I bet you also judge a person critiquing your work instead of thinking about the critique itself.

>> No.2666859


You mean the ISIS thing isn't a joke?

>> No.2666871

In progress of doing the 250 box challenge right now famalam
The progress compairison of before drawabox boxes to the boxes i do now is amazing

>> No.2666874

Nah, I mean that I don't give a shit what identity or opinions he's got. This is /ic/, not /pol/, his art lessons should be the only thing we focus on here.

>> No.2666877

Mind posting a page? Curious how long you been at it. I've been doing it for a day or so and I'm still shaky, haha. I thought if I could handle lines, I could handle boxes, but the different angles does throw me a bit off.

>> No.2666879

Sure I'll be back later to post it since I'm out right now
My back facing camera is broken but I'll try it with the front

>> No.2666917


Dynamic Sketching 1


John Park patreon covering more stuff

>> No.2666920

>I don't give a shit what identity or opinions he's got

he refuses to critique muslim women's homework. The guy is pro-sharia law. You should give a shit.

>> No.2666922

Is this foundation patreon actually good? I've been hearing about it a lot lately.

>> No.2666923

I haven't bothered with it yet, but its cheap af for the videos and critique so it seems worth a shot

>> No.2666924

Just read the sticky you fucking cheapskate

>> No.2667108
File: 2.34 MB, 2048x1154, 20c06667-fd9f-458d-bd59-5d2a8d5855b6..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm back, ignore the lines and doodles that have nothing to do with boxes and sorry for the shit quality
1st pic is me not knowing what I'm doing at all
2nd pic is when I started learning 2 point perspective on drawabox
3rd is 3 point perspective with line depth I'm still not sure how I should be placing the floor shadow yet so excuse them for bring extra shite. Also i know there are mistakes on the newest one, I'm just surprised at the amount of progress I'm getting already. I also haven't been posting for critique on drawabox

>> No.2667113
File: 706 KB, 500x279, DON'T LOOK AT ME.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been doing the exercises and have been noticing improvements.
Granted I do a lesson per week, so I did all the lines exercises for a week(maybe not all the pages per day, because work).

I'm at the boxes now and the shame at how hard it is is crushing my soul.

>> No.2667118

If you don't know what you're doing wrong can you post it here? Maybe one of us can tell you what you can practice to fix what you're lacking on

>> No.2667719

The more a rumour is repeated, the more eager people are to believe it without demanding any proof. No evidence has ever been posted substantiating the frivolous claim - it's likely just one guy who has it in for DaB and thinks the author's muslim name is a great way to shit all over it. Anonimity is fun, yea? Lets you say whateeeever you want.

Having something against drawabox is one thing - there's plenty of legitimate claims to make, but there's something seriously fucked up about making claims like that.

>> No.2668237
File: 65 KB, 975x550, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try MUH-Ahmed. We know it's you.

>> No.2668240
File: 792 KB, 2539x721, Screenshot_20160906-141603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa! Finally someone who can teach me to draw JUST LIKE THIS!

>> No.2668244

I use drawabox as a tool to get me drawing and practicing in-between studies
Going in with the mindset "this will make me able to do amazing painting and drawings just from doing this"

>> No.2668248


literally looks like a turd

>> No.2668257 [DELETED] 

draw a box = terrorism

>> No.2668260
File: 524 KB, 680x1894, comic002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes a great cartoonist too :^)
nevermind studying from actual teachers, this guys got it all

>> No.2668269

dynamic sketching link doesnt work :(

>> No.2668277

>dudes a great cartoonist too :^)
Don't you mean terrorist?

(*dude 's)

>> No.2668284


I'm not getting a whole lot of buy in watching these pieces of "art". I mean, they look like they were made by some average deviant art kid. The material might be good but his work hardly instills any confidence or inspiration.

>> No.2668295


Still better than 90% of /ic/, like seriously.

>> No.2668308

>tfw FZD makes you draw boxes until they're perfect before they let you draw anything else

>> No.2668309

>The material might be good
it's not. he rehashes shit. he's pretentious too.

>> No.2668314

And you paid through the nose to experience that?

>> No.2668322

>Going in with the mindset "this will make me able to do amazing painting and drawings just from doing this"
Meant to say that mindset is a bad idea

>> No.2668324

It's too late man. The young have read it and already left on their journey to believe they'll be able to do amazing paintings and drawings just from doing drawabox.

>> No.2668331

Yeah, how can you trust someone who can't even draw a box perfectly to draw anything else?

>> No.2668338
File: 46 KB, 528x720, tumblr_nuciafPqW01uo4yrqo3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this
Drawing perfect boxes in perspective makes it so much easier to draw from imagination. It's Kim Jung Gi's secret, dude has perspective internalized to the point where he can just imagine it all.

>> No.2668341 [DELETED] 

Why do you need to spend 300k to learn how to draw a box for a 18k salary job?

>> No.2668342 [DELETED] 

All donations to Draw-a-Box go to ISIS

>> No.2668364

Since when?

>> No.2668366

Are krenz's gumroads worth buying? I've been painting for years and work professionally but my draftsmanship is a bit shoddy. I'm worried they might be too basic for me.

>> No.2668368

since you started the damn site

>> No.2668504

Pretty Good Beginners Resource

>> No.2668540

You can learn the same stuff from Kim Jung Gi's YT vids or Loomis

draw boxes in perspective, build the human figure from there.

There's also a recording of a workshop he did on some chink streaming website

>> No.2668545

>"I don't think that all Muslims are terrorists!"
>incredibly common liberal belief
>drawabox is terrorism xddddddddd fordy keks
Thanks for more excellent shitposting, /ic/.

>> No.2668557
File: 731 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20160906_202517384_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and him have been best friends since we were both 13. Hes a bit of a regressive bitch, but hes an artist from Canada from a Muslim family (hes an atheist), what do you expect?
But ISIS sympathizer made me spit my beer out.
Hes about as westernized as you get.
Also, the sect his family belongs to are considered apostates by the majority of Islam, I'm sure ISIS would love to cut his head off, so there's also that.

>> No.2668563

Tell your boyfriend to stop shilling his website here. It is pretty much confirmed he literally came to this board and admitted it.

Let me is if I can find the thread in the archive...

>> No.2668569
File: 197 KB, 780x1027, 277958_213590832103912_1362024105_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc Kimmy said the biggest thing for drawing from imagination is "mastering the cube"

>> No.2668571

>haven't mastered the cube yet
Shit, gonna be at it for another week.

>> No.2668575


Simplified version of anything has six planes: top, bottom, front, back, left and right.

See: every major part of the human body

Eventually you will be thinking in warped boxes instead of contours.

>> No.2668578

Wait, can you just skip the thinking in contours step?

>> No.2668580


well here is one post but there is an earlier post but you get the point--blatant shilling

>> No.2668582

>a year ago
>blatant shilling
>it's also in the sticky

>> No.2668585


Well most beginners think in contours, but you can get to basic construction (boxes, cylinders) pretty quickly. I'm just saying that warped boxes gets me thinking of the whole (forearm for example) instead of multiple basic forms merged together. Plus it's also easier to position and orient too.

>> No.2668586

>There's a couple schools of thought on this, I usually see fine art instruction jumping straight into the importance of value. Rather than that, I prefer to focus on silhouette. Before the eye is able to absorb value detail, it always looks at the basic, simple shapes formed by the silhouettes of objects. Learning to define those silhouettes in line before jumping into value helps an artist establish form with a simple foundation before reinforcing it with value. It's a lot like trying erecting a building with a scaffolding, versus building it up from the ground without any supports. It *can* work, but it's much more difficult and risks blowing up in your face.
What did he mean by this? I'm a beginner so I kind of want to understand this and maybe take the approach.

>> No.2668587


NO he admitted he shilled here I NEED to find that damn thread God damn it

and the new sticky was made sometime this year

>> No.2668591

Can you draw me an example of what you're saying?

>> No.2668592

He's fucking terrorist sympathizer and you're apologizing for him. Way to go libtard.

>> No.2668600

He may have shilled. Hes pretty ignorant to chan culture. But the only reason he came here in the firat place is because he's able to see what sites linked to his page.
Ill tell him though, my bottom always listens to his daddy.
0/10, I worship the god emperor.

>> No.2668605

Draw the ISIS flag first. It's not what think, I just need you to draw it for learning about contours is all

>> No.2668610

Draw yourself in a maga hat faggot

Actually draw your chinless friend in a maga hat and send it to him

>> No.2668616

>He may have shilled
He shills PERIOD. And you shill for him. He's shit and needs to shill to places like this because normal people wouldn't buy into his shit.

And fuck ISIS, shill.

>> No.2668620
File: 3.71 MB, 2952x5248, IMG_20160906_211128278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a brown pen

>> No.2668621

I'm gonna go drink four loko

>> No.2668624

pick two

>> No.2668681

How do I do this and not kill my gesture, though?
I feel like whenever im drawing while thinking of gesture and movement its conpletely different from sculpting a bunch of lifeless boxes

>> No.2668686 [DELETED] 

draw-a-box = ISIS

>> No.2668687

gesture exists within the box

>> No.2668689

I dont care about drawabox, his art is shit anyway
im studying from Krenz and Kim

>> No.2668691

So do I go from 3d and do the gesture within, or start with a gesture layout and simplify it to box forms?

>> No.2668693

Not 100% sure but i think it goes along with the polished turd mentality and i agree with him here desu

>> No.2668698

There's no set way to do it, so it doesn't really matter, but I do 3d then gesture within. That's just my personal preference since I don't like to draw gesture within a practically infinite space, so I use the box to contain it.

>> No.2668734


I need sources. Who even owns draw a box?

>> No.2668736

>Who even owns draw a box?
Are you serious, anon?

>> No.2668740

read some steve huston

>> No.2668743

he has books?

>> No.2668746

Hes written a whole volume of superman

>> No.2668753


post work so I can see what you are talkin about

>> No.2668754

Yes I'm serious.

>> No.2668755 [DELETED] 

draw-a-box = ISIS

>> No.2668775 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 1656x1356, draw-a-box = ISIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2668777

you know that draw-a-box cant be ISIs because islam doesn't allow drawing other than calligraphy right?

>> No.2668790

trips confirm

>> No.2668793 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 598x199, czg0xkgxeaebibw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw-a-box = ISIS
read your Dabiq, infidel

>> No.2668794

what i win?

>> No.2668796

wew lad. He looks like a fucking towel head ISIS supporter.

>> No.2668797

you should have called me kufr if your tryin to be all isis munafiq.

>> No.2668799 [DELETED] 

That's what I been sayin!

draw-a-box = ISIS

>> No.2668803 [DELETED] 

You know America is going to win right?

p.s. draw-a-box = ISIS

>> No.2668815

oh i know lol. i just know a bunch of stuff about islam,

>> No.2668839 [DELETED] 

Did you also know DrawABox = ISIS ?

>> No.2668840

Trips of truth.

>> No.2668844
File: 14 KB, 471x320, 1336665688129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ nigger, cool your autism or kill yourself

>> No.2668848

welcome to /ic/

>> No.2668863

Yeah, but ISIS = Israel controlled front.


>> No.2668894 [DELETED] 

Nice try Ahmed.
DrawABox shill

>> No.2669162

Enjoy being a disposable tool for the jüden.

>Good goyim. Keep spreading ze """truth"""

>> No.2669182

Good for beginners, but just get to lesson 7 then stop, his figure drawing courses is shit.

>> No.2669184


>> No.2669187

why do I keep hearing that DrawABox = ISIS?

>> No.2669194


Latest new meme.

>> No.2669201

Autists on /ic/ love their memes more than creating anything.

>> No.2669260

>said the autist that shills that site every week here.

>> No.2669279


I very much appreciate the Peter Han links.

>> No.2669310


This concerned me pretty badly. Especially how he bunked on gesture where as most figure artists lean on it pretty heavily.

>> No.2669341
File: 162 KB, 569x296, Citation-Needed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2669357

>Learning art from someone who cant draw instear of a master
bet you guys enjoy Sycra too huh

>> No.2669501

Is it some sort of ISIS training website? Atleast thats what ive heard.