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2665306 No.2665306 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pretty poor

>> No.2665312


>> No.2665342
File: 1017 KB, 1200x880, 1469243745868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make about as much as a cg animator in Japan. So I'm poor by American standards, but I'm reminded that it could always be worse. Considering I'm doing a menial, no-skill job it's not too bad. I work in a small store so I'm able to draw a bit on the job too which is nice.

>> No.2665351

If we are talking about my own money that I made myself and noone gave me loans or parents-wise. I'm probably in the animator catagory. I have an on campus job, and although it's the highest paying student job on campus, it's not much. We are given free housing(which is hella nice) and a stipend each semester. But that's it.

>> No.2665358
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1451349017798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are there so many nips willing to endure this shit? It's not like they have a fun job.

>> No.2665362

What is the part-timer doing that's earning them more than the full-time animator?

>> No.2665363


I have an office job that makes me want to kill myself everyday.

I would love to have a job as a cg animator.


Half my money is spent trying to get good at art. If I had normie hobby I could have moved out of my parents place by now.

>> No.2665366
File: 119 KB, 640x360, super size my wallet senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not animating, so by default they're in the green.

>> No.2665371

Why do VAs earn the most? I know they're considered idols over there but come on now.

>> No.2665376

You overestimate the prioritizing skills of humans.

>> No.2665380

To be fair it says that the voice actor is A-list. If you had A-list animators or directors I'm sure their numbers would be a lot higher too. It's not really a fair comparison.

>> No.2665382

>A-list animators

These exist?

>> No.2665666

Hey guys, I happen to have an extremely large amount of skill when it comes to job hopping/searching so here's how you go about it:

1- Your resume. Your resume should include:
Your skills (HTML, CSS), education, your knowledge of things (put concrete terms, for example: "fast typer " vs "can write 80wpm". you want everything to be simple and classified, you're an artist, you can make this look better. This is your expertise.

2- Stock message, have a stock message ready for sending if your job posting requires it. Something along the lines of "my name is x applying for y . My resume is attached to this email. Cordially, X.

3- You can group applications by using BCC if you're sending them by email as long as the position can be vaguely represented in the title: "Applying for Agent/Customer service/IT/managerial/data entry position."

4- Just ignore the job qualifications requirements, worse they can do is not pick you, which is the default. Fuck em.

5-Have a LinkedIn/cover letter ready just in case, can speed up if the apply form can take all the info from there.

6- Fuck up theory! The most important part is fuck up theory. Apply enough and someone is going to make the mistake of hiring you for a job where you're overpaid. It's bound to happen. Just keep applying. A steady flow of 20 applications a day ( 30 minutes if done efficiently as per above) should land you an interview/week

7- There's literally no reason anybody should make less than 30k, whether it be with or without education.

8- best time to apply is when you already have one, you can negotiate a hire price, if you get picked, you can renegotiate you salary at your current employer ( because length of time with an employer helps fuck-up theory)

9- Jumping ship is effective. In the programming world you should jump ship every 2 years max to maximize pay raised, in the Customer service world, every 6 months ( as they need to make a substantial amount of profit of of the initial training)

>> No.2665673

Just remember, you guys are loser nerds, you're just better with technology than others. Even without experience. You can even add the fact that you draw in as novelty.

When it comes to the interviews:

Shave, wear glasses if you have them ( raises chances of being picked), answer the questions, don't be spaghetti. but most importantly, don't shy away from bringing forward things about you they may not ask. Always know a thing or 2 about the company. Have you resume in paper and usb format just in case. Don't spaghetti. Look at them in the eyes, good handshake. Don't spaghetti. Arrive on time but not more than 45 minutes earlier. Don't Spaghetti. Repackage experiences to be more job relevant, you were a nurse? Customer service. You moved large items? Teamwork, you're now a teamplayer. Spaghetti? You're a chef. But just don't spaghetti.


Okay start over next week. And good job hopping. Fuck the corporate world.

>> No.2665679

final thing you guys may struggle with. Be confident. Remember, everybody else applying is just as big of a loser as you, and they're probably worse at the job too. You may as well be the best interview of the day.

>> No.2665685

another trick is that you can cheat your way into having someone teach you the job. For example, you might want to call customer service/sales and see how they interact with you and if there is some role playing in the interview you'll have literally just done this thing 30 minutes prior.

You can also just google their "company values" ( cancer of the world) and just spit it back to them in interview, repackaged of course.

>> No.2665694

People are literally in love with them. They're treated as gods.

It's gotten to the point where some people are attacked for simply dating the VA irl.

>> No.2665707

No one really cares outside of fans of animation/studios but they're the best of the best in the industry and usually get called in whenever they need to do specific scenes.


>> No.2665726

1. That is programming and that requires us to learn programming.
2. Every job that makes $8-$15hr will never look for or ask for a linkdln.
3.The cuck interviewing you really doesn't care and will only pick the candidate who "is good to be around with" and made him/her laugh.
4. While you are right anyone can get a 30k job if they just lie you have to be good convincing them at the interview that you are the shit. None of this humble shit, break THEM out of their robotic interviewer cloud zone. If they don't bring up salary you demand salary or say you'll take business elsewhere.

>> No.2665741
File: 102 KB, 324x169, bjvmbhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even have a job Nose Bro?

>> No.2665760

why the fuck do you think my posting decreased 20 fold 5 months back.

not everyone is a programmer, i understand that, but tech jobs are tech jobs. And that's what I recommend for autist kids. Maybe they can do their A+, Net+ Sec+ CCNA within a year and then follow through. I'm sure at least 20% of us have Tier2 Skill on a pc, and 79% of us have Tier 1 ( And i know some people make 17-18 american in T1). Excluding all the digital knowhow you get from photoshop.

2. true, but it quickens the process since linked in sometimes has autofilling for even low tier applications

3. That's very true, although not always the case

4. completely true. But it's easier to be aggressive once you already have a job since you know your next logical step ( ie 12 to 15, 15 to 18, 18 to 22, 22 to 24, 24 to 24+ benefits)

Literally got a friend hired last week, I told him to negotiate like 14 times and he didn't because it was " enough of a pay raise for him". People are so panicky when it comes to employment.

>> No.2665788

no income what so ever, but i get federal grants for school. I keep the grant leftovers for drugs and art supplies

>> No.2665838

used to make $15 a month on my last job in february

want to get into commissions but I'm scared shitless

>> No.2665937

I have around 10k euro saved up living in a third world country

Saving up to buy a house and live from rents

>> No.2665976

>can't even afford toaster strudels poor ;-;

>> No.2665980

>used to make $15 a month on my last job in february
>$15 a month
>a month
Go for commissions, anon.
It's always scary for everyone the first time, but once you've got into the habit, it's not so bad.

>> No.2665984

Because every high profile female voice actor has a legion of sweaty otaku who will buy the statue of every single character she voices and jack off onto it.

>> No.2666072

Scotland just released a map with a street by street index listing how deprived each area is.
1 is the most deprived eg. Worst area
10 is the least deprived eg. Best area

I live in a 2 neighbouring 1's on all sides, there is nothing higher than a 4 for 30 miles and Im unemployed. Fml

>> No.2666073

Wow, really? That's pretty good if 2 still has internet.

>> No.2666077

how did they not get flack for that? All this accomplishes is making people aware of how shitty every neighborhood is, making good ones better, bad ones worse. Didn't they get sjwd? I'd be pissed as a 4 house owner seeing my value drop

>> No.2666078
File: 144 KB, 800x800, Agent Cooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor as fuck in terms of not having much of income but good at saving money so soon I can afford a cintiq 27qhd.

Saving for expensive things is what makes me want to get good. It's a reward for working hard.

>> No.2666100
File: 51 KB, 579x570, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My internet speed is 2mbps and my processor is 1.2ghz poor.

>> No.2666114

I know your exact same feels

someday we'll be able to upgrade

>> No.2666123

In England all this info is freely available on the Government website. I work for an arts charity (street arts) and we always use this info when writing grant bids. Many other institutions use this to get grants as well and it all goes to helping improve the area. It's a double edged sword.

On track with the thread; I make min. wage but the work is fantastic and I enjoy it every day. It'll be a shame when I leave next year.

>> No.2666145
File: 54 KB, 498x332, 2010-s-class-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty poor.
I only can afford a 6 year old Mercedes S-Class instead of a new one.

>> No.2666146

>Half my money is spent trying to get good at art.
The fuck? Pen, Pencils and paper aren't that expensive and a drawing tablet can be obtained for less than $100.

>> No.2666149

>not buying classes and books

>> No.2666152

Freely available online.

>> No.2666178
File: 491 KB, 460x345, hellodarkness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have any paper left....so yeah pretty poor

>> No.2666204

I think you should have "Internet" and "Computer" lower in your priority list then m8

>> No.2667639

How do I watch porn then?

>> No.2667941

I'm poor for "north american standards".
I'm kind of rich here in Latin America lmao.
I make around 1000-1200 usd per month (yeah pretty shitty).

But I can afford rent, pay my bills, get nice food.
I'm a part time artist freelancer cofcof.

>> No.2667959

I make $5200 a year and I'm living at home. Art is the only skill I have that could make extra income, so I've been working on that all year.

With basically no results.

But yeah. Living at home. Whoop.

>> No.2667992

I'm in the middle of doing my first commission right now and as soon as the guy paid me I was scared shitless. To calm my nerves I drew a shit ton of quick figure studies and now I feel like I'm in the middle of my best work yet. I think if handled correctly the fear can be used to make you better.

Also, this guy's been a great commissioner so far. I think he knows I've never done this before and has even given me advice on how to go through the process. Just put yourself out there and get afraid!

>> No.2668140

Compared to ic I feel rich, my bonus is more than some of these yearly incomes

compared to my peers I am poor... I can't afford to live near I work, so I commute 5-6 hrs a day... reach for the stars right?

I'm not an artist, just a filthy hobbyist.

>> No.2668157

$5000 USD per month, no degree either