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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 75 KB, 452x339, TenThousand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2664319 No.2664319 [Reply] [Original]

let's post our art, guess how far into 10,000 hours of applied hard work they've done

they say 10,000 hours to become pro (not accurate but for the sake of the thread, let's use that as a rating system, 0 - 10,000)

>> No.2664335

Well? Why don't you start? :^)

>> No.2664339
File: 999 KB, 1182x1200, The Restaurant (Re III) - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I worked 5 hours a day on average for 365 days for past 5 years, I put in over 9000 hours.

>> No.2664346

I don't think you're telling the truth

>> No.2664353

What a cancerous idea for a thread!

>> No.2664355 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 500x500, 67485948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2664356

Why is that? Is it not good enough in your opinion?

>> No.2664359
File: 885 KB, 752x1000, september-3-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I just tell you? about 20-25 hours. this painting was one where i was focused. i only learned how to really draw and paint like a month ago

>> No.2664912

you're saying you've only ever drawn/painted for 25 hours ?

>> No.2664947

It's kinda irritating to see how crappy sociological regXY papers wrenched by media become memes.

>> No.2664950

yeah looks abut like 20 hours of experience.

>> No.2664956

read sticky

>> No.2665276

bit harsh, there's actually a lot of fundamental skills demonstrated that's lacking in 99% of /beg/, even if it is a photocopy

>> No.2665281
File: 601 KB, 3508x2480, tribeandshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2665285

This looks like an early masterpiece of the famous artist Chunbum Park.

>> No.2665286

right up /ic/'s alley! :^)

>> No.2665294

you are hilarious

>> No.2665314


>> No.2665324
File: 227 KB, 720x1056, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under 5000, more like 500. Difficult to say exactly. Been painting like a pro since 2012.

I am not a fan of the 10000 hour theory, tho.

>> No.2665332

Aren't you the guy who can't explain color theory, relegating every observable aspect of the theory into just something that just happens in nature? You tried to lecture me on color theory, but then I realized you don't know anything about it.

>> No.2665344
File: 222 KB, 3480x3545, Abstract Logo 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2665350

No, chun. It is you who doesn't understand.
Recently i gave you some advice on your tiger/samurai painting, but you didn't understand that either, did you?

Btw wrong sex.

>> No.2665354 [DELETED] 

Yeah keep going on lecturing about things you have no idea about. You didn't know that shadow appears cool because it reflects the blue from the sky, while the highlight appears warm because it it hit directly by sunlight.

This only happens on a sunny day with clear blue sky. It's not a universal observation in nature, as you said.

>> No.2665368

Okay, well sorry I was an asshole. You have my apology.

I don't know why I am being such an asshole today. :(

>> No.2665372

Ffs this argument is wrong - i don't want to waste my time trying to explain to someone who cannot take critisism. If you want critique on your work, learn to deal with it.

You are the one who don't understand - otherwise you wont be making those mistakes in your work.

Now end of OT

>> No.2665381

Ok, sorry i am also harsh sometimes.

>> No.2665384 [DELETED] 

Learn to deal with what? What mistakes am I making?

You couldn't respond to any aspect of the explanation I made about coolness of shadow on a sunny day with blue sky. You think it happens automatically in all circumstances "in nature", which isn't true.

I am open to criticism. I accepted your criticism of the tiger and samurai painting - that composition-wise tiger is cut too short to the left. But it better make sense, and you better know exactly what you are talking about, or I will point it out.

>> No.2666751

absolute shit and hipster faggottry you have done no more than 9 hours legit

>> No.2666754

give up, in fact neck yourself

>> No.2666773
File: 999 KB, 2250x3000, iron_forge_by_pastelchu-d7ao5mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol? I've done 9000 hours. I am 6 months away from fulfilling the 10,000 hour goal.

I used to do perhaps 3 hours on average between 2011 and 2013. This number jumped to 7 hours in 2014. And then it again increased to 8 hours in 2015. I've been doing 8 hours on average since then. They average out to little more than 5 hours over a span of 5 years.

>> No.2666777
File: 254 KB, 600x720, b7e70322330603.5631085f287fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another example of my work, done digitally. Depending on the medium, I am quite capable of realism.

But I don't like it. I like pursuing muh style most. It's most enjoyable.

>> No.2666781

Why do you do art? Are you going to do commisions or get a job at a studio? Or just fun?

>> No.2666790

Because I am good at it. It's my own turf.
And it's a lot of fun. So much fun, in fact. Struggling and wrestling with paint is a lot of fun. Drawing beautiful women is very satisfying.

Eventually I want to be a professor or teach as a tutor, or I could get into a gallery. I don't know.

I am going to most likely try to make money off of my own art, but if it doesn't work out on the long run, I guess I will have to do it as a hobby.

>> No.2666795

This is messy anon you need to practice more. even by abstract standards its pretty bad

>> No.2666801

What do you want me to do? Do you want me to be like a photocopier? I don't want that. I am quite happy being messy and having my own style.

>> No.2667104
File: 811 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've probably done close to 8,000 hours. Here's a charcoal mastercopy of velazquez on toned paper I did a while ago

>> No.2667110

Fuck that's nice. Site/blog?

>> No.2667187

oh god please don't teach

>> No.2667218
File: 271 KB, 1060x1101, pycargue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a really strict schedule but since I work I mostly draw at around 8-10h a day, once I used to draw around 6h per drawing (and I made on illustration a day) since 2009

>> No.2667229

H-Honey, right now you are on the fast track to hobbytown.

read the sticky

>> No.2667241

>chromatic aberration

>> No.2667243

This looks like a fever dream

>> No.2667258

The anatomy's atrocious, there's no sense of space or movement and the colors are garish at best.

Here at least you show some control and technical skill, but your colors are flat and your crude gradation from light to dark seriously makes me wonder if that's part of the painting or if you just did a shitty job photographing it.

If you enjoy making it, then sure, pull the "muh style" card. But I get the feeling you're just blissfully unaware of your shortcomings or you just don't have the courage to tackle them. 5 years, 5 hours a day? Really? Consider this a wakeup call.

>> No.2667265
File: 453 KB, 900x675, skecth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ayy guyss.

>> No.2667275
File: 519 KB, 900x675, fortress1finish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be around 35,000 hours. lol

>> No.2667280
File: 161 KB, 545x872, gothgil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play

>> No.2667284

4000 hours.

>> No.2667295

I think you greatly overestimate yourself, anon, unless you're like 40 years old.

>> No.2667297

I'm 63

>> No.2667303


I guess I didn't draw more than a hundred hours in all my life. I'm barelly out of drawing flat characters, yet they still feel like ass. That, and I didn't even start on digital painting which is an unknow beast.

>clocked 4 hours today, barelly any progress, feeling burned out

Feels bad, man.

>> No.2667308

You playin tricks or somethin?

>> No.2667330

>they say 10,000 hours to become pro
Probably because they looked at 50+ year old masters of their craft who definitely clocked 10,000 in their lifetimes.

>> No.2667335
File: 132 KB, 640x480, IMG_0692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you probably haven't even drawn for 2,000 hours

>> No.2667340

10,000 hours is only a year, anon. If a person did 16 hours a day, that would be about 3 years to clock in 10,000 hours. You can look at just regular professionals to get that numbers.

>> No.2667341

The 10000 rule is bull. It's closer to 20,000

>> No.2667343


>> No.2667351

Someone made that rule up just to make shitty artists feel better about their work.When in reality, they are mediocre trash. That's when people usually give up.

>> No.2667355

Don't forget about sleeping. Resting and reflecting no what you have worked on is all part of the journey.Taking breaks is extremely important. your brain needs time to adjust to all that fucking shit art.

>> No.2667358

>people usually give up at 10,000
Uh, yeah, right.

>> No.2667364

They do. That's when you become mediocre. The mediocre stage can last another 4 years after you hit 10,000 hours. You think you just magically become pro at after you clock a number?

>> No.2667373
File: 706 KB, 794x1018, Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 3.16.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still /beg/, but gradually making progress. How many hours?

>> No.2667397

I can tell you are a girl and I would say 800 hours. You paint on and off, and you don't paint anything else besides portraits.

>> No.2667399

More like, 10,000 hours would have weeded out 99% of the population. If you drop out after that, you're pretty much the 1% of 1%.

>> No.2667411

Yup, got the girl part. Painted on and off before this summer, but now I practice regularly. I definitely paint more than just portraits though

Thanks anon.

>> No.2667415
File: 1.41 MB, 2448x3059, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me up senpai.

>> No.2667426

>I can tell you are a girl
how can you tell someone's gender off a study like that?

>> No.2667432

Subtle facial expressions. Usually the hands too.

>> No.2667455

Because I'm border line genius. I can tell you're an idiot.

>> No.2667457

Np honey. Keep it up gurl!

>> No.2667459

So... you're halfway between idiot and genius, so you can tell when someone's an idiot.

Does that mean you're halfway between woman and man, so you can tell when someone's a woman?

>> No.2667460

this looks like that one cat

>> No.2667468

Okay.I can tell I pushed your button. I can also tell you have more than one button and you get mad very easily. I can tell you have a small dick and you power trip when you don't get your way as well. I can tell you're hands are cold.

>> No.2667475

I can tell you're mad already. I'm not even the anon you were originally calling an idiot. I could just tell you were an easy target and PROBABLY taking hormones of some kind.

>> No.2667481

Atrocious. No nothing. Garish. Stop using these magic words to describe things that don't exist.

The anatomy's pretty good, there is no need for movement because these figures are not moving, and there is pretty good sense of space, and colors are absolutely great!

And then that painting - "at least" is not the word you wanna use. It's one of my best works ever.

It's neither that I am not aware of my shortcomings or I have no courage to tackle them.

I don't have shortcomings that are significant period.

Of course I have room to improve but those are things I determine at my own pace and with guidance of my instructors. I am not going to listen to some anon on ic who uses magic words to dismiss, stomp down, and criticize without any idea except to boast his own ego.

>> No.2667484

And if you want me to listen to you, Show Me Your Work.

I am pretty sure you couldn't best my 2 digital works, plus my traditional painting, in any way, whatsoever.

I have the courage to improve.

Do you have the courage to show your work?

>> No.2667489

I feel no need to subject my work to the vengeful criticisms of an amateur who gets offended by a critique simply on the grounds that its vocabulary is more colorful than the dreck he presented me.

I would've been happy to help you improve and provide you a sugar-coated artistic opinion on your pieces, but then I quickly realized you were an asshole and that it would be much more rewarding to get you riled up than to try and fix the unfixable.

>> No.2667498

Wait wait, asshole for being too brilliant or asking someone to show his work?

The real asshole is you for trying to stomp down, dismiss, denigrate, and ridicule my very best works that have no significant issues, but because of your stupid pride and ego you gotta shit on them. This is unjust.

I wasn't riled up. I could spit-fire arguments and counter-arguments in my sleep. I wrestle with paint all day. Toying around with words you said, using them against you, couldn't be easier.

If you are not going to show me your work, then I am not going to listen to you. PEriod.

That's my method of engagement and dialogue and critique.

If you want to provide a fair and detailed critique, that is perfectly fine with me.

BUT if you are going to throw around magic words to insult, ridicule, denigrate, stomp down, and dismiss other people's art (which by the way is WAY better than yours) then you BETTER show your own work. If not, I don't listen to you.


Okay thanks.

>> No.2667503

>I don't have shortcomings that are significant period.
>I am pretty sure you couldn't best my 2 digital works, plus my traditional painting, in any way, whatsoever.

how do people like this end up on /ic/

>> No.2667505

Is this real?
I love the internet I get to witness autism first hand.

>> No.2667513

show your work. he showed his.

>> No.2667517

I realize that I may have been too harsh initially. Perhaps you reminded me of another narcissist on this board. Or maybe even the slightest bit of confidence when presenting art that unfathomably bad is enough to send even Buddha into a rage. But now I don't feel so bad anymore. You've confirmed my suspicions.

Maybe you had a bad critique at wherever it is they keep you. Maybe you just wanted to go online to get a pat on the back. Sorry buddy, this isn't the place to get that. You just walked into the fucking lion's den. And if you are so skilled as you say to be, you should be able to take this criticism in stride. Because you don't need Anonymous's hugs and kisses right? Because you're so accomplished and confident an artist? Oh b-but criticism doesn't matter if I don't see the art the critic has made themselves! If you were such a fucking artistic Messiah maybe you could've played your cards better and not flipped off the handle at the first hard critique and got me to post my work as a friendly sort of back-and-forth critique. You know, extend the olive branch like such an amazing individual you are? Maybe you could've taught me something!

But no. You can't. You can't even teach yourself.

I wouldn't want your art in my house. I wouldn't even want it in my garbage. I'd sooner burn it than let the junkyard rats suffer its existence. Now stop goading me. I don't want to hurt your feelings

>> No.2667518

He's better than you, solely by the fact that he's not afraid to show his work. little punk.

>> No.2667525


>> No.2667526

"Show your work!" Is such a childish little tactic. I remember in third grade art class when one girl would say "I like your work!" and I'd say "I don't really like yours" then she'd take back the compliment from mine. Oooooh! You sure got me there little Sally!

>> No.2667528

Jokes on you bud. Shake your head.Time to wake up.

>> No.2667533

Nice try Sally but your cat is shit it doesn't even have ears

>> No.2667537

thank you billy. see you at recess.

>> No.2667542

but she could visibly see your skill level, whereas here it's an anonymous forum and anyone good with words can spew a bunch of bullshit. show us your work is effective since it basically lets us know if you're a poser/a cunt/or just a troll

>> No.2667545

meh this is the only one I like out of the others you posted, but I do really like it. if it's even yours. (anonymous stupid ass 4chan) work on studying anatomy and perspective? that's my advice.

>> No.2667548

this post should be a copypasta

>> No.2667566

>"Show your work!" Is such a childish little tactic

said the chicken with shit work

>> No.2667572
File: 148 KB, 798x1000, over_the_path_by_nmatychuk-dagnup9.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is fun, I do it for enjoyment. I don't really see me ever making a living off of it. Seems like a stressful living.

>> No.2667621

1.5k hours
latin girl? ill give you 2k hours

>> No.2667624

prove it, post a pic of your balls

>> No.2667715

>my very best works that have no significant issues
The girl is cross-eyed ffs.

>> No.2667717


>> No.2667726


dude you just wasted that nigga, lmfao it aint even fair.

>> No.2667735 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 849x688, ss+(2016-09-06+at+01.01.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2667742
File: 1.79 MB, 1024x844, leylinebottleneck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2668112
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x3290, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess how many hours

>> No.2668126

thats nice man


>> No.2668141


200 hours. You ustill lack fundamentals. Need to do drawabox, then Scott Robertson book.

>> No.2668146


>> No.2668166

Everyone's got 100,000 bad drawings in them... the quicker you get em out the better you will be

>> No.2668184
File: 3.05 MB, 2432x2905, IMG_20160308_162552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me 8 hours

>> No.2668360


>> No.2668372
File: 1.28 MB, 864x683, 20160904_141414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill bite

>> No.2668374

2 hours

>> No.2668375

5 hours more if its a wood block

>> No.2668389

Thanks I just made an Instagram account @ryangondarowski . My previous one got taken down because of my figure drawings

>> No.2668391

I don't believe this took you 8. This could be done in literally 10 minutes

>> No.2668395

I've probably drawn for 20,000 hours over the years but most of that time was spent fucking around in paintchat websites not really drawing to learn, just having fun with friends.

>> No.2668404

Post your work

>> No.2668467

That bad?

>> No.2668473

no, just looks like a sketch to plan out a picture

>> No.2668519


Coming up with an original idea without using references takes some time.

>> No.2668572

post your work stupid.what an utterly irrelevant comment.

>> No.2668579
File: 1.54 MB, 1478x1475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sketches for a project.

Probably only put in about a couple of hundred hours or even less that that. I did draw a lot in highschool but that just for fun and most of the time it was just stickmen drawings.

>> No.2668598

>not using reference

Forcing your mind to try and percieve something when you have no clue how the real world works is a dumb idea anon.

>> No.2668603

of course it does. lol. And it's probably going to look like shit too. Unless your steven wiltshire(autistic)

>> No.2668612

Are you an artist for a game or something?

>> No.2668615

was that big value tower with the street going into it yours

>> No.2668618

Errrr no anon, I am way too shit to do anything close to that. Personal project senpai.

But I like games a lot, I should probably get influenced by something outside of games some time.

Yeah that's mine. Damn, I guess I am too obvious.

>> No.2668622

You're making good progress
Really digging the blue and red sketches at the bottom

>> No.2668643

So you sat there for 7 hours 50 minutes thinking up a generic street scene featuring a couple of dudes and a broccoli tree then scrawled it down in the last 10 minutes?

>> No.2668654



>> No.2668660

Hot fucking damn, that's good stuff. Like professional tier.

You should've made it already.

>> No.2668662

I won't even get to the process, or what's in the painting for that matter since your clearly too stupid to see it

It's some maddening shit

Lol, you clearly don't understand art. Why don't u post some of your work then

>> No.2668664
File: 689 KB, 648x1360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't u post some of your work then

Okay. I was just suggesting it was a dumb idea anon, no need to get defensive.

>> No.2668668 [DELETED] 

draw-a-box = ISIS

>> No.2668671

>generic poor perspective city scape highschool art one shit
>"coming up with"
what did he mean by this?

>> No.2668682

this is shit. why don't u look at ur own work before critcizing someone elses.

>> No.2668688


>Being this autistic you cant see the matrix refence,
>Lacking a supplement education and not understanding people emit body heat and energy
>Lacking an understanding that no one would post there real art here.

Looks like you have 4 more layers of rendering

>> No.2668690

>Looks like you have 4 more layers of rendering

Yeah, I've kinda gotten lazy with it. I really should start rendering shit out.

>> No.2668707

You should spend 40-200 hours on pieces , and in between pieces you spend 10-20 hours on to get over the dreaded feeling that comes with rust.

>> No.2668710

Will do anon.

>> No.2668714

This is bait

>> No.2668724

>Being this autistic you cant see the matrix refence,
>Lacking a supplement education and not understanding people emit body heat and energy
>Lacking an understanding that no one would post there real art here.
I've never seen a human with an aura that big. Learn your proportions asshole.

>> No.2668858

>ITT anons who don't know who chum bum is

>> No.2668897
File: 540 KB, 381x900, lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2668898



>> No.2668901

I'm so confused on what's going on with this image. Especially the hair. It looks nice, but what the?

>> No.2668908
File: 1.41 MB, 800x956, valley small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, I am a digital pleb.

I am not sure how I would calculate my hours. I go for very long periods of time between getting the drawing itch and I change up styles frequently. Some days I will hit up my Intuos for 10 hours. I probably have somewhere between 2k and 4k over the last five years.

>> No.2668911

This looks like a sketch by Jace Wallace/Wakkawa. 7k-10k, assuming this is just a sketch.

>> No.2668913

I read on your tumblr that you're not taking on freelance and just living off patreon, but how is that possible? Are you on benefits or something? Living with parents? Hope you're doing okay. I've also been struggling with depression and having it affect my career, though admittedly not as much as it has for you.

Looks like a digital attempt at being Mucha or something? It almost looks like he used layer effects to put an outline around his brush and then her drew with white, but he may have done it some other way. Looks neat though.

>> No.2668916

wow, what a little edgelord you were. You told her!

>> No.2668920

I mean... shes going to be sitting/leaning with her jacket coming off behind her. Just haven't drawn any of that yet but I don't even know if I'll finish it. Sketches are a great way to see someone's artistic abilitiesssss.

also, thanks. :3

The hair is a wet hard angled/round brush (super thin outline) I made. It's fun to work with.

As for the depression and patreon... I live in a small indiana farming town where I rent a room. Seriously, you can get a 2bedroom apartment here for $300month utilities included. Across the street a 3story, 5 bedroom 3 bath furnished basement house sold for only $10,000. It's a great looking house too it's just no one wants to live here.

I also make a bit more from my gumroad as well. I plan on making some more tutorial videos soon.

Depression is a bitch and soul crushing. I don't want to talk about it here to derail the thread and if we do the usual "You're weak/snap out of it/I was depressed and I made 300million a year still" idiots will show up. Erry time.

>> No.2668925

To add, I do get one government assisted benefit and that's healthcare.

The only reason I applied for it is so I can afford to go to the doctor once every 3 months to get my anti-depressant prescription that doesn't work at fucking all. The only reason I keep taking this shit (effexor) is because the withdrawals are fucking terrifying. Of course they don't tell you that when they tell you to take them. So now I am a slave to the healthcare system where if I miss even a single dose 12 hours later I feel like I'm going to die.

>> No.2668927

I like your art, it is very relaxing.

>> No.2669059

it totally is that guy and yes it is just a sketch. I feel like sketches without any kind of reference is the cleanest, best way to determine someone's level. There will be lots of errors and they might not look particularly amazing but photo studies, still-lifes, plein airs, and even illustrations can be misleading. I have seen artists make breathtaking long-pose figure drawings but if they attempted anything else (illustration, design, landscapes, ect) it came out awful.

Generally a sketch will show a bit of design, composition, understanding of anatomy, style, and other aspects that really display an artist's ability to see, think, construct, and technical skill (things like line weight, stroke smoothness, brush efficiency, shading).

I know for sure I have put in way more than 10k but I'm faarrrrrrrr from "le masta" olloolol

Thanks. I've been beating myself up super hard recently so I appreciate it.

>> No.2669068

not much

>> No.2669095

what is it?

>> No.2669124

correct sir

>> No.2669138
File: 293 KB, 390x553, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant be bothered to finish anything

>> No.2669174
File: 324 KB, 900x675, priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay rate me.

>> No.2669609

I know you didn't want to derail the thread by talking about muh depression but I know how you feel to an extent. Your artwork is great,

>> No.2669612
File: 631 KB, 800x1000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okie dokie

>> No.2670055

I want you to make something that makes me feel something other than disappointed

>> No.2670060


>> No.2670346

I'm glad you have been so consistently resistant to doing fan art. Not that I have anything against people who give tributes to their favorite games/movies etc. But it is nice seeing work exist for the purpose of creation and expression.

I have a close family member who has been struggling with anxiety/depression over the past few years. Actually had an art date with them a couple weeks ago. Anyway, I genuinely hope for your best. Peace.

>> No.2670365

That's actually kinda beautiful. You should finish it with color and shit anon

>> No.2670395
File: 138 KB, 656x1000, nimrodel4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2671843

I like where this is going. 4k?

>> No.2671862

I guess somewhere between 3k-4k hours, it's really hard to count when there is no fixed schedule. Also rendering this gives me a headache, honestly.

>> No.2671988

Fucking btfo

>> No.2672037

not enough

>> No.2672908
File: 496 KB, 800x619, 1460217552119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making your image blurry and gross on purpose

>> No.2673228
File: 2.91 MB, 4160x2340, 20160724_120402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
