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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 792 KB, 1500x1445, MyBrushes_sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2661705 No.2661705 [Reply] [Original]

Share your brush library!

I had too many brushes, so I decided to reduce them to this selection. Do you d/ic/ks think an essential brush is missing?

>> No.2661707
File: 2.67 MB, 3200x3082, MyBrushes_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher res

>> No.2661709

did you make all of those yourself?

>> No.2661710
File: 474 KB, 733x720, 1469489343778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to work with is the good ol' trusty humble hard round brush.

>> No.2661719


How do you categorize them in PS? Just having a long list is retardedly shitty

>> No.2661721

Can you post an example of your work with all the brushes you use?

>> No.2661722

Nope, it's my personal mix of default PS brushes and brushes from various packs I downloaded since 2013

>> No.2661723


>hard round meme

One of the dumbest ideas ever promoted on /ic/
Textured brushes are more or less essential in a lot of work flows.

>> No.2661725

I know! That's why I use this system: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iipUPpCFGYg
Those descriptions on the left in my pic are actually the "separator brushes"

>> No.2661726

I only use 3-6 per painting, never used all at once in a single painting

>> No.2661739

Can you post an example?

>> No.2661740


Thanks, I'll try this. My brush list is like a microcosmic representation of my life, I can never throw away brushes that are half decent because "you never know when they could be useful" and I end up having to scroll through hundreds of brushes every time to find the right one... Much the same way I keep alot of useless junk laying around at home. Arggh. Sorry for the therapy session

>> No.2661742


>> No.2661746


Catbib brushes

>> No.2661751

hard brush meme is based in truth fampai, just means dont use fancy brushes as a clutch for fundies

>> No.2661762

Everything can be done with the hard round. It's not always the most efficient, but it requires you to actually know what you're doing. The whole "meme" of it is to essentially get people to actually think about what they are painting instead of just using tree brushes, grass brushes, and cloud brushes and then calling it a day. Using the hard round to paint organic forms too keeps people thinking in planes and structure rather than just using a soft brush and fucking up the forms but thinking it's right because there is a gradient.

>> No.2661766
File: 869 KB, 1242x4096, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2661768

Anyone have a good square brush for laying in basic colours or whatever?

>> No.2661769


Someone give that poor man a snickers

>> No.2661770

This is a pretty interesting topic. The first time I started using Photoshop was on the Mac in '99, with version 4.5, and shortly after that 5. The first few years I collected as many brushes as possible: soft, hard, stamps, textures and whatnot, just loading everything in one gigantic brush set. I even had whole rows of the same brush in different sizes, so I didn't have to resize them.

What I notice now is that, over the years, I kick out more and more brushes, simply because it makes no sense to keep brushes that are too similar, or are stamps of some technical element or bark texture I always thought I'd need one day, but actually never did.

>> No.2661774


My personal experience is as follows:

- Ease of use trumps everything. If you can simply use a brush for some cool effect and save a lot of hassle, do it. Do not cripple yourself by trying to copy some specific effect with a simple round brush. Why do you have all those options in the first place anyway?
- However, do not clog your set with stamps and textures you might use only once, if ever. Be honest with yourself. Are you really ever going to use that cool sci-fi electronics stamp?
- If you have textures or brush stamps in your set: generic brushes trump very specific brushes. It's better to have 5 brushes you can apply in 10 different situations, than 50 brushes you use only once.
- Make your own brushes, or at least know how to make them. It's easy. And less shameful than when you make some awesome artwork and everyone can see that one cheesy brush that every noob downloads. Also, a lot of downloaded brushes have settings that do not suit your style. Know how to adjust them to your liking.
- Create brush sets. The simple truth is that you need different brushes for different situations and styles. When people argue on the internet about brushes, it is often because they work in different styles / techniques and therefore need to use different brushes in the first place. Duh! It is super easy to switch brush sets in Photoshop, so have a set for photo editing, mimicking oils/pastels/watercolour, photobashing, retro style, texturing, whatever.

>> No.2661776
File: 62 KB, 338x976, B_Lib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I know the feel, I was hoarding brushes.
But it's liberating to make a careful selection of the truly essential ones. It takes a long time to make that selection thought, took me maybe 4 hours. In the end it's better to be good with 20 brushes than bad with 100.
Btw, here's how it looks in PS

>> No.2661780
File: 1.60 MB, 3840x2160, Practice12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2661782

Absolutely agree

>> No.2661785
File: 2.78 MB, 2706x2683, Forest_CaveFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2661784

>What I notice now is that, over the years, I kick out more and more brushes, simply because it makes no sense to keep brushes that are too similar
I've not been painting as long as you, only around 7 years or so, but I have noticed the same thing. I used to have hundreds of brushes in my sets but have been happier since culling out all the similar ones or ones that I never used. Now I think I have less than 30 brushes in my set and actually have been thinking about cutting out a bunch more from that.

Btw VC, do you have a website or something? I've seen you post here on occasion and I know you work professionally and have more experience than pretty much the entire board, but I don't think I've actually seen your art.

>> No.2661791

Is there any video or something that shows how to make custom brushes?

>> No.2661794


My personal preferred set-up is as follows:

I have one main brush set that covers most situations. It has a little bit of everything. Then I have a bunch of custom brush sets for specific situations: artistic brushes, FX brushes, texture brushes and stamp brushes for foliage, clouds/smoke, stains, splatter and smudges, etc. These brush sets are mapped to my tablets pie menu, so I can switch sets at the push of a button.

>> No.2661862
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, Macaque_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just check YouTube. I'm sure there are a whole bunch of them. It's really easy to make your own brushes.


I've attached a painting I did for the /ic/ 'monkey with knife' drawing challenge. (I'm working now on something for the 'crab with knife' challenge).

>> No.2661882

Cool man, that looks great! Glad to have someone of your calibre hanging around here :)

>> No.2661916
File: 215 KB, 1806x2223, studie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use some of wangjie li, sergei kolesov, zedig and ruan jia's brush pacs out of which i probably use like 4-5 from each pack, then john silva's smudge pack for blending.

btw some brush packs that i've seen floating around are just some of this same packs scattered, like for example dave rapoza's brushes are a combination of sergei's sketch brushes, dan luvisi's and the entire john silva smudge pack plus some of (i think) ruan jia's and blur's good brush.

desu i dont think brushes make too much of a difference.

pic related is something i did with 1 brush and a soft blender.

>> No.2661919

How do you get edges with the hard round brush?

>> No.2661928

lower the opacity so you can get finer value transitions

>> No.2661932

These are neat, but they're really sloppy when it comes to edgework. After doing your blending like that you should clean up things with a hard brush again.

>> No.2661933

Download link? :^)

>> No.2661936
File: 443 KB, 870x1200, 001RpDBBgy6TbIE7ye1f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This painting (by Linran) uses some texture brushes too, but a lot of it is done with a hard round and even the texture brushes are hard edged. Just posting it to show how you can get edge variety using only hard brushes.

>> No.2661942

yo please share

>> No.2662505

I Just have 2 main ones, a square hard edge and round soft endge.

I really need more but i can afford to be buying packs of brushes just for maybe getting 1 usfull one.

>> No.2662508

I just use the default brushes that came with Sai/ PS :/

>> No.2662517

>11 brushes for line work

You do realize that you can resize the basic round brush?

>> No.2663210
File: 10 KB, 209x429, my set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow anon you cant mange this many brushes?

>> No.2663290

Not good really, but the values are really flat.

>> No.2663312
File: 466 KB, 800x796, 1hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brushes:

You will want to set it to large thumbnails and then I have the same organization method that others in this thread have.

Pic related is a study from today I did that used these brushes.

>> No.2663324

well, he uses opacity so nothing mindblowing there. picture is good thou.

>> No.2663343

Well yeah. When people say to use the hard round they mean that you can still use opacity. Otherwise edgework becomes pretty tough, it would be really tedious and require a lot more thought. You could still do it in theory though by really controlling your values and creating smaller value steps in areas, or doing some sort of broken colour or stippling type thing.

>> No.2666280

oh god what did you do to poor emmy?

>> No.2666431

Actually this person is right to some extent. Textured brushes will help but many good artists do everything with just one hard brush. It's not the tools that make the artist remember, so don't forget the basics just because they're basic. A good artist can make a masterpiece using crayolas ffs.
Plus in every book i've looked at for character designing and rendering, they recommend a hard round brush first before anything else.