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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 57 KB, 543x292, dollz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2660107 No.2660107 [Reply] [Original]

"Male entitlement in geek culture and why I stopped making pixel art"


"Lola is a non-binary queer future best-selling sci-fi/fantasy novelist in their late twenties. Follow them on Twitter: @AlastorPhoenix"

Written by a special snowflake tumblrina. Who would have guessed?

>> No.2660438

I remember her from years ago on pixeljoint. Weird as fuck and never was very good at pixel art. Adios I guess.

>> No.2660440
File: 156 KB, 260x187, 31d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious use of gradient tools and textures
>ZERO fucking antialiasing
>ugly designs

CRINGE indeed.

>> No.2660484
File: 90 KB, 322x324, 3b0a6610-0133-47fc-be0c-fe4b5395c742..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of my proudest pixel art creations to date,
>Darth Vader emoticons.
This is a real human bean

>> No.2660712
File: 200 KB, 500x435, tumblr_inline_nt4jirIRMV1r8ytmm_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of people just pulling randomly from the "newest deviations" section of DeviantArt and posting it in a cringe thread. Cringe is more than "bad art". It needs drama behind it. Some history. An artist who identifies as some fucking object or whatever.

Throw me a bone anons.

That said, here's one of my favorites :^)

>> No.2660715
File: 133 KB, 540x432, tumblr_ocit9flqtO1uitv5so1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2660716
File: 420 KB, 540x810, tumblr_oc5hfjaNGY1u0n25ho1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey the face looks pretty good-
>notice hands

jesus christ

>> No.2660718
File: 682 KB, 1288x1400, 1400653538941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2661593

I was a member of both sites.

She never gave a shit about improving. She only spent time in off-topic threads shooting the shit with other weirdos. It was just a social outlet, a platform for pushing her feminist/lgbtq views, and she left when she realized it wasn't the tumblr hug-box she wanted.

I have no problem with feminism or lgbtq shit btw. She just pushed those topics when they didn't even apply because she had identity issues and needed attention. And the second site she mentioned wasn't the conservative hate machine she makes it out to be, it was mostly liberals and SJWs who just weren't as extreme as she is.

>> No.2661612

Was that done by that artist who drew rape porn and guro on a separate account?

>> No.2661615

68bears strikes again

>> No.2661619

honestly i like the style, but why is it being used to draw animu girls

>> No.2661634

Haha seriously? Post it

>> No.2661638
File: 67 KB, 560x537, 1423024254325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a non-binary queer

A what?

>> No.2661653

Rape is fucking hilarious
imagine porky pig getting raped by Elmer Fudd

>> No.2661662

Honest kek

>> No.2661810

"Non-binary" means that thei gender identity doesn't fall into the binary categories of "male" and "female". Queer means pretty much the same, it's redundant.

>> No.2661815

those faggots seriously need to open a book

>> No.2661832


please ;_;

>> No.2661837


idk, i think she kinda had a point there. (disregarding the weird dollz stuff)

>> No.2661838

gosh, that was deep


>> No.2661842

A book on what? Rhetorics?

>> No.2661843
File: 46 KB, 614x329, TGT ok listen closely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no lads, queer means their ~~sexual orientation~~ is also ambiguous and snowflakey. Non-binary and queer, in the realms of tumblr pseudoscience, are the most non-committal options one can take to label their tumblr gender and tumblr sexuality, translating to "not normal", or more accurately, "not like the other girls."

It's what ordinary heterosexual females choose when, deep down, faggotry and degeneracy still disturbs them but they need to be part of the clique.

>> No.2661846

according to h.p. lovecraft queer has nothing to do with homosexuals or gender. it means strange and thats the way i use it.

>> No.2661884


And gay used to mean happy and full of joy.

>> No.2661888

fuck, because of tumblr i cant even take actual trans people with real dysphoria seriously.

>> No.2661905

And happy used to mean lucky

>> No.2661945

All of the boards have been contaminated by /pol/ shit.
Now we make fun of people's art for having political values we don't agree with.

tl;dr, /ic/ is worthless.

>> No.2661965

>sexual assault survivor

I don't get it. How do you ''survive'' sexual assault? It's not like people often die during rape or whatever.

Also, why is it that every tumblrina always cites/claims they've been raped at some point? It's almost like a badge with the way they announce it all the time really....

>> No.2661969

If you don't like it, you can always go back tumblr. I'm sure you'll find plenty of people to agree with your ''political values'' over there.

>> No.2662037

drama and cringe definitely don't always go together. there are plenty of dramatic artists that aren't cringeworthy, and cringeworthy artists that aren't dramatic

>> No.2662074
File: 284 KB, 640x479, wain_cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a non-binary gender-eldritch looking for asexual quasi-warped headmates

Reminds me of pic related but instead of schizophrenia it's a case of the gays.

>> No.2662084

>It's almost like a badge with the way they announce it all the time really....
That's exactly what it is. See: Sweden

>> No.2662090

Not sure if it is her, as the url of that image does not match any of her known accounts, but there was this "artist" who drew in a similar motif, with MLP characters surrounded by banners proclaiming bullshit ideas, so I was instantly reminded of her.

Kiwifarms already has a comprehensive list.


>> No.2662099


>I had spent a good while trying to perfect an avatar of my face, even animating it so it blinked. After I’d finished it and started using it, a member of the forum decided to Photoshop his avatar “humping” mine. It was submitted to the gallery connected to the forum and approved by the moderators.
> It was that someone took my art, violated it, and the fact that I hadn’t said it was okay was part of the hilarious joke
>On top of that, the community had a “spell” you could use to change someone’s profile, meant to be used between friends for fun. Someone, probably the guy who was harassing me, got the spell and changed my profile to denigrate and humiliate me.

>Instantly, I felt like I was at school again, where my name was carved on the bathroom walls.

>> No.2662100
File: 122 KB, 454x418, 68555272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"I didn’t feel like anyone really cared or made any effort to make me feel safe and welcome in the community."

Goes and joins the website.
Wants everyone to pat her on the back, kiss her ass, and give her a gold star because she is such a special snowflake. What happens? The community doesn't give any fucking shits about her or her sjw opinions/thoughts.
Cries wolf.
Leaves website like a whiny bitch.

Somewhere, someday, someone will crush her like a worm because of how weak and pathetic she is.

>> No.2662101

Best part:
>Dolling communities aren’t just about art. Many see their hobby as a means to bond and make friends
>While my artistic skills didn’t necessarily improve, the dolling forums provided something akin to a family to me
>But then something shifted. My attitude towards my art got a bit more serious. I joined a new forum and started shifting more toward pixel art communities and away from dolling. And that’s when things changed.
>The pixel art forums I joined emphasised artistic improvement over community bonding and most of the population were men spanning a wide variety of ages, from teenagers to older men who were heavily involved in early gaming artistry
>pixel artists still focus on using as little colour as possible to make realistic forms. And the artistry within pixel art with limited palettes can be jaw dropping. I became enthralled and enthusiastic about the challenge and inspired by the talent around me
>Over time, I began to feel more artistically “ethical” than dollers who relied on tools and bases. And while my art did improve, my attitude didn’t. I became dogmatic about artistic improvement and my own internalised misogyny made me turn my back on the dolling community and its emphasis on kindness and femininity and sharing with a sneer
>My attempts to rejoin the dolling community didn’t go well. I’d become so engrossed in critiquing art, dollers often took my well-intentioned feedback badly. And I was so hardheaded in the idea that I’d done something good for them, I refused to respect their perspective
>I regret my inability to respect and appreciate the dolling community while I was part of it. I’m frustrated that the misogyny that I’d learned made me so antagonistic towards the emphasis on kindness the dolling community had

>striving to improve is misogynistic and somehow opposed to femininity
Fucking artists.

>> No.2662103

fuck anon, you made me laugh really hard

>> No.2662121
File: 251 KB, 540x669, NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found more of her cancer

>> No.2662123
File: 632 KB, 564x569, 1437347309690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2662125

it looks like he has a wound below his nose because of how garish the coloring is

>> No.2662127
File: 30 KB, 455x628, 1469761559715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2662130
File: 98 KB, 517x725, wtf is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2662131
File: 93 KB, 517x731, just no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2662132
File: 19 KB, 197x194, at last I truly see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m frustrated that the misogyny that I’d learned made me so antagonistic
>critical thinking is misogyny

>> No.2662135

>Freeza + candace
Was sherk not available?

>> No.2662140

Seems like a /pol/ack with a tumblr account

>> No.2662142
File: 21 KB, 308x291, 1427368702181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the drawing itself isn't terrible, but why freeza?

>> No.2662143


You think that this is /pol/ related? It's not unusual to mock prideful narcissists.

>> No.2662192
File: 72 KB, 481x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2662303

I knew she looked familiar. Even after I stopped dolling I still hung around there. God damn.

>> No.2662310
File: 11 KB, 250x250, images(21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't think you guys are into teratorphillia

>> No.2662327

this sure is an epic post

>> No.2662369

I like this so much.

>> No.2662396


A fucking queer.

If you give yourself two or more labels I'm calling you a fucking queer. That's my policy.

>> No.2662486

Don't act like H.P lovecraft invented the word 'queer' because he didn't. It's still sometimes used in countries where it wasn't used as a slur against homosexuals but in America it was which is why I'm flabbergasted, as someone who was insultingly called queer in school, why teeny boppers on tumblr think it's okay to use now. Are we reclaiming 'fag' too?

>> No.2662512

>why teeny boppers on tumblr think it's okay to use now
That's how language works sometimes.

>Are we reclaiming 'fag' too?
No, doesn't seem like that. That's how language works.

>> No.2662515

It's because they want to be the "other" too. They really want to be considered strange and needing protection.

What's strange is the way they clamor to claim to be something that's not normal; I have this many personality disorders, am non binary, aromantic (whatever the fuck that means), consider myself a victim because a weird old man looked at me a little too long one time, etc.

>> No.2662542

>tumblr goes full retard trying to make 'queer' and 'colored people' acceptable again
>that's how language works sometimes it's just how language works :DDD

dumblr leave

>> No.2662559

It's you who are going full retarded. Queer is has been acceptable for a long time and not because of tumblr. Yes, that is how language works. And nobody is trying to reclaim 'colored people' as far as I know, although a lot of black people use words that used to be far more offensive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reappropriation#Linguistic_reappropriation_or_reclaiming

>> No.2662804

people of color != colored people

>> No.2662811

If that was my art progress I'd kill myself

>> No.2662864

>youre not allowed to do things outside of my morality!!!!!!
>everyone should bend to my morality!!11!
isnt this how bloodshed starts?

iirc survivor (in place of 'victim') was added to make victims feel empowered, brave, strong for trying to get their life back together and dealing with it,
to know people arent looking at them with eyes of pity, but admiration
quite a positive outlook
but everyone wants to be called strong and brave, so everything is rape now and everyones a survivor

no please no