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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 11 KB, 300x200, 1470098929088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2655631 No.2655631 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is dying edition.
This place is for asking all your art related questions that might fit in one single post.

This place is for asking all your art related questions that might fit in one single post.

If you want critique, search the current Beginner/ Draw/ Stylization thread.

Read the sticky before asking any questions.

How do you paint things with an airbrush? I recently was given one for my birthday and I really enjoy the way it works, but I have no idea how to actually paint my sketches. I know how the machine itself works, but I don't really understand the technique/style.

>> No.2655637

Is it worth going to art school

>> No.2655644

I have one myself and the only way to go is abusing stencil use.

Literally is the real life version of lasso tool + paint bucket, with the advantage of making nice gradients.

Sketch something, make stencil layers for every color you want to add, paint the larger shapes for each color and add details at last.

I live in third world shithole and my english isn't good enough. Sorry.

>> No.2655662
File: 386 KB, 1152x648, 1433758565789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna repost my question hope yall dont mind

does anyone know who painted this?

>> No.2655665

No, that's a very good answer, thank you. Would you mind posting a bit of your own art/airbrush art you enjoy that really shows off the style?
John Atkinson Grimshaw is the artist I believe.

>> No.2655667

Atkinson Grimshaw indeed.

Liverpool quay at moonlight, 1887.

>> No.2655671

how 2 glaze in digital

>> No.2655683
File: 84 KB, 490x274, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see
thanks my dudes

>> No.2655688


Multiply layer?

>> No.2655774
File: 553 KB, 1017x767, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective noob here. I'm told this is a 3D-thinking exercise, which is just drawing boxes facing eachother in a circle.Why are so few of the lines of the boxes parallel? Is this just a skewed perspective?

>> No.2655781
File: 387 KB, 1264x1245, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of art style is this nd how do I git gud at it

>> No.2655785

Oh, that's a very rare art style called "I am studying basic shapes, anatomy, and perspective"

>> No.2655786

That guy is drawing them as if theyre on unlevel ground. if the boxes were all level they would be more parallel however the more fisheye the perspective the more it would warp.

>> No.2656222

he's not really trying but none of these lines should be parallel in the first place.

>> No.2656224

I hear that a lot that "true perspective" means that no lines will be parallel. Which is the right way to learn? It's conflicting.

>> No.2656246

So i was looking for some digital art gloves but no stores that sell them are in my area so i was thinking,
Would it be ok if i just cot off the fingers of a cotton glove and use it as a replacemwnt?

>> No.2656288
File: 176 KB, 842x999, Picasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to draw for a longer period of time?

I feel like a faggot for stopping only after an hour and a half everyday, trying to bump it up to 3 hour minimum.

>> No.2656299

How to draw the pelvis without wanting to kill myself
I honestly can't figure out how to connect that shit to the upper body properly without making it look like anus

>> No.2656502

how do I make it through books like scott robertson's how to draw without stopping halfway in because of the tediousness

i have no problem getting through most art books but i lose willpower quickly when it comes to perspective

>> No.2656506

it depends on what you are doing, if your just practicing fundamentals then damn bro take a break and doodle some shit, keep your creative juices flowing. it will help you stay in the zone.

I also believe that making art with the things you just learned is a great way to remember different techniques. even if its not good at first!

>> No.2656513
File: 221 KB, 638x908, david-chelsea-perspective-for-comic-book-artists-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grind different perspective tutorials and shit.

i fuckin picked this up at a used book store for five bucks. its really dull and has kinda hacky story, but it actually teaches you about perspective in a very unique way, i love it. try and find a pdf!

>> No.2656545


just started it and am liking it so far. ill use it with other books...thank you!

pdf is here if anyone else was interested: http://storage24-free.uloz.to/Ps;Hs;fid=8249664;cid=960638171;rid=2023675771;up=0;uip=;tm=1472576947;ut=f;aff=ulozto.net;did=ulozto-net;He;ch=b6b8cdcb64c17bdf3bbf9eace4a3841e;Pe/!cUwT142A/perspective-for-comic-book-artists-david-chelsea-pdf?bD&c=960638171&De&redirs=1

>> No.2656550

Not this guy, reposting my question from previous thread, but what's the general method of practicing "3D thinking"? Should I just pick up a book on perspective?

>> No.2656552

Drawing boxes is the general method. Spheres as well, if you can those down, you can pretty much get everything else down. Or just read How to Draw by Scott Robertson which is a crazy book on perspective. It'll make you really strong in perspective, but it won't come easily.

>> No.2656562

I can get a ton of cheap fine oil paint from deserres, but I can't find any reviews, and apparently the standard is extra-fine

Is it worth spending 50 bucks on a bunch of tubes, or is it going to be like the 'student grade' shit where it's not even worth bothering with? Should I just spend the extra money on a good brand? I've never used oil before.

>> No.2656564
File: 43 KB, 301x267, 1415504285753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing anon, saved me some time.

>> No.2656579
File: 31 KB, 651x495, 1455346760535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how THE FUCK do i learn AND apply perspective

>> No.2656611

You have to realize that perspective has multiple "modes' depending on The relation of the view to the environment, the relation of the environment to the viewer and the camera effect. What you heard is someone talking about 3 pt or 5 pt perspective. They're all illusions to create appearance of space.

>> No.2656616

Ask the art book thread what are their favorite perspective books

>> No.2656621

Why do people recommend How to Draw so much? He has some useful stuff, but I don't think his perspective lessons are that good. And he doesn't understand how ellipses work.

>> No.2656637

You put your BRAIN to it, instead of just memorizing the rules. The best way to do it is to try to deduce the rules on your own, studying real objects like buildings and furniture.

>> No.2656647


This is true.
>lol freehand it that's all you need bro lol
The How to Draw in the title is all marketing for search results because "how to draw" is a popular search term in the SEO of Amazon. Therefore, it is one of the books on top of the page results flooded with the rest of how to draw Manga books. This is more $$$ in Robertsons pockets to reach a wider audience.

However is book and dvds are good for complex industrial design drawing assuming the reader knows formal perspective already. FZD recommends this book.

>> No.2656721
File: 131 KB, 690x432, 1471122484876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get to ruan jia colours?

I googled up colour theory but I feel like i it's going off in a too general graphic design way.

Any books/vids I should read/watch?

>> No.2656733
File: 421 KB, 551x714, b8f38c7379f4c5dbbb9c4fb85406c690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese artists colors in general are just very desaturated with occasional saturated highlights for that vibrant look.

Also, I assume most of them paint in LAB mode.
I just tried it out for the first time. (pic related)
I never had so few trouble picking and mixing colors.


Alsp pirc related. How do I properly render human body parts.
I know that you should always paint with the form. but that would require to clean up the edges later again as you'd have to paint over the edges everytime for the gradient effect.

Ehh I dunno if that makes sense.
If I paint alongside the form I have an easier time managing color/value fall offs for that 3D effect. But it looks even less 3D because of the brush directions.

Somhow I managed with the head but look at the arms and legs. They look really weird to me. What could I do to improve on that? How do other artists do it that go for that painterly look?

>> No.2656736

what country/language is the best for an art career involving games or animation (not necessarily anime) and why?

>> No.2656752

check all the other videos on the channel, and you can see how they paint.

none of that lab theory in sight.

>paint with the form
heres something to think about, pic related.
see how the hand on the right is broken up to planes?
those planes have DIRECTION. in a sense that it doesnt appear completely square, one side is longer than the other.. Your strokes should follow this long (major) axis.

The sargent on the left is there for comparison. the pose is not exact, but you can compare the stroke direction to the form on the right. you think you can make use of this and apply this to your work?

>> No.2656753

What a godawful composition.

>> No.2656755

>I googled up colour theory but I feel like i it's going off in a too general graphic design way.
>never trust beginners with a review

>> No.2656763
File: 813 KB, 1013x531, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.2656793


>> No.2656797

for 3D -USA
for 2D - South Korea/Japan and maybe France

Because hollywood is in freedom land and most games that aren't weeb games are made here.

>> No.2656798

How does one get into the weeb game industry?

>> No.2656801
File: 437 KB, 523x693, c790caed4cd685cf14361b1873ae92a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are some solid tips. Tried it a bit, but eh..
Will try to incorporate that in my next study. Probably doing hands would be a good thing anyway.

>> No.2656802
File: 333 KB, 1081x721, prev4_wraplines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painting parallel to the contour is considered painting against the form, and will flatten your image

painting across the minor axis is what will reinforce the form

>> No.2656804

thanks anon, now I just need to move to the big city and maybe learn weeb speak/francois

>> No.2656813

AH yeah, thats what I remembered as well.
but thats always difficult with my edge control ... kinda.
probably just pracitce.

>> No.2656833

Would somebody have some tipps / resources where i can learn how values..color all that stuff works ?

>> No.2656835


>> No.2656836

1. Be really really really really really really really good.
2. Know the language fluently.
3. Apply, get a work visa, follow your dreams.

>> No.2656896

How do I get good at sketching for a painting? Thank you in advance.

>> No.2656909

Is there such a thing as "proper" brush strokes/how do I get better or more appealing brush strokes?

Certain jobs require some form of art degree. If you don't want one of those jobs, then probably not worth it. Nintendo and Riot Games both require degrees for any of their art related jobs. Look around for job postings for a company that you would like to work for, and go from there.

>> No.2656925

If you're talking digital there's a trick you can do, ctrl+shift+f into fade if you made a brush stroke you like, but you want to knock it back a little. Its easier than to start a new layer and change the opacity for a single stroke.

>> No.2656927

Is this keystroke for Photoshop, or some other program?

>> No.2656932

Yep, photoshop, sorry for being vague.

>> No.2656936

Not a problem at all. I do prefer sai to photoshop for a lot of reasons, but I guess that I should really be learning more about both programs.

Thank you very much for the tip.

>> No.2656950

Hello everyone. I bought some copics sketchs markers and coloured pencils(Derwent - Artists) but I dont know any technique about how to use them nor color theory, because I always drawn with graphit. Which books/sites/tutorials should I read/see?

>> No.2656960

How should I balance drawing from reference and drawing from memory? I'm leaning more towards memory and occasionally look up references when I get really stuck.

>> No.2656965

Looks like Bargue!

>> No.2656967


You should always use references. Just because you're using a reference doesn't mean you're doing a photo study.

>> No.2656976

What if I want to become able to draw without a reference?

>> No.2656977

I recommend Jeremy Vickery's Practical Light & Color or you can youtube "understanding color blender guru" and you'll get a really good lesson on color.

You should always be using reference, not being a slave to it, but inventing from it. Cutting and pasting pictures together digitally and then you can use your collage as a reference. A good habit is to always collect references before working for about 1-3 hours then doing your painting. That being said, you can't make a reference collage without knowing fundamentals like portion and placement as well as lighting. You should get one picture and keep it as your color palette.

>> No.2656982

Thanks anon. I'll see it!

>> No.2657007
File: 42 KB, 560x740, 95b10f06e0877184d30bcc896c03ba0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls help

>> No.2657063


You're basically saying 'how do I get good at drawing'

You just do your lay-in and map out your values, there isn't much more to it than that.

>> No.2657093

Thank you, I guess it's just a matter of practice for now then.

>> No.2657176

How to get better at drawing children?

>> No.2657179 [DELETED] 

Use A****s, P********** etc to download ch*ld P--

Oh uhm, bammes has a section on child proportions.

>> No.2657207

Do you plan on selling your paintings for thousands of dollars? If not, get the student shit for now.

>> No.2657418

by drawing children

>> No.2657459
File: 1.28 MB, 2154x2906, XuO79xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name for the coat the middle guy is wearing? I've tried surcoat, cloak and tabard but none of them look quite like it.

>> No.2657486

Where do I comissions, if I draw on entry level? Like, right now. My fridge is empty and at this point I consider self-cannibalism.

>> No.2657511

How entry level are we talking here? Keep in mind commissions aren't usually a "right now" sort of thing, so don't expect any money immediately.

If you're seriously starving for food, I'd sooner recommend dumpster diving.

>> No.2657549


>> No.2657605

Where is the art book thread?

>> No.2657618

I don't know anon. Maybe you should see the artbooks thread!

>> No.2657629
File: 187 KB, 1000x707, krenz_s_artwork_ix_by_cushart-d9q4l39[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Krenz actually deliver?

I just transfered 22 bucks to his paypal email and filled the form, it's the weirdest form of buying I've ever.. used.

>> No.2657641

Yes, he does. He didn't send me any form of confirmation until over a week later, at which time he said he was out of the country and wouldn't be able to ship out until a few days later. Then the books arrived like 2 days after that. So I guess he had already shipped them but didn't confirm at that time?

Definitely a strange way of doing business, but the books arrived within 2 weeks of my order date.

>> No.2657684
File: 979 KB, 1537x906, IPixVRL[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't mix colors at all on top of any color other than white and black. What settings do I change to fix this?

>> No.2657729


Nice! I also asked him nicely to draw a little sketch for me, let's see if there's any luck

>> No.2657786

This is a super retarded question but, when I'm studying a photo (I can't go to real life sessions or whatever) trying to recreate the pose on paper as best as I can and so on, is there some specific way to go on about it? As in, do I have to first make a 'skeleton' for the pose and then work around that, or what?

>> No.2657791


>> No.2657833

Does anyone know of a good video player that lets you watch video frame-by-frame forward and backward? I have VLC and I can press "e" to advance by individual frames but it stops working after a dozen presses or so which is fucking retarded, and you can't go backwards either.

>> No.2657957

So I went through Keys to Drawing and am now doing Loomis's Fun with a Pencil.

Is Loomis expecting the reader to be able to draw lips, eyes, ears etc well, or is Loomis expecting the reader to draw those features in badly?

>> No.2657977

>Is Loomis expecting the reader to be able to draw lips, eyes, ears etc well
No, just his general skill transfers onto sample drawings
This specific book is not about drawing detailed lips/eyes/ears anyway so don't sweat over it

>> No.2658009
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x800, tumblr_nele6ib0ye1tkfi2qo2_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you go about creating a perspective like this?

>> No.2658022
File: 82 KB, 736x981, finalevo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncommitted scrub here. I was thinking about getting an Intuous Medium Pro, but I'm a little bit apprehensive about it. I'm not really an artist but I want to be able to lounge and do dumb doodles at my computer and shit. Even though my needs aren't the most sophisticated, I don't want to buy a piece of shit that I'll hate and will become outdated in a year, so I want to get something nice that will last if I do decide to shell out cash. $350 seems like a really huge asking price to do that, so if it ends up not being my thing, how easy is it to resell the tablet and make some of the money back? Any tips for getting an Intuous for cheap? And is there something else you'd recommend instead if I don't really know what I'm doing? Thanks!

>> No.2658030

shits cluttered af
making me dizzy

but I see some horiz. lines aren't parallel to a specific line.
The bed looks like it's on a upward fov while the red/brown drawer on the left (excuse me idk what it's called) says different//

>> No.2658039
File: 147 KB, 863x793, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean exactly?

>> No.2658057

how do you draw room basically

>> No.2658061

So I scan my pencil drawings and the contrast looks off, scan is generally overbright

Is there something I can do or if my scanner doesn't support specific features I'm SOL?

>> No.2658063


>> No.2658076
File: 146 KB, 737x504, Untitled-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what is a vanishing point? Basically, when we see two parallel lines they seem to intersect in a certain point in the distance. All lines that are parallel to each other have the same vanishing point. So, there are a bunch of horizontal lines on the floor, they all come to one vanishing point, then there are horizontal lines on the wall (like shelves in the picture, I just drew lines), they are parallel to the lines on the floor (because they are parallel to the line of the intersection of the floor and the wall, and this line is parallel to the lines on the floor), and so they come to that same vanishing point. The pitched roof is a plane not parallel to the floor, so the lines on the ceiling (which are parallel to each other) come to their own vanishing point. The perspective in the pic you posted actually has flaws, for example the bed is twisted and doesn't stand on the floor.

>> No.2658083
File: 883 KB, 1000x625, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn about perspective/vanishing points. There's enough links in the sticky.

>> No.2658088
File: 493 KB, 750x750, 1469726472754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the vanishing point is the same for the walls and the floor, but because the ceiling is at a different angle, (not parallel to floor etc?) it has a second different vanishing point. okay so once you've established those points , how do you actually include the walls, areas where floor meets wall, wall meets ceiling etc. sry

>> No.2658103

>So the vanishing point is the same for the walls and the floor, but because the ceiling is at a different angle, (not parallel to floor etc?) it has a second different vanishing point
Yes. If this is not obvious, you should try to read more on perspective and try to actually understand these things. Doing some geometry might help (read up on the planes and projective geometry).

>how do you actually include the walls, areas where floor meets wall, wall meets ceiling etc
A wall is just a plane, you just draw three intersecting planes by drawing the lines of their intersection. Draw a square and then practise drawing it in different angles. Try drawabox maybe.

>> No.2658207
File: 110 KB, 717x461, 1472276896652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there ANY COLORING EXERCISES I can do to know more about color?

I'm fucking colorblind. I know all about the compliments, the wheel and the whole "color only exists in relation to other things and light" shtick. Any coloring/painting exercises? Practices that I can do to know about making actually good color schemes? any tips or books about how to use grays as well?

>> No.2658244
File: 16 KB, 333x279, 1466134460688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does adobe's photography cc plan include a fully featured version of photoshop or is it a limited version of photoshop? the photography plan is half the price of the "single app" plan if you chose photoshop as your app. that doesn't really make sense because, well, why would a 10bux photography plan come with real photoshop if it cost twice that for the photoshop plan? is that right?

>> No.2658709

Maybe just try getting an Intuos Draw, its about $65. If you think its good, you can always upgrade later.

>> No.2658710

looks like it's a full version, but it says until 09/02
I'm not sure if the price's gonna go back up after that date or how it works

>> No.2658713

Life drawing.
Artists still need to learn how to draw on black and white tones anyway to draw on pencil.
Don't worry m8, just try to learn your color theory like normal people would do, then read books about rendering on pencil

>> No.2658722


Let me not give you fortune cookie advice like so many people do. I've only done an internship for my 5th term (to get credit), but the process is somewhat the same regardless.

1.) Know the language fluently AND culture.

Obviously if you want to make weeb game you should know the language they aren't going to bend over backwards if you don't know Japanese/Korean etc. they will find someone who is bilingual with a better portfolio.

2.) The interview process is long as fuck and you'll need to stand out.

Basic info right? No.

You're going to be meeting executives and directors and you'll need to leave a great impression. Because if they pick you they are who you'll be spending pretty much all of your time with. Being a foreigner who speaks Japanese with a semi good portfolio isn't enough. (And truthfully it never was)

Even if it's something like telling them a story from one of your pass gigs or wearing a shirt with pokadots make them remember you. Seriously.

3.) You need to be indispensable.

The more skills you have and impressive resume the better. Bring things to the table that they need (don't say some shit like, how am I suppose to know what they need?! You should be researching the companies you want to work for) and that only you can do, and you do it well.

4.)Be tough and patient:

You're going to have to deal with a lot of people throwing your work that you spent a good week on in the trash in front of you (not kidding) and then asking "what else did you work on,let me see".

Be patient, with the job process and getting recognized by your "senpai" as a valuable member of the team.


don't make others wait on you and hold them back. Do your fucking part. They went through a lot of goddam effort to get you this job when they could of settled for someone who lived their who didn't require a visa and other paperwork. So don't make them regret it.

6.) "Weebs" and their "Weeb portfolios" need not apply.

>> No.2658773

Maybe find someone who has a tablet and give it a try first because they're kind of hard to use actually, I'm not sure if it's possible to use one without sinking some time into practicing your coordination
Also why would you aim for a professional Intuous instead of buying a cheapest tablet out there just to "lounge and doodle"

>> No.2658803

I don't know jack shit about how to color but I want to do cel shaded stuff. How do I learn how to cel shade?
All the tutorials I find are about coloring are just about rendering.

>> No.2658822

How to get back into art after years-long dry spell of not drawing?
Where to find inspiration to draw?
How not to destroy every single thing you draw because you hate the crap drawings and cringe at yourself?

I'm at a loss, I used to love the shit out of drawing but I fell out of it after realizing I was wasting my time on sonic fanart and had no artistic future going down that road

>> No.2658823
File: 41 KB, 720x360, example_ellipseminoraxis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be an example of a circular cylinder in perspective? If so then it's bullshit.

>The easiest way to think about it is if you treat the minor axis as the center line of a cylinder.

The minor axis of an ellipse representing a circle in perspective does align to a vanishing point, but not with that one. It aligns to the vanishing point of the plane in which the circle lies.

What you see in the picture is a cylinder with elliptical base, tilted to the side.

>> No.2658839


>elliptical base, tilted to the side.

prove it

>> No.2658840

you can prove whether it is or isnt an elliptical base if you can determine whether thats a square or a rectangle base

>> No.2658844


how do you know if it's a square or a rectangle? other than trying to fit an ellipse inside with minor axis pointing to the vanishing point of one of the sides of the cube

my mind is full of fuck

>> No.2658853

i dont know myself
is this applicable? >>2645785
>a square in 2pt perspective
>diagonal vp is halfway between the two principal vps.
anons image is a vertical ellipse though

>> No.2658855

If your drawing and the laws of geometry are quarreling, it's your drawing that's wrong. So that's either not a drawing of a true cylinder, or it's a wrong drawing of a true cylinder.

Try it, grab a glass, tilt it sideways, the minor axis of the elipse of the top/bottom half will *always* align with the center line.

>> No.2658859
File: 109 KB, 720x360, example_ellipseminoraxis copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious? Do you even perspective?

>you can prove whether it is or isnt an elliptical base if you can determine whether thats a square or a rectangle base
In this case this isn't even the point, it's an ellipse anyway.

On the right I drew what it should look like.

Yeah I know. Right now it's the "Draw a box" course and I who are quarreling.

>> No.2658861


>> No.2658868
File: 21 KB, 742x397, rarrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you place your minor like fag?
this is incorrect, moron.

>> No.2658906

Should I thank people that favorite my things on deviantart?

>> No.2658909


generally not a bad idea, you never know who randomly browses pages and sees your profile. it's all about self-marketing

>> No.2658918


nah, just be so good that you'll get millions of followers just by existing

like mike azevedo or even amundsen

>> No.2658925

>Why did you place your minor like fag?
That picture is not mine. I forgot to mention, it's from "drawabox". Anyway, what do you mean?

>this is incorrect, moron.
In what fucking way?

>1/2 1/2
Those are not halves, open your goddamn eyes.

>> No.2658932

Loomis or drawabox first?

>> No.2658939

I'm just seeing if I can confuse you further is all.

>> No.2658954

What does the purple line represent? it's neither major axis nor center of the plane.

Holy fuck that's so wrong. You can't align an ellipse with a trapezoid, it would have to be skewed into an egg shape. The perspective is not correct, but the minor axis is.

Nope. The minor axis does NOT align with the center line of the cylinder (quoting Marshall Vandruff here), but it does go to that vanishing point and is so close to coming through the center that for practical purposes we can think of it that way.

The reason why this drawing by Drawabox looks fucked is because the block that frames our cylinder does not have a square base.

If you wanted to make the drawing perfect, you'd have to draw your cone of vision, stationary point and measure the 90 degree angle to get a perfect box. Then draw the damn cylinder.

>in what fucking way
Read above.
>those are not halves
Of cource they're not, they're in perspective. The one further away has to be smaller.

>> No.2658957


>> No.2658961

Is there any books/PDF about coloured pencils or color theory to download here? Or to look for in the net?

>> No.2658963

I mean, there's not a lot of book resources to study good color theory, or I just don't know of any.
also, when people say color fundamentals, is it just color theory?

>> No.2658964
File: 81 KB, 720x360, example_ellipseminoraxis .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't align an ellipse with a trapezoid, it would have to be skewed into an egg shape
You can. A circle can be aligned with a square. A square in perspective looks like a trapezoid. The points where the circle meets the edges of the square of course remain the points where the ellipse meets the edges of the trapezoid. Draw a circle inside a suare on a piece of paper, then look at the paper from an angle.

>Of cource they're not, they're in perspective. The one further away has to be smaller.
And it ISN'T. It's longer. That's the whole problem.

>> No.2658973

How can you learn good character design and fashion?

>> No.2658986

Can I use a fountain pen for drawing? Or should I get a technical one?

>> No.2659003

Want to do frame by frame animation, but i can only kinda draw well. Do i start practicing in animation software, or irl first

>> No.2659006

Color, not pencils tho

>> No.2659018
File: 234 KB, 960x300, GV24_topimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, plenty of people draw with fountain pens. More comfortable to work with than technical pens, good variety when it comes to nib types, and a near-infinite amount of ink choices. They're great for ink washes too.

>> No.2659019

Newfag here, anyone got a link to a massive Vilppu torrent? People recommending him left and right and I don't know where to look

>> No.2659087

In krita how can I disable opacity pressure sensitivity? I can't figure out how to do flats.

>> No.2659089

tpb proxy, pirate search proxy, archive, new masters academy

teach a man how to fish...

>> No.2659092


Adobe Premiere. It's a video editing software and not free, but you can do exactly that.

The reason your videos fuck up has to do with compression codecs and most players will have trouble allowing you to do frame-by-frame viewing

>> No.2659104

Any tips on focusing when you have to draw something you don't want to? I always procrastinate or end up drawing other stuff i actually enjoy.

>> No.2659197
File: 71 KB, 500x409, 1470670494106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird question but w/e. I did a shit ton of airbrushing yesterday, and today when my nose was a bit stuffed up I blew it out and everything that came out was covered in black. I'm pretty sure it was paint, but I'm wondering how it got up there. I wasn't wearing a mask if that helps.

>> No.2659199



>> No.2659206

Thanks family man. I've been meaning to get into video editing anyway.

>> No.2659207

You can also do this in quicktime just pause it and use the arrow buttons.

>> No.2659210

FUCK, I forgot about Adobe CC. I'd rather pay a couple hundo than get tithed for the rest of my natural life. I wish Adobe would just charge $20 a month flat + $5 per app beyond the first but they know no one's going to want half their shit. Premiere, Photoshop and Animate are the only Adobe products I give a rat's ass about. I shouldn't have to pay out the dick for all that other shit I'm never going to use.

>> No.2659229
File: 128 KB, 391x303, Download_2016_06_16_02_17_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommend cheap ass scanner for a3 paper? Budget is 150$-214$
Sorry for not post on/g/

>> No.2659253

http://pomodorotechnique.com/ ez

>> No.2659478
File: 125 KB, 894x894, ilya silk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of filter is ilya using here for that grainy effect?

>> No.2659489
File: 133 KB, 252x244, que.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencil and paper drawing is infuriating, what's the best tablet that won't kill my wallet?

>> No.2659492


Photoshop noise filter on 50% gray layer. Set to soft light

>> No.2659494

Intuos is breddy good, think mine was 280 for the medium (canada)

>> No.2659495

It's not the medium that's infuriating. It's your own skills. Art itself is tedious and if you can't cope with it then it probably isn't for you. Intuos 480 is pretty good though.

>> No.2659499
File: 50 KB, 506x285, gendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man

>> No.2659508

Thing is, I keep going over old lines with pencil and paper. With a tablet, I could avoid that with complete erasure. Thanks for the suggestion, BTW!


>> No.2659515

PS what opacity would you rec for the 50% gray layer?

>> No.2659516

>I keep going over old lines with pencil and paper.
That's a beginner kind of problem.
Use this website to help with that issue.

>> No.2659519

>pencil and paper
>perfectly responsive
>draw directly on the surface
>no parallax or lag
>comfy friction and tactile feedback

Boy are you in for a nasty surprise when you get that tablet

>> No.2659526

I was like him once.

Then I got a tablet.

Once, I did.

I wondered why other people weren't able to adapt to it within less than an hour.

Like seriously. I think that just showed how much I hated the traditional medium at the time.

But in the end, I go between both anyways. I got used to both and he probably will face the same dilemma.

>> No.2659527

I've tried it and I like it better. No more hand in the way or guessing and I can erase absolutely specific sections with a single "ctrl+z" without worrying about erasing anything else important.

>> No.2659529


I meant a solid 50% gray that you apply the noise filter too. You'll just have to play around with the opacity levels to get the desired effect. There are process vids of Ilya's work and also PS files so you might be able to find the exact formula he uses. Look up Dan LuVisi's noise tutorial on DeviantArt too

>> No.2659550
File: 875 KB, 640x640, parakeet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I find a creative boost? I've lived with chronic depression for over a decade, my creativity happens in minor bursts and I show improvements in those bursts. What drives me insane is that these bursts have six month spans between them when I am capable of nothing because my minds eye is utterly blind. Blank static. If I can roughly hew something out, that's a miracle alone. I just want to stop hating myself every time I put the stylus down.
>gif being the last thing I could hash out before I lost it

>> No.2659575
File: 58 KB, 680x655, 1461476903331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be depressed anon

>> No.2659858


Good points. I think I'll just try going for the Draw.

>> No.2659882
File: 68 KB, 1148x1374, devil frutish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permanent beginner here, I work mostly with microsoft paint but would like to actually learn to draw and paint digitally properly sometime.

Which program is as close to paint as possible but has a layers function?
Keep in mind that I'm retarded.

>> No.2659887

Draw some lolis

>> No.2659907

Posted this in other thread but I think it's rip but I guess it fits this thread anyways:

Ok so I'm starting to get into this drawing shit. I finished Betty's book, now going through Loomis. I just started to wonder this:

Guys how do you practice coloring/values and shit? Do you paint from life? What do you use to practice those, computer or warercolors/acrylics/oil/something else?

I mean, I have a clear plan how I will practice construction, anatomy and stuff. It's probably my favorite thing to practice right now, but coloring seems really tricky and it's worrying me a bit because I don't have any clear strategy for it in my mind.

>> No.2659910
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, 1471684252452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok that I draw traditionally much easier than digitally, or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.2659919

That's pretty standard anon, you get a lot more control and experience with traditional drawing.

>> No.2659940

For me it's the opposite except it's about painting, not drawing. I hate painting traditionally but love painting digitally. Is this bad?

>> No.2659941

how can i get better at gesture drawings? is it ok to practice in a sketch book? or should it be those large pads of paper used in schools?

>> No.2659961


by participating in /ic/ gesture battles

>> No.2659973

this is going to sound odd, but would drawing out a characters moveset be good practice for gesture drawings? if you're familiar with captain falcon, i think he'd be a good candidate.

>> No.2659974

can we trade?
i suck with traditional now because i got so use to being lazy on tablet.

digital is a fucking curse i tell you.
i want to go back.

>> No.2659976

no, that's a good idea. I have some examples of other artists doing that might post later if I have the time.

Rather drawing from photos try drawing from video. Croquis Cafe and New Masters Academy or my personal fav, gymnastic videos.

>> No.2659986

Cintiq 27QHD

You'll thank me later.

>> No.2659991

do you pause the video? loop certain parts? thanks

>> No.2659992

Do not afraid to be use really deep blacks! Anonymous very much smarterthan that

>> No.2660001

Paint.net is the best one you can get.

And it's free.

I use it for pixel art. Those layers are really helpful.

>> No.2660030
File: 39 KB, 1152x996, 42 golbat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didn't know this existed

Pain.net took me to a website for selling paint initially.

>> No.2660043


you can pause or create a macro to pause for you

>> No.2660079

I haz a question. Been drawing for like 1,5 years and i think i got very decent in the constructive drawing. So the next step are values. How do i start with values? How to study values? I mean study practically, not theoretically, i have the knowledge, but im bad on executing it on canvas. So can you suggest some begginer practical exercises with values? Im looking into 2-3 values studies, but may be there are some good exercises i missed.

>> No.2660119

i'm gonna reply this comment until i get recommendation

>> No.2660488

is it really that important to have your porn blog completely separated from your main? (like going under a different alias, using a different style, etc) and why?

>> No.2660521

No. because if you have to ask, you're probably don't care anyways.

>> No.2660538
File: 579 KB, 900x1380, shonenthingblackandwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to sound like a weeaboo, but I'm looking to make my art look more like hand drawn manga. I like the pen and paper look but want to do it digitally, I work in CSP and are not sure how others do it.

>> No.2660594

Is there some good material/books/tutorials/infographs that teach how to draw figures/faces with values?
Pls i'm desperate

>> No.2660596

Look at Japanese artist on pixiv or the mangakas who do it digital such as Souma.

>> No.2660661

Maybe fuck with your tools? Messing with the brush settings in CSP helped me get more of a hand-inked look for some brushes. It's not perfect yet but it's getting there.

>> No.2660754
File: 4 KB, 213x129, CR760QPWoAAhkuO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stupid question, but can anyone explain to me in baby terms how the legs connect to the torso since I'm a fucking moron who can't seem to grasp it? Sycra tried to in one video but his shitty style confused me even more.

>> No.2660767


Now practice

>> No.2660769

Honestly I think you should just focus on your fundamentals right now. It doesn't matter if it looks hand drawn or not- if your anatomy is bad, it's bad, and no photoshop brush can change that.

>> No.2660779

Holy shit, Proko's probably the one resource I haven't checked out yet. Thanks, anon!

>> No.2660788

Is using Sai bad? Everyone either seems to be using Photoshop or Manga Studio/Clip Studio, but they feel far too bloated and I don't like how the pen controls in either program.

>> No.2661014

Is the side plane in the loomis head method really that crucial? I get that it represents that the head is slightly flatter on the sides but it has always felt kind of arbitrary as a construction line. Hampton tries to make it better, but for me reily's gesture lines off the temple helps the most for me. Proko's explanation was the clearest, but even in his rotoscoped circles seem to vary so much that it doesn't seem all that helpful.

>> No.2661018

how do you draw stuff?

>> No.2661022

sai is really common and really good

>> No.2661041

Has any of you ever fapped to their own artworks?

>> No.2661053

Yes. It's both satisfying and disappointing
2/10 do not reccommend

>> No.2661280

There was a series of books called "how to draw manga", does anybody have them uploaded some where?

>> No.2661286

alright I finally have some extra money.
what are the essentials to get in to digital art?
which tablet, which programs, and any starter guides and websites would be appreciated too.

>> No.2661339

Yeah but I have no trouble fapping to really bad art in general

>> No.2661342

Many times because sometimes I just can't find anything fapworthy or specific enough that I have to draw my own porn.

>> No.2661371

Tablet (Wacom)
Photoshop (CC is the newest one)
Know how to use layers
Get some brushes (check out the w/ic/i)

>> No.2661490
File: 246 KB, 500x1016, Uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the viability of either of these books?
They seem decent at shedding light on the concept industry, and I might grab them while I still have prime.

>> No.2661599
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, q4ry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you draw anime hair? It seems a lot more detailed than real hair in terms of shape. Would you simply just bite the bullet and copy every large form and then pencil in the details?

>> No.2661683
File: 23 KB, 315x335, 1465982857846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got lucky and managed to snag a spot at a class at the Animation guild's school. Turns out, the random one I snagged that wasn't completely full was Glenn Vilppu's basic figure drawing course.

What am I to expect from this man? I never really looked into him, but I know he is a hot n spicy meme here. I'm glad I will get to know him before he passes on.

>> No.2661692

look into him, google you lazy fuck, you got lucky so cram his materiel before you see him.

>> No.2661693

Been doing so many studies and life drawing classes for two years I've forgotten why I even started drawing. What do when you are creatively bankrupt /ic/?

>> No.2661700

Any good arm tutorials out there? Every resource i have is super detailed on every torso muscle, but completely half-ass the arms. Even proko dosn`t have anything about the arms/legs.

>> No.2661754
File: 7 KB, 247x204, 2243456644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pen or pencil for beginner?

Both have been suggested across the board but I want to be sure.

>> No.2661756

Are there tips for posture?

After drawing for an hour my upperback and neck hurt cause i was really getting into it.

>> No.2661772

I like pen. Pencil requires a tremendous amount of patience, you need to slowly layer everything, and you need to purchase a range of leds to get dark enough darks, and it smudges and its shiny.

>> No.2661778

Pen bc forces you to be confident about where you put your lines.

>> No.2661798

Do you use pen when you are practicing/doing studies too? Like when you are going through Loomis or something

>> No.2661800

Anytime i dont have access to a computer and tablet i use pen and paper. for example if im drawing flowers outside i'll have a pen

>> No.2661806

Alright. I don't know, I kinda like with pencil that you can undo your mistakes if you fuck up, but I guess with pen it will train you to not fuck up better or something.

Though kinda sucks to waste paper for fuck ups I can't erase away. I thought since I'm truly a beginner (at Betty's book) and I thought I will use pencil when I'll start studying Loomis etc but I don't know if I should, as retarded as it sounds. I just want to be ''studying right'' you know so that's why I'm wondering.

So what will you do if you fuck up? deal with it? Start over? Don't you sketch shit at all?

>> No.2661855

There's no uniform opinion on this

Being able to fix your fuck ups can actually lead to some bad habits, but always having only one shot at drawing everything isn't great either
It depends on what exactly you're trying to achieve. If you're doing some sort of study which doesn't take long then it's better to use pen and just re-do if you've fucked up, so instead of getting used to re-do you'll learn how to do right from the start. If you're making a full-blown portrait or figure drawing then probably pencil is better.

>> No.2661883
File: 62 KB, 520x751, 9505680_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do if I can't complete the first exercise the sticky assigns?

>> No.2661892


If you truly hate yourself, just turn it into self-flagellation. Find something you absolutely can't stand to draw, then force yourself to draw nothing but that thing for hours a day every day.

>> No.2661894

You miight be dying

>> No.2661895

Read Getter Robo
Focus on your fundamentals

>> No.2661912

do them again

>> No.2661914

What do you mean by "can't complete"?

>> No.2661937


That I cannot finish the drawing.

Three times now I've started the exercise, then aborted it after realizing that the finished product wouldn't on the page, or that I'd been rushing or slacking and as a result it was going to look like shit.

>> No.2661938

That's normal. Really, you're only supposed to do it once, so you know how incompetent you are then go right into Keys to Drawing which tells you how to fix all your problems by using proportional measurements.

>> No.2661941

Try having a better workspace hygiene
Download the image on your computer, open it and close every other window, clear your table, put the keyboard aside, get a few A4 or A5 sheets of paper and a pencil
And yeah don't get upset if it seems to turn out wrong, you're not even supposed to copy it well, the point of this exercise is to draw something decoupling the actual image and your "knowledge" about it

>> No.2661944

sounds like you are afraid of failure
you'll never improve

>> No.2661984

How do I turn a rough chicken scratch sketch into clean lines? I have shaky hands and had been using vectors but I'm tired of relying on them and it's tedious as fuck putting down the stylus and using a mouse.

Should I be zoomed in very close for long and fast strokes or zoomed out very far for short strokes with less room to fuck up?

>> No.2662004

redraw it less chicken-scratchy

>> No.2662005
File: 1.46 MB, 1018x728, 1465351017622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will I fail if I copy other artists styles? there's some styles that I'd like to incorporate into my own work, but I feel terrible for doing it. I also don't want to end up like that one guy in the stylization threads that's just a bootleg murata.

>> No.2662008

You should do Drawabox. It helps you build confident lines and make less mistakes. It takes about a week if you put in a good amount of hours purely on the first exercise.

>> No.2662014

pretty much this, all those point perspective methods are a simplified version that just get the job done and essentially only work in a small field of vision that you actually see. Imagine if you could draw everything your eyes see including the corners and you'd realize there is warping along the edges and warping towards the center depending on the distance it is to you.
In general if the vanishing points are too close together you run into the warping of the image faster making it seem much more obviously contrived than creative. Having curved perspective can sometimes be both a stylized choice and a more appealing design choice.

>> No.2662017

No. Beginners often think that, but it's not true. It'll help you.

>> No.2662019

you copy more than one artist is the secret and look into what inspired those artists... for all of ic's hype on getting gud there is not enough focus on research. Its one thing to know how an artist draws heads its another to also know who he learned it from.

>> No.2662035
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1470465119573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see... thank you anons! I appreciate you.

>> No.2662038

style is what you like in life and who you are as a person i guess getting inspirations from a other person isnt bad at all we all have one but i dont think its healthy to COPY them

>> No.2662098

You don't have some good pic related to your words. Neither Zorn or Sargent painted like you're saying. It is not an axiom which can be "considered". In every picture one way may be better and the others is not.

>> No.2662108

>sounds like you are afraid of failure

I'd say it's more of a stupid, impotent hatred of failure, but whatever- how do I fix it?

>> No.2662205
File: 26 KB, 250x300, down syndrome art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, I just got a job as a caricature artist and if a kid with down syndrome wants a caricature should i exaggerate his fucked features?

>> No.2662207
File: 32 KB, 400x583, A9EKESH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I expect from a college intro drawing class?

I need to take some extra credits this semester but i'm complete shit at all things art (science major) but all the other classes that would be an easy A are taken.

>> No.2662215

Rampant degeneracy and persistent faggotry. A thousand to one chance of actually having a teacher who still gives enough of a shit to teach people fundamentals and proper drawing.

"I drew like, lots and lots of scribbles because this represents how I, as a minority non-cis genderfluid attack helicopter, am oppressed by the patriarchy."

<teacher screams internally> "Well done, here's your A"

>> No.2662217

so should i avoid at all costs as a FUCKING CIS WHITE MALE??

>> No.2662224

No, go for it. Honor your sensei by being the only one who's willing to learn and not complain about hard work. Keep your nose down and do not interact with or provoke the batshit brigade, like you would treat any other mentally unstable person with scissors.

>> No.2662229

okay then answer this. If Im literally shit at art do they grade you based on skill or improvement?

>> No.2662240
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degeneracy meme
kill yourself

>> No.2662268
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 7ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to fix fuck ups leads to bad habits

... what?

Only on /ic/ I've seen fixing mistakes being a bad thing. Do you think people draw art all in one go without erasing anything? You make one mistake and good job, now you can't fix your mistake that you now see and are LEARNING from because you were a dipshit and decided to use a pen. God help you if it's a ballpoint pen to boot.

>> No.2662394

Are you dyslexic or just retarded?

>> No.2662402

happy accidents

>> No.2662565

Quick question

Which is better "Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count" by Steve Huston or "Figure Drawing: Design and Invention" by Michael Hampton?

>> No.2662622

i see it like this: as a beginner, practicing with pen and felt liners allow you to accept mistakes and try again with another look at your reference. that way you don't end up like some of the /beg/ peeps who spends days polishing feces.
don't get connected to your practice sketches. drawing with ink forces you to plan your lines, see your mistakes, note them and immediately try again.

>> No.2662627

they are both good, do Huston first as it's a better overall view of figure drawing, then do Hampton, it focuses more on anatomy.

>> No.2662655

Is there a notable difference in the "lag" when you draw on an intuos, tablet and cintiq?

i got a free samsung tablet(don't remember the model and don't have it here) from uni. it came with a stylus so obviously i tried using it as a paperless sketchbook of sorts, but there's a slight lag between the movement of the stylus and the line appearing, and i couldn't deal with it.
my wacom tablet feels completely lagless however, and i'm wondering if it's something i'm imagining because of how i never look at my hands and tablet when using it?
i've tried a cintiq once and i think i remember feeling like it lagged ever so slightly as well, but not enough to bother me at all.

>> No.2662656

i usually draw in sketchbooks, by the way, and basically only use my tablet anymore when doing coursework

>> No.2662734


>> No.2662776

anybody have any tips for getting your arms relaxed when you're trying to warm up and your hand is shaking? it's hell trying to do gesture work when you're struggling to keep your hand/arm from quivering

>> No.2662779

you have to understand how to correct problems at some point. if you never spend time working through your mistakes, you're probably just going to repeat them. you don't want to never bother correcting problems, you just don't want to get excessive about it. it's a problem if you can't draw with enough confidence with your lines and stuff without having to correct but it's also a problem if you never spend time making corrections and learning how to make a finished piece.

>> No.2662798

You are warming up, just keep drawing.

>> No.2662800

By failing.

>> No.2662957

So I'm a beginner, and I really like the very structured approach Drawabox and Ctrl+Paint use to teach. Should I complete all of Drawabox first, and then complete Ctrl+Paint, or should I just go straight to Ctrl+Paint?

>> No.2663033

not really helpful but does the same apply to gore?

also what is the best person to watch to help with drawing?

>> No.2663073

do draw a box up to the organics at least. Idk where you're at in your drawing, but if you're a beginner do life studies of simple things as you go through drawabox to supplement it. Go to Ctrl Pt later on for just the painting part

>> No.2663266

How many times should I do the Keys to Drawing exercises?

>> No.2663274

As much as you want to improve. Those exercises can be done even as a pro and would still help, so if you think you're at an acceptable level to move on, then go for it. Just know, there's no need to rush. Have some patience and really raise your skill level with those exercises even if it means doing it many times over. You'll really see the improvement in the long run and obviously the short run.

>> No.2663284

source if video?

>> No.2663295


>> No.2663319

Does anyone know where I could torrent Clip Studio?

I got Manga Studio from /ic/, but it doesn't have the animation update and all the other extra bits.

>> No.2663326


>> No.2663405

How do I enjoy drawing?

I'm serious- perhaps it's because I'm absolute beginner with no knowledge or practice, or perhaps I'm just not meant to do art, but I don't understand how the act of drawing can be even remotely entertaining in and of itself.

>> No.2663408

Just think about what else you do in the day. For me, it's constantly learning and working during classes, so to draw is like to free the mind. Just watching the pen move, feeling the exertion through your arm, the mental exhaustion from trying to understand complex concepts, the sound that the tip of the pen makes on the surface with each stroke. It's all very soothing and helps you focus on something else. It's also an incremental progression that is noticeable and requires hard physical work. When you look at your results and how far you have come, it's an extremely rewarding achievement. It's also a neat party trick for your friends. Anyways, if you don't understand how to enjoy it, read a book that'll tell you. There's hundreds.

>> No.2663568

i've enjoyed drawing since i was a toddler, however, a lot of the exercises i do to get better ("the grind") are boring, tedious and not enjoyable at all.
what i love about drawing is creating beautiful and fun stuff from my imagination, telling visual stories. also, having people like your work is a huge part of it.
if you've NEVER enjoyed drawing i'm not completely sure you ever will, though.

>> No.2663572

It's only fun if you are good at it (or think you are) tbqh. At least that's the case for me. Since I am at beginner-level and practicing, I just don't even think about how shit I am right now. I'm just focusing on studying and analyzing how I could get better, so then when I am at the point where I don't die from cringe when I see my art, that's when I start enjoying myself. You just have to shut your feelings and focus on getting good, have patience.

The last time I enjoyed drawing was when I was very delusional and thought I was pretty good.

>> No.2663618

Did you draw as a kid? Most people did I think. It's just the creative process, bringing your ideas to life n' shit.

Although it's harder to enjoy it as a grownup when you get self-critical about your work and it's the reason why most people don't draw at all. I'm generally unhappy about the results today, especially as a beginner with little bit of practice you start seeing errors but don't have enough practice to avoid them in the first place. But I still do enjoy the process.

>> No.2663647
File: 8 KB, 220x284, anatomy for sculptors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really worth $85?

>> No.2663649


>> No.2663652
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1455745076299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks.

>> No.2663759
File: 202 KB, 365x363, 1465105112217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, I'm not entirely sure where to ask this, so figure here.

I'm trying to sort my fucking shit out and draw every day and git fucking gud, so I went out and got me a tablet since I spend so much time on my computer. Got photoshop 2015, I think.

1. Is it worth it to use the wireless thing for Wacom tablets? Mine came with it, but is latency an issue?
2. Do I need double-click with the pen on? For some fucked reason every now it double clicks (I think, anyhows) and it makes the pen options pop up in Photoshop.
3. does Sai have it's advantages over PS?

Thanks kindly in advanced. Not only do I need to practice drawing again, I need to practice using a fucking tablet and figuring out Photoshop. Should be fun.

>> No.2663762
File: 35 KB, 500x333, 3ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny, it was free when I downloaded it :Å)

>> No.2663786

also, I should have mentioned, if anyone has any simple tips or tricks or anything important about using a tablet or photoshop or anything like that it'd be greatly appreciated. Pretty overwhelmed just trying to figure out PS atm.

>> No.2663799

Is there an easy way to memorize the forearm muscles? I've been having this issue only when drawing this part.

>> No.2663881

What are some of the best things to do to get over having an art block, like those days where you can't even draw a sphere right?

>> No.2663890

>Studying a PDF file of a book that's 99.99% pictures

Do people actually do this?

>> No.2663899

Been meaning to ask this for about a week: should I train to draw circles in both directions, or only one?

>> No.2664101

I don't have access to life drawing lessons in my town currently (probably next summer) what the fuck am I going to do?

>> No.2664108

Either settle for photos or get a gf and draw her like one of your french girls.

>> No.2664110

I'm worried about this because I read the sticky and it said that not drawing from life is a common mistake. Am I less fucked if I draw items (cups, food and shit)?

I read that drawing yourself from a mirror counts as a life drawing but is it really helpful or something I should do since I obviously can't stay still in front of mirror and draw myself at the same time.

I also thought since I go to school I could try draw people there.

>> No.2664113

But muh sticky said not drawing from life is a mistake.

>> No.2664118

Photos are inferior to life but not so significantly that you need to worry about it if you can't find a live model..

>> No.2664128

Ok, but I think I will still do life studies from items at least, better than nothing I guess. I hope there will be courses in summer. Fuck me for not living in capital city, there would be one in a few weeks.

>> No.2664140
File: 82 KB, 492x678, 1434044806610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best youtube video series on human anatomy?

>> No.2664181

So I've noticed that people draw in greyscale when sketching up a piece to ensure the lighting/composition/whatever look good. I think that's what this is all about anyway. But what I'm wondering is how they go from greyscale to colour. Unless they don't work using greys in the first place and edit the image before posting it.

I found these two and it illustrates what I'm talking about.
If you do work with greys first, how do you accurately add colours after? Couldn't you fuck the lighting up or something?

As if it wasn't already completely obvious, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and just trying to understand all this.

>> No.2664196


Should I do this Y/N I like how linear this shit is

>> No.2664207

Photoshop has tons of layer styles and adjustments that can be used to shift the hue and chroma of black and white while changing the value very little. Check out Color, Overlay, Soft Light, Hard Light layer blend modes and Color Balance, Hue and Saturation, and Selective Color adjustment layers. Combining them and others can push black and white values pretty far- a little manual overpainting is often needed.

>> No.2664230

Awesome, thank you so much. I'll have to get off my ass and use PS more often.

>> No.2664277

I like drawing gestures from fight scenes. Youtube stuff is really blurry and low res. Is it retarded to use that or is there a better source for fight'an videos? Especially without silly costumes or baggy gi.

>> No.2664432

It looks like a good way to burn out

If you'll study nothing but single topic for two months, you won't really see much improvement in your work

>> No.2664439

Ok, so should I study multiple fundamentals at the same time or just one at time but not for as long? Also, I don't really trust Drawabox after lurking this board a bit (the cylinder for example, the author seems to fuck up many things he teaches in practice). Any better alternatives for it?

>> No.2664440

>If you'll study nothing but single topic for two months, you won't really see much improvement in your work
Uh of course you will?

>> No.2664442


>> No.2664443

If you are triggered by some nitpicking of drawabox, you will fail. Peter Han is the alternative.

>> No.2664451

I just want to be taught by a person who actually can do the shit he is teaching. Not to mention construction is important as shit so I definitely don't want to be taught that by any kind of shitter who can't do a cylinder right. One cylinder done wrong can fuck up your whole artwork. This is some serious shit man so not taking any chances.

>> No.2664455

You don't even know it and understand it yet, so it really doesn't matter. I hope you fail though.

>> No.2664459

Oh because I am critical about my sources of learning and not using some memesite because everyone tells so? Drawabox has been caught multiple times from bullshit and there's no ''nitpicking'' when it comes to this shit. Not going to fail since I wont be taught by shitters, sorry.

>> No.2664502

Should I try to master one fundamental at the time or multitask?

>> No.2664508

How long should i be spending on a single drawing. 20 minutes? an hour? 3?
Also Should i be trying to shade?(im pretty new still trying to get down copying properly)

>> No.2664509

Do whatever you want as long as you strive to draw everyday.

>> No.2664651

what other critique and git gud forums does /ic/ recommend?
This place is good for posting anime porn and other degenerate shit you draw but I feel like the shitposting ratio has gone too high.

>> No.2664662

Go to an art school.

>> No.2664665

>ask for one thing
>nah man just do THIS thing you didnt ask for instead

>> No.2664736 [DELETED] 

>>2661883 here- I'm no-hoper stuck at the first exercise in the sticky.

>you're only supposed to do it once

But I can't do it- not even once. I've never been able to do it- not even when I made a more serious attempt at this whole learning to draw thing more than a year ago.

>> No.2664779

>That's normal

I find that difficult to believe.

>you're only supposed to do it once

Yes, but I can't even do it once. Every time I try, I give up inside a few minutes. I don't know what's wrong with me.

>> No.2665119

Dude don't worry about it, it doesn't really matter, it's just introduction kind of thing. It doesn't define your potential or anything. Just start practicing them FUNdamentals.

>> No.2665191

>Just start practicing them FUNdamentals

I thought I was supposed to work through KtD or DotRSotB before I started practicing, though?

>> No.2665203

IIRC DotRSotB takes a week tops if you don't stretch it, it even says so in the book

>> No.2665497
File: 235 KB, 935x1063, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at some local art classes to start as a beginner. How do I know if they're worth their salt or which to choose?

>> No.2665605
File: 313 KB, 2000x1246, 1460321634650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any resources/websites for getting random movie stills?

I don't want to sift through all of my movies to get a specific frame that I want to study. Is there something like Pixelovely or sketchdaily but for movies?

>> No.2665645

Are there some good alternatives to the first few lessons of draw a box?

I need something systematic to grind, my sense of 3D shapes/depth is shit and draw a box didn't help me much with that

>> No.2665894

How do you properly analyze other peoples work(especially masters)?
Ive tried just copying stuff but then it just feels like that, copying.

How is it that people like Vilppu can see into what Raphael and such did?

>> No.2666147


Speaking of Keys, would it be out of line to start a new thread about it?

>> No.2666678


Isn't it mostly a matter of experience?