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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 30 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2653377 No.2653377 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard that Feng Zhu uses Intuos for his work instead of Cintiq, but I can't find a source. I think it would be interesting to hear about his thoughts on the pros and cons of each. Does anyone have a source for him preferring Intuos?

>> No.2653380

Mentions it in one of his YouTube videos

>> No.2653391
File: 22 KB, 590x211, fenguses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653393

do tattoos help you draw better?

>> No.2653409

Oh he doesn't wear v neck tshirts? I thought they make you see look more intelligent with color composition.

>> No.2653411

Fang Zoo is a fucking faggot. No body cares anon.

>> No.2653414


he uses an intuos 4/3

>> No.2653429
File: 315 KB, 1360x1195, le loish face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for bringing this subject up. I had no idea Feng spoke about it but I think it's worth a watch; he says what I've been saying but he has the kind of credibility I simply don't.



>Feng unintentionally misrepresents his tablet in way. The 12 x 9 Intuos 3 is the Large of its generation, not the Medium. Consider there were 7 Intuos 3 models versus the 3 of each Wacom's been releasing these days and it is tied for the second biggest.


>> No.2653434

this image is going to give me nightmares

>> No.2653948
File: 292 KB, 951x992, humpbacked tennis elbowed cintiq peasants vs large-sized conventional tablet master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654005

He uses both

>> No.2654041

went to fzd. Can confirm he prefers intuos tablets over the cintiq.

Pros of Cintiq- better input, you directly touch the screen and see what you're doing.

cons- the wacom has a set space where you can put the pen and you never have to move your hand in an arc bigger than the space. With the cintiq if you have a drawing, zoom in like 20% you now have to move your arm more. 50% and even more...so on and so forth.

>> No.2654056

My biggest gripe with the cintiq is the parallax meaning you aren't actually drawing where you think you should be. The other issue is the glass causes your hand to sweat and stick to it, which is solvable with a glove but simply isn't an issue if you use an intuos. My shoulder gets tired using cintiqs too.

>> No.2654062

Confirmed. Sitting with 24hd, not too much of a problem with parallax but the glass sweating is a thing. I have the glove, but even through that sometimes you end up sticking.

Basically I have a can of pledge/paper towels with me at all times.

>> No.2654116

Here's a video in which he says he prefers intuos over cintiq. Also, what's up with all these feng zhu threads? I mean i love him, but isn't that too much?

>> No.2654148

It's time for applications to open up to FZD, don't you want to go, anon? Your hopes and dreams will come true.

>> No.2654217

Your shoulder tired? How the fuck do you do traditional then?

>> No.2654227

Pretty sure they don't let underages in there

>> No.2654282

He can draw better than 99.9% of /ic/ ever will.

>> No.2654366


IC likes to target certain people while they give every excuse as to why they aren't gonna make it. Next week, stop by to bash on Scott Roberston and the reason why he's a shit-tier artist.

>> No.2654370

>bashing on Scott Robertson

>> No.2654386

When How to Draw came out some anons were bashing his ellipse constructions.

>> No.2654400

I dont really use my Cintiq that much either due to posture issues but for me its the neck. With Intuos I can sit comfy and look straight ahead all day and not get tired, with Cintiq I start getting neck pain after and hour or two because I'm looking down.

>> No.2654899

and yet anons recommend him nearly every day, it's almost like /ic/ isn't a hivemind...

>> No.2654924

They're mathematically incorrect. Scooty Rob is wrong.

>> No.2655050

I honestly like him as a teacher, the rest I don't really care.
And I don't get the hate about his work did you people even wached a single video? That's concept art, not commercial art. Think he had like a 20min lament about it in one of his videos. Concept art is for getting ideas and designs across not painting masterpieces. He even says multiple times peoplw don't get to see 95% of the concept art. Because it's shit and a concept that is almost always changed. For example when people say "hey look at this LoL champions new concept art!" It's not. It's commercial art polished for the viewing audience and concept artists don't polish it, illustrators and grunts do the grunt work.
Concept art is design, not illustration. That's why I like him, he gives you the rundown of how shit works in the industry, as for his personality I couldn't care less. I don't have extra kidnies to sell to go to that school anyway.

>> No.2655055


>> No.2655073

Loish does some really fucked up anatomy at times.

>> No.2655077


I'm actually saving for a cintiq right now, mainly because I like to have something to look forward to and it keeps me working hard.

>> No.2655552

i think many here take their hypothetical successful future self to seriously in the present just to be able to criticize the actions of other successfully half famous guys ... that's all

>> No.2655562

I wish I could see my hypothetical successful future self. Going to an art school might help.

>> No.2655649

Be careful with art school. I went to art school and it kinda turned into me procrastinating on my free time because I felt I did enough art in school. When I graduated and started learning art on my own I started learning everything 100x faster because I had to take it seriously at that point because school wasn't there for me.

None of my classmates do art anymore and I'm the only one that actually does art for living and I learned most about art when I studied by myself. Art school is useless imho.

>> No.2655652

he prefers fundamentals

>> No.2655676

prove it in math and art POST YOUR WORK

>> No.2655679

Yeah, I always thought she was 18-19 years old then i saw an interview with her on youtube, where the almost purposefully dodged her age/background. they made it seem as though she was 22-23 years old through what they were saying.

but she's really 31(?) and has been drawing for more than half of her life, how can she not understand a head

>> No.2655706

Prefers 8 hours a DAY



>> No.2655712

what was it like at fzd?
Is it true he is savage adn treats students staff like shit?
Is it true you do like 16 hour days? If so how does it work all 16 at school? 1 hour to rush home eat/seep and come back 4 hours later to do it again?
Are you in a industry now? Whats it like?
do you recommend it?

>> No.2655718

16 hours a day if you really want to go into something professionally.

>> No.2655732

How does that even work? 6 hours sleep 2 hours recreation rest? Pathetic

>> No.2655734

YEa but all his early stuff talk about him how he used to stay up late playing games with friends and then doing work in the last feew hours to get it done in time for hand in

>> No.2657456

Most fucked up thing is that image is actually used to promote wacom tablets.

I don't know how she got away with that.

>> No.2657468

>Does Feng Zhu prefer Intuos or Cintiq?
literally who gives a shit