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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 148 KB, 480x640, 1455512826217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2652949 No.2652949 [Reply] [Original]

how do you shade with pencil?

>> No.2652951

learn how light works and practice

ok now delete thread

>> No.2652955

Step 1: Hold pencil
Step 2: Touch pencil tip to paper
Step 3: Press lightly for light marks or alternatively press harder for darker marks.
Step 4: Drag pencil along paper where you want your marks.

>> No.2652961

>with pencil

>> No.2652965

??? There is literally NO other way to shade with a pencil

>> No.2652971

Yes there is. You can basically shade any way you can have the pencil interact with the page. Besides crosshatching you can hatch, smudge, scribble, stipple, just shade without lifting the pencil off the page, use the tip of the pencil, use the side of it, etc.

>> No.2652972
File: 84 KB, 276x246, listen_m8_friend_here_come_closer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since you are obviously baiting for answers:

>> No.2653061

you take a pencil and jam it into your urethra (eraser first). then you take your now pencil erect dick and smack it against a piece of paper until the tip of your penis is dripping blood and other fluids. once finished, violently rip the pencil from your shaft, like a projectile. this is important, you need to make sure the blood and stuffs flails abstractly through the air before it hits your artwork. you now have a masterpiece! now, take a shitty picture of your prophetic art and make sure your shriveled dick is in laying across the piece ( to show everybody you're not fucking around). make sure its over 2000 pixels width and length. start a deviant art page, join tumblr and post here on /ic/. then wait for all that money to come rolling in, cause you are a famous artist!

>> No.2653065

Holy fuck I'm dying.

>> No.2653310

You have the sense of humor of a 13 year old congrats

>> No.2653311


>> No.2653319

I wish I had his sense of humour, I haven't laughed for a long time :(

>> No.2653993


>> No.2654015

At least I have a sense of humor.

>> No.2654021

Hatching with pencil is fine. Using the side to shade often makes the drawing smudge over time, making it look disgusting. It can still smudge with hatching, but not as noticeable.

But if you ask me, I'd say do away with (graphite) pencils.

>> No.2654023
File: 8 KB, 150x144, 1456922043468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654058
File: 648 KB, 920x1284, WP_20160514_15_37_39_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you shade with pencil?
Like this.

>> No.2654068
File: 3 KB, 275x183, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get these, it will allow you to blend marks like the one in the pic you posted.

>> No.2654070

also use the side not the tip

>> No.2654139

>it will allow you to blend marks like the one in the pic you posted
No, it won't - you can't fix sloppy marks by blending them, lines from graphite pencils will show up no matter how much time you'll spend rubbing them with your paper stumps.

Post your art.

>> No.2654152


>> No.2654186

He's recommending you a book called "Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil". Isn't that obvious?

Kids those days...

>> No.2654189

>get this
>don't use this

That's how it's done.

>> No.2654223

Oh so that's what is in a kit I bought, I thought they were standard rubber erasers, just shaped like a pencil for easier handling.

Now I'm happy that I'll get to try these paper stumps, and also worried because I need a damned eraser.

>> No.2654890

get a gummy eraser, shit's good for detailing

>> No.2654892
File: 208 KB, 323x221, 1471033670975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you gotta try harder to bait me lol

>> No.2654897

Clearly racking up the you's in this thread with his spicy memes

>> No.2654902

Figure drawing helps a lot, it will increase your everything. Not just your shading.

>> No.2654903

You could have literally just told him learn the fundamentals and get a better effect, anon.

>> No.2654977
File: 43 KB, 494x720, 1472073795290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphite is without a shred of doubt the absolute WORST medium.

It's not a horrible place to start for complete beginners or underdrawings, and thats all it should be used for. Not only is the field of graphite art oversaturated, it is just an ugly medium. Charcoal is more versatile and ink is more exact. Both make for objectively better looking drawings.

In fact if you sketch with a pencil throw that garbage away and pick up a ballpoint pen. Best choice i ever made. Go fuck yourself graphite.

>> No.2655008

Figure drawing uses the fundamentals

>> No.2655021


>> No.2655036

Jeeze- you sound like you've ripped up a few pencil drawings in frustration.
Who gives didactic divisive advice like this? Why would you ask people to base their experience on your failures?
Holy fucking shit. I know you think you're helping- but you're not. Shut up and get back to drawing.

>> No.2655039
File: 141 KB, 1600x1002, PF098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that you're talking out of your ass, do you?

>> No.2655047

nigga graphite is the guitar of art, it's versatile and good for every style, every beginner and every professional.
Have you even used charcoal before? It's messy, difficult to control and unsuitable for sketchbooks, Huston's work doesn't prove anything, Huston could draw a masterpiece with a broom.

I like charcoal, it's good for specific occasions, but for fuck's sake there's no such a thing as a bad medium.

>> No.2655071

>>cares about the medium narrowing his views to a select few

literally not an artist.

>> No.2655072
File: 41 KB, 570x960, tumblr_mooigt7F4E1sqb7ioo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655074

>post literelly shows that crosshatching works rather well for describing the form.


>> No.2655122

Why are so many people raging over this? Anon is right, graphite is the worst medium. It looks amateurish as fuck shading wih graphite, charcoal, ink or oil pencils are superior medium

>> No.2655233

Is this really graphite?

>> No.2655235

Also before you focus on rendering, understand how line works in general. There is so much you can do with line insane.

>> No.2655237

What teaches you that? People always say lines don't exist.

>> No.2655238

it's insane*

Also once you are good with line you can just block in. Graphite is not great for low key drawings but if you get a set of art pencils you can get something in-between that's good. Yes hatching kind of smudges together with graphite, but it's still possible to make it look good.

>> No.2655244

Been same faggin this thread a lot. Anyways It teaches form and gesture. You can take years learning this. It's why I love art personally, you learn so many things conceptually just by doing it. Line may not exist in the real world, but we are translating the real world onto paper. It's like magic to some which makes it amazing.

>> No.2655289

Is this a joke post?

This... this isn't how you fucking work with pencil you stupid fucks. You seriously don't know fucking shit about basic technique.

>> No.2655339
File: 691 KB, 634x900, drawing_with_pencils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today /ic/ learns how to use a pencil.

>> No.2655343

There are a huge number of people who don't know how to use one. Some forgo anything traditional at all in favor of only ever using digital.

>> No.2655345

Line, for all intents and purposes is just a shadow. Lines don't exist in the real world, but usually when you lay them down, you're indicating a form like another anon said. The better you can control them the better your work will look overall.

>> No.2655452

Dayum..my hole word just got crushed.

>> No.2655992

Worse, they often don't even know what type of paper to use. Even worse worse they almost always draw on way too god damn small of paper/board .8x10 is simply not enough space to do a serious illustration.

it's been a long time since I've done a graphite illustration but I really enjoy doing them. Something zen about rendering with pencil.

Make sure to keep those pencils sharp as fuck. As in, sharpen them every dozen small strokes. I'm fucking serious. The sharper the pencil the easier it is to capture the tooth of the paper. If you end up pressing too hard you will flatten the tooth of the paper and you won't be able to put enough graphite down in that area to make it darker. Like a sphere vs a flat circle. You have a whole lot more surface area on a sphere. Which means you will be able to put down more graphite making it appear darker.

As well, don't use hard erasers. You're going to fuck up the tooth of the paper. Use a kneaded eraser to dab the paper and lift off the graphite.

Lastly, avoid touching ANY part of the paper with your fingers. Touching the paper will leave oil from your hands making it harder to make your graphite stick. It's going to look dorky as fuck but wear full glove when working on a serious graphite drawing.

>> No.2656367

>Tfw you're born retarded
I get the stroke directions thing but what's the meaning of the circles other than making multiple strokes that overlap makes a darker area?

>> No.2656800


That's exactly what it shows. To make an area darker with graphite you don't press hard on the paper but instead you cover every side/angle of the tooth of the paper.So if you move your pencil left -> right you're marking the left side of the tooth and if you want that area to be darker go at it with a slightly different angle to mark more of the tooth.

you want to avoid perpendicular angles.like the red box on the side of the image. Make your strokes at slightly different angles like in the green box on the side of the image.

>> No.2656805

>avoid perpendicular angles
>boxes on the left show that it's perpendicular angles

>> No.2657580

>Tfw you're so retarded you think you didn't get it but instead you got it you just don't get that you got it

>> No.2657737

The more I lurk on this board the more I understand that none of you guys know wtf ur doing

>> No.2657746
File: 94 KB, 240x207, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2657813

It's best to make hatchings along the volume of the drawing. Like if it's a ball, do not make straight line hatches, but actually curves to emphathize the volume.

>> No.2658065

are you retarded? Did you stop reading after that?
>.like the red box on the side of the image. Make your strokes at slightly different angles like in the green box on the side of the image.

Paper texture is extremely small and very chaotic anon. It's not a literal interpretation...It's simply showing how paper tooth catches the graphite and how you can make the area darker by marking up the different sides of the tooth.

This is clearly not an image that tells you proper technique while using graphite pencils. There is far more to it. It's showing just how paper tooth works. You don't need to mark up every side to get darker results because again... paper texture is incredibly small. You just need to get part of iit. For smooth shading your strokes must be within a small angle range.

I made sure to include the strokes on the right so idiots like you wouldn't think perpendicular strokes are what you should do.

You can come back at the reverse angle with your strokes to cover more area though. Just avoid cross strokes.

>> No.2658213

>Press lightly for light marks or alternatively press harder for darker marks.
>alternatively press harder for darker marks.
>press harder for darker marks.


>> No.2658220

What are you supposed to do then

>> No.2658236

You just give it another layer where you want the darker areas to be, you don't need to press the pencil harder. Doing all the shading putting the same amount of force in every movement will make your work look more natural and smooth.

>> No.2658246

Dat neck????

>> No.2658262

Alright, thanks!

>> No.2658270

looks lasso'd out from graphite possibly tweaked a little in photoshop, also dat neck

>> No.2658390
File: 1009 KB, 1133x589, tooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What??? I literally did everything I could to smooth out the paper, even ironing it, and there was no goddamn difference. What am I supposed to do, really?

btw I use simple A4 papers

>> No.2659021

omg yus iv been here for like two minutes and even i can see that.

>> No.2659028

>btw I use simple A4 papers
Then use higher quality paper.
For example: Canson smooth bristol.
It's fine to practice on shitty paper, but work that you're planning to sell should be made on a pro paper.