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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2630959 No.2630959 [Reply] [Original]

thats a big tablet...

>> No.2630963

no shit

>> No.2630966

For you.

>> No.2630968


They don't make em big like that anymore. Intuos 3 is the last best tablet from wacom with the 4 in 2nd place and the bamboo create in 3rd.

>> No.2630969
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>> No.2630983

Tell me what is the nib for? Would it break if you remove the nib?

>> No.2631017

you can pull it out and put a different one in. some have springs or a different texture. gimmicky.

3 and 4 are pretty much the same. nibs wear off faster with intuos 4 pens though. I put a 3 nib in my 4 pen.

>> No.2631024
File: 1.23 MB, 2673x1595, The only OC on IC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>answering the questions

Here's your fucking OC.

>> No.2631031

The nibs wear off with Intuos 4 because the gritty surface. Look up "Posrus surface cover" on amazon and buy one or learn how to make one yourself somehow. The same nib will last a long ass time with one of those.

>until I was a grown man

It's "Until I was already a man" you f*cking f*gg*t

>> No.2631035


>> No.2631039
File: 1.22 MB, 2673x1595, The only OC on IC Season 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work.

>> No.2631051

How was that post bait? It's true. The Intuos 4, 5 and PRO models have a gritty "natural texture" surface that wears out nibs with normal use in less than a week.

>> No.2631057

I just got one of these dirt cheap
12 x 19 inches, I can finally draw with my whole arm on the computer

>> No.2631102

sort of unrelated but i was wondering, i have a surface pro 3 but no drawing tablet and am wanting to start drawing digitally, i have experience in photoshop already for img manipulation w mouse and keyboard but have never used my surface for drawing, can anyone tell me if it's decent enough to at least learn on? thanks

>> No.2631129

If you already have it, it's perfect. Use it as a test bed to see if you don't absolutely hate working digitally, but if you do like it, upgrade to an actual graphics tablet.

>> No.2631166

so it's definitely not something to get used to then? assuming it hinders some of the sensitivity compared to a tablet designed for drawing

>> No.2631326

My Intuos 3 nib hasn't worn off a single bit on my Intuos 4 tablet. I've been using it for more than 3 years.

>> No.2631334

It would be extremely expensive.

>> No.2631336


>> No.2631380
File: 950 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Feng im Concept Art.

>> No.2631381
File: 243 KB, 1440x900, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cared who i was until i started photobashing.

>> No.2631577

You're a rich guy...

>> No.2631582


>> No.2631583


>> No.2631594


>> No.2631621


>> No.2631623

omg, now I got it

you give him a (you), while repeating his number 4 times, sneaky bastard

>> No.2631663

very clever, screenshot worth too.

>> No.2631699

Well, I had a Surface 3... emphasis on HAD, I ended up selling it. Found it horrible to draw on, I enjoy my Intuos on my desk top PC so much more. The sensitivity of the Surface wasn't sufficient and the sliiight lag in the strokes and parallax was annoying as hell. Part of why I hated it was probably that I was already used to My Intuos and the super sensitivity and responsiveness it offers. The only advantage of the Surface was off course being able to draw directly on the screen, but that wasn't enough when the rest felt so terrible.

So in other words, if the Surface is what you have, yeah sure, you can start out with it and doodle and play, but don't expect to do anything refined with it. Pencil and paper will probably be your best friends when working on improving your fundamentals, anyway.

>> No.2631729

Is there much of a difference between the Intuos 3 and 5? I got one of these because my 5 was too small for my monitor.

>> No.2631744 [DELETED] 

Besides the fact that you don't have easy access to half the hotkeys as the 5, not really. If the smaller Intuos 3s I've used are any indication, tablet in the op is a fine machine. The Intuos 3 series has probably the best drawing surface of any Wacom tablet I've drawn on and definitely beats the hell out of the gritty "natural texture" surfaces that came with the 4, 5 and Pro models have that destroy nibs. I didn't know this tablet existed until somebody posted it on /ic/ some months ago, but if I had known and I had room I'd definitely get it. When it comes to pure drawing, the single most important factor is the active area, so a tablet like this would be highly desirable in my opinion.

>> No.2631748

Besides the fact that you don't have easy access to half the hotkeys as the 5, not really. If the smaller Intuos 3s I've used are any indication, the tablet in the op is a fine machine.

The Intuos 3 series has probably the best drawing surface of any Wacom tablet I've drawn on and definitely beats the hell out of the gritty "natural texture" surfaces that came with the 4, 5 and Pro models that destroy nibs after mere days of use. I didn't know this tablet existed until somebody posted it on /ic/ some months ago, but if I had known and I had room I'd likely have purchased it. When it comes to pure drawing, the single most important factor is the active area, so a tablet like this would be highly desirable in my opinion.

>> No.2631762

My only concern is that the 3 is like a decade old now. Does it hold up to the 4/5 in terms of tech?

>> No.2631792

no man
it's old now

>> No.2631805 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 1600x900, le inquisitive negro face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it hold up to the 4/5 in terms of tech?

Not really sure what you mean. It has half the levels of pressure sensitivity in the stylus which is basically irrelevant (we're only capable of using like 8 to 12 of them or something like that anyway). It does not have the "touch ring" and hasonly 4 hotkeys on either side instead of 8 on one side. So it does have some noteworthy disadvantages. For pure drawing however, it should be a big improvement. Hopefully you have access to your keyboard so you don't have to rely on the tablet and its insufficient 4 hotkeys + slider to access your software's important functions quickly.

If you mean "are the drivers for it still available" and work I would assume so, you just probably can't get them from Wacom's site itself and will have to find a reputable third party source.

>> No.2631808
File: 158 KB, 1600x900, le inquisitive negro face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it hold up to the 4/5 in terms of tech?

Not really sure what you mean. It has half the levels of pressure sensitivity in the stylus which is basically irrelevant (we're only capable of using like 8 to 12 of them or something like that anyway). It does not have the "touch ring" and has only 4 hotkeys on either side instead of 8 on one side. So it does have some noteworthy disadvantages. For pure drawing however, it should be a big improvement. Hopefully you have access to your keyboard so you don't have to rely on the tablet and its insufficient 4 hotkeys + slider to access your software's important functions quickly.

If you mean "are the drivers for it still available" and work I would assume so, you just probably can't get them from Wacom's site itself and will have to find a reputable third party source.

>> No.2631817

Yeah I only really meant drivers
Anyway, excited to get this thing so I dont kill my arm trying to draw with my shoulder on a tiny fucking surface.

>> No.2631837
File: 33 KB, 412x232, one big faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us know how it works out for you. Those things aren't floating around out there in great numbers (I only see 2 on Ebay and one on Amazon at the moment) anymore. Lucky.

>> No.2632086
File: 897 KB, 540x676, VID_19980110_212522.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a big tablet

>> No.2632091

big tablets for big guys like me

>> No.2632105

For you?

>> No.2632107

For me.

>> No.2632337

offtopic, this is coming from your assumed name- what do you think of the huion line: 1060, H610 (and their PRO/NEW/+ variants) and the Giano?

I fell for the wacom 'meme' and got myself a small wacom bamboo tablet with an active area the size of an A5 page. The tablet apparently came with mild carpal tunnel too.

I cant completely disapprove the wacom line. Anything with a large active area is respectable- probably. Im particularly interested in the intuos pro medium and large but what am I losing out on by opting for a cheaper, larger alternative like the giano?

>> No.2632406

the intuos 8 has on just one side, but it can be flipped, what I don't like about them is the distance between each other

I didn't try the 3 but they are all in one place which seem more convenient

I like to more my drawing hand from my elbow, but for my shortcut hand I like to have it in one place

>> No.2632411

Talking about Intuos, what's the difference between draw, art, photo and comic? Just the tutorials or something?

>> No.2632415

seems so, I have the intuos pro, so I can't tell

after I saw there is no insane progress with the new line I didn't bother to look that much into it tbqh

>> No.2632429
File: 43 KB, 1024x1024, 512WUPuxMPL._SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ic/ think about huion h610 pro?

>> No.2632432

Its fucking awesome. Stop asking these retarded questions there are a billion threads about it. If you want to draw but dont want to buy a wacom for a billion dollars then huion is exactly as good. The 1060+ pro is also very nice.

>> No.2632434

I'll get this one for sure then, Thank you

>> No.2632438
File: 59 KB, 800x800, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same tablet as >>2632429? It's the only thing similar I can find on ebay and Wacom is way out of my price range (I just notice the buttons look different).
If it's not basically the same would it be as good?
My old tablet is an 8 year old bamboo fun so I'm pretty in the dark with tablets.

>> No.2632443

It's a similar model. The specs are the same if I remember correctly it just looks different and has less buttons.

>> No.2632456

Thank you, been needing a good one for years.

>> No.2632458

Are the Huion monitor tablets any good or should I just save up for a Cintiq instead?

>> No.2632462

11/10, Shaddy a best.

>> No.2632695

Drawing on that phone would suck balls, but it'd still be a bit better than drawing on a small tablet because of its 1:1 drawing surface/screen ratio. The point of having a large conventional tablet is that a small mark on the tablet isn't inflated into a huge stroke in the software/on the screen like it is with smaller models.


I have used a Huion 1060 (for a very short time, I basically ordered it on behalf of a friend and wanted to make sure it wasn't a dud), and it seemed adequate. Before the Giano existed it might be a decent choice. However, I simply won't ever recommend saving the measly $100 or whatever to buy an objectively inferior product. As far as conventional tablets goes, the only ones whose existence I'll acknowledge are the Giano and the Intuos Large for anyone that's even remotely serious about taking up digital art. Again, there are people that have done and will do great things with lesser equipment, but if they want to make things more difficult for themselves that's their problem.

>Im particularly interested in the intuos pro medium and large but what am I losing out on by opting for a cheaper, larger alternative like the giano?

The Huion Giano vs Intuos Large is a pretty tough argument when it comes down to pure performance (I use a Large, myself). I would say if money isn't an issue at all the Intuos Large might be worth it due to Wacom's proven track record for reliability, the marginally better hotkeys and stylus.

The Giano however comes with wireless functionality right out of the box (expect to pay about $40 to equip your Intuos model similarly), roughly an inch smaller overall footprint and inch larger overall active area. The only x-factor with the Giano is its longevity. It's a new product from a company I don't know much about. However, new in box it's about 2/5ths the price of an Intuos Large, and has better features out of the box-including the drawing surface itself.

>> No.2632698

That vid made my wrist hurt.

>> No.2632722

Get that new uc logic tablet if you want to start with digital art. That thing is amazing for the price.

>> No.2632740


Nobody "needs" a big tablet but it sure makes things easy.

>> No.2632744

that is a webm of a man bound to receive wrist cancer

>> No.2632751

If you're rich and you hate money always buy wacom.
Otherwise get the xp-pen 22 or the ugee 2150.
If you want something smaller the artisul 13 is an excellent option too.

>> No.2632753

unpopular opinion incoming

drawing sucks, modern art sucks
fuck your png file and stick it up your ass
only painting is true

>> No.2632775

>drawing sucks
>only painting is true
That's not an unpopular opinion, that's just being retarded. Drawing is a step to painting, neither are their own thing and you'd have to be incredibly ignorant to view them separately. You're only selling yourself short if you want to be a painter that can't draw.

>> No.2632826

>only painting is true
do you want to know how I know you are shit at painting?
>drawing sucks

>> No.2632838

I wrote a post on it on my site!


>> No.2632840

>drawing sucks
>painting is true
What the fuck do you even put in your canvas

>> No.2633064

>tfw a Intuos 4 XL just went on sale for $400
Its impossible to find this shit below $1000 and I just bought a new tablet a month ago

fuck me
I guess some /ic/ anon can take advantage of it

>> No.2633194


Very little motion from the wrists. Mostly in the knuckles. Just have to get used to it boyo

>> No.2633204

Its not hard to tell he's moving his wrist in the vid

>> No.2633214

I'm an idiot. I've never used an Intuos 4; it's the Intuos 5/PRO that have the gritty surface, sorry bruh.

>> No.2633294

>tfw there's even a size above large

>> No.2633316

that's precisely my current tablet. had to configure it to use only a portion of the tablet area, because it's much more comfortable that way.

>> No.2633322

Do you have carpal tunnel?

>> No.2633353

whats with all the wristfags in here? or is it one shitposter

>> No.2633623

H610 or 1060plus?

>> No.2633779


>> No.2634024

I have no idea about tablets... Are there any distinct differences I have to pay attention to when buying one, or can I just buy one for 80 bucks and it will be most likely good?

What is a good tablet?

>> No.2634031

A big tablet.

see: any given tablet thread

>> No.2634042

Brand name and size. But you never know until you use one, so it's okay to get one for 80 bucks. It's not like 400$ is that much of an investment down the line anyways, so just get the cheaper one for now.

>> No.2634048

Thanks for the reply! Also, would it perhaps be better to actually buy one of these display things where you draw directly on the screen?

I could imagine it can be quite weird drawing on a tablet while having to look at the screen...

>> No.2634052

You should try out the regular tablet and see how you feel with that before trying out a display one. They're much more expensive and the experience can only shine through when you buy it, or know someone else who has one.

>> No.2634088

better, yes.
better for your wallet, no.

>> No.2634201

How can Wacom have so much of the market share, when they are so much more expensive?

Are they really so much superior to other companies? What makes them better?

>> No.2634206

pros' consensus is standard tablets are superior for everything.

(except some particular use case involving doing small details while seeing the whole picture, like you would on physical media, or something like that).

>> No.2634207

Also, why do tablets have to be big? Can't you just drag the sheet on the screen around?

>> No.2634210
File: 655 KB, 691x459, Hey, That's pretty good!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But drawing is hard senpai :(
I can only copy good, but even sometimes I screw up with drawing too
How does one draws something out of imagination?


>> No.2634423

Theyre practically a monopoly because they're all anyone has trusted for 20 years or so now.

Even all those Chink and Turkish tablets popping up are really untrustworthy because despite being dirt cheap they dont have Wacom patents and shitty drivers.

Microsoft is trying to get Ntrig to be relevant by buying them out but Surface pens are complete ass for art so I doubt itll replace Wacom.

>> No.2634429

You can draw with your shoulder and not kill your arm. Plus better linework.

>> No.2634805

Bigger just makes your arm more tired with the longer strokes. Also desk space.

Mind you I draw traditional and digital.

>> No.2634806

How big are we talking about here? Like 8.8 x 5.5?

>> No.2634809

12 x 19 for the OP pic

>> No.2634820

The H610 looks good, but it's Huion and I know nothing about them. They seem 2nd to Wacom, so they must be good?

>> No.2634841

>read that both wacom and huion don't work with SAI
What the fuck does then?

>> No.2635037

not true in the least, whoever said that didn't know what they were talking about

>> No.2635041

I have an intuos large that i use with my 15" laptop screen. The active area on the tablet is also 15" so its exactly 1 to 1 scale. It feels so good. Does anyone do this?

>> No.2635055

I have a 17in. laptop so mine is just a tad off, but can confirm it's luxurious af compared to just about anything else. I also have a Medium that I'm using right now with a MS Surface 3 tablet which is pretty much 1:1 too. Feels good man.

>> No.2635068

I used to have a 17" and my work around was to reduce the active area of the screen by a couple of inches at the corner. It left some dead space but was worth it imo

>> No.2635205

>tfw just bought a Cintiq 12WX on Ebay in very good condition for 200 Euro
Do you think that was a good deal?

>> No.2635216

>tfw using 4x6 intuos 3 with 30" monitor
Feels bad man

>> No.2635223

Absolutely not; I would advise you to cancel the order immediately. I own one myself and keep it locked away in a storage unit 3 miles away from my house where it can't hurt me or another artist ever again.

>I wish I was joking

>> No.2635224


The 12wx is trash, you got jacked for your money. Enjoy having to swap monitors to check for accurate colors (paint on another monitor). Should have just saved for the 13HD. Oh and no hdmi of course.

>> No.2635289

I don't even know if a 13HD is worth it, bruh. The 12wx may be trash but it kind of gave me an idea of what to expect as far as drawing on something like the 13HD goes. When it comes down to it, all you're really doing is sacrificing screen real estate versus your main monitor. The only Cintiq models I think might be "preferable" to their conventional alternatives are the Companion or the really ostentatious 27QHD, but before I bought either of them I think a Intuos Large and a cheap secondary monitor would make a far more prudent investment.

>> No.2635337


Hm, I agree with you.

>> No.2635354

>being this jelly

>> No.2635360


>jelly of your ancient junk
Nah my dude. I have almost enough saved up for a sweet sweet 22HD (-:

>> No.2635369

Wacom works with everything.

Huion, on the other hand...

>> No.2635588


I already own one tho.

It's pretty bad, my man.

>DVI input
>Colors won't match anyone else's monitor in the world
>Cords everywhere; DVI, USB, AC and whatever proprietary cable connects the tablet itself to the little input hub
>pressure sensitivity would spike randomly every 3-10 strokes (not normal, but it wasn't an uncommon problem either from what I'd read)

It's a mess, and probably the only Wacom product I truly regret purchasing (it was like $1200 f*cking doll*rs ffstbh) as its many serious flaws weren't a circumstantial problem borne of my own ignorance (like having the size or proportion of the tablet not match up with your monitor or whatever), but rather were inherent to it because it was a piece of crap. I'm dead serious, he really should cancel it before the guy ships it out to him. You couldn't pay me to use that thing again.

>> No.2635640

>Tablet monitors
shit nigga, exactly the same thing happened to me when I got a Ugee. Ive also tried drawing on a Surface and it was equally ass.

If you want a tablet monitor youve gotta bust the big bucks on a Cintiq or you're just better off with an Intuos.

>> No.2635725

The only legit flaws you named there are the amount of cables, which I have no problem with, and the price, which is not the case for me. If you are so stupid to pay 1200$ for a fucking tablet, sure, then this sucks, but I got it for 200 euro, which is a very good price for a thing like this, even if it may not be perfect.

>> No.2635735

A fool and his money. You'll find out soon enough.

>> No.2635742

Who's the artist?

>> No.2635749 [DELETED] 

>the tablet sensitivity randomly spiking dozens of times in minutes isn't a legit flaw
>flesh colors looking dandelion yellow and blue looking like Nelson Mandela's upper lip on every other monitor in existence isn't a legit flaw

...and all for a 'privilege' of drawing on a screen barely large enough to house your software's toolbars, on device that can barely stand under its own weight

>If you are so stupid to pay $1200 for a fucking tablet, sure, then this sucks

Lots of inexperienced people buy tablets for that much. At the time it was Wacom's equivalent to the 13HD. I was younger and earnestly believed that if only I could "draw directly on the surface" I would be much better than I was. That was not the case for me, and it's not the case for anyone else. I regret purchasing the 12WX, yes, however

Anyway all I'm saying, and all that other anon is saying, is that...

There's a good reason basically every other used Wacom tablet you'll find for sale, from the Intuos 3 model upwards, has held on to a large portion of its cash value over the years and this particular model has not.

We're trying to help you make an informed decision, if you don't want to listen that's fine, but don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.2635760
File: 184 KB, 1077x808, smh tbh fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tablet sensitivity randomly spiking dozens of times in minutes isn't a legit flaw
>flesh colors looking dandelion yellow and blue looking like Nelson Mandela's upper lip on every other monitor in existence isn't a legit flaw

...and all for a 'privilege' of drawing on a screen barely large enough to house your software's toolbars, on a device that can barely stand under its own weight

>If you are so stupid to pay $1200 for a fucking tablet, sure, then this sucks

Lots of inexperienced people buy tablets for that much. At the time it was Wacom's equivalent to the 13HD. I was younger and earnestly believed that if only I could "draw directly on the surface" I would be much better than I was. That was not the case for me, and it's not the case for anyone else. I regret purchasing the 12WX, yes, however in doing so I learned an important lesson about marketing that many people including far better artists than me may not have.

Anyway all I'm saying, and all that other anon is saying, is that...

There's a good reason basically every other used Wacom tablet you'll find for sale, from the Intuos 3 model upwards, has held on to a large portion of its cash value over the years and this particular model has not.

We're trying to help you make an informed decision, if you don't want to listen that's fine, just don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.2636205

is having a mediocre sized screen a problem with big tablets? mine is 19''

>> No.2636335

No, that's a good size.

The bigger the monitor the worse its potential relationship to your tablet might be. I don't think the Giano or Intuos Large would be nearly as good on a 25+ inch monitor as they are on a 15-20incher for example. They'd be better than any of their smaller peers, but at that point a Cintiq becomes more desirable because it maintains that 1:1 drawing surface/screen ratio no matter what size it is. If you're using a 20inch monitor or less a large conventional tablet is your best bet; whatever advantages a Cintiq would otherwise provide are pretty minimal.

>> No.2636354

not that guy but Ive got a 27 inch 1440p monitor and drawing on it with the Intuos 5m is absolute fucking pain

will a Giano be help? Or is my monitor just too huge?

>> No.2636378

Your monitor is pretty huge. If you want you could go into the tablet settings and reduce the active area of the screen so that it's not such a big size difference.

>> No.2636389

Giano/Intuos Large is your best bet but like I said I feel like you still might be pushing it with a monitor that size.

I use my Intuos Medium on a 10" surface and it feels pretty good there, but multiplying that almost three times over I can imagine it being pretty f*ckin' s*lly.

Honestly (and no one likes to hear this) you might want to consider "downgrading". You don't necessarily have to sell or otherwise get rid of your current monitor because I'm sure that things great for just about everything else, but if you have room and the money you might want to not only get a larger tablet, but also invest in a 1080p, 20~ inch secondary monitor for art exclusively as well.

You could either sell your Medium which could pay for most of the Giano and a second monitor, or if you really want to stick with Wacom you could try and find a good deal on a used Intuos 5/Pro Large after selling your Medium instead which would just be a couple hundred bucks more in the end.

>> No.2636392

Come to think of it yeah. You could try going into mapping > screen area > portion and reduce the size of the screen that the tablet interacts with if you want. You might have to cut off quite a chunk to get it to feel good but it's definitely not a bad idea in lieu of buying more stuff.

>> No.2636397

Actually I managed to get the OP tablet with a pretty good deal (200 bux on ebay). Its size puts it on par with a 22" monitor, compare that to like 16" with the Giano.
Shouldnt kill my wrist, hopefully. Gonna have to sell my Intuos 5 tho.

>> No.2636407

Awesome, I actually looked on ebay while in the process of making that post and was going to suggest you get that but it wasn't there. Nice job m9.

>> No.2636703

Rare moment in history. Intuos XLs are extremely hars to find and are usually $1000 and up, but on ebay there was 2 Intuos 3 XLs for $200 and a 4 XL for $400

>> No.2639533
File: 647 KB, 1645x1206, Wacom_Graphire4_tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still use my old wacom graphire 4 tablet which I bought about 10 years ago.
how big is the difference to an intuos 4 or a huion equivalent? (despite the size) would it be worth to upgrade to a new tablet or is there no significantly big difference in performance and accuracy?

>> No.2642634
File: 23 KB, 197x197, 1438710761683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
