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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 244x206, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2624544 No.2624544 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw sakimichan makes over 60k a month on patreon
Her art is pretty, but not god-tier material. It is just attractive fan-art.

Do any of you make money on patreon? Any tips for garnering fans and making money with art?

>> No.2624578

Sakimachan gets that much money because they found the sweet spot between appealing artwork and pandering.

It's nothing to be upset about. That's just what you need to do. You need to figure out how to appeal to people with your art. Would they like to see genuinely interesting concepts or are they in it for the art style? Do you satisfy a niche or have a safe and marketable feel? Are you providing rewards behind the patreon or just using it as a glorified donation sub feed?

Saki got as much as they have because they were one of the first to use the platform as it was beginning to get widespread use. It's not about art quality, though that's a big factor, but because of consistency.

>> No.2624588

Drawing porn is the most effective way

>> No.2624595

Pewdiepie of art.


>> No.2624752

I know, and that is good insight thank you. Yes, there will always be better people, she DOES do fan art of popular characters, have an "appealing to the common eye" style of art, draws some soft-core pr0n, and has been consistent..

so is that what it takes to make decent dough? If so choo-choo here I come!

>> No.2624753
File: 114 KB, 692x727, eBodCpnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but where do you SELL porn? And HOW? Paypal cancels your account for porn related material. How do you stay anonymous? Pls teach me.

pic is sakimi's art

>> No.2624758

All of sakimi's pictures just have that weirdly unsettling feeling about them.

>> No.2624774

Shad justo makes porn and then promotes his patreon

>> No.2624785

How to be sucessful:
-Have a decent skill level/appealing style.
-Pander to fandoms/popular characters/fetishes

Money will be thrown at you

>> No.2624812

What sites? Insta, twitter, deviantart, uhhh....

>> No.2624824

tumblr, facebook, reddit just everywhere you can feasibly reach in your lifetime dude, become the greatest slut ever known to man

>> No.2624830

Yup, they fall reallyyy deep in the Uncanny Valley for me as well.

>> No.2624832

Oh yeah tumblr. Seems like:
are the best? Maybe reddit and facebook, MAYBE, but... idk. Etsy if you want to sell art as well, Ebay for poster prints or something.
How do you directly have people pay? Paypal does so many chargebacks. Deviantart charges a lot.

>> No.2624852


>> No.2624861

is this yours?

>> No.2624866

no dumbass how new to the art world are you?

>> No.2624871
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, 43242424242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing sport cars on streets is probably very stressful for you.
>Any tips for garnering fans and making money with art?
Not gonna make it. You're not real artist.

>> No.2624887

Oh man this is just fucking sad.

>> No.2624890

why would sports cars stress me out.

>> No.2624891

>free $1,896
>he has real main job

>> No.2624894

>why would sports cars stress me out.
They cost money.

>> No.2624898

I get mixed feelings with her work, the frozen one posted above looks pretty neat to me but I can't tell why. but 95% of her other work looks overly shiny and off

>> No.2624905

why is that page sad
... and? lol you seem mad

>> No.2624907
File: 165 KB, 1188x688, 1464296908410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2624909

kek why u mad lmao

>> No.2624912

this guy clearly has something against >>2624905

just drop it bro lol

>> No.2624913

Wait a sec
>per Image

>> No.2624918

why is this sad? I am confused. Looking up his art on google he is good?

>> No.2624920

fuckk she living the life

>> No.2624924

>all these newfags don't know who craig mullins is


>> No.2624932

>4chan elitist

Holy shit kill yourself

>> No.2624937


>implying you should be familiar with the grandfather of digital painting is elitist

kys faggot

>> No.2624948
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1536, Anime-fair-in-Japan-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sakimichan's art-style is equivalent to otaku advertisements.

There's nothing really outstanding about it, but it's very inviting, saccharine, and much better than anything a normie can do.

The patreon formula is simple:

> always be better at making 'X' than your patrons.
> always be consistent (monthly/weekly/daily content)

you don't need to be skilled if you draw fanart and vice-versa.

Sakimichan is popular because she's a major part of why dA has so many anime artists. She had a fuckton of friends, watchers and tutorials and shit before she even left Anor Londo.

She was/is a major part of dA's pantheon, along with loish, Kr0n, yuumei, and Artgerm.

>> No.2624954

>Sakimichan's art-style is equivalent to otaku advertisements.
>you don't need to be skilled if you draw fanart and vice-versa.
What the fuck am I reading

>> No.2624955

have little to ok talent
be a grill
be very very clear about your gender in your streams

>> No.2624958

You're all forgetting Sakimichan is also in large part this successful because she's a woman.

>> No.2624960

Dubs never forget