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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 21 KB, 300x200, 0006q504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2612305 No.2612305 [Reply] [Original]

Whats keeping you from creating art? this is an honest question. What are you afraid of?

>> No.2612308


>> No.2612337


>> No.2612340

I obsessively draw the same person every time I pick up a pencil and it's not healthy

>> No.2612368

the same that's keeping a cripple from walking

>> No.2612387

You have no arms?

>> No.2612395


>> No.2612405


>> No.2612444

I am locked in an endless grind of study because:
1) I don't think I'm skilled enough yet to do justice to the images in my head that I want to get out one day.
2) I buy a lot of instructional books and feel like I have to study through them entirely (Which can take months) or it's wasted money.

>> No.2612476

I get stressed out trying to sketch, I focus too much on doing it perfectly that I end up incapable of letting go and my sketches look like shit.

>> No.2612477


>> No.2612488


I have a 12 hour shift work job that makes me pretty exhausted. It's summer time, and I don't have A/C, so the heat makes trying to concentrate on making art very difficult. I don't have a space set up to easily be able to paint with either oils or acrylics, and I don't want to sleep in a room full of paint fumes. Lastly, it being summer time, I am spending a lot more time outside than I do during other times of the year.

I'm hoping that as soon as it starts cooling down again I can actually spend a few hours a day drawing without getting extremely uncomfortable (even holding a pencil makes my hands go instantly sweaty, fuck this 35+C and 80% humidity weather.

>> No.2612501

i can never create my own things, i can only copy what i see from life

>> No.2612523

an artist's block is blocking my path to the atelier.

>> No.2615783 [DELETED] 
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I always slip back into drawing from imagination so I never get better, I live with another artist that I'm always comparing myself to, I can't find anything I'm passionate about that makes me really want to create anything, can barely name any role models but I don't copy from them either. I'm scared that this isnt just an artist block and instead this means drawing just isn't for me. I really want to be passionate about this but I can never muster up any energy. . I take pills for epilepsy and that's what I always thought it was I don't know.
Image is a print I etched during printmaking class. Can only seem to finish projects if they're for school

>> No.2615788

I'm a lazy cunt who'd rather browse memes than do something with his life.

An art block usually occurs when I keep drawing one shit after another while knowing I could do so much better at some point in the past.

>> No.2615947

I'm extremely lazy. And I don't even like drawing so much. Ever since I was a kid, I felt the "need" to do it, like something has been driving me to do it.
However, I'm not passionate about it, even thought I draw "well".

>> No.2615953

It's not that I'm afraid, it has more or less to do with fatigue. I spend the better part of my day at a job that I hate, so when I come home I need some unstructured slacking off. I don't feel like burying myself in books or pushing myself to draw something worthwhile when I really want to relax.

>> No.2615964

I'm not good enough and getting old.

>> No.2616004

I had a block until i hit 30.

1. The block began by me fantasizing about what wonders I would bestow the world once I started to create. But I never dared to try anything and so I slowly built up this fear of failure looming behind my illusions of greatness.

2. If I did try something and it came out better than expected, I would be terrified of trying again in case it would turn out to be just a fluke.

3. I overcome this block because I knew I had to try even though it meant destroying my dreams, this came about because I discovered that I WILL get better with practice, so I can't evaluate my abilities before I've done it for a while AND I discovered that even if I did suck for ever, the itch would stay for the rest of my life.

So I started practicing this christmas, but two months ago I got a tremble in my body (hospitalized) and every line I draw is the squiggliest, uncontrollable thing any human could make. I'm talking nanotrembles with big jerks. I have to write with two hands, atm.

So I'm on a break again, but I beat the block I'd been struggling with since adolescence, so I'm just waiting for the shakes to fuck off. My emotional situation is also very compromised so I'm taking a break.

my point is the nature of my block and how I beat it, cause people might relate.

>> No.2616035

Tired of drawing ugly garbage tbqhwy pham

>> No.2616040

>>So I started practicing this christmas, but two months ago I got a tremble in my body (hospitalized) and every line I draw is the squiggliest, uncontrollable thing any human could make. I'm talking nanotrembles with big jerks. I have to write with two hands, atm.
what the fuck?

>> No.2616056

what, the irony?

>> No.2616111

Laziness is what is keeping me back. I lack discipline in all factors of my life.

However, today I drew for the first time in 6 months and, even though drawing felt foreign and the picture itself turned out to be shit, I feel like I am on the right path again.

>> No.2619740

I think everything I draw is awful

>> No.2619776

I'm just having a struggle between what I wanna be able to do and what I need to do to get a start in the industry. I'm making progress from drawing and studying from life, but I'd rather just draw stuff from my imagination. The problem with that is, my mental library is lacking and so I can't draw many things well from my imagination. The only other option is using reference, but I don't like doing that unless I thoroughly study the reference so I wouldn't need it in the future which takes a lot of time. I'm basically not giving myself enough time to get better AND enjoy the journey (which is the healthiest way of doing things, especially when you're traveling the road alone).

I know it stems from wanting to move out, leave my current occupation and move out before I turn 30 but I'm starting to think that I'll have to get comfortable with not reaching my dreams after the big 3-0.

>> No.2619792
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are you me?

>> No.2619812
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Not blocked but I sometimes think about how this might all be a waste of time and that I might never get to the level I want no matter how long I practice

>> No.2619815

At least you're gonna get somewhere after some time

>> No.2619816


I actually have been doing several hours every for the past couple months but usually by the end of the night I get too drunk to keep going so that holds me back.

>> No.2619829
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My problem with drawing is I don't feel like the way I am practicing is eventually guaranteeing the results in skill I want to have. It's very hard to sit down and draw when you feel like the drawing session isn't designed to make the progress happen that you want to see in your skill. So it feels like pointless doodling that just leaves you in this weaker skill level you can't leave.

I need way more intelligent goals towards improvement in my drawing but I don't know how to figure out what those goals should be or how to work towards them. I probably need a teacher or something.

The other major problem I have is that I just started drawing. So when I look at a blank piece of paper I have to resist thoughts like "In 2 hours of hard work you will have accomplished nothing but a shitty drawing with awful perspective, no idea how to shade properly and you will hit a million road blocks and it will be insanely frustrating" before I even put my pencil down on paper.

I sincerely deep down feel like I can't get as good as this as I want to be no matter what I do and I feel like I need to change that expectation.

>> No.2620226
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Time also stresses me out, i fear i'm getting too old to make it considering my current skill level.

>> No.2620237

Then don't doodle. Decide a subject, draw from life/reference and tackle the roadblocks one at a time. Yes, it is slow and hard, but that's what learning is at its core.

Worth mentioning also, you can think of drawing from life as just practice, pure practice that has no pressure to succeed. Your own work has to be good, but this isn't your real work. It's studying and those papers can be thrown away. This frees you to practice without fear, or that's at least what I do. You can do it.

>> No.2620245
File: 71 KB, 466x823, capture_lineart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. When in doubt, make porn.

>> No.2620256

I don't know, but I have a serious battle every time I try.

>> No.2620281
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I don't think I can visualize objects; whenever I try to think of something I get a bunch of vague concepts like color, rough shape (circle, square, octagon), etc. I'm beginning to wonder if it's me not taking in details right or if there really is something wrong.

>> No.2620420

>Artist's Block

this doesn't exist because making art is a lot easier than writing well

fuck off you pretentious retard

>> No.2620483
File: 34 KB, 594x300, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw something
>"I didn't want this part to look like this. How do I make this part look like the thing in my head."

Perfectionism is cancer when you suck sweaty ass

>> No.2620504

But perfectionism is the best trait if you know how to use it to your advantage.

>Draw something
>"I didn't want this part to look like this. How do I make this part look like the thing in my head."
>Read books on how to correct the mistake
>Study artwork that does what you want to do the right way
>Practice that one part over and over again
>Get better each time, correcting those little mistakes as you make them
>Now you've made and corrected every mistake until you've become a master at drawing that part

Repeat that greentext for the next five years and you'll be amazing, do it for a decade and you're one of the best in the industry, keep going even further and you could even become a master that future generations study even after you've passed away. All this because you were a perfectionist who didn't treat it like a negative trait and used it to git gud.

Now stop whining and go draw with that mindset that you'll not stop until you're perfect.

>> No.2620510

Mainly my inability to draw things other than sharp lines, and lack of inspiration.
I don't draw unless I'm absolutely sure of what I'm doing, and then I have to spend several hours erasing and redoing it until I get it just right

So I guess you could say I'm afraid of failure, since I've tried drawing human figures and they only come out looking blocky

>> No.2620568

Perfectionism actually involves trying to make things perfect. Perfectionism as an issue involves spending too long on things. You just quit when it's hard.

>> No.2621197


>> No.2621211

I have no discpline or drive. I should be drawing right now but I'm not.

>> No.2621214
File: 242 KB, 1120x840, P1000878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a whole collection that would have worked as an exhibition, there was a whole story there

... but I didn't know how to get a gallery to display it

so it sat there in my room

then it seemed lots of my designs were picked up on while I was hot, so I was excited thinking something good would happen but it never did

other people took my glory

it left me in a nowhere place, rejected so what do I do? All my impetus was gone

next problem is a large work I'd been working on for two years now has defeated me, I can't get it right

and... it's too expensive, can't sell my art, can't buy new supplies

it's a brick wall

lack of success, lack of resources and loss of moral

>> No.2621219
File: 136 KB, 422x492, ChrisArtinWindow (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then my big pieces,

>> No.2621223
File: 1.57 MB, 1800x2400, P1000798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started to take them to bits and alter them

it's a bit like all the time that passed since they were made, but hadn't been exhibited, they needed changing as they lost their moment, so... moving on in time they mean different things

I'm on the brink

>> No.2621225

so both of these are now in an un-finished state

I can't afford the paint

painting out of the tube when a tube smaller than a toothpaste is £25 is not practical when I'm on in-cap

fucking bollocks

>> No.2621227
File: 581 KB, 922x1229, DSCN8784small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one, it's going to cost a fortune...

it already must have hundreds of pounds of paint on it

it's become a fools errand

>> No.2621231
File: 413 KB, 960x736, pierre-bonnard-vuillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have failed...

>> No.2621234

so where does the new come from?

>> No.2621236


>> No.2621241

oh please no

>> No.2621245

shame innit?

>> No.2621258
File: 230 KB, 385x640, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's read a book on art and see what we come up with

>> No.2621261

'it's enough to make an undertaker smile'

>> No.2621292

Looks like shit.

>> No.2621302

it's got a lot of potential, craggy and thick with myriad colours breaking through, more like sculpture

then when the light casts shadows on the corral surface it trances the viewers eye with a hypnotic display

>> No.2621308
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1600, P1000949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in my Prospero

look at the globe on his staff, the little specks of colour around it, held on the green sea

then.. there would be a dark hulk on the ocean

our other stranded characters on the left

so that's

5 x lamp black
10 x manganese blue hue

paynes grey (that is expensive), 2x zinc white at least, maybe 4

models to pose

food and sustenance

I have £6 so that's two brown ales this afternoon

>> No.2621332

How many of these have you sold, mate?

>> No.2621334

total art sales


plus a £5 for a sketch but that was more like begging

>> No.2621336

Either face facts that this style isn't selling, or agree to do it as a hobby and find something else that pays for you to buy the materials.

>> No.2621337
File: 35 KB, 369x246, MAIN-Iain-Duncan-Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2621338
File: 91 KB, 564x599, Catherine-Lampert-Seated-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sort of thing does very well, I shall give it a go


I'll be laughing....

ladies will swoon

>> No.2621342

I don't have something I NEED to create. Also I don't feel a real long term commitment to art so the things I'd make wouldn't be all that noteworthy - more a result of procrastination than working towards a vision.

>> No.2621343
File: 252 KB, 800x667, 18k2j13dg5b8fjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello I am really wealthy this is a genius fnarr fnarr

>> No.2621465

During the summer (especially without A/C) drawing is a fucking nightmare. The oil and sweat coming off your hands constantly smudges shit around even if you just barely graze the page
Can't even fucking use kneaded erasers if its too hot or else it gets gummy as fuck and sticks to the page
Fuck the summer when it comes to drawing.

>> No.2621468

you're doing significantly better than most faggots on IC even with your limitations
This is a good post most pr/ic/ks could learn from

>> No.2621472

Many things to do. Difficult decide which. Must know steps before forward. Stupid confidence? Can do in no time. Need right material. No competition. Alone.

>> No.2621479

I can't color in any medium.

I can't draw faces without symbol-drawing or making them look awkward.

Just have this huge stiffness when I draw, like art is more of a chore, now.

I don't know if art is my passion anymore. Even at my night security job, all I do is play GTA San Andreas or study for the story I want to write and illustrate.

I wonder what my life would have been like if I didn't choose to be an artist as a kid, if people told me I sucked rather than praise me. Maybe I'd be a sergeant in the army, or a law student/lawyer working his way to becoming a judge. Considering becoming a police officer, maybe.

I could take up photography again, or maybe go back to school for GD or architecture. I don't want to live on commissions, though, and as much as I love architecture, I hate math.

Fuck me, fuck life, fuck everything.

>> No.2621496

Well, even if I change my style it's no guarantee it would sell

This could be a unique piece, it has the potential

and, ya hate it , ya piss on me, ya sew bad seeds for me

I'd still like to see it finished

whatever happens it's sold at a loss

£10k wouldn't reimburse me

Like I say, a fools errand, art for love

>> No.2621499

Next post

"gffwar gffwar you're shit etc"

>> No.2621511

I know you're absolutely insane and have no idea what you're doing, but why didn't you ever think about buying pigments and making your own colors? It's immensely cheaper.

Also didn't you ever realize how limiting it would be to paint straight from the tube never mixing colors? Your palette is always extremely weak

>> No.2621638

nothing really when I can't think of anything I just keep drawing gestures till I think of something it's not hard lad

>> No.2621753

>1) I don't think I'm skilled enough yet to do justice to the images in my head that I want to get out one day.
What a fag. Your imagination isn't sacred, anon, just fucking do it. If your ideas are so amazing, there's no reason you can't revisit them when you're older and wiser. You're only robbing yourself of valuable learning experiences.

>> No.2621900

lets take this one by one

>I know you're absolutely insane and
well, eccentric is more polite

>buying pigments and making your own colors? It's immens

with a pestel and mortar, Vermeers day is done

>didn't you ever realize how limiting it would be to paint straight from the tube never mixing color
well, it happened you know? I discovered something and it worked for me

I have to finish these, afterwards I might steer myself away from this style, but for now I am bound by it, and it could be good

other artists in history have painted this crazy

>Your palette is always extremely weak
that's not fair, the reds through the blue, the chips of colour on a blue green sea, it's far from weak

seriously , those colours are blinding

I'd take a fair criticism but that isn't one

>> No.2621924

You never mixed colors in your life, you just ended up with those you use, of course you're missing out on loads of stuff

And you're insane not eccentric, the delusions make a big difference

>> No.2621938

>depression causes me to go through an endless loop of sloth, trial, error, and then self hatred
>skill is not good enough to make self feel satisfied
>ideas are very one-sided and tend to go towards similar topics so it feels like I'm in a rut
>anxiety causes me to not want to draw around people
>a large portion of my time is around people

>> No.2621950

Fear of failure.

Also I fucking loved that show, my highschool teacher was like the female equivalent of Geoffrey.

>> No.2621961
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>> No.2621973

You're wasting away on a fruitless endeavour with nothing but a heap of garbage to show for it. You're not going to make it, far more than anyone else here.

Give up before you really do yourself in.

>> No.2622003

Im actually starting art school next year, because I hate my current college career

I dont give a flying shit about all this dogmatic "being an artist means starving" school of thought.

I do it also because it will force me to explore and expand even more than otherwise wouldnt happen...

Finally, I believe that if you become truly good at something, you will end up making good fees out of it, even if I end up as a teacher

>> No.2622144

Are you Annie Clark?

>> No.2622153

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.2622183

>be shit in general
>uses laptop and wacom tablet to make shitty art
>can't find ram cards for laptop due to Ps lagging like hell

>> No.2622193
File: 56 KB, 720x900, filename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to art scool
>wont be starving artist fag
>2 years into degree
>actualy starving
>no joke haven't ate yesterday
>mfw I'm a starving artis fag

>> No.2622202

go and get a banana

>> No.2622207

I can't write and this kills me as a comic author.

>> No.2622261

Because art is my way of facing reality.

>> No.2622582

What worked for me was having an external force completely devastate me psychologically (not on purpose fyi)
I learned over the course of five soul crushingly depressing months that I shouldn't let myself stay down and the motivation to succeed at what I want to do can only come from myself and not others.
If you're at the point where you feel destroyed, start rebuilding a better you. Dismiss this as bullshit if you're anything like I was when I was severely depressed (even before the devastation) but I promise you it can work.
The root of your problem isn't necessarily confined in your drawing skill or drawing in general but rather within yourself. Be your own cheerleader and quit this gay self-loathing shit and you'll succeed in various aspects of your life.
goodluck queer.

>> No.2622592

I like this one.

>> No.2622596

What show is it?

>> No.2622636
File: 287 KB, 618x467, disapproving parents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid of mistakes.

I'm visiting a psychologist for that as this fear invaded every area of my life.

>> No.2622643

the thing on the paper wont look like the thing in my mind

>> No.2622654

You're good at something, anon.
Being the biggest fruit loop on this board.

>> No.2625858

I'm in the shitty begginning phase when you can't draw what you like because you still have to practice but at the same time there is so much things to practice that you don't even know where to start

>> No.2625860

start with what subjects you like

>> No.2625867

being boring, inhibited and lazy

>> No.2625899

Nice meme
please be a troll

>> No.2625934
File: 52 KB, 204x204, 1409985353212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't draw for shit, closest thing to art I can do is taking screen shots.

>> No.2626096

P sure im bipolar so months Jan - Apr I had suicidal thoughts daily and would just sleep literally all day. Now that summers here im manic, cant sleep and draw for like 12-15 hours a day.

>> No.2626099

i dont really have the capacity to be creative

in the past, ive mostly just copied things and altered them in some way

ive tried many things, drawing, making videos, music, making videogame levels, i honestly cant come up with a solid creative idea

maybe thats why im a STEM major

>> No.2626101

post your drawings

>> No.2626271

don't have the feel for it or get too bored when I'm too focused.

>> No.2626303

I didn't draw anything except botanical / anatomy sketches for 3 years. I got inspired, did an aquarel for a band I like and now they might let me do the cover art.

I'm a fucking hack. How the hell am I ever going to finish something worth their time?