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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 272x185, japanhate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2605634 No.2605634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your dad is a racist retired marine who fucking hates nips and finds out that most pen companies are Japanese and throws away all of your Pilot, Pentel, Uniball, Platinum, and Sailor pens

This really burns me up, especially considering I had two Vanishing Points and a Sailor 1911. I'm considering taking legal action because this dumb mother fucker just cost me like 800 dollars in pens. Unfortunately my mom poo pood him but she refuses to reimburse me.

>> No.2605635

Your dad is a good man. Now if all of /ic/ had a dad like yours we'd have less weebs posting here.

>> No.2605636

shouldve bought lamy LUL

>> No.2605637


>> No.2605646


thing is I'm not a weeb or have any interest in anime, I can only imagine how much he'd flip his shit if I were though


my safari survived the purge senpai

>> No.2605650

>tfw trad gear threads never last
>tfw no /stationery/ board

>> No.2605653

Leave the house, or go full digital

>> No.2605658


I'd leave the house but O-bummer tanked the economy. Hoping for Trump this November but the American people are pretty fucking retarded.


I know, senpai. I feel like most of /ic/ doesn't know the glory that is fountain pens

>> No.2605660

hahahaha fucking what?

What did he do, look up the company names?

Did you tell him they were japanese brands to spite him and it backfired on you?

tell us anon

>> No.2605662


no he got one of those racist mass e-mails old people send

>> No.2605663

>O-bummer tanked the economy
>Hoping for Trump
Holy shit I hope you're too young to vote. Is everyone in your family retarded?

>> No.2605667

>thing is I'm not a weeb or have any interest in anime

Sounds like your dad is doing his job right, good on him.

>> No.2605670


26, senpai, and we always vote. My dad did a mechanical engineering degree and was a lieutenant colonel when he retired, so he's not a dumb guy, just really racist, but then most marines hate the Japanese. I didn't realize it til I got accepted into the JET program after college, and my dad and his mates ridiculed me relentlessly. I didn't go because I'm not that into Japan. I did the english teaching program in France though.

>> No.2605674

>I'd leave the house but O-bummer tanked the economy

Why not be a wage-slave for a year or two so you can take a long vacation?

>> No.2605675

Murder him in his sleep. If someone took my Pro Gear I would flip my shit. I'm sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.2605680

>Implying he didn't

>> No.2605683

tell him the war is over, japan won then show him youtube videos of weebs and anime.

>> No.2605690

>Obummer tanked the economy
>So I'm going to vote for an inept businessman who's gone bankrupt multiple times

America truly is the best joke on planet earth. God bless Donald Trump for baiting and exposing you fucking morons.

>> No.2605692

>My dad did a mechanical engineering degree and was a lieutenant colonel when he retired

That doesn't mean he's smart. That means he knows how to be a wage cuck.

>> No.2605694

>spending $800 on pens

i think the universe is trying to tell you something

>> No.2605695


>sayeth the neets on a thai lady body image board from his mom's basement on a saturday night

sure senpai

>> No.2605699

Your country's a joke m8 and people like you and your family are the reason why.

>> No.2605706

>gone bankrupt multiple times

God I love this meme

>> No.2605708
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>facts are memes

>> No.2605713
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You don't "go bankrupt" unless the people you owe money to, usually banks, seizes all of your assets because you can't pay them back. Google the difference between chapter 7 and 11 bankruptcy you dumb fag. Trump has had a few businesses that went under because he's had many many businesses and that is completely fine, see pic related

>> No.2605715

>Successful businesses.
>Literally no one is directed by him

Makes you wonder ...

>> No.2605716

>Grasping this hard

>> No.2605720

>racist mass e-mails that old people send

every part of that is hilarious

>> No.2605721

He doesn't direct or run any of those businesses. He hands over the management positions to other people. Trump himself is an inept faggot and even he himself knows that. And you want the faggot in office. You're a moron.

>> No.2605722

>supporting obi-wan-saddami

millennial babby-kun

>> No.2605725

>my nu-male asshole is just loose enough from the daily pegging that i can fit my whole head inside

wow anon reign it in okay we're here to have a good time

>> No.2605728
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>It's Trump's fault when 4 businesses he doesn't directly manage goes under
>However Trump has no responsibility for the hundreds of successful businesses he also owns but doesn't directly manage

>this doublethink
>grasping this hard

>> No.2605732

>Doesn't even know how to manage his own companies and businesses
>Thinks he can manage a country
That "doublethink" is a two way street m8.

>> No.2605736


>all this irrational Trump hate.

Jesus I thought this was 4chan not my women's studies class. You all do realize Trump is a mainstream candidate who is polling higher than Shillary right? I'm glad you all think you are smarter than most of the people in the country.

>> No.2605738
File: 625 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Canadian and am hoping Trump is elected. Why?

I want systematic racisim to make a glorious comeback. I mean Nationalism is on the rise, lets gas some niggers. (But seriously, the world needs some diversity in how it's governed fuck all this democratic, all equal shit. Let's take a giant military and point it somewhere)

>> No.2605739

Trump is going to win and all you eunuchs are going to be on suicide watch. It's going to be so much fun.

>> No.2605741

Lol do you think that Trump just spends all his time in the Bahamas or what? Handing the less important management decisions to people that you know are more specialized in those fields than you is extremely smart when you run a mulch-national conglomerate, m8. Knowing how to choose and manage your inferiors is a lot more important than nitpicking the length of grass in golf course field #X when it comes to any leadership position. Of course you would know this if the bulk of your business knowledge didn't come from anime and dank reddit memes.

>> No.2605743

kek I meant *multi-national

>> No.2605746


The only good that will come from Trump getting elected is WWIII, which will effectively kill the human race. White colonialism has destroyed this planet beyond repair. Mission accomplished.

>> No.2605748

>The only good that will come from Trump getting elected is WWIII
And what exactly do you think Killary wants?

>> No.2605749
File: 74 KB, 1138x915, 1439060395948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until people start to realize that the Trump phenomenon is only the first ripple in the wave that is coming.

These shitskin attacks where muslims slaughter people without resistance, the Rotherham rape scandal (and all the hundreds of other identical cases in Europe that have come out in which muslim gangs systematically rape white children and force them into prostitution), the never-ending tide of third-world welfare seekers, the murders of cartoonists and artists... all this stuff is giving rise to a groundswell of rage that Trump is only tapping the very fringes of.

Just watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUMyEXqy4fM

That's a publicly funded mural in France that says "French women are for Africans." (or something similar; I don't speak frog).

Trump is only the beginning of the reaction to this. I'm pretty sure he is nothing compared to what's coming.

>> No.2605751

M8 with all that's been going on in the world right now do your really think that the current leftist regime would prevent WWIII?

>> No.2605753

>Handing the less important management decisions to people that you know are more specialized in those fields than you is extremely smart
>extremely smart
>simple common sense
>extremely smart
Max kek. And the reason those people are in those positions is because they are actually qualified for it. Trump isn't, he just has the money to pay them. You're literally a dumb ass.

>> No.2605755

pls talk about pens instead

>> No.2605756

>Trump is only the beginning of the reaction to this
Reaction to what? Karma?

>> No.2605764

>I'm glad you all think you are smarter than most of the people in the country.
America is generally a dumb country. It's citizens are pants on head retarded. It's part of the reason why they haven't revolted against their government yet.

>> No.2605766

>thing is I'm not a weeb or have any interest in anime
Then why are you here?

>> No.2605781
File: 94 KB, 948x676, 2vmgfg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a resentful darkie (speaking english on a computer with electricity and central air), you may be happy that white people are getting overrun by the brown hordes they colonized, but, from an objective standpoint, the current trend of r-selected, low-iq brown people immigrating into white countries in unlimited numbers, forming massive ghettos, and having 16 kids each has to either end in white people disappearing from the earth as they are bred out of existence in their own homes or white people resisting this fate with whatever force is necessary. These are the only two possible outcomes to the situation as it is currently progressing.

I suspect that the current trend of white people meekly acquiescing to stuff like that mural, Rotherham, or whatever latest muslim atrocity in Europe is nearing an end. I could be wrong. But I don't think I am. Historically, white people are pretty vicious.

>> No.2605783

Whats your favorite pen anon? I like the Pentel Brush Pens. Theyre like 5 USD in Japland

>> No.2605785

He's actually qualified to appoint hundreds of people lower than him to manage the hundreds of businesses that would be otherwise impossible to effectively manage by a single person because he created all the very successful Trump businesses. What you're trying to argue is equivalent to saying that army generals are unqualified and stupid because they command sergeants and lieutenants who have lower management positions. You're either trolling, shilling, retarded or all three.

>> No.2605786

>from an objective standpoint
From an objective standpoint, white colonization is what's going to kill this planet. It's what made the human race a parasite to the very thing it lives on. It's also what's making everyone but the elites miserable.

>> No.2605787

>It's what made the human race a parasite to the very thing it lives on.

If you want to live in a jungle, nobody is stopping you.

>> No.2605788

>What you're trying to argue is equivalent to saying that army generals are unqualified and stupid because they command sergeants and lieutenants who have lower management positions.
I didn't know Army generals were born into those positions you dumb fuck. You're implying Trump worked hard to get where he is. He didn't. His family built that shit for him through the generations. How are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.2605792

Trump became a multi-billionaire by using a million dollar loan which he had to pay back with interest decades before his father died. He is now much richer than his father ever was. If you don't consider that success, or the result of hard work, than I am afraid that you are legitimately out of touch with reality.

>> No.2605797
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, galactickek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>million dollar loan
>hard work
My fucking sides

>> No.2605799

My broke as fuck dad's psychotic female friend just pulled out a $450,000 loan to open a marijuana dispensary in Washington. It's peanuts.

Again, you are completely out of touch with reality.

>> No.2605803
File: 85 KB, 152x240, 1392065145669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>white colonization is what's going to kill this planet

That's almost too stupid to address. That's the sort of idea you get when you have an IQ of 98 and you read too much pseudo-intellectual social justice nonsense.

I hate to break it to you, but the idea that everyone was living in harmony with nature and painting with all the colors of the wind before whitey showed up is false.

>> No.2605805



You don't need to inherit shit to go into a million dollars of debt

>> No.2605807


Why are you arguing with him? He probably donated to Bernie and thus by proxy to Clinton, the corporate whore of all corporate whores. Some people are born to get conned and you can't help them.

>> No.2605811


Everyone in this thread is now aware that the Islamic terrorists who massacred people at the Bataclan in Paris first tortured the French inside, stabbing women in the vagina, cutting off men's testicles and forcefeeding them to them, ect.

Trump is the only one talking about maybe not letting another 10 million of these people move in to our homes right now.

>> No.2605818

>living in harmony and painting colors in the wind
White colonization and incompetent industrialization go hand in hand. No one said anything about there never being conflict ever. But the god complex is the very core of white colonization.

>> No.2605825


/pol/ say some fucking stupid liberal shit so /pol/ can respond with fucking stupid conservative shit. Nobody draws, everyone loses.

>> No.2605827

>White colonization and incompetent industrialization go hand in hand.

Literally what nigger? Have you ever even been to the third-world? Are you serious right now?


I draw all day for my job. Shitposting on 4chan is how I unwind. Just happens I'm a /pol/lack too.

>> No.2605834

>have you ever even been to the 3rd world?

Have you ever even learned that we wuz kangs?


>> No.2605835

>Just happens I'm a /pol/lack too.
I'm so happy for you. Lots of people are many things irrelevant to /ic/, few of them feel the need to discuss those things here and if they do, they're polite enough to sage.

>> No.2605838

>Hoping for Hillary instead
Well if he wants to be a marine like his dad then that's a good way to ensure he'll have work I suppose.

>> No.2605840

My dad killed muzzies in Afghanistan and now he hires them as his wageslaves
Yours should just get used to the times desu

>> No.2605841

>Have you ever even been to the third-world?
Did you even read what I said? What third world country is effectively making this planet's climate dive straight into the shitter with each passing year? When you industrialization and harvesting practices are shitting where you eat, it's incompetent.

>> No.2605851

>What third world country is effectively making this planet's climate dive straight into the shitter with each passing year?

India. And the middle east. They're actually one of the worst contributors despite also being horrible places to live. I would argue parts of South America also.

>> No.2605873


Your butthurt nonwithstanding, he's going to win.

>> No.2605876

Their governments are in bed with the first world.

>> No.2605881

India's a great example (http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html))

Don't forget all of those eastern countries where the sun is blotted out from pollution and the people live in their own filth like rats


The west created industry and the west will correct the pitfalls of industry while those outside it remain indifferent and ineffectual.

>> No.2605891
File: 28 KB, 294x267, 1378244320861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dechavious, one of the big reasons your life is so miserable is that you blame whitey for everything instead of taking responsibility. You're literally on 4chan right now raving that whitey is responsible for developing countries emitting co2 and "killing the planet." No, that's just how cheap energy works; cutting the developing world off from coal would be 100x more destructive to brown people than anything whitey ever did. I bet you have a dozen other conspiracy theories about systems of white supremacy keeping brothas that you're ready to vent here at the first opportunity. Please tell us: how deep does the rabbit hole go? Are you one of those Nation of Islam types that believes that whites were invented by an evil black scientist in a lab before whitey stole your hoodoo powers that you used to build the pyramids?

>> No.2605893

Confirming that China is a "white colony".

>> No.2605899


White people discovered industrialization, so white people are responsible for all pollution forever. It's so obvious, you must be a racist if you can't see it.

Fucking white devil, oppressin' brothas with his science n' shit.

>> No.2605903

You is a funni nigra

>> No.2605910

So who isn't? The chinese? They're THE worst contributer to pollution. Sub saharan Africa? Too stupid to industrialize in the first place.

>> No.2605925

>Implying people don't hate china
>Implying people don't just put up with them because they have people by the balls.
>Implying that's any different from the position whites are in.

It's not a conspiracy, It's pretty fucking obvious. You'd have to have your head in the sand to not see it. Next you'll be telling me the prison industrial complex doesn't exist.

>> No.2605933

So now its the white people and the asian people that are responsible for all the problems in the world. Wanna add the jews in too?

>> No.2605935

Jews classify themselves as white in the US census. So white is a catch all term for them as well.

>> No.2605936
File: 78 KB, 500x357, 1388992358266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a conspiracy, It's pretty fucking obvious. You'd have to have your head in the sand to not see it.

yeah yeah, wake up sheeple, I get it. So, uh... why exactly are white people making conspiracies to kill the world again? Cui bono there?

>Next you'll be telling me the prison industrial complex doesn't exist.

Well, I'm not a fan of privatizing prisons. However, black people could put a real damper on this particular conspiracy if they stopped murdering and raping everyone. Of course, they do that everywhere, which is why literally every place on the planet they become the majority starts to look like Mogadishu. I'm sure that's whitey's fault too though.

>> No.2605945

>whites males commit the most sexual assault and rape than any other race
>whites males kill the most amount of police officers than any other race
>blacks are the problem
Keep that head in the sand. America is doing it's job well.

>> No.2605946

this got political real fast

>> No.2605948

The rape of african slaves in the US was a common practice and you seriously think it magically stopped, maximum kek.

>> No.2605949
File: 1012 KB, 1580x3433, 1400635399145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>whites males commit the most sexual assault and rape than any other race

>> No.2605950

>whites commit more ____ than any other race

Because we're the majority? It's called population percentages you moron. Try researching crime per capita before spouting bullshit next time.

>> No.2605953

>It's ok when whites do it
Literally end you life.

>> No.2605954

This b8 is so bad that it made me lol irl

>> No.2605956

who's going to win what? There isn't a battle over relevance of politics to art.

>> No.2605957

the only thing your old man managed to do is to force you buy more nip pens, financing anime even more.

>> No.2605959

That's literally your argument. Being the majority of the population isn't even a valid arguing point because the fact still remains. You don't have an arguing point.

>> No.2605960


Black women are generally ugly, usually overweight to very overweight, and 50% of them have herpes. Find me any source that says white men are raping them at any kind of statistically visible rate. I'll even take some crazy black-supremacist Nation of Islam source if you can find one. Show me anything.

I mean, I'm basically a full-fledged racist, but I have black girls flirt with me sometimes, especially on online dating sites, and even when they're objectively pretty I just can't feel attraction to them. I seriously think the whole slave-rape thing may even be mostly mythical.

>> No.2605962
File: 63 KB, 1874x542, 1466318130288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2605964

Thanks for confirming that you don't actually travel and only know what /pol/ tells you.

>> No.2605966

My arguing point is that despite being 14% of the population blacks commit about 50% of murders, the majority of the other 50% belonging to hispanics.

The only ethnic group member less likely to commit crime than a white person is an East Asian.

Btw r u illastrat? You type like him.

>> No.2605969

Thanks for proving that you have no evidence and that you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.2605971
File: 24 KB, 473x374, 1295280543449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, see, you can't find any source. You live in a fantasy land where you're being oppressed, but when someone calls you out on it, you have to back down because it's unsupportable nonsense. Go march in support of copkillers some more, dumbass. Meanwhile, there are countries in Africa in which 10% of the population are literal slaves.

Dumbest fucking people on Earth.

>> No.2605975

>Yeah, see, you can't find any source.
You have no credible sources.

>> No.2605979

Nevermind the fact that the sources you do try to cite are devoid of context in terms of system corruption that's evident. You believe the statistics of the same people shitting in your mouth.

>> No.2605980
File: 52 KB, 720x446, 1390366532343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<- literally you

>> No.2605981

The image he posted includes a url to a government census that the image was sourced from you blind fuck

>> No.2605982

what does that have to do with my posts?
/ic/ is not the place for your political insecurities, please take it elsewhere.

>> No.2605984

>>2605981 read >>2605979
Good show.

>> No.2605989

>who's going to win what?

>what does that have to do with my posts?


>> No.2605991

So what your argument basically boils down to is "official government statistics are lies because they prove you right, and I'm right even though I have absolutely no statistical evidence to prove my climes"?

Tell us again how you're not a cospiracy theorist?

>> No.2605993

>government corruption is a conspiracy
Tell me again how you aren't a sheep?

>> No.2605994
File: 40 KB, 634x593, 1435519221470-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fit right in with these debate champs, blacksupremacistbro.

Just terrible rhetorical performance all around. This is why nobody takes black lives matter seriously.

>> No.2605996

Give us something to work with, Anon X. If you don't trust the government, provide something contradictory to their evidence. This is how debate works, it'll keep you from looking like a retarded lunatic void of any intellectual honesty.

>> No.2606001
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>not believing the statistics sponsored by a corrupt government that treats law enforcement as an industry by giving the police force quotas coupled with the prison industrial complex makes you look like a retarded lunatic.
>critical thinking makes you look like a lunatic.

>> No.2606008

Still waiting on those sources

>> No.2606010


I don't believe you. I don't believe the guy whose mom searches his sketchbooks for nude drawings, and I don't believe the guy whose dad drank his Copics.

In fact I think you're all the same person and I wish you'd get banned.

>> No.2606011

Wasn't this thread about pens or some shit?

>> No.2606012

The /ic/ saga is a beautiful thing, is it not?

>> No.2606013
File: 273 KB, 873x1214, 1449147902396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice how, now that he's been called to provide any kind of evidence for his crazy oppression olympics worldview, he's now buckling down and focusing only on the prison thing and is ignoring everything else. Elsewhere in the thread, he claimed that white people are engaged in a conspiracy to kill the earth with global warming and are raping black women in large numbers, but now that he's been called to back up his shit he doesn't want to talk about those anymore. Privatized prisons are much less fringe. This is called the motte and bailey argument.


Classic pseudo-intellectual social justice moron. This stuff probably gets a lot of likes on twitter from his rabid, white-hating black nationalist friends. Outside of that circle-jerk, it kind of falls apart, as we're witnessing.

>> No.2606019

all that ever needs to be said about niggers

>> No.2606023

>still claiming documented history of government corruption and simple observations are conspiracy.
I'm only still posting because the denial is amusing to watch.

>> No.2606025

Why were you ok with believing that whites are more crime ridden when you thought that that claim was proven by government statistics?

>> No.2606026


yes, you're just watching in amusement from above it all. I guess that's better than saying that you were just pretending to be retarded.

stay woke, jackass

>> No.2606028
File: 146 KB, 884x666, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe a government with documented corruption in it's history and treatment of it's citizens has credible statistics
>But you're the retard

>> No.2606030

I want /pol/ to leave /ic/
in fact, I want /pol/ to leave this universe, or stay in your shitty containment board if you like instead.

>> No.2606033

I want tumblr manchildren to stop sperging out over nothing and stop continuing to procrastinate instead of draw by making worthless posts like yours but you can't always get what you want.

>> No.2606034

Your dad is redpilled, it's disgusting how people sucking japs cock so much these days :^)

>> No.2606036


How about instead you eat shit? This is 4chan, faggot, not your safespace. Gtfo.

>> No.2606038


It really, really isn't.

>> No.2606040

It's not 1950 anymore.
Houses are appreciating, expenses are increasing, benefits are decreasing and wages aren't on par. This is ultimate competitiveness and the end result of globalization.
I gave up on everything not absolutely necessary while trying to save for an apartment or small house and enough money to concentrate on my art.
"Just a couple years and you'll be able to enroll in an atelier and git good anon!". 8 years later I would still be in a dead end job I hated if I hadn't been fired for daring to ask for a raise after five years of absolutely perfect performance just because a poo nigger in India would do my job barely well enough for less than half.

Wage slavery ends your life. Dreams and goals over. I was lucky to find a seasonal job that actually gives me enough money to leave comfortably during the off season, when I can finally focus on art.

>> No.2606043

>I was lucky to find a seasonal job that actually gives me enough money to leave comfortably during the off season, when I can finally focus on art.

This. Ski resorts FTW

>> No.2606044

>But seriously, the world needs some diversity in how it's governed fuck all this democratic, all equal shit. Let's take a giant military and point it somewhere
Don't know if bait but yeah, pretty much.
We need opposition for the world to keep moving forward, all this feelsgood bullshit is dragging everyoe but the militant muslims and the rapefugees, down the drain.

Vote Trump, kill Trudeau and replace him with some mad napoleonic-era fossil from Quebec in Canada and wathever tyrant in Mexico. Make the North American Union an ultra-right military megastate to antagonize the EU's faggotry. Get us some war, disorder and neat new opportunities.

I want the real world to play less like Monopoly and more like Risk.

>> No.2606053

Where will you run to when all countries are filled with the savage africans you were trying to escape from in the first place, my Nigerian friend?

>> No.2606054

You shouldn't have sold your neighbors to the Dutch and told them it was cool to do that.

>> No.2606059

China, India, Iran, Nigeria, Phillipines, Singapore, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia.
Hell they contaminate more than most of the EU.

You're literally divorced from reality.

>> No.2606063

>>2606059 read >>2605876
eat shit.

>> No.2606067

Has anyone used the Copic Multiliner brushpen? I've got some of the regular fineliners and they're fucking glorious.

I'm considering their brushpen now, in case it's better than the Pentel one.

>> No.2606068

>9 in 10 niggas is a criminal
>2 in 10 whiteys is a criminal
>hispanics are white for ciminal statistics because they're schrodinger's minority and count as white or poc depending on the narrative
>Jews are white because thhave money, unless we're talking about economic discrimination, then they're poor opressed pocs and whitey is the problem.
>Whitey ais the problem because when we put together their crimes and those of hispanics and jews, 18 is more than 9.
Is this really how "progressives" thing?

>> No.2606071

>corrupted statistics from a corrupted government are valid
>Jews aren't white even though that's the race they identify and are acknowledged as
>Whites aren't the problem even though their criminals and crimes outnumber those of other minorities.
>B-but mah percentages!
/pol/ will never not be hilarious.

>> No.2606076

i thought racebait was against the rules

>> No.2606080

I got a feeling this thread is derailing a bit

>> No.2606084

There's a containment board called >>>/pol/ for all the retards ITT voting Trump, I suggest you all fuck off there since the vast majority of this thread has nothing to do with /ic/ and should honestly be banned.

>> No.2606088

U mad killary fag?

>> No.2606090

>for all the retards ITT voting Trump

This is how people know that you're a shill for the hill. You should've said "for all the retards talking about politics", much more subtle. Now kys

>> No.2606091

Tell him the gtr is better than the corvette.

>> No.2606094

Why do faggots still pretend like it actually matters who gets in office?

>> No.2606104

Hey you too are in the club 1911 and Vanishing Point? Or at least you were.

>> No.2606112

Great argument

>> No.2606114

If you're NOT smarter than 50% of Americans, kys.

>> No.2606119

You don't have to be a fan of Hillary to know that Trump is pants-on-head retarded and that his proposals would obejectively destroy the economy.

>> No.2606127

It's a felt tip, not actual bristles. Don't bother. Stick to Pentel or Kuretake, or if you want to save money buy literally any waterbrush and fill it with fountain pen in or liquid watercolors.

>> No.2606157

Bullet dodged, thanks anon.

I'm not from /pol/, and I don't necessarily agree with their consensus, but are you actually, functionally retarded?

>> No.2606165


This, mate. I used to be into felt tip but then I discovered fountain pen, and fountain pen-type pens and never looked back. For starters they don't have felt that breaks down really easily and has to be replaced. You can also choose your ink and they feel so much better on the paper. Also brush pens blow away those felt tip "brush pens." Get yourself a Pentel Pocket Brush, senpai.

>> No.2606170


How the fuck did you know this? Are you a mod looking at my IP address? Also, btw the stories are all true.

>> No.2606174

>are you actually, functionally retarded?
You're only functionally retarded if you actually know the history of the US's corrupt government practices and mistreatment of it's citizens and still think all the problems just magically went away.

>> No.2606177


I refill my Pentel Pocket Brush with fountain pen ink (but you do have to make sure it's a very black, Noodler's regular black ended up looking greyish, but Noodler's Heart of Darkness is a really dark black.)

I fill my waterbrush with a few drops of india ink and water. It's a pretty cool grey and you can build it up in layers for some cool value play.

>> No.2606179
File: 774 KB, 1877x1913, fbi table 43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story is fake as fuck just like all the other "my dad destroyed/ate my art supplies" threads.

>he got a chain email about how art pens are made in Japan and just lost it, bro

Whatever dude, lmoa

The statistics are only corrupted against whites because a non-white group that makes up 17% of the population is lumped in with them.

If you don't know why percentages are very relevant to this discussion you're pretty dumb, family man

>> No.2606184

>The statistics are only corrupted against whites
>it's only high because of the latinos
The mental retardation of you /pol/ faggots will never cease to amaze me.

>> No.2606192


Fuck off


>> No.2606196


>> No.2606197
File: 53 KB, 91x320, 9370934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Poltards invading other boards again.

>> No.2606201

you seem to be confused.
if you want to be with libtards, go back to plebbit, deviantart or the other places where you subhumans dwell.
Now fuck off.

>> No.2606285

It's actually relatively proportional, not 'high', but it is higher than it otherwise would be because you're comparing two groups while lumping in a third group with another. Blacks are even more vastly overrepresented in violent crime statistics than it appears because of this.

>> No.2606303

No, YOU'RE confused.

Fuck off. No one wants your kind here. /pol/ posts outside of /pol/ and /news/ should be banned because they are nothing but shitposts.

If you want to circlejerk, then fuck off back to /pol/, stormfront, or whatever shitty blog you came from.

>> No.2606312

>no you
start making an argument any time.
but given that you're too niggerish to even understand basic statistics, that seems unlikely.

>> No.2606313
File: 21 KB, 640x480, AHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2606316
File: 1.97 MB, 1421x2570, XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be out playing in traffic with your fellow #blm fambinos, fampai?

>> No.2606326

Are gel pens any good for finished pieces?

>> No.2606337

Considering white males are the majority killing cops anyway, that seems pretty fair.

>> No.2606342


>The FBI’s Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted program tracks the deaths of officers who were on duty, or acting in an official manner while off duty. The FBI publishes annual reports breaking down the figure in two ways: accidents and “felonious incidents,” which are deaths as a result of a criminal act. Felonious incidents include ambushes, traffic pursuits, responding to domestic disturbances or delivering search warrants.

>There were 511 officers killed in felonious incidents and 540 offenders from 2004 to 2013, according to FBI reports. Among the total offenders, 52 percent were white, and 43 percent were black.

>The FBI provided The Fact Checker a detailed database of victim officers and offenders in felonious incidents, accidental deaths and assaults with injury, from the early 1980s.

>From 1980 to 2013, there were 2,269 officers killed in felonious incidents, and 2,896 offenders. The racial breakdown of offenders over the 33-year period was on par with the 10-year period: 52 percent were white, and 41 percent were black.

>> No.2606370


Most Jews constantly switch between two identities though, both as the persecutor and persecuted.

They identify as white whenever they want whites accountable for the negative actions that they commit against minorities, but they identify as ethnic Jews whenever they want to relate with minorities.


The point is that latinos aren't identified as latinos, they're constantly mis-categorized as white-anglo saxon people. It's not hard to read bruh.

>> No.2606373

>getting fired for asking for a raise
Well thats wage slave work for you