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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2602306 No.2602306 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you draw?

>> No.2602311

Every day, until im the last one standing.

>> No.2602316

Recently lost motivation and been depressed so I'm happy if I manage to draw half an hour

>> No.2602324


I can draw comfortably for at least 4 hours, but i can grind for about 12 hours a day.

I want to be able to casually draw for at least 12 hours daily but i don't think I have the disicipline for that to be enjoyable.

>> No.2602335

>but i can grind for about 12 hours a day.

you're a fucking animal anon.
I cant go for more than 4 hours and sometimes I miss a day or two a week. It drives me crazy when I cant discipline myself but I'm also driven crazy in the moment of drawing if I sit and focus too long. I hate it

>> No.2602359


>> No.2602366

the drawing seems very basic, yet it is so captivating, what is causing that?

>> No.2602370


>wake up
>go to uni
>come back home at 18:00
>study 2 hours
>draw until 00:00
Sometimes I get less due to eating
I abandoned all vidya and social life
Im jelly of you NEETs I wish I could draw 12 hours a day, I would even do 16

>> No.2602405

6 days a week. Usually between 1½ and 3 hours a day. Not amazing, but I'm not trying to make my living with art.

>> No.2602411
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onwards to victory brothers

>> No.2602417

Never. Drawing is for fags.

>> No.2602420
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Never enough

>> No.2602773

more often than you

>> No.2602787

3 hours a day, but only because i do short runs now and i can build my resume while at my job (watching markets)

>> No.2602807

I had a big break of 3 months after being always (everytime i was drawing) frustrated by looking at my artworks. And 3 days ago I have started to draw again, and I feel free. I don't care if it's shitty or not. I just enjoy drawing.
The problem was that I was always having high expectation and I thought I was better than what I actually was... each time a drawing would come out bad, I was blamming my luck. I couldn't accept that I was worse.
And somehow, all my daily life complexes that made me stress like shit and made me feel anxious about everything disappeared approx. 2 weeks ago... now I just love drawing.

>> No.2602818

/LAS/ pls go and stay go

>> No.2602820

about 3 h a day, but I draw every single day without exception

>> No.2602825

Little color yet intricacy in linework

>> No.2602928

Trying to pick it up as a hobby. It's not something I can really sit and do forever but i'm setting the bar low and trying to do at least 30 minutes a day.

>> No.2602966

I try to make drawing time a mixture of work and fun. So I time 2hrs of drawing first. Then after the 2hr mark, I stop measuring the time and just draw

Dont be afraid to draw for fun once in awhile

Neet here, drawing 12 hrs straight drains me. Pls teach me your cunning.

>> No.2603180

15 mins every other day

>> No.2603187
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>> No.2603196

2hrs or so a day, it's not enough but it's all I can fit into my schedule. I'm ok with my slow ass progress.

>> No.2603304

filthy fucking NEET wanting to pick his life back up with art but cant draw more than two hours a day(unless im drawing something I'm reaaally into) and will sometimes skip days.

>> No.2603515

Once a year.

Someday I'll be an artist.

>> No.2603878
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About once every few months, if that. I've gone over a year before without ever putting pencil to paper.

B-but this is the year I'll turn it all around, for sure this time!

>> No.2604598

5 hours daily occasionally 8 hrs, 6 days a week, then only a few on sundays as a rest day. No secrets, it sucked at first, but i didn't stop and i will never stop.

>> No.2604732

Not as much as i want to.
Im always burned out after work and i spend my days off usually just looking at art and deconstructing in. Im gonna start learning Miuras style soon, i like the dynamic in his pictures and the level of detail

>> No.2604734


Every day. I remember in the first few months I would skip some days, but now it's every single day, at least a few pages. I do worry I don't spend enough time on each drawing and work too much on line art and not rendering. But for some reason I find that kind of boring, so I hope I can develop a style that works without a huge amount of rendering.

>> No.2604744

Not as much as I should. Most of the time, I just want to kill myself.

>> No.2605251

I study anatomy every day (the whole day in summer, obv. eat and sleep). I never draw finished pieces though.

>> No.2605256

>I never draw finished pieces though.

you should really spend time just doing that. learning anatomy is important but it becomes kind of irrelevant if you never work on the process of actually working through pieces. you learn a lot through completing pieces

>> No.2605404


Though like the OP below you says. I should take care of that.

>> No.2605411

Wanna post results?

And I might need to try that

>> No.2605566

>Pls teach me your cunning.
I just enjoy what I do
But lately I have been more interested in drawing than in programming

>> No.2605568

don't have much posted but i'll be updating it and branching out soon.