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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.04 MB, 2144x2680, IMG_20160712_213207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2601027 No.2601027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do u think

>> No.2601028

You don't need to post your shitty "art" twice. Stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.2601034

can i get a critique?

>> No.2601036

its terrible

did u go to any black lives matter protests yet niggastrat

>> No.2601092

ahahahaha is that an abstraction of sid what the fuck

>> No.2601298

not bad, If you want legitimate or meaningful critique i suggest posting it in a pre-existing thread meant for critiquing each others work, it may seem like you wont get many replies in such a big thread but keep posting new work and sooner or later you'll get some feedback if not on your first attempt. Making your own thread tends only to get a lot of non-constructive criticism.

>> No.2601362

Hahahah he couldnt learn to draw or stop using that vomit-yellow so he started abstracting
Holy shit this guy never fails to disappoint

>> No.2601563 [DELETED] 

You know how whites and asians get good at art? By spending thousands of hours practicing

How much have you practiced? You need to practice more than you boast.

>> No.2601572

Let me help you.

As you can see, posting your own "what do you think?" Thread attracts weeb losers who have nothing better to do than put down other people's work. Trust me, it's better to find a pre existing thread.

>> No.2601594

>better to find a pre existing thread

Where people would tell him the same thing? Everyone who appreciates god-tier work like OP left a long time ago.

>> No.2601833

Maybe change the colors around her it doesnt make the woman herself explode but good work op i enjoy your art

>> No.2601846

Illustrat pls

>> No.2601898

Are you colour-blind?

>> No.2601899

>What do u think
that I hate niggers

>> No.2601912

interesting. Is this the depiction of a blind man imagining what a person looks like?

>> No.2601933


Nice, I like it, thumbnail reads well, would like to see more from you.

>> No.2601964

>would like to see more from you


>> No.2601978
File: 509 KB, 560x700, nutn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, you can do the crazy ugly color thing if you put more effort into the figure itself. With some kind of effort in rendering. The texture placement should flow with the figure or have some kind of contrast between the figure and textures.

I attempted to show what I mean in pic related.

>> No.2601995

would look good as pizza topping tho

>> No.2602000

^oops forgot to reply op

>> No.2602081

but I am trying to break form. You did the opposite

>> No.2602089

Ok now I'm pretty sure you're just stupid.

You didn't break form. In fact, you put effort in order to make it look like it has form. Highlights on the eyes, chin, lips, checks and shadows on the jaw, nose, neck, ect.

If your goal was to "break form" you failed so fucking badly it doesn't even look like you tried. Not to even fucking mention there is no creativity in "breaking form". The modernists did it literally more than a century ago.

So not only are you stupid but you're unoriginal.


>> No.2602090

So you are saying your image is supposed to look like ass?

>> No.2602094

I am just telling what I am trying to do.its really hard to do.

>> No.2602099

>its really hard to do.
No, it's not.

Are you completely unaware of fucking everything? Have you never picked up a book in your entire life? Do you know who Cezanne is? Duchamp?

What you are having such a hard time with a fucking child could do it.

>> No.2602103

Ever seen african masks? Japanese prints? Catholic art? Egyptian paintings? Mayan, Aztec, fucking cave men?

Seriously, do you have any god damn idea about anything art related at all?

>> No.2602109

Most if not all had not broken form

>> No.2602111
File: 3.64 MB, 3120x3900, IMG_20160713_000019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beautiful

>> No.2602123

so you don't know fuck all about art then.

Thanks for confirming.

>> No.2602163

Abstract expressionism

>> No.2602201

what the fuck are you talking about?

Are you saying your image is "abstract expressionism"?

If you are... then holy shit. You realize painting a figure isn't abstract art right? Like, there is only one fucking defining features of abstract art and that's literally what it is.

>> No.2602208

U don't know what you r talking about. There is representational, abstract and non representational

>> No.2602220

Holy shit /ic/ BTFO

Illastrat 1
Butt blasted anons 0

>> No.2602232

>abstract expressionism
>movement of 99.99% non-representational paintings

>> No.2602236

You faggots realize just because you call it something doesn't mean that's what it is right?

It's closer to german expressionism. Calling kooning paintings abstract just because his other works are doesn't mean his representational works are the same.

or are we going to call futurist works cubism or abstract expressionism now?

Do you want to know why kooning is an abstract expressionist and not german expressionist? Because of time and location.

You can't just call your shit whatever the fuck you want because it vaguely resembles someone else work defined by his time period.

Fuck. Read a fucking book.

>> No.2602259

Don't waste your breath. This troll comes on here every now and then and we go through the same cycle of hate/shitposting/trying to educate him. It never makes a difference. In fact, every time he comes back, his work looks worse.

>> No.2602273
File: 77 KB, 600x761, 1420045907894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for tha amount you practice, you have no talent,
the time you spent here and wastin paint you should had improve at least a little , apparently you like more seeing yourself paint and day dreamin becomin succesfull than actually askin yourself how to improve and commiting to a good training

also on the board you have a draw thraed and a beginner thread, you should post in it or you should be banned its not the first time , you'r attention whore troll
>protip stop beein a nigger

>> No.2602274

show some of you doing it if it is so easy you idiot

>> No.2602275

forgot the important part
QUIT PAINTING its not your thing , as you'r black you probably should do music or dancin or sport

>> No.2602279

lol of course its possible to paint an abstract figure you idiot

>> No.2602358

no. i am trying to break form. its hard. stop hating

>> No.2602364
File: 1.19 MB, 2361x3041, IMG_20160620_151423~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can draw too so don't say I can't draw

>> No.2602399

Still waiting on proof you can draw

>> No.2602550

bro im cool with that. just trying to correct this guy. an abstraction always starts from a concrete object, its called abstract because it is the abstraction of an object. anything else is not abstract. whatever. trying to break form is an interesting task. keep goin

>> No.2602587

because it's a nigger, you assume it never read a book?
man, the racism on this nepalese weaving conversation board.

>> No.2602621 [DELETED] 

>abstract because it is the abstraction of an object.
are you fucking retarded?

existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

I swear to go you faggots get dumbest every day.

>> No.2602623

>abstract because it is the abstraction of an object.
are you fucking retarded?

existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

I swear to god you faggots get dumber every day.

>> No.2602637

You serious right now?

It being a nigger means fuck all to me. The shit art, however, is a pretty clear indication of ignorance.

>> No.2602641

why the fuck do you even talk if you are this fucking stupid?


"draw away from". what do you think it is drawn away from so it can exist in your mind? seriously you fucking 12 year olds need to shut up and learn from people who know more than you

>> No.2602648

it's not even good

>> No.2602702

holy shit you're actually serious.


>> No.2602706

>it is drawn away from

is love an object?

Or does it not have a physical form only existing as a thought or concept?

You. are. a. retard.

>> No.2602711



"extract or remove (something).
"applications to abstract more water from streams"
synonyms: extract, isolate, separate, detach
"he abstracted the art of tragedy from its context"

>> No.2602721


fuck me, you really dont want to understand do you? maybe you could read the fucking dictionary if you are youting from it

"Expressing a property or attribute separately of an object that is considered to be inherent to that object."


>> No.2602723

You lose me at the straight from the tube bit of paint. Some parts from this little corner look nice, but your image just doesn't work as a whole. You say you're trying to break form, but 70% of what you've thrown down on the canvas comes off as an amateur attempt at replicating form. The other 30% is made up of random paint strokes that are unrelated to the image, and though some may look nice on their own, don't contribute anything.

Also ignore the idiots throwing nigger around. They're just as useless as this thread you've made despite multiple critique threads.

>> No.2602730

i honestly hope for you, that someday you are going to look back and see what an idiot you were today

>> No.2602733

>In fact, every time he comes back, his work looks worse.

This is what I don't understand. It's like he's sliding backwards despite putting the work in. Like, some of his earlier stuff had some nice bits, but now there's really not a whole lot going on.

>> No.2602743

Bruh. You couldn't even draw the irises the same size.... Like, they're just circles essentially and you're not even close.

>> No.2602752

Abstract is a verb and an art movement. Those to things are not necessarily the same thing. Like take "futurism" for example:

noun: futurism

concern with events and trends of the future or which anticipate the future.

But the art movement has entirely different elements than the dictionary definition.

>> No.2602768
File: 159 KB, 921x155, 1465971894316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know what objects Pollock put on canvas

>> No.2602784

well at some point you had non-representational art and people also called it abstract, even though it is not an abstraction anymore. but originally abstract art developed from further and further abstracting objects. calling pollock non-representational is way more precise if you ask me

>> No.2602799

other than that abstract expressionism has "abstract" in its name. Words can change their meanings over time. It may have meant to pull something off something, but it certainly isn't used that way in the artworld of today

>> No.2602809

yes it has changed. still its good to know. also there are people who use it very strictly. in german for example you have the term "gegenstandslose kunst" which you could roughly translate as objectless art

>> No.2602815

All art is abstract then because it is impossible to depict things as we see them exactly.

>> No.2602819


>> No.2602833

C'est n'est pas une pipe

>> No.2602931


I kind of like it. It probably would have been better as pure abstract instead of a "portrait". Also your responses to the actual criticism in this thread makes you seem like a douche. >>2602364 is 14 year old girl tier. Grind your fundamentals and lose the ego.

>> No.2602968

abstract is not an art movement