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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2597913 No.2597913 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you draw a day? What's your daily regimen?

>> No.2597914

Wake up, eat breakfast, play overwatch for 5 hours, animate a bit of my le ebin youtube parody, eat dinner, sleep, repeat ad nosium.

>> No.2597920

I draw for an hour a day. I just pick something out I wanna work on and draw it.

>> No.2597923

If you work, have to pay bills, and don't have a maid that does errands and laundry for you its impossible to have a "daily schedule". That's just how it is.

>> No.2597926

I draw basically all day everyday, I only stop to eat/sleep/etc. I draw when I watch stuff, No education, I started reading art books a couple weeks go so I got decent through sheer hours..
Only time I'm not drawing when I don't have to is when I beat off.

>> No.2597940
File: 117 KB, 800x900, 1308564580959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it /ic/, drew for 8 hours today, I don't know if I can keep this up, learned a lot but I feel tired, how do all the pros draw for 8 hours a day every day for years? How do I keep up the motivation?

>> No.2597951

draw every day

i am week 1

I will win LAS

>> No.2598047

Take medication. If you can't do a normal job for 8 hours a day, how do you expect to draw for 8 hours a day?

>> No.2598051


Studying the fundamentals full focus for 8 hours is not the same as serving fries or pressing a button

>> No.2598059

You're right. It's harder. Now how do you expect to draw for 8 hours a day if you can't work for 8 hours a day?

>> No.2598063


I'm ramping up from 1 hour a day to at a minimum 3. I figured out where I need to focus my learning so I can spend more time productively

>> No.2598064

Around 4 hours. More during the months where I work less.

>> No.2598069

They get paid for it, anon. That's like asking how any pro does anything for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's their job. Sure they might draw a lot on their days off too, but they're good enough that drawing is just fun and doesn't feel like a chore.

>> No.2598070

>tfw working a going to school and can't draw as much as I want to
I wish I were a NEET like the greats before me.

>> No.2601100

>You're right. It's harder.
Not him, but I think it depends on the person. Someone prefer routine, some people prefer a "challenge". Some people prefer to work from 7:00 to 16:00 on office tasks and be done with it, others prefer the university grind where you are never truly free until you get the degree (depending on degree, ofc).

>> No.2601108
File: 12 KB, 196x70, Captura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tracks my time when im in photoshop

>> No.2601125

Music, play shit in the background.

>> No.2601228

I'm on summer vacation atm so I have plenty of free time. I'm trying to get up to atleast 5/6 hours a day but I'm currently only doing around 3. Don't get much done, just an hour of drawing whatever I have laying around from life, an how of Scott Robertson and then an hour of Hampton. When I have Uni I only get maybe an hour or so in a day but I'm hoping to change that too.

>> No.2601263

Don't worry man, make it an habit. It's harder to start things than finishing them.

Just wake up and set yourself to "auto-mode", via a ritual you easily do and doesn't require mental effort. I.e: Clean your shit up, you take your sketchbook, and you automatically start drawing till breakfast.

>> No.2601324

>wake up
>read the bible for an hour
>__draw 30 min__
>eat and get ready for work
>go to work
>__draw while machines are running and I've done all I can to be maximally efficient__
>probably cumulative 10 minutes
>walk to park
>__draw an hour or more, mostly gestures and other drawings of people, evening out observation/invention__
>__ride bus home, do the same thing looking out the window. Also draw cars__
>sometimes draw after I get home, but usually read with my time

>> No.2601615


>wake up
>go to uni
>come back at 18:00
>study if necessary 2 hours
>spend rest of the day drawing (2 hours usually)

I abandoned all vidya and social life

>> No.2601644

Wake up, make food, paint, "Off fuck it's 10am the next day, nap, lift, jerk off, nap, repeat."

>> No.2601666

an hour uninterrupted in the morning and again at night

>> No.2601700

When I was unemployed I would do between 6 and 10. I could see myself improving daily. Now I'm trying to do 3.

>> No.2604160

what is it?

>> No.2604162

instant boss or some other program like it, you can find work timers like this pretty easily with a general google search.

>> No.2604192


I usually draw two 5 by 8 pages during the day while I'm supposed to be working and then try to do at least 3 pages in my big sketchbook after work, and at least 5 pages each day on the weekend. The goal is to fill up at least one 100 page sketchbook each month and then whatever I can do in my work sketchbook.

>> No.2604328
File: 191 KB, 600x1075, CZ7OTPzUYAArGcB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be as disciplined as korean artists

>> No.2604385

On summer vacation so I'm probably getting something like 5-6 hours done a day. During the school year basically every hour that I'm not asleep or eating is devoted to drawing.

>> No.2604426

Underage fag detected.

>> No.2604430 [DELETED] 


College dude.

>> No.2604540

I've heard Korean's are brought up with a completely different mindset. You either strive to be the very best at whatever you're doing or you don't bother, no middle ground. It's a culture thing, don't beat yourself up over not being raised in that sort of environment as it was beyond your control. If you're envious though just try to keep it in perspective, I'm sure some stressed out Koreans crave a more relaxed upbringing. The grass is always greener and all that.

>> No.2604769

6-8 hours a day
2/3 of that is digital 1/3 traditional. digital in morning/ trad noon-afternoon/ digital at night.

Weekends only 3 hours and exclusively traditional. Im semi-neet, only work weekends and the occasional weekday shift. I cant imagine i'll keep the schedule up when I come back to uni

>> No.2605073

I try to go for 3-4 hours a day and I'm doing my best to get it up to 8 at least, sadly today I couldn't last even an hour cause of physical fatigue from work.

>> No.2605131

I saw a documentary about SK society and their students and such, it sucks bro. They are so stressed that they end up killing themselves or becoming outcasts taking drugs in hospitals and such.
They're mad, although I can see a point in what they're doing it's like their lives are just meant to do one thing to the extreme of extenuation or dead. Or being socially dead and a shame to everybody else.

>> No.2607294

almost nil mins a day
i really can't even practice, its too hard and i don't know how to even put a person together

i've also been trying to learn for too long, i think its affected me that i can't improve. i just can't practice, i just want to draw and there is the impossible answer.

>> No.2607356 [DELETED] 

I'm 16 and draw 10+ hours a day now that I'm on holiday and don't have to work for school, because I'm ambitious
but my family keep saying me to stop chilling on the computer all the day, they don't understand how important it is for me

>> No.2607359

Post your work

>> No.2607361

When you are a bit comfortable with drawing, doing a piece take you more than 8 hours to finish but it's not making you as tired as when you study because you know what you're doing

>> No.2607502

>red board

>> No.2607547
File: 744 KB, 1280x1804, img003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw about 1-2 hours a day currently, started drawing like a month ago, sees a little progress each time.
I spend more time looking at doujins getting inspiration although like pic related.

>> No.2607559


Muh dick, sauce?

>> No.2607569

i hope you realize like at least 1/5 of people on 4chan are probably underage