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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2594473 No.2594473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has /ic/ heard of SinixDesign? ( http://sinix.deviantart.com/gallery/ www.youtube.com/user/sinixdesign )
If so, what does /ic/ think of him?

>> No.2594500

Don't really find your work that impressive
Also there's a shill thread
Also 4chan is the worst place to promote yourself

>> No.2594503

>implying sinix bothers with /ic/ at all

>> No.2594798

You don't have to be sinix to ask what people think of sinix, but who else would care?

>> No.2594810

I'm shit at art so my opinion is probably worthless but I like him. His art looks cool and he's made some decent tutorials. Seems like a nice enough guy.

>> No.2594942
File: 175 KB, 1280x1393, ___62_by_sinix-d9yi5x4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favourite artists at the moment, especially his paintsploration/ stream stuff. he seems to have really stepped up his art game recently. i'm a big fan of how he handles shapes and designs too.

>> No.2595005

lol in one of his streams he had in his search history "Sinix 4chan"

>> No.2595048

>people google themselves
>this must mean they shill hard

Stay retarded, anon. Stay retarded.

>> No.2595056

when he started a stream some time ago, somebody made a thread saying that he did. then somebody, could have been the same person, said in his chat that /ic/ has a thread about his stream while he was doing it

in mid stream, he went on /ic/ and started reading the comments (the last comment he read was actually mine) and then he posted a comment himself, while on stream

he was streaming on twitch. I might have the link, but it's at home if so

>> No.2595068

Post it when you find time pls. Was that just a one time thing or does he lurk?

>> No.2595072


Looks amateurish, honestly. Coloring and rendering are the easiest parts of painting. It's obvious he's lacking in design, and an understanding of perspective. The distant side looks really flat. garbage tier.

>> No.2595076

it isn't that I don't have time, but I might have saved it at home, and I am at work now

>> No.2595084


>> No.2595090

How about you look at the links instead of just judging him from one painting.

>> No.2595133

I really like this style. Anyone has tutorials?

Im not really good with colors, but id love to learn.

>> No.2595140

>Coloring and rendering are the easiest parts of painting.

just because youve trained yourself to do one thing while being shit about the other doesnt make it any easier or valuable

ive had little to no issues with understanding perspective but color fucks with me all the time

>> No.2595154

>being this butthurt that nobody gives a fuck about you
Sinex pls relax

>> No.2595176

I go home and WTF, does twitch delete streams after a while? I couldn't find it anymore, and why the fuck there are portions where the sound is muted? half of the stream doesn't have any kind of sound so you can't hear what he's saying

fuck twitch

>> No.2595195

>not a master so he's a pleb
>and you're also one if you like their art


>> No.2595294

>and why the fuck there are portions where the sound is muted?
Muh copyrighted music.

>> No.2595343

one foot in one foot out? no respect for that.

>> No.2595615

ugly pseudo anime faces? no respect for that.

>> No.2595621

he talks about the brushes he uses a bit in the beginning

>> No.2595628

Fuck off sinix. Go ask your mum if your stuff looks good.

>> No.2595642
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>> No.2595782


>> No.2595787
File: 217 KB, 750x1025, 21721002361_307e964f40_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my favourite artists at the moment,

>> No.2595792

how else are you supposed to do the hokey pokey

>> No.2595806
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1466713416901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok point out what is bad about his work. also post your work anon, sounds like your making some good shit

>> No.2595832

better than sakimichan

>> No.2595834

R u ok

>> No.2595852


I just find it strange to say he is one of their favorite artist when people like Richard Schmid, based Jeff and Mullins are still around. You can like whatever you want, but man, he is not even in sight skillwise.

>> No.2595902
File: 607 KB, 1201x1626, 193560_1281980521_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no someone has different tastes than you :""( fucking stop. I'm well aware of their existence and recognise their skill levels. does it mean i should give a single shit about their art or aspire to be anything like them? NOOOO. i seriously can't stand this bandwagon elitism where you should only look up to and aspire to become a master from this limited selection

my favourite artists do at least part of something that i want to be doing in the future, and looking at their work makes me want to draw.

-Sergey Kolesov (probably my no.1 at the moment)
- zedig
- sinix ( :O )
- Ian mcque
- Jamie Hewlett
- Mike Mignola
- Ashley Wood
- Robert Valley
- Jake Wyatt
-Jonathan Edwards

are most of these considered masters? no. but i like specific aspects of each of their work that inspire me. nothing about any of the artists you listed inspires me at all, except "oh i could study that"

>> No.2595936

>Has /ic/ heard of SinixDesign?
Have you tried lurking moar newshit?

>> No.2595939
File: 273 KB, 405x514, 1467177920517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to tell you, but your taste is shit.

>> No.2595950

post your top 10

>> No.2595982
File: 159 KB, 921x155, 1465971894316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are really interested and not just asking to tell me how shit I am: List is unordered, and off my head. not saying they are the best that ever lived, but I think they are both, inspiring and of actual amazing skill

Zak Smith
Richard Schmid
Olivier de Sagazan
Casey Baugh
Francis O Toole
Max Ginsburg
Jeremy Mann
Based Jeff (Even though he became kind of a meme, I think his Art is pretty nice)
Lee Price

>> No.2595985

>not just asking to tell me how shit

it's shit.

>> No.2595988


>> No.2596009
File: 454 KB, 1435x745, 193560_1254861965_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some good ones but as i expected, it looks like you're going in a completely different direction in art from me. calling someone's taste that is more geared towards illustration/animation shit just because it doesn't pertain to fine arts, doesn't make it shit.

but its funny that i've heard it's mostly fine artists that have the elitist mentality of what all artists should be aiming for, and here you are living up to that

>> No.2596012
File: 75 KB, 900x805, ___1e_by_sinix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have heard of him

from /ic/

I like him because
-He is better than me
-He has many good tutorials that help me
-His process is similar to mine

I respect his rendering and coloring, I like that his anatomy is typically accurate, and I like that he draws things from dynamic angles. When I find a good tutorial channel on youtube, that is really valuable to me, though my eye may eventually approve. I don't really like his mech, but the truth is... I don't like mech is general.

In conclusion. Not even close to my favorite artist, but I like him and his art quite a bit, and it is quite awesome that he makes helpful tutorials. At least for people of my skill level.

>> No.2596015

>calling someone's taste that is more geared towards illustration/animation shit just because it doesn't pertain to fine arts, doesn't make it shit.

Fair enough. Sorry family

>> No.2596024

>Zak Smith
>Richard Schmid
Great but often gets too flamboyant.
>Olivier de Sagazan
>Casey Baugh
Floating girl faces. Boring.
>Francis O Toole
>Max Ginsburg
>Jeremy Mann
Too flamboyant with all the drippy drabs.
>Based Jeff
Great quick sketches. Paintings not so great. Too busy. Choppy.
>Lee Price

Other anon's taste mostly sucks too.

>> No.2596038


I'd have used somber, not boring ; ).I like faces and people what can I say. Mind sharing yours? Genuinely interested.

>> No.2596055


do one for this plox

>> No.2596140

Hell if I know. Bits a pieces of lots of old dead guys. And Craig Mullins and Jaime Jones.

Mostly stuff that is too cute for me to get into. I can appreciate Sergey Kolesov, even if his stylization and sillyness is not to my taste. I like Mike Mignola the most on that list.

>> No.2599358

bump for this interesting, relevant and productive thread