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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2580180 No.2580180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does drawing make you more attractive to girls?

I've noticed as soon as people find out I draw and see my amateur shit, they think I have so much talent and immediately place me higher on the social value ladder. Even if I personally think my work is shit (that's what browsing /ic/ has done to me, probably for the better so that I continue to improve)

>> No.2580188

if you draw and have good hygiene/social skills, a lot of people open up to you.

Normies have this obsession with talent, if they think you have it, they all want your dick.

that's why so many artists have egos. if you're "talented" the world is your hugbox.

>> No.2580189

Usually (but rarely not) it's because they want to get friendlier with so you will draw something for them.

>> No.2580203

It's great for getting the girls. Try painting while getting your dick wet.

Expressionism at its finest!

>> No.2580213

It's more to do with having a talent.

To most people, having a talent equals a lot of things. It shows you can work hard, you have passion, you might make something of yourself one day and that you are intelligent.

All of these qualities are deemed attractive.

Personally, do I find people being attracted to me because I make art? Not really. The only times I really spend with girls is in my animation class, so they can all draw just as well, if not better, than me. If not then, I spend time with girls in my social circle out and about and at that point I'm not drawing.

>> No.2580515


If you're already attractive enough conventionally and have a passion like drawing, I'm guessing that makes you even hotter to them.

>> No.2580519

>having talent shows you can work hard


>> No.2580526
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i knew a girl who was butt ugly and had a piss poor personality, but she was a pretty great artist. i still wouldn't have porked her if you payed me to. you can't polish a turd with talent

>> No.2580536

We're talking about people who aren't repulsive /r9k/ posters.

>> No.2580539

How does that matter, if you want to not suck completely your are going to have to do barely anything else but drawing wich leaves no time for social crap

>> No.2580547
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>draw well
>have a life

you don't have to pick one unless you're trying to initially improve at autistic fzd speed. after that it's pretty much a full time job, sometimes more, sometimes less depending on if you want to keep moving up or stagnate.

also you're implying you are working on art and/or a job for more than 14 hours in which case post your work

>> No.2580558

literally >>>/r9k/ tier

>> No.2580590


I know a well known young artist who is a full blown Chad and is gud. I've seen model tier women approach him while drawing in public and ask about his sketchbook. I fucking hate him, but also admire him.

>> No.2580615

Before people knew I drew, they thought I was quiet because I was stuck up. After people knew I drew, they thought I was just a quiet because I am an observant, creative soul (lol)

And yes girls (and guys) definitely get attracted to you more if you can draw, but you have to have other qualities though. You can't be socially retarded and not take baths and get away with it because you can draw, for example.

Don't let it get to you though.

this pretty much

>> No.2580661

Not gonna make it

>> No.2580686
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idk about grills but since i started getting good at drawing i have people to sit with in college. feels good mang

>> No.2580702

i dont know about girls but when i moved a year ago my new place didnt have lamps so at night everything was pitch black.
I just started drawing a couple months ago and i wanted to commit to drawing a couple hours everyday so i could get good fast to start taking classes so one day i had no choice but to take my shit and practice at the nearby gas station.
There was some concert starting later so the place was packed, i just ordered a coffee and drew for like 3 and a half hours.
Everything i did was shit but all the people around kept talking about me like i was doing something amazing, some of them congratulated me or asked me to draw them it was bizzare

>> No.2580703


>> No.2580705

Girls are attractive in different ways than boys are attractive.

A hetero girl doesn't just care about looks. Most hetero men definitely care about looks

>> No.2580710
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>> No.2580725

Girls only find artists attractive if they have ligameme

>> No.2580727

>Featuring Feng Zhu from the Feng Zhu Design series

>> No.2580730

>A hetero girl doesn't just care about looks. Most hetero men definitely care about looks
its clearly visible you are a woman...i mean a girl. probably younger than 20. And you have a tumblr account.
leave. now.

>> No.2580737


>> No.2580753


>> No.2580754


>> No.2580759
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what are you even butthurting about fucking autismo?
Did i trigger you? Holy shit this amount of butthurt just proves my point.
>tee hee im a gurl and i hide as anonimous :)
>write retarded misandry-bullshit
>umm...its clearly you are a girl
here is your (you)

>> No.2580771
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>> No.2580777

>A hetero girl doesn't just care about looks. Most hetero men definitely care about looks

le el ma o

yea, its not just looks, also money

>> No.2580786

>found the tranny

>> No.2580789

>boob plate
>woman on the battlefield
>not raping the shit out of her

fake and gay

>> No.2580812

I'm actually a 24 y/o male who despises tumblr and cannot wait for the SJW/race war.

but you were close.

>> No.2580814
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trips confirms this guy gets it

>> No.2580842

this happens to me too. i use trains a lot so i spend the journeys drawing and i get a lot of people suddenly talking about drawing around me, and occasionally talking to me

>> No.2580860

I can't even go outside anymore because when I sit down and start drawing my spacemarines and power rangers fan art I get jumped by like 50 women trying to rape me.

>> No.2580870


>> No.2580879
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>power rangers fan art

>> No.2580922


>> No.2580943

as a femanon, yes. yes it does.

>> No.2580952

No anon, people told you already, you can't choose your sex.

>> No.2580959

Same thing here bro, when I go to a coffee shop to go work on my futa porn, order my coffee, go to sit down, next thing you know there's a girl with a strap on up my ass.
Can't I just live my life, don't I deserve that?

>> No.2580963

is it really that hard to believe that a * gasp * biological female would visit an art forum? i mean i understand all the cucks on /b/ and all but i mean really. i dont think art is that masculine of a thing to completely deny that fact that a girl would make art

>> No.2580967

i can smell your brown smelly vaginer from from your every post

>> No.2580972

people might find you more interesting if you have socially acceptable hobbies/passions

>> No.2580980

Makes you more attractive in general, people suddenly see you in a slightly nicer light than they did before. My bf admitted he wasn't interested in anything accept MAYBE a quick fuck but changed his mind when he saw my drawings and taste in music- his words not mine btw, my taste is pretty basic.

If only I could upload stuff to social media without wanting to throw up, it'd be pretty sweet to have certain people eat their words. Fuck it though.

>> No.2580983

Hay gurl. Wanna come over to my place? I'll knead your eraser and then we can rub our pencils together...

>> No.2581020

It depends. I knew a guy who was decent looking and said he could draw so I wanted to see how good he was. He boasted about how good he was at drawing then he seen my shit and was so impressed by my mediocre shit. Then seen some of his drawings after a few weeks of talking to him and they were shit. Interest dropped completely after that.

I don't like guys that can't criticise my drawings and can't take criticism.

>> No.2581026

It demonstrates you've got a hobby you're semi-competent in, and art is generally pretty socially OK as far as hobbies go, better than stuff like collecting model trains and stuff.

Still, a lot of people are often just being polite.

>> No.2581036

>I don't like guys that can't criticise my drawings

Sorry to break it to you, but you're incredibly autistic. Why the fuck would a guy do that right away? Even most art sites and forums aren't so upfront with criticism. /ic/ is brutally critical. Not that this is bad, but conventional wisdom and common sense wouldn't dictate a guy to shit on your art if you just met.

>> No.2581039


I hope you never reproduce.

>> No.2581041

maybe you shouldn't get with guys there into art.

>> No.2581195
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>tfw no /ic/ gf

>> No.2581223
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>he doesn't watch Super Sentai and Kamen Rider

>> No.2581225

>"Oh you draw? I draw a bit too"
>pulls out their phone and shows me bad copies of celebrity faces in pencil
The awkwardest shit. I'm not gonna rag on them like some sperg on /ic/ so I just have to go "yeah haha those are nice"

>> No.2581229
File: 106 KB, 500x667, IMG_1687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking about hobbies,

Who /fit/ic/ here?

>> No.2581235

>The awkwardest shit. I'm not gonna rag on them like some sperg on /ic/ so I just have to go "yeah haha those are nice"
You're implying that you WANT to rag on them like some /ic/ sperg. So congratulations on the revelation that you're a sperg.

>> No.2581239

You've really got me on the back foot there lad gee golly

>> No.2581258

i've come across that, but i genuinely am happy that they do even the smallest amount of drawing shit or not

>> No.2581280

Oh, I get sad that they'll never reach their potential as an artists

>> No.2581296

99% of the population don't reach their potential in anything at all

>> No.2581303

[citation needed]

>> No.2581364

>My bf admitted he wasn't interested in anything accept MAYBE a quick fuck but changed his mind

can women be cucks?

>> No.2581368

No, only people can be cucks. Women are second class animals.

>> No.2581375

don't cut yourself on that edge anon

>> No.2581386

Fong Zhu here, I'm Feng Zhu's long lost brother and I'm here to tell my story so that the world can see his real face. When we was little cubs, Feng and me always played in the woods behind my parent's (god bless their souls) house in Ashenvalley (the town just behind Hollywood, where all those magical nifty artistic creatures live). One day, we were roaming around, naked, as god made us, through pile of leafs autumn had sent us. Feng was wearing his designer hat (for some reason he was always wearing a hat, even when showering) and was drawing on his sketchbook he brought with him, drawing the falling leafs with light speed always saying "those guys that draw leafs 18 hours a day? They will crush you man. If you want to be the top leaf designer, you have to step your game up." When I argued "but Feng, what about sleep, I'm always tired, I think I have 30 personalities, and yesterday my teacher asked me if I wanted to see her "things". Let me tell you about my probl..." -- "FONG", Feng cried out furiously "YOU ARE LAZY DOG. A BLOODY DISGRACE FOR OUR FAMILY. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE". So he attacked me with his Intuous 3 stylus, and threw me into a dumpster.

I'm Fong Zhu and this is my twisted world, signing out, bye-bye.

>> No.2581409

this is why they can't vote

>> No.2581472

girl here, not at all
it is interesting sure, but nothing in the nature of attractiveness

>> No.2581479

flash me

>> No.2581524

Of course it does.

Why do you think so many women take art classes and post shallow focus pictures of flowers on FB?

It's not because they like art. Dilletantism is all about social signalling.

Interesting and attractive are close friends. Do you fuck guys who are not interesting to you in some way?

For my own part, I think having a driving focus in life is what draws people in. I get the most attention from women when I'm working.

>> No.2581540

not to intrude but your reply was so succinct yet potent, this is what 4chan needs more of

>> No.2581544

I find nerve gas biological pathways interesting but I sure as hell won't guzzle down a bottle of liquefied sarin. Cuck

>> No.2581546


>> No.2581550

>Do you fuck guys who are not interesting to you in some way?

Hi there 13yo fallacy googler

>> No.2581558


Idk but that side plane of his head looks too long.

>> No.2581560

kys, every time someone names a fallacy a real philosopher dies.

>> No.2581565

I know it sure as hell doesnt make you more attractive to boys.

>> No.2581583
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>Stop pointing at my shitty logic.

>> No.2581586

I am a different anon, "fallacy calling" just triggers me.

>> No.2581590

But Equivocating a word is inherently a bad argument. I don't call out all fallacies, just the ones that are bad bad.
Like, there are times when ad hominems are acceptable, but no time when a straw man is acceptable, outside of the field where the rest of the niggers work.

>> No.2581591

>reddit invades /ic/

>> No.2581615

I don't know. My boyfriend is more outdoorsy being a forester and conservationist. I'm not going to say he isn't creative in his doodling because he draws up some weird ass shit, but lacks any real, fundamental technique. That being said I'm kind of happy, because it I had a boyfriend that was naturally better than me it's definitely something I would inevitably wind up depressed about.
I wouldn't mind if it was a case of a guy that I could mentor instead though; I would like that.

Does drawing make you more attractive to boys?

>> No.2581623

For me, not really. Because art is something I'm quite passionate about, I wouldn't want an artist girlfriend better than me because I'd feel inadequate, but I wouldn't want her worse than me because it'd be difficult not to call her work complete shit, and I had this problem before /ic/.

>> No.2581632

>Does drawing make you more attractive to boys?
Not really to be honest. Its cool sure, but being able to draw good is not erotic in any way.

>> No.2581640

>Does drawing make you more attractive to boys?
nothing really makes you more attractive to boys, attraction to men isnt something you have to earn, as long as you look ok then you are attractive

>> No.2581655

disagree. i find it attractive if they have something they're passionate about and have a goal/dream they are working towards. doesn't have to be anything to do with art, just something more than a 9-5, married with kids when asked where she would want to be in 10 years time

>> No.2581665
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>Does drawing make you more attractive to boys?

Nope, unless you're into the same kinky ass fetishes I'm into. And even then, I have to be attracted to you in the first place.

>> No.2581680

>Does drawing make you more attractive to boys?

Guys think with their dick, where is starts and ends is if the girl has an okay body and/or face.

Women can afford to be picky, they have all the leverage.

>> No.2581709

Well you aren't really representative of what men find attractive. Personally i would run away of a passionless woman because my mother was like that and people like that suck the soul away from everyone they have around
But it's not an attraction kind of thing. More like a survival instinct

>> No.2581728

>Guys think with their dick, where is starts and ends is if the girl has an okay body and/or face.
Yep, no bias whatsoever. Every guy is the same. Checks out.

>> No.2581746

I like a girl who has passion in something. It just can't be art.

>> No.2581762
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I be
am I the only one who finds it really difficult to draw while you're incredibly sore?
seriously it's inhibiting my will to draw when my arms hurt from just having to draw.

>> No.2581812


>> No.2581822

I was always quiet and shit in hs but peopl knew i did art so they liked me even tho i hated them.
Girls are interested in people who stand out/ are something rare. I also know a lot about history and girls would talk to to me. Im just an average looking dood tho. Its just becuz i seemed the smartest.

>> No.2581824
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Check out this low T faggot.

>> No.2581888
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>> No.2581897

Yes, it is incredibly attractive when women aren't useless non-creatives.

>> No.2581915
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Money is not so important. It's sufficient that you can support yourself and have some extra. The vast majority of the population falls in this category.

t. richfag
(Remember Elliot Rodger?)

It's all about the face and height. I even have the face, the money, but I'm a manlet. I also have a lisp which ruins chances. Many people forget how important voice is. Having top pronunciation and a deep voice helps.

Women are like children: they want to have fun and want to experience exciting things. Having a gf is hard enough but keeping her is a full time job, especially if you are an introvert who prefers to do things at home.

If men were rational they wouldn't bother with girlfriends. But we need it. We are programmed to need it. I feel it every day. It's hard to opt out, so we continue trying. It's 9 months after my last breakup now and I chatted up close to 60 girls and went to 4 dates. It's a battlefield out there. Guess I'd have better chances if I had a large social circle. I notice that girls rarely are single. Either they have a backup in case their bf leaves them or they are looking for a replacement because they plan to leave their bf. A shrewd gf (and they are all shrewd) will have a small window where they aren't taken. Women also don't seem to feel the need to have a partner. They are happy to be alone and life the lifestyle that the Cosmopolitan recommends: strong, single and career-minded.

We have to lift harder, git good at drawing, advance our career, read more books, cultivate more passions, dress better and study conversation techniques every day until your shitty personality is finally overcome with that of the NEW CONSUMERIST MAN. The consummate accessoire for the ladies.

>> No.2581927

they just wanna be your friend because in the future when they get a shitty idea for a comic/band/youtubegamingchannelthatwillgetamaximumof12subscribers, they will want you to spend your free time making all of the art they want/need.

Just go ahead and tell them all to fuck off now.

>> No.2581930

Seems the opposite to me. Women can't stand to be alone and need to be in relationship at all times. While I've decided they're pretty much not worth the effort. I can just jerk off from time to time and not have to put up with them. It's hilarious when women post shit on facebook about things men need to start doing to keep a woman. Bitch please, what do YOU have to offer ME? Pretty much nothing but a warm moist hole. Meh.

>> No.2581934
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>> No.2581937

And discussing ideas using yourlogicalfallacyis as reference is the same as discussing media using TVtropes as reference, so shut the fuck up and learn to actually converse with someone because pointing out why someone is wrong does not make you right.

>> No.2581958

100 kg ohp,150 kg bench,200 kg squat and 240 kg didy ,but I feel weak as fuck.Same with my art,4chan give me complexes on multiple levels

>> No.2581969

>Pretty much nothing but a warm moist hole. Meh.

This is correct, but the marke6t works against us. To be fair the ex was fun to talk with and she didn't mind getting dirty by doing outdoors stuff. So there was more than that I miss the friendly parts, too.

It's not worth the effort but opting out is no alternative. I just wonder why the market got so skewed that they end up as the winners in almost any case.

>> No.2581981

>"Oh you draw? I draw a bit too"
>pulls out perfect studies and photorealistic drawings
"h-how long did you draw"
"Oh, 6 months"
[leave the date and scream externally]

>> No.2582002

Ayy literally in the gym making little to gains right now

>> No.2582006

>tfw know a girl with a cuck fetish
yeah its weird

>> No.2582021

>no girl cares about your sculpture skills unless you're a sculpture

>> No.2582052

>not being the best artist in your class always

do better, man.

>> No.2582053

Nature values women over men.

Men are disposable, women are not.

>> No.2582059

yes, they'll be impressed. but keep in mind girls get bored easily.

>> No.2582106

I dont show myself drawing at all. Some people know that I like to draw. But it's not the cool kind of drawing. I like to draw capeshit, and illustration in general.

Maybe if I worked harder and showed more what I do, someone would finally be interested in me.
They are those kinds of thought who reminds me that drawing is probably one of the only redeemable thing with me.

>> No.2582156

It's called cuckquean, it's a whole genre, it's pretty great

>> No.2582195

started lifting at home with chairs, barbell and pull up bars for a month now.
I stared eating much more too for the same amount of time, I hope I can get some more convincing results in a couple months

>> No.2582220

>I think I have 30 personalities
from here on I kek'd

>> No.2582233

if you Young then poetry and Music and art can get you pussy like mad. ofc it help if you look good

>> No.2582281
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Simple answer: yes

That said, in my experience it's either groupie girls at gallery shows (yep,this is a thing if you are at least relatively successful) or, a girl who has already shown interest in me, THEN finding out I create work...and suddenly that interest becomes full blown obsessing.
There has even been times when a girl has straight up hated me and then after finding out I create art, changes her opinion somewhat and while perhaps still disliking me, will want the D regardless.

>> No.2582413

Any sort of skill that can be shown off makes people orbit your dick.

>> No.2582418

Fucking dying senpai

>> No.2582419

Sexually no
But on a deeper level, yes.

>> No.2582426
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This is sadly more true than most would admit.

What's humorous is that I find men will admit this openly. Women seem to deny it a little more.

>> No.2582442
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