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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 212 KB, 1221x782, abbey-in-the-oak-forest-by-caspar-david-friedrich-1335859357_org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2579378 No.2579378 [Reply] [Original]

What is your personality types /ic/, and what type of art do you love?
If you don't believe in Briggs & Jungs personality theory then please ignore this thread.

I'm either INFP or INTP not really sure, have mostly been interested in concept art and illustrations for vidya and would like to do something like that for a living.
Traditional art has always been boring and bland to me, except for some pieces from the romanticism. Specifically the ones that explore darker themes and atmosphere while still having a realistic look, like pic related by Caspar David Friedrich. Maybe just because that it reminds me of the type of modern concept art I enjoy most.

Just wondering preferences in art has something to do our personality.

>> No.2579393

Reason I can't decide one of the two personalities is because even though one of the reasons I like concept art is it's logical and realistic nature as I would think would be typical for an INTP, the reason I want to make is even more because of the fact that it'd let me explore entirely new and unique ideas, Like original worlds, creatures etc. From what I've read the interest in something entirely new would be more typical of an INFP, but I could be completely wrong.

>> No.2579424

I'm INTP and I mainly just do my own thing but I guess I'd also be interested in the concept art sort of stuff? Most of my personal work is stuff like creature design. I love thinking up new species and figuring out how'd they'd work to make it seem more believable.

As for the styles themselves, I like a pretty wide range. I never really cared about what a style is called so it's hard to answer. But typical shit like animu and semi realistic stuff that has nice stylization. Also soft spot for pretty medieval stuff like the tapestries. Don't like current western toon, tumblr, or western comic (Marvel/DC) styles though.

>> No.2579429

I took that bullshit test, told me I'm an INTP as well.

I like drawing qt anime girls.

>> No.2579430

Please keep mbti out of this board
People are already elitists enough in here

>> No.2579447

Thats what I wanted to hear, but wouldn't creature design count as concept art? I also love making unique creatures or alien humanoids. That and unique fantasy / scifi environments is what I find truly interesting.
Do you like illustrating existing characters or do you prefer making your own?

>> No.2579519

I'm intp.

>> No.2579521

Hus, that's weird I got INTP as well.

>> No.2579550

I've ended up with ISTP the 3 or so times I've taken these personality quizzes.

I also like concept art, romantic stuff, and things that are atmospheric. Moody lighting. Things obscured by nebulous haze. I like ancient stuff. I like creatures and spaceships. But I do not care to draw people very much, or mechs and other techy stuff, or more ordinary present day images. I also don't have any interest in creating fan art. I'd rather do my own thing.

>> No.2579575

(ESTJ-A) Mh..I made that Test more than three times now always the same.

Well i mostly love making my own Characters..besides that i don't know.

>> No.2579584

INTP is the regular autist-type, so that's most of us

>> No.2579720

You have to have a touch of autism to be any good at art

No normal sane person would sit for 10 hours a day practicing only to get paid minimum wage at best

>> No.2579722

Are you doing art for the money? Because that's not art, it's called "working".

>> No.2579736

>this is what hobbyists actually believe

>> No.2579750

>hey /ic/ let's see if pseudoscience can tell us anything about the tastes of a board that we already know has an extremely narrow focus and only attracts certain types

>> No.2579766
File: 20 KB, 736x414, 1234125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an INFP.

Very much involved with creating an inner fantasy land, so most of the art I enjoy reflects that. I also tend to like more surrealist or impressionistic type of works. But I do have an appreciation for the classics.

Mostly I use my art to try to convey a story about some fantasy world in my head. So I fit INFP exactly.

The main difference between INFP and INTP would be feeling. Feeling is how one judges the world. For INFPs, feeling is introverted which means that they base their judgement on the world on how THEY feel. They create their own internal values first, and then evoke those values into the world around them.

Whereas an INTP has extraverted feeling, and so they look out to the world and to others for emotional understanding. They want to know what society's consensus values are so that they can think about them and internalize them, rather than creating unique individual values like an INFP would.

>> No.2579810
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To continue contrasting the two types INFP/INTP

As an INTP, your introverted thinking is your first function and feeling is last.

This means you primarily want to follow what makes the most logical sense first. You would have a very complex system in your head of how things are and how things work. This is your introverted thinking. You look at the world and create an internal logical model of it in your head, a map of sorts, and use that primarily as your way of navigating through life. It's more of a "does it make sense to me" approach. When making decisions, they would rely on logic to see which is the most fool-proof decision to make and follow that.

An INFP on the other hand, has introverted feeling first. Meaning that they use their internal values rather than internal logical systems to navigate through the world. This would lead to a more moral "right" or "wrong" approach. Making a decision may have them thinking which would be most in line with their values/feelings. Does it feel right or wrong to me. How would this make me/others feel? Does it fit with my philosoical views and beliefs? and so on.

As INTP, your closest counterpart with feeling as more of primary function over thinking, is ISFJ. See pic.

>> No.2579885

>What is your personality types /ic/, and what type of art do you love?

I used https://www.16personalities.com I saw on /pol/ The sites design is nice and goes more in depth about it. My personality according to the test is a "Mediator" or INFP. It feels accurate to me, I've been called "diplomatic" when I provide my reasons or explanation on why I cannot choose a side during an argument, generally try to not get into arguments, even online. There are so many gray areas even when dealing with despicable people.

>> No.2579892

ISTP robot master race.

>> No.2579919

I can go on for hours about artists, but I'll keep it short. I like golden age illustrators and stylized cartoonists/manga creators. Basically anybody that can work the inks masterfully. Like Alex Toth/Mike Mingola/Cameron Stewert/Toriyama and dozens of manga artists. I love artists that can work the pencils really well, I believe there was a thread about it last week Wes Burt/KimJungGi dozens of others. I love seeing sketchbooks more than finished work. All of the raw construction gets me going more than the finished product, I want the beautiful form construction and/or shading and hatching underneath.

I find myself with negative feelings toward the current state of contemporary art, people and there "git gud" wanting to make concept art/self-promotion. We discuss space marines and tanks, it's so tiring to look at YET ANOTHER 21 year old draw an armor and weapon set for their portfolio. I imagine how annoyed I would be as a teacher if I had to critique this shit day and night. Yet the artists never seem bothered by it. They never bring up "Oh hey another 22 year old drew a tank or painted a mystical forest" I did originally get into this because of character art/animation, the calarts tumblr cancer art aggravates me. I'm not saying it's good or that I'm any better, but I've had enough of it, I've managed to stay off tumblr for 3 years, I try to avoid /ic/ because some users do it, unintentionally of course. So I don't blame people, it's just the homogeneous artstyles mainly.

>> No.2579962

Infp-T And realism art

>> No.2579985
File: 145 KB, 1200x466, EE, 2009.31.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISTP and pic related.

>> No.2580013

Hey there , well to be honest talking about concept art , it is a little tricky since the whole reason behind "concept art" is to make designs that could sell to the general audience. That is why you tend to see so many tanks and spaceships , they are easily recognizable and the majority of people tend to like them. I am not sure if I would get analed if I say it , but if you are interested in concept design industry , listen to Feng Zhu's podcast , he did talk about couple of interesting topics related to business. And once again , do whatever you want to do and get good at it . If you look at tanks and complain about them , then I guess you are just looking at a profession that is not really for you , as you mentioned about the manga / animation stuff . If you are interested in that , just do that and don't really bother as much about other people's things , since once again those 2 jobs have different reasons behind them .

I am going to back my thought about "tanks and all that generic concept art stuff" by one of the things that Feng recommended to beginner concept artist like me . If you think that the stuff that you draw can not be used by any IPs for the past 5 years then you should probably not draw it. And at the moment you can see that , there are a lot of warfare based stuff , which means thanks and all that good stuff might be used , as long as your fundamentals are there.

>> No.2580041
File: 29 KB, 336x480, bluegold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many IN_P here, interesting

I test INFJ which is uncommon in general population but perhaps there are others here?

Not surprisingly I love church art

>> No.2580068
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, 1453414822706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be INTP but after testing it seems I've shifted into INFJ-A after branching out into philosophy and religion. similar to >>2580041?

I love female figure drawing and crazy design twists if they're pulled off right, pic related favourite piece i have saved.

>> No.2580106
File: 3.21 MB, 6140x3423, 1437394623891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP reporting in. I like art that deals with interesting forms and large scales: stuff that's hard to take in all at once and makes you wonder what's going on, which usually tends to be sci-fi. Also, art depicting sexy women.

It's more likely INTPs have a temperament better suited to posting on 4chan.

>They want to know what society's consensus values are so that they can think about them and internalize them, rather than creating unique individual values like an INFP would.
It's a faulty stretch to link personality traits to personal values. The way a person tends to think doesn't dictate the mechanics of their conscience, and they way a person tends to approach the world doesn't dictate their relationship to it. A lot of what you posted is borderline astrological.

I think personality profiles are useful in understanding your own temperament and how it might color your thinking. I'm skeptical it would directly affect the type of art you enjoy though. Indirectly it might influence the environment you surround yourself with and the art you'd be exposed to.

You could probably make a good case for the type of art you like given your personality, but the same would be true for a believer of astrology telling you about their astrological sign. I'd imagine a person's innate sense of aesthetics isn't all that dependent on how they rationalize the world around them.

>> No.2580134

Meh. Feng Zhu and his students are all forgettable to me. If I were an art director I feel like I would be more interested in artists who have an interesting vision/design sense. Not some robot that is good at drawing tank orthographs. You can teach an artist to do that shit. Can't really teach someone to be an interesting person with good taste. I guess it depends on what company the AD works for and how much power they have. Arenanet for example always seems to grab some great artists. Daniel Dociu (AD), Jaime Jones, Kekai Kotaki, MC Barrett, Ruan Jia, Theo Prins... Their portfolios look nothing like the portfolios of Feng Zhu students.

Why would anyone need concept art of a tank for a war game? It seems like the kind of thing where they would just tell one of their 3D guys to go ahead and model the asset on the fly using photo refs. Unless it's an alternate reality or future game then ok sure, concept art would be useful.

>If you think that the stuff that you draw can not be used by any IPs for the past 5 years then you should probably not draw it.

That is an incredibly depressing idea. No wonder everything sucks... If the industry is full of people thinking like that.

>> No.2580142

I forget what I am but i guess it changes? I've taken the test maybe seven different times over the last year and I got a few different answers each time.

>> No.2580149

Well , yeah thy are since the majority of Feng's students started from 0 and what FZD school gives are the fundamentals and that's it . Feng himself said that , and also mentioned that his school does not really teach you on how to make stuff look "cool" that is all up to you , your visual library and the ability to combine stuff. You can safely say that every other car , industrial designer look the same because they use the same techniques. It's all up to a person on how you can make something cool with the knowledge that were provided.

I also remember Feng gave an example of 2 students one with more understatement of the world / bigger visual library and the other with little to no visual library , Both of them know the fundamentals , but only 1 of them did research and it shows. If you are interested I can link you to that moment where he talks about that.

Once again if you are skilled you WILL be needed no matter what kind of stuff you are doing.

About the 5 years thingy , that is more of a thing for beginners , for example if you don't know what to draw or design . And possibly have no idea what to put into your portfolio. And this statement is more relevant in the AAA industry , indie games are more flexible. I agree with you it does sound depressing but like any other business , video-games and films are made to gain profit so that is why a lot of big studios don't really try to do anything risky.

>> No.2580152
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So much INTP in here

>> No.2580162
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Forgot to mention - I like mechs, insects, girls, and loud colors.

>> No.2580163
File: 12 KB, 439x309, satananvil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introversion Levels Maximum!

>> No.2580187

I took a look at the test and it looked long so I just assume im one of the introverts.

>> No.2580224

INTJ. I love the work of the old Russian masters, all of the exceptionally skilled old masters in general, the Raphaelites, Pre-Raphaelites, Golden Age Illustrators, the best of the Orientalists, the best of the American Illustrators, (like Norman and Dean,) a few ingenious American animal and landscape painters, any with a marvelous grasp of color and light, modern day concept artists like Craig and Iain, and many more.

>> No.2580226

>INTJs form just two percent of the population
Seems like I'm a special snowflake and still failed at drawing

>> No.2580303

>tfw youre an INTJ, the rarest meme, along with all the fedora people of this world

>> No.2580304

If you're relating personal preferences and personality drivers you're an idiot, huge one.

>> No.2580455

That feeling when all people are INTP..and you're the only one with ESTJ-A

>> No.2580488

OP here, thanks for all the posts, this is all really intersting.

Read what you guys said and did some research and thinking to finally figure out which I am. Realized that I do think a LOT about everything, so I guess it's actually pretty certain that I'm INTP.
I didn't really know if what I did first in my judgments was thinking or feeling, since I don't really think in words but often something more abstract, then whenever I talk I make sense of the abstractness of my thoughts and understand them better as a result of that. I mistook the abstractness of my thoughts or whatever I should call it for feelings.

This was especially useful to figure stuff out, thanks.

This also feels really accurate, I've always had a strong taste for scale. Especially for characters, objects and buildings, since scale instantly makes them so much more impressive and awesome. Stuff like a giant creature or humanoid, a huge vehicle or a gigantic building.

My brother is this personality too, helped him figure shit out with his personality since he was so uninspired, unhappy and lost studying Law. He has spent a lot of time talking with other INTJs online and has completely changed his path now over to doing music and has become really happy as a result. From what I understand your personality can become good at pretty much anything, but you'll be so much more happy in life doing something like art.

Then you really don't understand what MBTI even is about. You're born with a specific way / order of perceiving the world, so it's not that weird that you'd end up liking the same type of art as others who see things the exact same way.
The archetypes you can read about every personality online might not be completely accurate, but they're usually pretty spot on. The fact that you think in a specific order which can be separated into 16 different types is pretty much fact tho.

>> No.2580546

I used to get ISFP a couple of years ago but now at 24 I get INFP every time. The type of art I exposed myself to as a kid was pretty typical for a channer- anime/manga, cartoons, never really could get into video games cause I was poor but could study GTA's art the whole time my cousin played it. An anon mentioned that INFP leans towards character art and it's true, I always have. I like to imagine personalities and weaknesses for the things that I draw. When I draw someone else's character I try to get it down exactly right not only aesthetically but with the right characterization as well. I think that's what pisses me off the most about tumblrina's raping of characters that aren't theirs, it's like they don't even know the source material they just want to ""fix"" everything without any mind into who created that character and how much time it took for them to create something that people would like in the first place. It's just wrong on any level, make your own shit ffs. I can't believe people out there seriously politicize fucking drawings.

I paint for fun/easy praise but creating little people is more of a serious thing to me which is why I can never share anything I do. It's too terrifying/personal. I need to get over that somehow though (there's a lot of things I need to get over actually) How can git gud or create anything worthwhile if I can never get the balls to show what I do, like what I really do? Being introverted kind of sucks.

>> No.2580548

I'm INFJ and I love symbolism.

As far as my drawing goes it's often to get out images that come up in my head, of varying sorts.

>> No.2580549

> so it's not that weird that you'd end up liking the same type of art as others who see things the exact same way

it's not about sharing views but sharing the tools of the approach to the matter you idiot

being an autist fuck doesn't even mean you can make correct analysis, it's just the tool now how you use it

That's why high emotional people does not have higher sensitivity than anyone who gets the emotional side of things at last

your apreciation of art has more to do with your preferences and understanding of art

>> No.2580675
File: 1.88 MB, 2560x1600, 6940964-sora-no-woto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFP-T, grew up liking cartoons, comics, anime. However I also admire the details and colors put into backgrounds. My favorite subject is cute and cool fictional girls, but I like when they're in interesting settings or have exaggerated, but still proper anatomy and perspective. I don't have a good example on me right now but kind of like this, but with less big heads and such.

>> No.2580768

mixture of stuff. my personality is complex and trying to find a label to define it seems useless to me, i'd rather keep working and eventually define the label.

>> No.2581049


>> No.2581683
File: 271 KB, 964x575, Champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTP, but I haven't taken the test in awhile.

I really like stylistic and guro art like Suehiro Maruo. I also remember loving the art style of the game Middens. Kinda shit taste in general.
Pic related, was obsessed with this movie's art.

>> No.2581849
File: 2.36 MB, 3550x2400, diPI4Rvcdb1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a INFP, I really love art that you can feel the artists emotions and see there life through there work, Like Ralph Steadman,Shel Silverstein and Gerald Scarfe.

I am interested to do Illustration and Children books right now but im honestly not 100% sure what i want to do yet.

>> No.2581866

I did a little test over at /mu/ and it confirmed my suspicion that most people who go on 4chan are introverts (at least on /ic/ and /mu/), but was surprised by all the INFPs there were


>> No.2581879
File: 2.42 MB, 800x1702, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've observed (pic related) I enjoy silhouettes/outlines and fantasy. I prefer illustrations that tell a story and when I think about it, I much prefer organic shapes and forms over more rigid/mechanical. Also art with (human?) characters rather than say, empty landscapes. Also anime stuff.

>> No.2581882

also colour!!

I can understand there being more INFPs since they're supposedly one of the more 'creative' types

>> No.2581895
File: 1.02 MB, 2868x1803, Ilya_Repin-What_freedom!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTP here, yeah I've gotta be one of the black sheep. I love Sargent, Rodin, Repin, Monet, and pastoral/western oils, Romantic emotional stuff, and I LOVE portraits. But then I also love porny pictures of girls by Sparrow and Owler, as well as more artsy nudes.

>> No.2582097
File: 576 KB, 660x1173, zcamera-20160627_002009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm INTP, and I love surreal art with a touch of realism to it, comic book art, and disney like cartoon art. Pic related is something I drew yesterday. I'm really trying for a blend of 2d/3d/realism/surrealism but it's a struggle for it to come out in such a way.

>> No.2582451
File: 140 KB, 450x289, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTJ here. I really liked this pic when I was little, and I was convinced I was going to grow up to be a serious artist. I ended up going into finance, which is fine because all I want to draw now is porn.